DAZ Studio 4.9 Pro, General Release, Now Available!



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    What is "lost and found" category means? 

    I just log in once, then it seems auto-merged all meta-data of daz product.  it is OK,

    but there seems many categorized products and files as " lost and found product"  in smart content.

    then I up-date one product meta-data by dazconnect in the category,  but it still  categorized as "lost and found".

    If I do not install these items by DAZ connect, these files just categorized as "lost and found" section?

    Or I just need to re-install meta-data of these ?

    Lost and Found has items which have no metadata, or which have incorrect metadata.  This allows Daz to know what items need to have metadata updates, and ensures that they show up in the database in the meantime.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    Ruphuss said:

    why under smart content there are 2 times "people" and "animals"

    The first products released with metadata used inconsistent categories, for example some animas were under Defaut/Animals and some under Default/Creatures.  Daz standardized the default categories to use "Default/Figures/People" and "Default/Figures/Animals", but not all of the earlier products were updated to match the standards.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    Lost and Found has items which have no metadata, or which have incorrect metadata.  This allows Daz to know what items need to have metadata updates, and ensures that they show up in the database in the meantime


    Thank you Mike. then to know whether daz up-date real meta-data, or not, I must need to install the package by daz connect once? then if it merked as "up-date" , it means the product get new meta-data? At current I have not installed any daz connect package. then it still keep, as if I need to up-date them, after I up-date only meta-data of the product (installed by DIM)?
  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    Ruphuss said:

    would be very nice to have an install window

    when installing through connect

    as i sometimes do not realy know if theres a download running now or not

    everything is so tiny

    like the import window when loading a scene would be nice

    Try loking at the Pending tab (at the bottom) in Smart Content. I think that's what it does, shows isntalls in progress.

    i would like to have a big window for that

    not  to big


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    I have one more question. Unfortunately I am Carrara user too. then if I need to use ds contents in Cararra,

    and I up-date all items by DAZ connect, then un-install files which isntalled by DIM,  Cararra can not see encrypted contents installed by DAZ connect?

    that means, I need to install  same package (from DIM  and DAZ connect, eg genessi2female starter essential,,,

    )  in my same PC?   real night mare, I feel.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    I have one more question. Unfortunately I am Carrara user too. then if I need to use ds contents in Cararra,

    and I up-date all items by DAZ connect, then un-install files which isntalled by DIM,  Cararra can not see encrypted contents installed by DAZ connect?

    that means, I need to install  same package (from DIM  and DAZ connect, eg genessi2female starter essential,,,

    )  in my same PC?   real night mare, I feel.

    If you use both Daz Studio and Cararra I would recommend using DIM to install your products, for the current release of Cararra at least. Daz Connect will load the latest metadata in for your products so you won't be restricted to the metadata in DIM. It will still show the option to "upgrade" your products to Daz Connect versions so that Daz Connect can handle doing all the updates but the Daz Connect version of your product files are not generally compatible with any product that doesn't understand Daz Connect.

  • I bought a couple of products a few hours ago, one of which is connect only. Neither of them are available in my Smart Content products at the time of writing. However the free bundles did appear (I installed 4.9 last night, by the way, and they didn't appear then so there was clearly a delay there, too). The product that was available by DIM appeared straightaway in DIM.

    I've been using the beta for some time now and I don't recall delays in that. I've installed several products via Connect and I'm familiar with how it works and how to find stuff in it.

    I realise I can install the Connect only product using the manual files but I shouldn't need to. Surely this should not be happening if Connect only products are to become a regular thing.


    The first round of using store direct connect content went alright. I have Zoe, Lynsey and the Medieval Storage Room.  My snag came with the Troubadour and LuLu Outfit offer, none of which has shown up in the Smart Content Product Pane.  I have tried all the reccommended trouble shooting and still no dice.  I can get it to load offline manually but as soon as I sign back online POOF its gone again.  VERY FRUSTRATING.  I tried to "TRICK" the interface by dressing a G3 female with the offline LuLu outfit and saving it as a scene.  If I reload it while still offline... NO PROBLEM.... If I try to reload it ONLINE... BIG PROBLEM (See Photos)...  This is unacceptable.  I often buy content on the fly when I'm on a project.  I need it to be available NOW and no issues. I hope this is resolved soon.




