"Mature Content" images blurred

in The Commons
Can someone tell me why DAZ has decided to blur images with the words "Mature Content" over them (when many of them do not contain mature content) and how I can get the site to stop this. Is there some setting I can change on the site? It is stupid to blur product images because I will generally not then click on something that you have chosen not to show me.
Yea I've just seen this too, totally daft, honestly shopping here is just getting worse and worse.
"Edit Account Information" there is a checkbox for "Show Mature Images"
You have to go to "My Account" and choose edit. there will be a check box for showing mature images.
Thank you for your help. I'm not sure why they changed that setting for me. I didn't do it myself.
I just noticed the same while browsing my wishlist. How the heck is a hairstyle of all things considered 'mature content?'
I assume this is some kind of glitch. An attempt to fix something that didn't need fixing and breaking it. Other 3d content sites have certain content flagged as 'mature' (I assume for adults only?), and I'm fine with that (not all of us want to see it all the time). But it would be great for customers to view these images by clicking on them. Or, even better, provide a 'mature content filter' that can be turned on or off in our preferences.
Also, the filter must function correctly. No point flagging a hairstyle as mature content but leaving what I might consider 'adult only' as viewable to all. And generally, it's what people do with the content they purchase in the renders they produce, not the content itself that makes it for General or Adult viewers. Though of course there are exceptions.
What one person deems as suitable for all ages another might consider adult only. It is all very subjective.
Edit: I noticed now if you click on an image, it gives you the option of allowing or disallowing "mature' content.
What makes it even weirder is I saw this https://www.daz3d.com/floral-lingerie-for-genesis-9
Which could use the mature content filter on it, but nah, women blindfolded and in lingerie is totally all ages
Some people are very conservative in their views, me not so much. Some people see the protection of their gender as very important and that's what happened in the past, it wasn't just one gender who forced women to cover up.
Maybe they're preparing to expand what they carry to include more adult items. Much as the editorial license has let them carry items they never would have before?
I've just realised that I hadn't selected 'Show mature content'. Still, I don't see any blurry images, and what I am shown is 'mature' enough for my taste (skimpwear etc.). I've ticked the box now, but I don't see any images that I wouldn't have seen before. So what's the point?
All of those images are obscured for me, and the main store thumbnail.
If I come here to browse the shop, then isn't it my choice to view what I want to see or don't see, even if I didn't have an account? So, wouldn't it be more sensible to create a new shopping filter called "show Mature Content", that displays all Mature Content without blurring? I think it would look more appealing that seeing every other product blurred out on the front page. And it needs to work, with or without an account.
DAZ needs to fix this "Mature Content" [words I'm too mature to post]. At best it looks like very different content moderators with no guidelines and very different ideas on what is "mature" reviewed different products. It almost looks like a random number generator was used to decide which products to flag.
I feel sorry for the PAs because this is being applied so unevenly.
The bigger issue for me here is that Daz seem to be saying that some of the very non offensive use of models and clothing is offensive or "Mature" I don't want to be creating something like that, and have Daz later agree with whoever accuses me of doing something like that.
Not to mention most of the store being censored makes it look like an adult site.
They've even censored their own in house created character promo images. I can't be a part of this.
Edit to fix link
They did that last year (though i think you had to have an account to turn it off) and it didn't work - this is intended to be less of a nuisance as it doesn't entirely hide the products.
Since a jokey/sarcastic comment from a user was being taken as a serious statement of Daz' policy and critiqued accordingly in multiple replies it has been removed, along with its replies. My apologies, but having half the thread made up of me saying "It was a joke" is obviously not desirable.
It's the images, not the content - the lingerie, I think, and the SPR sets are on mannequins not humans. Not that the filtering is anything close to perfect, but there is a reason for some of it.
Yes I feel sorry for PA's too, but if they see their incomes dropping perhaps they could challenge Daz after all I would have thought they stand in a better place than the customer to alert Daz to the effects of their policies adds now this etc, if they don't have a problem then fine.
Perhaps they've got AI involved in maturity decisions.
To me the blurring of sales promo pics gives a very false impression that DAZ shows pics of genitelia (probably spelled that wrong LOL) like other 3d sites. I don't think it is conveying the kind of message DAZ wants to convey.
This is ridiculous. They are calling outfits that cover more than a bathing suit at the beach "mature content." First they start putting outfits on mannequins and cover up a lot of characters' bodies so we can't even see what we're buying and now this? If they are going to put these dumb labels and we check the box saying we want mature content, can we now see outfits on textured bodies and see the characters nude? Why is everything going backwards in time back to the 1950's?
Looks like the filter has gotten applied on anything that shows the slightest amount of skin. The one image on the Afro Puff hair that has the filter is the one where the model is wearing a mildly revealing bustier. The three that are filtered on CJ Sage are the least-dressed three (still fully covered, though). Et cetera.
I don't mind the store suffering an attack of prudishness in addition to all its other ongoing woes, but it better remember my setting, because if I have to manually unfilter images every single day that is finally going to be the straw that breaks me. I'm so tired of watching this place die by inches. It depresses me every single morning.
I think the account option to show mature content is new - it's the sort of option I always turn on when I set up an account. I also get the impression that the censors walked through the store with a heavy hand and the code just got turned on - I don't remember ever seeing products with a black opaque promo image in the past.
As to what seems to have been flagged - give me a break; if it would have been in a Sears catalogue in the 50s it doesn't qualify as mature.
I wonder if DAZ might be able to look at one or two bits of appropriate additional info to generate a default setting rather than the default assumption that everyone is a child and needs to be protected.
I am most definitely old enough to see 'Mature' content, as evidenced that I have been a registered forum member for 21 years. Surely that is one piece of info that should be used to generate a default value for the tickbox? I can't be a child or I'd have registered before being born. And the fact it's not been an issue with me in the previous 21 years should also be considered. Can the people who generate these settings not think a little harder in the first place?
Well...it does feel on brand for "madness" in March.
The result of this change will be PAs showcasing their products mainly - or exclusively - on mannequins, just to be safe.
Six out of eight pictures showcasing the product are marked as "mature content". Ridiculous.
https://www.daz3d.com/fk-chrysalis-wings-for-genesis-9-8-and-81-females Shows up as mature from the sales page, but when you open it none of the images are flagged as mature. I didn't see anything in the description text that seems to be mature, unless the word "chest" is considered mature (for a wing morph). That's just a body part and should not be mature. I think the filters need a bit of tweaking.