Done with G9! Major pose distortion issue.



  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    The easiest solution to this is Turbo Loader.

    With Turbo Loader you can simply turn off a bunch of products, or all the other products if you want to. This will save you a ton of time over trying locating and uninstalling tons of of morphs only to find that doesn't help. Using Turbo Loader is the best way to diagnose these kinds of errors.

    You can use any notepad app to read the help text file, and use its search to isolate the lines that have errors (search for duplicate id). Duplicate IDs can absolutely cause this issue, and I would look hard at any product that is causing it. That your G8 is loading ok with duplicate IDs is not proof it is a non issue.

    You can then use Turbo Loader to disable all the morphs associated with the product causing duplicate IDs. It is probably just one or two correctives. And once you have it isolated hopefully you can file a support ticket or contact the PA behind the product.

    Of course I would just not use Genesis 9, personally. <.<

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