    Here is the follow up:

    Nearly one day later the content has appeared in my library. I had made up a help ticket so I closed it out but not without remarking how the unavailability of purchased content immediately was opposite of the usual DAZ good business model.  I hope the bugs get resolved and I guess we must now all have faith in the stability of the DAZ studio company to harbor our content and not go kaput. I do prefer it over their closest competitor (I have both programs and Daz workflow has been better for me). 

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited January 2016

    To get a fresh start with the General Release of DAZ Studio 4.9 I am planning to

    - completly clean my runtime of all previous data

    - download the DAZ Studio General 4.9 Release and the official DAZ Studio plugins with the DIM

    - download all products from directly inside DAZ Studio with DAZ connect.

    - - -

    On my first try I on my laptop I ended up having two different cloud directories because I did not check the installation paths when switching from the Beta to the General Release.

    Now I want to make sure that I set the official paths in the Content Directory Manager.

    - - -

    What are the official installation paths with DAZ Studio 4.9?

    - for DAZ Connect Data

    - for DAZ Studio Formats

    - for Poser Formats


    - - -

    Side Note:

    Is it possible to add the recommended default installation information to the official DAZ Studio Pro FAQ as well?


    - - -

    Content Directory Manager - Set default paths.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 321K
    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • Nearly one day later the content has appeared in my library. I had made up a help ticket so I closed it out but not without remarking how the unavailability of purchased content immediately was opposite of the usual DAZ good business model.  I hope the bugs get resolved and I guess we must now all have faith in the stability of the DAZ studio company to harbor our content and not go kaput. I do prefer it over their closest competitor (I have both programs and Daz workflow has been better for me). 

    Quite possibly a server glitch.

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,725
    edited January 2016
    What are the official installation paths with DAZ Studio 4.9?

    - for DAZ Connect Data

    - for DAZ Studio Formats

    - for Poser Formats


    They should automatically be created\listed when you perform a clean installation.

    Post edited by DoctorJellybean on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    What are the official installation paths with DAZ Studio 4.9?

    - for DAZ Connect Data

    - for DAZ Studio Formats

    - for Poser Formats

    Note that there's no such thing as an "official" path: the paths that appear in a fresh, pristine installation of D|S are only the defaults — as with everything else in D|S, you can change them if you want the paths to point somewhere else. And, of course, if you're updating from a previous version the old paths will be preserved.

    Especially note, though, that the Connect path is new, because Connect itself is new, so this path will not follow any changes you might have made to the other paths. If you want the Connect path to point somewhere else, you must go into Content Directory Manager and do it yourself.

  • linvanchenelinvanchene Posts: 1,382
    edited January 2016

    Thanks to DoctorJellybean and SpottedKitty.

    Your comments inspired me to double check this with my laptop. 

    What are the official installation paths with DAZ Studio 4.9?

    - for DAZ Connect Data

    - for DAZ Studio Formats

    - for Poser Formats


    They should automatically be created\listed when you perform a clean installation.

    What I can observe is that the recommended path for DAZ Studio Format files in the DIM is not the default path used in the DAZ Studio 4.9 General Release!

    - - -


    Before starting the test installation

    - I uninstalled all files with the DIM

    - I uninstalled the DIM in the windows app management

    -  I manually deleted all remaining files in C:\Users\USERENAME\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D

    - I manually deleted all DAZ Studio libraries

    - - -

    - - -

    Test Reinstallation:

    In the DIM the recommend path is

    Documents\My DAZ 3D Library


    - - -

    - I installed DAZ Studio 4.9 General Release with the DIM

    - I checked the Content Directory Manager

    DAZ Connect Data

    Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Connect Library

    DAZ Studio Formats

    Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Library

    Poser Formats

    Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Library

    - - -

    - I installed the latest DAZ Studio 4.9 Public Release (Beta)

    - I checked the Content Directory Manager

    DAZ Connect Data

    Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Connect Library

    DAZ Studio Formats

    Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Library

    Documents\My DAZ 3D Library

    Poser Formats

    Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Library

    Documents\My DAZ 3D Library

    - - -

    This means:

    - Users that install content directly inside DAZ Studio with DAZ Connect will not have any issues.

