How to export my house model from Blender to DAZ?

How to export my house model from Blender to DAZ?
I tried to export obj.
Currently the result, no texture, the outliner only has one object, and somehow get mirrored.
I want my house to be seperated in objects.
Post edited by James on
When you import into DS it will always import as one object.
So if you want it as seperate objects they should be exported as seperate.
There is no solid way to transfer materials (textures) between applications. You can usually get base texture and thats it. So I never bother, and just apply my materials in DS.
There is a batch export method for obj for Blender. You might need to google the steps.
after export, drag and drop all exported objs into Daz Studio, and they should import in place.
You will likely have to set up or tweak surfaces manually. There is no Blender -> Daz Bridge.
obj .mtl library is flawed at assigning maps and values to Uber Shader.
Woah... so much work. I thought I was near completion.
Is there a batch import to DAZ too?
yes drag and drop. select all your obj, drag them into daz. spam enter button.
FBX will preserve separate items, though you may want to use the Public Build (Beta) version of daz Studio as its FBX importer has had a number of improvements over the one in the General Release.
Not just Uber Shader in my experience. Any time I transfer from one program to another, I do so fully expecting to have to rebuild all the shaders.
It is scriptable, and there is a sample showing the basic steps
you can import multiple meshes in obj form into Hexagon then use the DAZ studio bridge
I use sometimes Blender. But for items to be imported into DS Hexagon is still the best choice.
So either export from Blender into Hexagon and work/save again, or use Hexagon from the start (I prefer this, saves me time)
Nice Days and Nice Renders
FBX and beta DAZ can do the job.
To import seperate objects.
BUt it becomes unorganized again.
Doesn anyone know how to export all materials of a scene in Blender into a folder?
Materials don't export, txture organisation is up to you - if you place them in a suitable folder as you create them then they will be easy to find in DS, even where the export dosn't carry them over in roughly the right place for a starting point.
It's a bit of pain to go from blender to daz studio, a lot easier to use diffeomorphic to bring some figures into blender. There are a lot of problems going from blender to DS. DS is not as good at rendering geometry compared to blender. Things that look perfectly fine in blender can end up looking like crap when rendered in DS. Not sure why, as I tend to model in nice clean quads as best I can. But sometimes I have to redo something simple as a wall several times before it renders as a flat wall. Materials will have to be redone completely, so don't bother with it much in blender, just make sure you set up the material zones. Make that as easy as possible on yourself and name your material zones well so you don't have to guess. Good luck.
Then how PAs make their DAZ home design assets?
I am fairly sure it varies from PA to PA.
But an overall workflow would be something like:
A) Model in a modeller
B) Create textures
C) Import the model (Figure setup if it is a figure)
D) Add textures inside DS (there might be scripts, that can help you in that process, i.e. match texture type to channels)
Ad textures, you should be aware that they have to be added from the Runtime folder, in order to follow the proper DS structure, so even if you could import an object with textures, these would need to be saved in Runtime and reapplied.
If there are scripts, I would like to know. I have asked this many times and always told no.
I have had to manually set up massive scenes, like Evermotion city scenes and Unreal environments where there are several hundreds of assets and thousands of textures, manually.
Im curious about improvements to fbx importer, so may explore that next time.
Texture maps, you mean?
Blender has package feature, where you can embed all the textures into the .Blend file.
Then after that, I believe you can unpack to desired folder location.
drag and drop for diffuse maps is a feature DAZ studio badly needs
iClone 3DXchange has had it as long as I can remember going back to at least 3DX3
while you can drag to the diffuse texture channel in parameters from explorer
dragging onto the actual model with surface selection enabled makes finding the right one much easier
ok, pack unpack (file > external data) can do the job.
But I found a batch obj exporter that can bring the texture into the DAZ.
But still requires some tweaking.
For example:Textures always come with opacity map that makes all thiings a bit transparent in texture shaded.
Thus I need to delete all the opacity map from each object.
I wonder is there a tool to manage texture in efficient way in DAZ?
the best option if you own it is to use Poser and save as a prop pp2
there was even a multiple obj import python script but sady it's gone along with PhilC who created it
and only works up to Poser 11
as for one mesh in studio
I split stuff with the geometry editor and edit convert prop to figure
or use surface names if they match the separate meshes
I create child bones and select them (tool settings open with the bone selected)
and rightclick select the corresponding bits with the geometry editor and fill with weightmapping brush selected 100%
deselect all select next bit and matching bone rinse repeat
Hexagon is still the better choice as it splits the meshes and sends them split over the bridge
The OBJ MTL files are very limited in the information they will carry across, if you want to get into content ceration you are going to need to learn to do some parts of the task in Daz Studio as the easier option of doing it in Blender isn't - unless you also learn to script both and write your own code to describe the Blender materials and apply that in DS, once the mesh is imported.
I'm not sure whether the second section means you already know this, but DS does support dragging image into the Surfaces pane (not Parameters) to apply them to the property on which they are dropped.
yes I meant the surface parameters
It would be scriptable, as long as the naming was consistent - some predictable way of getting the target surface name from the texture name (you could just use the UDIM tile numbers for some things, like humans) and the proeprty to which the map applied, then you could eithe give the script the base name, or pick one of the files, or apply one of the files and let the script generallse from that. There are sample scripts showing how to work with materials. Of course if you were that systematic in naming you could justs et up one preset and then search-and-replace the base part of the name to make a preset for the next texture set.
Hei, why All my uv map is missing?
View by material,
Either it's empty, or has it's own chaos uv map.
If export using FBX, some of the lines are missing.
The only way to do it right to export all of them one by one,
import them one by one, and place texture one by one,
What a torture....
The UV view will show the seelcted surface(s)' UV maps, by default (you can use the right-hand button at top-left to see the selected Node(s) instead, but it is still tied to selection).
Map Master Pro and Multi Map Loader can both match maps by name to their appropriate slot. I have the latter, and it's fairly persnickety about how maps are named, I don't know whether the former is more flexible.
Yes, except as i mentioned above, there is batch export of obj from Blender, and batch import ob obj into Daz by dragging and dropping and spamming enter. So neither of those steps take much time.
This is the part that takes time.
I tried those batch export. None function 100% as expected.
Like for example, No uv map.
most of them are out of date.
I even tried a paid one in Blendermarket, but still have similar problem.
So importing obj to daz by drop and drag works, but if the exported files has no uv map, it becomes a problem.
I want to pack my resources, but missing image files stop it.
The images I don't need it anymore.
How to cut ties with them in blender.