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Having a long wishlist is good when they give extra discount for wishliat items.
Hm, haven't checked for a long time, but half my wishlist would probably be about 2.5 can't see the need to further reduce it
That is a great way to get people to buy stuff..
LoL my wishlist is 1335 items, and i haven't putted in all items gor G8 and G9, because my hardaware is really old.
Not really, since I keep shoving things on there just so that there's something there for the next time they run a "wishlist sale." :) That said, it's getting harder to keep it filled since I'm running out of products in the store to buy as so many of the new G9 specific products continue to underwhelm.
Oh WOW... 1335 items???? That bogglezzzzzzzzzzz my mind! I got a new computer last year so it IS helping me render faster/better. ;)
I hear ya... Only really unusual G9 characters I've gotten are from RawArt... He seems to make some killer monsters. The Daz+ club has had a few G9 characters... but I'm looking for unusual. This week's shark looks interesting.
Daz is smart that way ;)
.. got'cha
I keep adding stuff... Smack my hand please... lol
whewwwwwwwww... close call. Gotta keep the food coming for those kittehzzzzzzzz... lol... but I too have mostly G9 stuff left on my wishlist... I find I'm not buying stuff til it's under a few dollars... lol. Hard to resist. I'm so bad!
I have more content than I will EVER render... ughh... Wasn't there a PA contest last year around this time????
It would be fun to have an excuse to use all this stuff.
I think I have bought about as much as I am going to find from the current group of PAs - I have combed through entire listings muliple times now and picked up not just wishlisted items but pretty much anything that I ever contemplated and didn't discard outright from consideration. I test every product I buy for at least basic functionality and that list, having almost been caught up, now has almost 400 items on it.
My with list is down substantially. A lot of it is through purchases and some items removed. If I can't decide if I really want something when it is 80% or more off I just remove it.
FYI, that's the King Shark character from the second Suicide Squad movie, so it's value for use as-is is pretty limited due to it being so recognizable. As a mix-element and kit-bash source, on the other hand, it's great and I was quick to snap it up. As for RawArt, I love his work and own the vast majority of his produts (366 of them, at current count... yeesh) but I've only bought a handful of his G9 releases as so many have been re-makes or near remakes of figures he made for previous releases.
Half of this month's food money is gone. But I don't have time to eat, anyway, too many new products to sort through, study, play with...:-)
My wishlist was six or five pages. Now it's down to two. Granted, some of that is because I've removed a bunch of items. If I'm not willing to buy it at $2, then I'm just not willing to buy it.
I'm not sure my wishlist is getting smaller (I keep adding new stuff), but my gift card balance is definitely getting smaller... How long does the PA sale go until? At this point I'm going to be lucky if lasts until the next 20% off gift card sale comes along. lol
Never saw the movie so the shark is new to me... lol. Little over 100 RawArt characters for me.... and counting ;)
Good way to loose a little weight too... not eating... lol
I've done that before too... I just gotta quit reading these forum threads... Keep finding things I MUST have!!!!!! grrrrrrrrr
Ha... my wishlist is back up to 41 items!!!!!!!!! So much for it going down. I'm with ya with the gift card... I'm TRYING to make it last... I really am! lol
no, I keep adding to it
Half... hmm no. There is still over 140 things on there.
However, I think it has dropped a 1/4 from this recent wave of sales. It was previously nearing 200.
ditto... Well mine.. WAS... gone... honest it was... lol
1/4 is better than nuthin' I suppose??? ;) lol
I've been leaving a few modest-priority cheapies on my wish list so on days like today, where I'll pick up the "golden ticket" but there's no other "gotta-haves," I can pad out the cart to get to $10.
HEY... I do the same thing... oh.. and I check the Lightning Deals too... ;) Gotta git to $10.00!!!!!!!!!!
I've started checking the Lightning Deals during this PA promo too, after largely ignoring them for a long time. Surprisingly I have sometimes been finding reasonable things for 95%+. For sales like this where there's a low-priced daily option with a decent chance of being worth the small buy-in for me (I've bought about half of them, I would guess), I budget out $10 a day and try to plan bigger carts around token expiration. There's new stuff today I wishlisted, but it can wait til one of those.
No, you don't! Those tokens are just drugs to make you buy more.