    - Users that install content with the DIM will NOT find it in the General Release because in the Content Directory Manager the DIM path was not added to DAZ Studio and Poser formats.

    Issue 1: The default installation path in the DIM leads to a complety different folder

    The official path used for DAZ Studio file formats in the General Release is not the same path as used in the DIM.

    Documents\My DAZ 3D Library  is used in the DIM by default

    Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ Library is used by DAZ Studio by default

    Issue 2: Differences between General and Public Release

    This "issue" may not have been discovered in the BETA because for some weird reason the Beta version of DAZ Studio seems to automatically add the DIM path as well.

    - - -

    At the moment it seems recommended to double check the DIM and DAZ Studio default install locations to make sure they actually match and are added in the Content Directory Manager.

    - - -

    Can anyone else confirm this behavior of the default installation?



    Issue 3: The wiki page should probably also be updated.

    There the recommended path is still

    C:\users\[your user account]\My Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library



     - - -

    This means while searching around for the answer I discovered three different default installation paths for DAZ Studio file formats.

    Two actually used by the DIM and DAZ Studio and one obsolete location on the wiki page.

    - - -

    That considered installing with DAZ Connect really seems to be the prefered solution because all those errors with setting the wrong path in the DIM should now be a thing of the past.

    - - -

    Post edited by linvanchene on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,194

    DIM has always had a different default path for content installation - to avoid clobbering any customization people had done to the DAZ Studio default.

    For the most part, I don't let anything use default paths - just being me. :-)

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,261

    What is the safest way to delete the saved ZIP packages?  I have DAZ Studio backed up 3 ways so really don't need all that extra on my hard drive.  I see there are .dsx and .zip files in the DIM Downloads folder.... If I deleted the Zips and left the .dsx files would that be safe for DIM to continue on without hiccups?

  • bryanll1bryanll1 Posts: 141
    bryanll1 said:
    bryanll1 said:
    bryanll1 said:
    bicc39 said:

    Thank you PandaB5 for your Post.

    Would you say, all thing being equal that the render quality of both were the same.(iray)

    Not having Nvidia card creates a disadvantage, judgment wise, but would appreciate your opinion

    Also did you notice any improvement in any area besides "Content".

    Thank you again

    ( important question)

    I installed 4.9 on my older computer and ran a couple of tests.  First, it didn't appear to lose any of my content.  Second, I did a simple Iray render and a 3Delight render and they both worked, but slowly.  However, that is to be expected from an old computer with on board graphics.


    I'll run a few more tests and look a little deeper into the content tomorrow before deciding on taking the plunge with my new xps.

    I took the plunge and installed 4.9 on my newer Dell XPS.  So far, so good.  I haven't encountered any problems.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,194
    RAMWolff said:

    What is the safest way to delete the saved ZIP packages?  I have DAZ Studio backed up 3 ways so really don't need all that extra on my hard drive.  I see there are .dsx and .zip files in the DIM Downloads folder.... If I deleted the Zips and left the .dsx files would that be safe for DIM to continue on without hiccups?

    Once you've installed the package you don't need either component. Easiest way is to select the product(s), right-click, and select 'delete package' -> 'all selected'.

    DIM tracks installs in c:\users\public\public documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager - back it up. :-)

  • JDStriderJDStrider Posts: 100
    RAMWolff said:

    Well not so scary.  I installed, opened up and all my stuff is there no issue at all.  I do, however, have an issue.... See the image attachment below.... How do I fix this?


    I experienced that same problem when i installed the release version. I had DS 4.8 and DS 4.9 Beta(RC) both installed and pointed at the same data source. When I installed the DS 4.9 Release, it overwrote the DS 4.8 Release, as I would have expected, left the DS 4.9 Private Beta intact and started giving me the same error message as you are seeing.

