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I could have sworn that I commented on this one but apparently not lol. I love this! I have been following over on webtoons. Look forward to each episode!
On that last statement, you might be surprised. I used to work for a short run book manufacturer. Quite often, doing a short run with a specialized company can be less expensive than one would think. We did academic press a lot of times, but also, sometimes, a well-known author would do 200 special edition prints for close friends and associates only. Now, we're not talking all the color that goes into a work like yours, but for a 600 page academic text with 4 colors in the pages, hardbound, 8-1/2 x 11, remarkably it was only a few dollars a book to print, say, 250 - 500 books. That's the big secret about publishing. Students pay what they pay for text books because those allow publishers to print all the crap that nobody ever buys/reads. I think it's wrong, but that's business. Now, I haven't done that work since around 2001, granted, but if you wanted to do something special as promotional, sort of a collector's edition for supporters/fans, like on patreon or kickstarter, I bet you could totally do it. You could even make it dependent upon gathering a certain level of support so that if it didn't reach that level, you wouldn't be bound to print anything. I'd certainly support it.
I would certainly call a company and get a quote before making any offers, but my point is valid - don't assume you cannot. I think you can.
@Wanderer even if that might be possible, the time to get big dreams hasn't come (yet if it will ever). It would need a far larger followership than it has now to make sense thinking of prints. So you're welcome to share the love on all your social media :D :D
So many nice renders Linwelly, I like them all:) These are gorgeous, unique characters and lighting is spot on! Ya please make more
Thank you so much Sven!
It is true that the time for such things has not come. You need to finish the work you've begun first, and yes, you need the audience for such an endeavor to be possible. But I'm just saying, don't think it unthinkable. If you build it, they will come - so to speak. Your story is engagingly good so far, and your art is excellent. Sure, that may not always be enough, but the one who thinks he will not gives up the laurel before even beginning to run the race. I believe you'll see more growth after you've finished a story or two.
Excellent work! I haven't been commenting a lot in your thread, but I'm following it and your comic.
Your images remind me that I need to pay a lot more attention to lights, and camera angles. You use them very effectively to bring out the message in each image.
Thank you so much @BeeMKay . The interesting thing for me was that with starting the comic and telling my story in more than one render, I could start much more focus on one aspact of the story I wanted to tell. and adjust the camera to that. Before I often struggles with wanting to put ecerything in one render and then it was stuffed and I lost the details on the close stuff.
Thank you @Dracorn making average character isn't easy with what we get as basis to start from and the I believe its just natural to show the beautiful things. But I fell in love with my characters and really enjoy making them.
Some really nice renders in her, especially the cyber fairy and Master Xiu. Will have to remember to check out the comic sometime.
@Noswen - The comic isn't very long, but interesting. Definitely check it out.
Thanks a lot @Noswen; I hope you find a time to have a look. As Wanderer said its not very long (yet) but is inteded to grow over time
digging this out from page... what? RL is keeping me rather busy theese weeks so I#m a bit sparse on the forum, sorry for that! I'll come back once the smoke lifts. Still, here are two more snippets from my comic.
Comic is coming along super! @Linwelly, very curious to see what happens to this person they've called out.
@Wanderer there is an answer to that question in the next episode right at the beginning, but is it the real?
Here is my triangle for Llola, I call it cybermage, not my brightest work... I feel a bit uninspired with this but well sometimes its just like that.
Tested Jesse for g3 as well here
Can't go wrong with blues, cheeky mages and optical illusions ;)
I especially like this one. Great portrait, great lighting and use of DOF. The technical overlay is icing on the cake that makes this a very cool render. Well done.
I really love this one
Electrocution...he totally deserved that. I will say that "ignore" command really irked and spoke volumes about the unjust dystopian society.
Thanks @FirstBastion, I'm glad the little command did the job I was hoping for, and yes that guy got what he deserved ;)
thanks a lot @mori_mann I kind of have a liking for the blue(s), The Jesse character can do very well for the cheeky type :D
And Thanks to @dracorn and @IceDragonArt for the feedback, that one was fun with the rather extreme light conditions
You have been a very busy girl lately with all your amazing renders for your webcomic!
