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There are times I've been criticized for having a shirt long enough that it completely hides my shorts. The complaint was it makes it seem if I was wearing nothing but the shirt. So to shut them up I'd have to wear a much smaller shirt, which made me more naked but satisfied the critics.
I'm assuming you intended this as a rhetorical question, but it does have an answer: release date.
The X-Fashion Bikini came out seven months before the new mature content filter first being used, the Katy Outfit was today. While new stuff will be flagged as it comes through the team evaluating new products, they will have to play catch-up on older assets to get all of those equivalently flagged.
Agreed. It is just nudity, not porn or anything worse. It's not like we don't see the models without clothes every time we create a scene in DS. I could understand the filter if there were actual images with nudity on the site, but there are not, so why the filter unless it's to pander to some woke activist group or financial institution.
I'm sure the explanation is correct, but l don't understand what makes either image mature.
Do the people that flag these ever go to swimming pools? Or walk around town centres when anyone girl under the age of 25 seems to want to show off her midriff as in the Katy outfit? Those girls aren't getting arrested. People aren't being kicked out of swimming pools. And young children aren't excluded from those areas lest they see something they shouldn't. Western society does not consider such images to be mature. At least not in Europe. Maybe the US is different. Maybe the Utah is different. I don't know.
I turned it off, and I log in, and I don't worry about it. But I think it's completely ridiculous.
The real problem with a low bar is that the filter becomes useless because eveyone turns it off. I would love to see stats on how many people have left the filter on...
if they add real mature products, and there are a few, then the filter is useless because everyone has had to turn the filter off. Then they get so see things that they might not want to see in public.
Just encountered this flippin' nonsense. Thought the way it's supposed to work is when you click on a thumbnail that has that label, you are saying "yes, I know what I'm getting into and I want to see that content". That is, if you have selected the Allow Mature Content in your filter options. Which I have done.
Unless there's been a site update or some such goings on that's changed it?
Depends on what your definition of mature is. "Mature" is often just being used as a more formal phrasing of "not safe for work".
And while "not safe for work" has come to mean primarily "content that is nude, pornographic or otherwise only suitable for people of legal age", if we go by the literal definition of "Not Safe For Work", browsing a bikini catalogue at work probably wouldn't be taken that well by most bosses.
Some of the Renderosity promos have stayed the same, and there are a few promo images to be found in the store where the subjects are fully nude. And yes, I suspect that the timing of the introduction of the Mature Filter and the migration from Rendo is not completely coincidental.
Although the effort involved in going through a bunch of promos and flagging some as "mature" is probably much the same as the effort involved in going through a bunch of promos and saying "Yeah, let's not show this one." So the introduction of the Mature Filter is probably in the interests of some larger goal. I suspect that the goal is to make the store more "family-friendly", rather than more permissive (i.e. to filter out the bikini pics, rather than to open the door to a wave of nudes), but who knows? It's also possible that it was a requirement imposed on them by a payment processor, and they had no choice but to conform.
In the other thread, it was confirmed that the categorizing was done by AI, which explains why some shader was tagged "Mature"
So far there is one product that is mature "CGI Secret Details for Genesis 9 Masculine and Merchant Resources"
Mature content labels doesn't keep kids from seeing it. Raised two teens when the net was first booming back in dial up days, and now have two teen granddaughters. If it says mature content, it's the first thing they will click on while giggling their butts off. It's only being done for legal reasons which is understandable even if it doesn't work. The best way to keep minors away from mature content is parental supervision imho, it worked for my famiy and is working today for my grandchildren. Myself I just turned the mature content feature off, makes browsing much easier, and cut out the aggravation of a feature that doesn't really work anyway.
Threads merged that are on the same topic. nelsonsmith
I am using Daz's definiton, which I take from the warning you get when not logged in.
"This content is for mature audiences only. User discretion advised."
That seems unambiguous. It implies to me it is to prevent the Daz customers that are minors, or those that don't want to see naked women etc. from seeing the pictures. I'm not sure the former is really a concern, and it doesn't stop them anyway. I imagine some people will fall into the second category (I make adult art, but also filter stuff on RenderHub, because it doesn't appeal to me). Here, the problem is if they don't want to see the naked women that came from Renderosity, then they must also block a cartoon fairy showing some flesh across her waist.