    I resolved the problem by making a copy of my data, just in case... and un-installing EVERYTHING, DS 4.9 Beta and Release and the PostgreSQL CMS, all verisons... I rebooted, re-installed DS 4.9 Release and the PostgreSQL CMS and the error went away and everything worked. I didn't even need the backup data copy. It was an hour of my life I will never get back, but everything is working just fne now.

    I hope you find this information helpful.

  • JDStriderJDStrider Posts: 100

    So, does anyone know if it is possible to see the content installed via DAZ Connect in the 'Content Library' sub-folders? I have been fiddling around with the Content Directory Manager trying to find a method, but so far I have not found anything that links the DAZ Connect content to the Content Library structure.

    It would be very helpful in the process of categorizing the content, if one could take advantage of the existing folders to isolate the various aspect of the products.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848
    JDStrider said:

    So, does anyone know if it is possible to see the content installed via DAZ Connect in the 'Content Library' sub-folders? I have been fiddling around with the Content Directory Manager trying to find a method, but so far I have not found anything that links the DAZ Connect content to the Content Library structure.

    It would be very helpful in the process of categorizing the content, if one could take advantage of the existing folders to isolate the various aspect of the products.

    See this thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/70056/what-are-the-ways-to-see-daz-connect-content#latest

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,261
    namffuak said:
    RAMWolff said:

    What is the safest way to delete the saved ZIP packages?  I have DAZ Studio backed up 3 ways so really don't need all that extra on my hard drive.  I see there are .dsx and .zip files in the DIM Downloads folder.... If I deleted the Zips and left the .dsx files would that be safe for DIM to continue on without hiccups?

    Once you've installed the package you don't need either component. Easiest way is to select the product(s), right-click, and select 'delete package' -> 'all selected'.

    DIM tracks installs in c:\users\public\public documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager - back it up. :-)

    But without some internal list won't DIM then display all those packages again in the Ready to Download tab?

    @ JD.  I did all that but upon trying to figure out where my "Connect" freebies were installed I noticed that my newly imported metadata was again reset.  So some stuff showed up.  I do work for Hivewire so at first I saw Dawn and Dusk in the metadata but now, after a couple of reimport tries I'm still not seeing them listed, even a searh in Smart Content pane brings up nothing for those figures.  Something else is amiss!  :-(

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,848
    RAMWolff said:
    namffuak said:
    RAMWolff said:

    What is the safest way to delete the saved ZIP packages?  I have DAZ Studio backed up 3 ways so really don't need all that extra on my hard drive.  I see there are .dsx and .zip files in the DIM Downloads folder.... If I deleted the Zips and left the .dsx files would that be safe for DIM to continue on without hiccups?

    Once you've installed the package you don't need either component. Easiest way is to select the product(s), right-click, and select 'delete package' -> 'all selected'.

    DIM tracks installs in c:\users\public\public documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager - back it up. :-)

    But without some internal list won't DIM then display all those packages again in the Ready to Download tab?

    That list is in the folder namffuak was talking about.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,261

    Well I found my Smart Content files under a "Local User" icon in the Smart Content pane, all my stuff has been unwantedly organized under this "umbrella" of sorts which also includes quite a few DAZ files too like stuff for Genesis....... Weird stuff!  VERY annoying!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,261

    Also restarted DAZ Studio after a couple more files added in via DIM.... guess what? Got the can not connect error once again.  Shut down DS, turned off all my system protections, restarted DS and got the logon dialog and got back my lists again.  This is quite annoying to say the least.  DAZ, you really know how to screw up stuff when you want to!  I can't help but laugh at this mess.  Does little good to get my blood pressure up over a bunch of digital content.  Can't wait for your fix to come live... when ever that will be.............. *sigh*


  • bryanll1bryanll1 Posts: 141

    The attached render is in Daz 4.9, using FWSA Taia in Iray Skydome Desert World5 with Hongyu's Bikini with Synthetics Iray Polished Teal shader.  This render is from a relatively inexperienced user.

