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If someone buys the Vick bundle, can they share a render showing Victoria's face alongside Vick's ?
they went for Vick not Victor?
Likely for search fields. You type Victor, and it includes all things Victoria. You type Vick, you just get Vick.
The Moonloght Magic outfit https://www.daz3d.com/bw-dforce-moonlit-magic-outfit
says it includes heels and a book, but there is no promos showing that.
Can someone post an image how they look?
Why would you want to know what you're buying? Can't let this novel requirement propagate...
In some ways, given the hat and the reported inclusion of a book, it feels as if it'd be more of a Halloween/Valentines crossover set.
Yeah - I know.
But I was curious how much "heel" the heels had. But it is probably some stilletos...
I am a little confused by this Vick. Isn't the entire point of G9 to be able to swap genders of any character at any time? Shouldn't anyone who owns Victoria 9 be able to dial out the feminine and dial in the masculine and get this character without having to buy it? I am very confused by this. Or am I just missing something here?
The Masculine and Feminine dials on G9 are characters, not attributes. There is no way to make gender a true attribute, because people all look different and contours add up in strange ways on top of other contours. (it may work to various degrees to reverse dial out those characters, but no more or less so than any others) The gender archetype characters are there mostly because if you use only 50% of Michael, you need to fill the 50% void left with another masculine character. You should never simply leave it to the base shape, which is no proper character at all, as that creates odd results.
This is different from say G8M where dialing 50% of Michael 8 leaves 50% of the base, which by default is a full masculine character.
The G9 base shape is solely to make universal clothing easier to make, and shareable attribute morphs that are generically compatible with anything. Characters have to supply all the data needed to take the base to an identity. So in short, for best results on G9, true character data should always add up to 100%.
I do like that it includes a lot of greenery. Things that remotely touch on ecopunk are few and far between, and I get it - foliage is heavy stuff, and even this lightweight bit lags the viewport unless you hide what isn't on camera. But I love that bougie clean look to go with it. I grinned hard when I saw this. Three cheers for Stonemason yet again.
As far as I can tell (I didn't check with all the ones I own), no Genesis 9 Core Figure will dial in either the Base Masculine or the Base Feminine morph with their own morph and if you dial out Victoria 9's morphs, you get a base gender neutral Genesis 9, not a masculine Victoria 9. If you dial the Base Masculine morph, the resulting character will still retain Victoria's breasts and you'll have to find a way to remove them (the Breasts Gone morph is a start but there is still a bit of breasts left, even dialing it in at 100%).
What you can do is using Victoria 9's masculine skin, which is provided since the beginning, on a masculine morph. Here, with Michael 9 with the Masculine Chest texture from Victoria 9 (the nipples are in a difference place when using the Feminine Chest textures).
But not all Genesis 9 characters are provided with an opposite gender skin: all G9 Core Figures are (as far as I know), but only some PAs will include textures for the opposite genders (@ChangelingChick is the one that come to mind, but other do too): you can still use them on any Genesis 9 morph, but if you want to do a topless or fully nude render, nipples will be placed were they usually are on the gender the textures were designed for and there would be no Anatomical Elements textures for the opposite gender.
This new product is a new morph for Genesis 9, modelled to make Vick looks like Victoria's brother / father / son with a couple of textures. I suppose the dependency to Victoria 9 HD is because Vick needs other textures from Victoria 9 HD.
It is open to using that way, yes. And if you get what you are looking for that way, that's great. But the base shape wasn't built intending it to ever be used as a replacement for a realistic person, no.
Well, I admit I'm curious to see how/where Victoria 9 HD Masculine (AKA Vick) improves upon just dialing Base Masculine onto Victoria and maybe tweaking a little. I AM buying the shape kit today, so maybe this afternoon I'll have some time to play around and do some comparisons.
I'm not buying the bundle because I'm tired of ridiculous bundle prices. I have an orange "because you own Victoria" banner and WITH that, the bundle in cart is $33.61. Might be acceptable if I liked everything in it, but I only like one of the hairs, the Wayfarer outfit is OK but meh, and I seldom use swords in my work (and my policy on buying weapon packs is that if they don't have hand poses they're useless). (There's an offer to give an extra 20% off if you throw in any other new release that's not in the bundle, but this is worthless; the cost of the extra item will offset the discount almost exactly--if I toss in the Wayfarer add-on just to see what happens, the cart is now $33.55. Feh.)
