Linwelly's Grove



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    Linwelly said:

    aThe fewer polys the more edgy it comes out

    You could subdivide the result to make it smoother. Basically what I understood is that polys that are too small or too close are dangerous. Someone flattened the cube too much to have a two-sided blanket, and it flew right up because dForce energy accumulates in those "tight crevices" (sorry for not being able to explain better... migraine).

    I tried with the subdivide, that didn't change that much. you still might be onto something there as I found the pointer towards smoothing modifier in that pdf you mentioned above and applying that might actually work with a lower poly number. I'll have to try.

    I hope that stupid migraine left you alone quickly!


    Rakuda said:

    Very nice work on the albino girl. :)

    Thanks a lot @Rakuda

  • Linwelly said:

    I hope that stupid migraine left you alone quickly!

    Thank you! It comes and goes... weather triggers are stupid indeed.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    Linwelly said:

    I hope that stupid migraine left you alone quickly!

    Thank you! It comes and goes... weather triggers are stupid indeed.

    Wheather is doing stuff with me as well, lucky no migraine here but I often get a headache as well (I should move to where its warm...I hate cold even without the headache, I guess compared to you I'm still lucky though)

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Wheather is doing stuff with me as well, lucky no migraine here but I often get a headache as well (I should move to where its warm...I hate cold even without the headache, I guess compared to you I'm still lucky though)

    That's sad =( I hope you get fewer temp/pressure swings wherever you are.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    Linwelly said:

    Wheather is doing stuff with me as well, lucky no migraine here but I often get a headache as well (I should move to where its warm...I hate cold even without the headache, I guess compared to you I'm still lucky though)

    That's sad =( I hope you get fewer temp/pressure swings wherever you are.

    we are rather prone to drastic wheather shifts where I live. temperature drops or rises of 15 °C in a day happens every few weeks, and pressure varies a lot from day to day.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933

    Linwelly said:

    Wheather is doing stuff with me as well, lucky no migraine here but I often get a headache as well (I should move to where its warm...I hate cold even without the headache, I guess compared to you I'm still lucky though)

    That's sad =( I hope you get fewer temp/pressure swings wherever you are.

    we are rather prone to drastic wheather shifts where I live. temperature drops or rises of 15 °C in a day happens every few weeks, and pressure varies a lot from day to day.

    Oh no that's disheartening =(
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    Oh no that's disheartening =(

    It gets better for me with generally warmer wheather coming in and spring is knocking at my door as I speak :D

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852
    Linwelly said:

    so HELP! @everybody is there a good quick collection of how to d-force? I'm trying to wrap a simple plane (2x2m, 400 divisions) with a wind node around a standing figure and the stupid thing keeps crashing on me. I tried with  self collide and without, I tried making it stiffer ( its worked halfways, mostly not crashing with 200 divisions on the plane but that lookes a little like porcupine on some of the polys rpping as well). ad there is nothign beside the plane the figure and the windnode active, put the hair away for now as well. so why is it crashing all the time?

    There were some sample scenes in the dforce starter kit,  one of them had a wind node and curtain,  perhaps you borrow that to setup what you need. 

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    Linwelly said:


    There were some sample scenes in the dforce starter kit,  one of them had a wind node and curtain,  perhaps you borrow that to setup what you need. 

    That certainly would have been a clever starting point! I rarely look into the ready to render folder, so I never even noticed that one, thanks for pointing it out :D

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852
    edited March 2018

    Read the intro of Master Xiu,  the plot thickens.  Quick note,  in one of the dialog bubbles,  his name is spelled  Xui.  I thought it was interesting that in the last panel you had the diologue bubble blurred out,  suggesting it was too distant to hear clearly.  That was an inventive way to do that. 

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Thanks for pointing out the misspelled name ... I was looking over that I don't know how often but didn't find that one and my hubby didn't either ;)

    I didn't post anything from my comic here in a while so this is one shot  from my latest published page of Taiduo which is up at webtoons. I fell a bit in love with the strong sideways light I have in this scene...

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    I'm trying to give the Linwelly avatar a bit of a revamp ( not the taiduo, she will stay for a while but the old me sitting in a frame) so as I#m into scifi for teh moment she turned into a cyberfay :D

    What do you think?

  • StormlyghtStormlyght Posts: 666
    Linwelly said:

    I'm trying to give the Linwelly avatar a bit of a revamp ( not the taiduo, she will stay for a while but the old me sitting in a frame) so as I#m into scifi for teh moment she turned into a cyberfay :D

    What do you think?

    I really like your cyberfae. 


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Thanks a lot @Stormlyght ! I'm thinking of adding some piercings and gloves with cutoff fingers :D

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    Love the cyberfae- well done.  I think gloves would be a great addition, as well as piercings, or even some cyber connections.  

    The strong side-lighting is well done, too.  Great work!

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    I popped over to your gallery and gave likes 'n made comments. I especially like your frog and albino - great job with those.  You make very effective use of the bloom effect in your Taiduo renders.  That's inspiring me.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Thank you so much for all the nice comments @dracorn !

     I really started to understand the whole bloom thing when I studied the rendner settings from Stonemasons streets of Morocco. There is some very nice use of that and tonemapping.

    If you have questions I can try ot help with that

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Does bloom add to render time?  I'm wondering which is more effective - bloom in the render or in Photoshop postwork?