    1062 x 894 - 1M
  • JDStriderJDStrider Posts: 100
    Leana said:
    JDStrider said:

    So, does anyone know if it is possible to see the content installed via DAZ Connect in the 'Content Library' sub-folders? I have been fiddling around with the Content Directory Manager trying to find a method, but so far I have not found anything that links the DAZ Connect content to the Content Library structure.

    It would be very helpful in the process of categorizing the content, if one could take advantage of the existing folders to isolate the various aspect of the products.

    See this thread: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/70056/what-are-the-ways-to-see-daz-connect-content#latest

    Thanks Leana, that thread helped answer one half of the question, so I posted my remaining queries there. :-)

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 2,000
    edited January 2016



    Unless you wanted to buy a product that is restricted!

    Which new products are connect only?...Can someone confirm?

    Oops, nevermind...Got egg on my face...

    Post edited by takezo_3001 on
  • DAZ_Rawb said:

    I bought a couple of products a few hours ago, one of which is connect only. Neither of them are available in my Smart Content products at the time of writing. However the free bundles did appear (I installed 4.9 last night, by the way, and they didn't appear then so there was clearly a delay there, too). The product that was available by DIM appeared straightaway in DIM.

    I've been using the beta for some time now and I don't recall delays in that. I've installed several products via Connect and I'm familiar with how it works and how to find stuff in it.

    I realise I can install the Connect only product using the manual files but I shouldn't need to. Surely this should not be happening if Connect only products are to become a regular thing.

    Hmm, I purchased some new content today to receive three freebies.  DIM available product downloaded immediately.

    The 'Troubadour for Genesis 2 Male," "Troubadour Textures," and the "Lulu Outfit for Genesis 3 Female," still haven't surfaced four hours later.

    I closed the program, logged back in.  ---> Still no.

    I tried the manual install route as instructed by DAZ_Vince ---> Nope.  Still not showing up.  Not one of these three are available. 

    I even tried to search via the store from within DAZ 4.9 Connect program while I was logged in.  I saw the products and the option to 'Install" them.  I clicked on the button.  Nothing.  I right-clicked the button.  Nothing again.

    I've already put in one ticket with the DAZ Customer Service.  Looks like I'm going to have to put in another. 

    At least I didn't pay for those three products, or I would be furious.  Also, I opted only to download and install DAZ 4.9 Connect on an old Toshiba that I really didn't care about anymore.  It's an i7 with an NVidia card and Windows 7 64-bit, so there is no problem with render mode.  However, my encrypted content doesn't show up - so... 

    Maybe tomorrow.  Too bad I have to work all day, so I won't get to check on it.

    I poked the cache for your account, try doing a fresh "Fetch Metadata" and see if your new products appear (greyed out) in either the "Product" section of the Content Library, or the Products / All section of Smart Content. 

    THANK YOU, DAZ_Rawb! - I was able to fetch them! <3


  • Seems I can't find the 4.8 version download link in my Product Downloads, wonder if DAZ yanked it to prevent reverting to previous version... I didn't catch the DIM in time to prevent the 32bit from being updated and installed but did cancel the 64bit before it even finished downloading.  I have no desire to use anything with DRM or encryption and I REALLY hate the 'cloud' and will never use it.  It is a shame that DAZ is so proud of the Connect portion of this update even saying it is the core.

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,194

    Seems I can't find the 4.8 version download link in my Product Downloads, wonder if DAZ yanked it to prevent reverting to previous version... I didn't catch the DIM in time to prevent the 32bit from being updated and installed but did cancel the 64bit before it even finished downloading.  I have no desire to use anything with DRM or encryption and I REALLY hate the 'cloud' and will never use it.  It is a shame that DAZ is so proud of the Connect portion of this update even saying it is the core.

    This has been he case since sometime before the Studio 2.x days - the available download version is the current version and changes when a new version goes live. The caveat to this, for those of us who have been around long enough, is that the final version of a major release (2.x, 3.x) is available if we got it from DAZ and not a magazine offer.

    That's why I mentioned, in the first two beta threads, that it was time to grab the 4,8 installers before they went away.

  • is it ok that i didnt uninstall the beta version of this program before i installed the new version ?

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