Keep up the amazing work @Linwelly
@Linwelly - heh... I better get back to reading it. I don't know--I think this image is nice. I'm with @mori_mann on this. You always display skill in your work, even if you weren't feeling particularly inspired on that image. I wish my hard-fought works were half as good as your tossaways. The image with the overlay is really good work, too--far superior for all the reasons already stated. Keep on keepin' on.
Here is a panel from my latest page of my comic.
@Wanderer had asked me about how I made the slap on the face, so here is a brief insight into the use of the LIE (layered image editor)
so first you need an image of a hand imprint with red around it, I made it rather simple for this use in Gimp. As the LIE can by now use transparent backgrounds I do just that safe it as png file, that keeps the transparence. I created my own texture folder in my runtime textures where I safe stuff like this (remember to safe that to s separate disk every now and then so when you have to reinstall you don't loose that
now open your scene, choose the character, go into surfaces and select the surface you want it applied to (in this case the face, but I did the same with the blood on the hand). For most cases its enough to use the base colour, click on the field and then on layered image editor, the opening popup shows only a part of the image, so use zoom to fit to see the hole.
Add a layer, browse to find your file
I usually create these textures at a size that is the original divided by 4, so now I need to increase the size again, place with x and y position and adjust the intensity with the opacity slider.
for the tattooos I usually only use 70% which makes them look more integrated, if you want something painted on use 100 % click accept and wait. for better effect I added a small deformer to her cheek up there so the cheek looks swollen as well
wonder if he deserved that one...
you can use a geometry shell to a similar result though I prefer that for stuff that is above the skin surface. Another method would be decals (espaceially for dird and blood splattered) but I'm too stupid for decals, the method annoys the heck out of me.
Thank you for the instructions. That'll make things a lot easier.
@Linwelly - Thank you so much for this. Great information. I'll be using this in my upcoming renders--soon as I figure out where and when.
I'm trying to get back into the swing for the forums, after easter had been a lot of work, we had the celebration for my daughter and now I actually had a short vacation. Rendering for my story keeps me rather busy and I still need to find a way to keep my update schedule to once a week. I guess I have to reduce it, as I don't find the time to render enough. Unfortunately that as well results in loosing some readers, which is a pity. ( on a side note, it is rather crazy that I feel bad for loosing readers when still more are joining, but that how it is.
Anyway, I noticed I never posted my render for Llolas render challenge here, so here is "out of the box" with my new Linwelly avatar
Very lovely pic! Like seeing her again.
Hey, thanks Linwelly for the tutorial - I've been wanting to add some things like this and am wondering which is better, Photoshop or LIE. My personal preference is Photoshop, but thanks to your tutorial, I may give LIE a try.
I like the way you added the deformer to make her cheek look swollen - how did you work it so that it deforms the bruise texture only?
My method for custom textures - I created a 'Dracorn' folder in Runtime (and pretend I'm a PA) and place them there. The original copies are in a working directory which I back up.
Hey, thanks Linwelly for the tutorial - I've been wanting to add some things like this and am wondering which is better, Photoshop or LIE. My personal preference is Photoshop, but thanks to your tutorial, I may give LIE a try.
I like the way you added the deformer to make her cheek look swollen - how did you work it so that it deforms the bruise texture only?
I was thinking geoshell for things like blood which I can assign different gloss settings, but I wonder how you can make a drip of blood 3D without geometry.
My method for custom textures - I created a 'Dracorn' folder in Runtime (and pretend I'm a PA) and place them there. The original copies are in a working directory which I back up.
@Dracorn the d-former just looks like its only where the slap is it was lucky coincidence that it worked so well. it really is just a very small thing and located on the cheek.
I only once made a drop of blood and that was using 3delight, and only from a distance. If you want to avoid geometry you could make a bump map for the drop and place it at the same location in the bump channel ( I still need to try and make a normal map, that would be a very poverfull tool as well)
I aregee for fresh blood or lots of dryed blood a geoshell is better, but in this case this was faster.
I believe many things could be made easily in post but I still don't trust my post skills that much so I work into the render whatever I can, though I'm getting better with post