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    dracorn said:

    Does bloom add to render time?  I'm wondering which is more effective - bloom in the render or in Photoshop postwork?

    yes it does, unfortunately. I'm running on a rather good gpu so its ok for me, still takes too long to make one panel for the comic .:(  When I used CPU it was dramatic. but even now the bloom can be the thing that flipd the memory out of gpu. So I use Dof as well to go easy on the polies in the blurred areas, sometimes results in odd blotchens of light in the out of focus lights. but its something that can be helped with dialing areound the bloom settings a bit.

    For me I think I wouldn't be able the reproduce the effect in the same way in post, which might be due to my still lacking postwork skills. I can do it in post with small scale lights but not that outblown effects I used in the Taiduo renders.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    Linwelly said:

    Thanks for pointing out the misspelled name ... I was looking over that I don't know how often but didn't find that one and my hubby didn't either ;)

    I didn't post anything from my comic here in a while so this is one shot  from my latest published page of Taiduo which is up at webtoons. I fell a bit in love with the strong sideways light I have in this scene...

    Love the lighting and the posing. Nicely done!

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    Linwelly said:
    dracorn said:

    Does bloom add to render time?  I'm wondering which is more effective - bloom in the render or in Photoshop postwork?

    yes it does, unfortunately. I'm running on a rather good gpu so its ok for me, still takes too long to make one panel for the comic .:(  When I used CPU it was dramatic. but even now the bloom can be the thing that flipd the memory out of gpu. So I use Dof as well to go easy on the polies in the blurred areas, sometimes results in odd blotchens of light in the out of focus lights. but its something that can be helped with dialing areound the bloom settings a bit.

    For me I think I wouldn't be able the reproduce the effect in the same way in post, which might be due to my still lacking postwork skills. I can do it in post with small scale lights but not that outblown effects I used in the Taiduo renders.

    I've got my nose in some Shift Art Tutorials, so I'll see if I can reproduce this in post after I learn some more.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    I would be glad to see your results then @dracorn!

    here are some renders I made for the latest page of my grafic novel over at webtoons.


  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957
    edited March 2018

    Linwelly, looking over this thread briefly for the first time, and I've got to say you've shown amazing growth in the relatively short time you've been around. Some of us are just getting confident enough to enter new user challenges after being here almost forever ;p. I love your cyber fay. Your detail work is impressive. Your command of light and color... just really, really good. Like in the image of cyber fay there, just so much going on in balance and with balance. The weight of the environment offset in her form and wings and the finer details. The reds and blues.  The light and dark. The implication of the joining between the typically natural in the fay and the highly technological. I love it. heart And then there are the lines. Heh... Almost forgot to mention, but your sense of composition is magnificent. 

    I'm going to try to check out webtoons and your work. The shots you've shared are really nice.

    Post edited by Wanderer on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    Linwelly said:

    I would be glad to see your results then @dracorn!

    here are some renders I made for the latest page of my grafic novel over at webtoons.

    I really like the lighting and depth of field on this one. Nice work! 

  • MollytabbyMollytabby Posts: 1,163

    These are stunning! Such perfect expressions,set up and lighting.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    Wanderer said:

    Linwelly, looking over this thread briefly for the first time, and I've got to say you've shown amazing growth in the relatively short time you've been around. Some of us are just getting confident enough to enter new user challenges after being here almost forever ;p. I love your cyber fay. Your detail work is impressive. Your command of light and color... just really, really good. Like in the image of cyber fay there, just so much going on in balance and with balance. The weight of the environment offset in her form and wings and the finer details. The reds and blues.  The light and dark. The implication of the joining between the typically natural in the fay and the highly technological. I love it. heart And then there are the lines. Heh... Almost forgot to mention, but your sense of composition is magnificent. 

    I'm going to try to check out webtoons and your work. The shots you've shared are really nice.

    Thank you very much for the kind words, I'm blushing here :o I hope you will enjoy my grafic novel :D


    Novica said:

    I really like the lighting and depth of field on this one. Nice work! 

    Thanks a lot Novica!


    These are stunning! Such perfect expressions,set up and lighting.

    Thank you so much @Mollytabby I rather proud hat the light turned out in that one :D

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    edited March 2018

    here are two panels as standalone from the latest page of my grafic novel.

    Master Xiu ( I love thes character so much :D)

    and once again my heroine (or not) Taiduo07-12


    now I need to go and make more of that

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • MollytabbyMollytabby Posts: 1,163

    Those are amazing. Such wonderful expressions, Linwelly. It's all in the eyes.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852

    I've following each new episode as they've been released.  You have create an interesting dystopian world.  It is a well developed intro to the world.  The quality of the renders are top notched  and the pacing of the story is fluid.  One thing I'll mention that might fall into a style choice,  but often times the character's mouths are closed,  though they have a speech bubble.  I know it's a really little thing,  but along with the totally expressive eyes and facial reactions,  an active mouth forming words would add to the experience.  I would really like to see this story assembled into comicbook art panels at some point.  I think the pages would look great!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    Thanks a lot for the feedback Mollytabby and FirstBastion.

    Yes, the dilemma of the speaking character. Its actually a common problem for comic creators :D I Usually try different versions but more often than not I end up thinking that the characters expression is best seen with their mouth shut. And as I'm trying to do this completely without internal dialouge (except some flashback scenes) its my only means to transport their thoughts. Often this is as well from the character being silent for a moment and then starting to speak like Master Xiu in the last installement. But I can see this being perceived different from outside my head ...

    I'm not sure if a normal style comicbook will ever happen to this, it would need some major reorganisation, never even dare to think about a print, nobody would have that kind of money.


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