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Down to 152 items in my wishlist. Many not showing in the current all PAs offering today, so must be DOs. That is 3 pages. I used to average 7 - 8 pages of 60 per page of wishlist items.My deepest thanks to the PAs who put new items up for sale and increased my discounts. I cleared out your back catelogs heavily.
(Edit to add a missing 't'. Typing on a laptop with a semi-broken 'T' key is a flatout pain.)
I am quite lost with my whishlist. Started with 94 items, now down to 12. That was one of the best PA sales ever so far. BUT: still missing Mousso as a headline PA
I think it is one of the best sales I have ever seen, maybe the best. I only have 4 items left and really don't know what to add.
haaaaaaa.. I hear ya... I'm being VERY choosey now with putting things in my wishlist... I have sooooooooooo much content that I will probably never even use if I had another lifetime! lol
What's funny is that I have more things on my wishlist now than when the PA sale started, despite having bought a crazy amount of stuff. At the prices, I've thrown almost anything I ever considered and didn't discard into a cart, and then I wishlist stuff to strategize bigger or smaller carts on different days.
I have been doing that too... whilst being choosey... I'm looking for unusual things that I don't have in my runtime... Mostly G8 and up... Buildings... Shaders... etc. ;)
Same. :)
Ditto... my credit card is gonna hate me in the morning! lol
I'd like to third fourth that! I'm really enjoying this sale (though my bank balance is not).
Actually my wishlist has grown too - I used to keep it small and restricted to things I really really wanted, but couldn't afford when they were released. Since they started those Wishlist Sales a couple of months ago I've been adding more just in case. I'm concentrating (to some extent) on DOs because of the upcoming Daz+ Anniversary Sale. Who knows what offers there may be then? If it's anywhere like as good as this PA Sale then I'll be a happy shopper!
Ya know.... I'm sort'a cringing at the thought of going through another month of great deals!!! I don't even wanna be near hubby when he sees the credit card bill! eep..
That would be a month of even greater deals for Daz+ members
Although I have been keeping my purchases at minimum because next week I need to take the car to the annual inspection and even though the inspection itself is not that much, what they find in my 2005 Opel Astra, may need a small investment (small because parts for it are dirt cheap).
Yeah... hubby's been after me to buy a new car and I won't (not telling him why... I've bought enough Daz to BUY a new car!) My 2003 Ford Focus ZX3 is winding down... although... she has less than 78,000 miles on her. We did just get her new brakes and I wanna get my money's worth before selling her... LOL
It happened, my wishlist is completly empty, I never expected it to happen and I still have plenty of Store Credit.
... and there went half my wish list.
Took advantage of the extra 10% off with the bundle and bought pretty much everything on my (not that large) wishlist that was on sale.
Wish I could insert an Ohhh My emogi here... lol. Well done BlueFingers ... If you need some where to spend that Store Credit... hummmm... I still have a few things on MY wish list! LOL
Good going... Not too happy with the new bundle... I'm saving the last of my gc for something good... waits...
I just feel a little ripple of enthusiam for any bundle featuring a female character that has reasonably realistic proportions ... and footwear with no heels. LOL!
Well.. waiting til today to buy stuff worked for me... Nice set of G9 couples poses and a fancy scarf accessory... In the cart they go... along with a few more wishlist items... tokens... hum... wish I had a coupon... lol. chaa chiiiiiiiiing... checkout!
I gotta stop adding stuff. Was down to 140... bought a bunch more stuff, but now am back up to 158.
Ha... I hear ya... I've been paruzzzzzzing the forums... Gotta stop that... Bad girl!!! "Just one more to add to my wish list won't hurt... right???" lol
Now and then I simply delete everything out of the wishlist, and then start remaking it. I agree that this has been one of the better PA sales.
Now, to "survive" the coming member's anniversary sale ... IF it goes to that lovely pattern of presenting a number of PA items for $1.99 for a day ... you might want to add to your wishlist any possible PA item as you come across them, that you would reconsider purchasing at $1.99. Why is because it is a lot easier to sort by price one's wishlist and quickly pick out all the $1.99 items than it is to search through hundreds of items on a daily basis hoping not to miss any treasures. And IF/WHEN something super duper shows up at these prices, do not wait. Put it into basket and buy it ASAP. Now and then treasures do not survive a full 24 day's pricing so waiting is a good way to lose out on tremendous treasures.
Oh yes.. good point... I forgot about the $1.99 sales... Most of the stuff on my wishlist is new though... I doubt if they will be $1.99 and I simply refuuuuuuuuuse to buy anything under Gen8... I have sooo much already. I do hope they have a contest or something... I'm reeeeeally needing to use some of the stuff I bought in artwork! Oh.. and I need another GiftCertificate sale... mine is almost at $0.00... again!!!!!!!!!
I really need to clean out my wish list of old stuff too. 1295 on my wish & list many are from the V4 days. Have cleared alot though with the sale. Once gain totally blew my budget already. So now I'm being very particular about what I get. The holidays are around the corner.
Oh yes... don't remind me about the holidazzzzzzzzzz days... lol. V4 does render faster but I find I'm spoiled with the newer textures for realizm that G8/9 have. Just can't seem to get Gen4 to render realistic... they are good for distance/far away fill in crowds though. :)
October is also known for a sale or two.
Yes, that's the one we're waiting for!
Need a "great" gift card sale to help balance out the exchange rates ...
No, I just can't handle any more sales. LOL!
I'm going to spend half of October just testing the stuff I bought at this one. On the plus side, as Llola Lane says, almost all of what is left on my wishlist is new, as in from the last few weeks. So I am safe, right? Just as long as there's no more horse stuff, or Ultrascenery stuff, or ...
eeegaaaaaaaaaaadzzzzzzzzz!!! I'm gonna pull out all my hair! lol. The salezzzzzzzz.. THE SALEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz... lol
oo my 2 weaknesses... and shaders! ughhh
I've nearly cleaned out a couple of entire sections of the store now... not sure there'll be anything left by the time the next sale starts.