And I don't think the AI is a valid excuse for the old images because there was no need to classify them. Here's the logic I think they should have used...
They can fix this very easily. Remove the mature flag from any product that predates the Secrets product and did not come from Renderosity.
If the setting is intended to stop me seeing a woman in a bikini at work, then it should be per session, not at the account level. And to be perfectly honest, looking over someone's shoulder, I would find a massive "Mature Content!!!" warning far worse than a woman in a bikini, because who knows what's behind all those warnings on the front page? RenderHub just hides the products completely.
Here, i havd no issue. I find the prudish attitude irritating, and while it wasn't the intention, it feels like it"s judging me. So i log in, and the problem goes away.
I just discovered that somehow the Show Mature Content or whatever it's called option had somehow been changed in my account settings. Had to have happened on Daz's end because I did not do it. Ticked the box and now I am seeing what should have been shown instead of grey squares.
Also laughing my tailfeathers off at what was hidden and listed as "mature". I got just two words for whomever or whatever made that particular call: Grow. Up.
So you had already enabled the mature content and it had gone off again? Otherwise off (show the overlay on the bluured image) is the default setting
I did, which is why I was surprised today to find the grey/blurred images labelled "Mature Content" among the promo renders for the Katie outfit. Is it possible that a browser plug-in or update could have caused this? Chrome & Windows both updated on Tuesday, last time I was browsing here -- before the update -- I had no issues seeing anything considered mature.
Is the setting new? I thought that there was a different implementation in the past. I seem to remember selecting I was OK with the content a while back.
is that possible? If so, my setting was overridden.
LA Yumi also earns its mature content designation, and the one you're referring to was most likely CGI Secret Details.
Wouldn't it be amazing if Daz actually communicated with it's customers to tell them the reasoning behind this and other big moves? Radio silence just leads to wild speculation.
I can't recall, I leave mine at default anyway so that I can see issues that may be reported.
Yes, that was the one I meant.
I think we are seeing things that would not have been allowed before, and the flag makes it possible. If so, then once the AI mess is cleaned up, it might work out to be a good thing in the long run if you make pictures of naked people!
Actually, I don't, I rarely even do topless, but I do use a lot of risque clothing, and I may get a more representative view now.
Yeah - I think as some more of the migrating vendors have arrived, and as some DAZ vendors adapt to new rules, the legitimate purposes of the mature content flags are becoming more clear. Given my expectations for DAZ in general, it'd been feeling a little ambiguous what it actually meant. Hopefully once the weird AI issues get fully sorted out, they will just be on images they belong on.
I wanted to toss in one suggestion - I think it would be helpful if products that had mature content images had a little tag along with their thumbnail (similar to the DAZ original or PC+ badges), like a little blue "M". I have no issue with the images, but there are definitely times in public or when showing clients options, when either the actual unblurred images or even just a bunch of grey boxes that say MATURE CONTENT could both potentially be inappropriate. Having a simple signal like that would be quite helpful for those circumstances.
I also agree with others that the main product thumbnail should ideally always be something work-safe - I think the Secret Details product did a great job with this. In general, I would probably be a person to set the mature images to always be shown, but for now, as it's being implemented and issues being worked out, I've left the filter on to try to understand what's being blurred and not. I think with Tempesta's promos and with how the recent Linday promos have been more able to accurately show that product, I'm getting a better sense, and that, particularly if I did leave them always visible, I would appreciate a simple way to know that a particular product had "mature content"-flagged images before clicking on it. To be clear, overall, I think having these images is a positive change.
I'm not sure what you're referring to here. Would you please, explain? Are there AI images being used as promos images?
Nevermind, I must have missed a few posts above. I understand now what you were referring to.
I am pleasantly so. Tempesta, happy to see you here!
Love her characters. I have gotten a lot of use out of them over the years, particuarly her male products. I actually nabbed one today I did not have: . Thought for sure I had Striga, but no record of her.
...Legos can be as well, just throw bunch of them on the floor and stairs before people get up in the morning.