Far better, I think, to just buy the shape and then troll the Ancient Vicky sale to see if there's any old stuff worth grabbing for two dollars. (And as it happens, there are a couple of G3/G2/V4 cross-gen hairs in there which still have some use in them ...)
@columbine, if you pick it up, could you say what the extra chest textures are for? I'm not sure what they're for when V9 already has male chest textures.
The heels are in nearly all the promos - isn't that what you want? I think this one shows them most clearly:
ETA: Sorry, this seems to be another of those irritating Daz image links that are determined to download rather than display in another tab (which is what I requested in the image-adding dialog.
Those were recently added. As of this morning (my time) there were only two photos plus the cover. None of which showed the heels.
Ah, that's the advantage of me not looking in the shop until afternoon (my time) - most days the glitches have been shaken out by then!
Yeah - lots of new images added. Although still no of the mysterious book.
And a bit weird as it was released yesterday - so it have taken 1½ day to add them.
Vick still reads as female to me, even with the scruffy beard.
Well, searching for "vick" gave me some cleaning ingrdients, Michael Vick (american football player) and Vick Hope (some celebrity). So Itend to say you are right.
Yeah, me too.
Field report on Vick vs Victoria coming in just a moment.
OK, so, Vick ...
What you get in the "Victoria 9 HD Masculine Add-On" kit is two actor load icons, one HD and one not, four surface load icons, and three new shape sliders.
"Vick," loaded as an actor (HD version), has ALL of Victoria's normal sliders applied full-tilt. V9 Body, V9 Body HD Details, V9, V9 HD Details, V9 Proportions, V9 Head, V9 Head HD Details ... all remain at 100%. To these are added the three new sliders V9 Masculine Body, V9 Masculine, V9 Masculine Head ... all, again, applied at 100%.
Putting Victoria 9 next to Vick ... Vick has a slightly larger head, especially the forehead, top of cranium; a wider and more pronounced jaw; a slightly more pronounced chin; a male chest that actually does look like a male chest and not "we tried to shrink these breasts down to pectorals and failed"; and his eyebrows are level, not angled up to the outside corners like Victoria's. He is also considerably taller than Victoria, but wait for it ...
The fun bit (THIS IS WHAT'S SHOWN IN THE RENDER): We take Victoria and put on Base Masculine. No other changes, just apply Base Masculine 100%. We also adjust her Proportion Height to be the same as Vick's. Victoria's default Proportion height is a wee -4.5% (that's a minus sign in front, there); Vick's is 20.5%. NOW WE HAVE two figures who differ only in the angles of the eyebrows, the slight difference in head/jaw size, and the fact that Victoria still has definite breasts even with Base Masculine on. (And in the image, I have figleafed them with Vick's arm so the mods won't get mad, but take my word for it.)
So, bottom line, if you want a male version of Victoria this kit does provide a few things you can't get with just Base Masculine, notably the chest shape. But it doesn't provide much more than that.
Pax: Vick's nipples are actually in a different location. They're lower on the pectorals than they are if you try using Victoria's surfaces. You can see the change very clearly if you put Victoria's surface 1 on Vick instead of his own surface 1, then turn on his nipples so they stand up ... you get erect nipples where the areolae are NOT, and it looks very bizarre.
Do you have a comparison ? Your render doesn't show that much different in size.
I dig the eyebrows for some reason.
Sorry, that render is AFTER I have adjusted Victoria to have Base Masculine on and her Proportion Height set to the same as his. If the latter is not adjusted, Victoria's half a head shorter and can barely lift her chin high enough to rest it on his shoulder. I've edited my post to make it clearer what the render shows.
Oh sorry, I misunterdood the 20.5% in your message, I thought you dialied in Vick at 20.5 and didn't realise it was about the height.
I looked at Core figures I own, and it seems Vick is just slightly smaller than Olympia 9 (Proportion Height: 21%), so almost 10cm bigger than Victoria 9.
Vick is not a bad character but it's redundant for what's already out there. The cost of the pro bundle reflects the line continues to move for price increases. I wish my boss raised my salary at the same percentage rate we see for Daz products.
I don't like the character and will not be supporting this.
Yeah ... I don't regret my thirteen dollars, but Vick is definitely going to end up being used in mixes only, especially since if you want a slightly-more-butch version of Victoria 9 and you already own Freja 9, you can just put Victoria's surfaces on Freja 9, who was always Victoria's tougher older sister anyway.