Seems it failed to continue after the C++ update component.
Running it a second time solved the issue. (Had to uninstall it, then reinstall it after everything was done.)
Doing a test-render with a known-scene, for comparison. Though, honestly the original one to compare with was not fine-tuned for rendering. (First render on 4.6 had the normal disassociated banding like one of the lights was failing at the shader-levels between solid values of light. It had missing Red and Blue, leaving green stripes across my models, like wide-grain wood where the light-bands would normally have blended between solid-number values. Just reloaded and rerendered... then ended-up with red/blue random pixels showing through the alpha-layers on the hair. Those are easy to fix after rendering... Green bands are not easy to fix, when they span all objects randomly. xD)
I am about 7% after 20 minutes, into a new render, but only doing this one at 1200x2000 not 3000x5000... No, wait, I want this to be equal... Going to stop rendering and redo it at 3000x5000, like the other one. (So far, this one looks 10x better. It actually has self-shadows showing correctly and ambient-occulsion and cavity-shadows. Things the old rendering didn't handle well, or at all.)
Those render problems are indicative of using DeepShadowMaps for shadows. It's past time to put that beast to rest...there are deep seated problems with DSM that will never be resolved (core problems that date back to very early versions of 3DL and all Renderman-compliant renderers).
Those render problems are indicative of using DeepShadowMaps for shadows. It's past time to put that beast to rest...).
I agree... Maps are only for regurgitating recycled frame data, not actually intended to be used for still-frame rendering, where directly shading the individual pixel on the output is more than sufficient-enough. It's actually redundant to calculate a 4096 shadow-map over something that only consumes 1/100th that output at the camera, then choke trying to do that 400-times per object.
I am still waiting for someone to realize you only have to calculate the pixel-projection, not the light-rays, to determine what the output pixels should contain. But hey, all these rendering techniques are old-school anyways. They just have better tricks that were just a pipe-dream before we all got super-computers. Like windows... The CPU's got faster so windows made programs 200x sloppy/slower, and just said "Deal with it, it's still faster than Win95!"
But seriously though... The rendering engines spend forever looking at the same unchanged content within one pixel to determine which "random" value will be projected ultimately. (Since the true value would make it look like plastic, and random noise alone, just makes it look dirty.)
I also love that all these programs first calculate light, then calculate drawing shadows, then overlay lights, then sub-surface shadows, then sub-surface lights...
Last time I checked, everything in the world was dark and black when devoid of light. Should only need to calculate light, preiod, whereever it goes. {Classic ray-tracing} However, they need to do it backwards, from the pixel, from the camera, not from the infinate source of lights that radiate billions of places we don't even see within a rendering. Unlike the final rendering, if that were the starting path, to the surface, you would never waste any time rendering anything you can't see, as once you have that pixel, nothing-else behind it matters. Sort-of like point-clouds, but in reverse. Throw a ball outward until it hits something and sticks, once it does, throw the next one in a new direction. Normally they cover the whole 3D world with tennis-balls and then look to see which ones they see, then what brightness they are, then how much darker they should be, then what other balls are casting on those balls or seen through those balls... a big ray-cast mess of 10,000 hours just to render a 1080p icon of a world. xD
Still enjoying this program to the max, as well as all my other toys.
Now I just wish they could fix the base-models and work on some better form of content orginization... Oh, and pose-control, and model "spot adjusting" in 3D, for places where the models just have one or two sour spots that need that little "tweaking", which is a nightmare to attempt on a posed model, within the program.
Hmm... by my calculations, the rendered image should be finished in 28 hours (2% done in 33 minutes)... Might have to cut it short by a few hours, to make it post before the next release of DAZ-3D arrives.
Quick question... Where is the pause button? I see the "Continue", which is greyed-out, but there is no "pause rendering" button anywhere. (DO I just "Cancel", then it will continue from there? Cancel = Stop forever, Pause = Temporarily stop to let my CPU cool down for a moment while I browse for porn.)
Also, I wish they had a "load limit" option... Allowing it to pause between render-phases, so it just doesn't run 100% and fry our CPU's, in hope that we all have uber cooling for 33 hours of rendering. (Though, I can force CPU priority and percentages if I need-to. Windows has built-in thread-load data and CPU-temp data, and all sorts of goodies in API, to allow programs that are demanding like this, to not become thread-hogs and CPU killers.) {Talking about some of the prior posts and my own issues when the rendering engine dominates the whole computer to the point where I have to vent excess heat outside my home or crank-up the AC and ensure that not a spec of dust is on my CPU or GPU fans, just to keep the program from crashing fatally and losing all the progress. Oh, and a "continue" would be nice in those events too. As well as a "touch-up FIX ME" rendering option on a completed rendering where, some artifact shows, but it might not in a new render-pass that is less demanding, instead of rendering the whole thing or attempting partial renders and photoshop patchwork to blend it over the failed render section.}
Hmm... Seems to have failed to render, about 2 hours into the rendering...
The render window is up, but the rendering progress mini-window is gone and it is just sitting there doing nothing, but consuming 2,782MB of RAM... (Seems to be choking on 32-bit memory allocation, which it shouldn't be, as this is a 64-bit program and I have 16GB of RAM, with 4GB in VRAM, which it isn't even using because this is a Radeon card, which is what the majority of consumers has now, not NVIDIA. Thanks to the whole BitCoin explosion a few years back.)
Only option on the render-window is "Close" now... Now what do I do? Render again and wait two more hours for it to fail again, without any warning? (This is where the above suggestion about continuing where you left-off, after a crash, would come-in handy... Which requires pausing and saving render-data, and the rendered progress along the way, without user-input, with auto-crash detection being the fact that the final image was never completed.)
Doesn't look done, just looks like a noisy image that is incompletely rendered. Was only at 5% last time I checked, 2 hours into the rendering. (Looks more than 5% done, but it looked more than 0% done when it started.)
I'll try playing with settings to reduce the demand, but I realy wanted to use the default settings for the comparison. Any suggestions? (I'll still post the progress, so you can see that the end result, if I can figure-out how to save it with the save-button disabled. However, it isn't as detailed, obviously, as the other one... Since it never got to 100% complete.)
I covered-up the over-exposed semi-nudity, more than needed. (That wasn't the focus.) {If you must know, it's for a visual-novel, not one I am writing. Just happened to be the last thing I had rendered, prior to this update, that was available on this computer, as a saved project.}
The rendering on the left was from 4.6, with soft-shadows and a single directional light that had to be turned-down a LOT because it made them glow like lights themselves, when it was on standard brightness of "White", as if they were chrome-skinned or covered in talcum-powder.
Love the glowing-teeth, which is why 90% of models have mouths closed. The most notable issues I have with the old rendering setup and objects, was the lack of self-shadows known as ambient occlusion and other self-shadows just from overlapping body-parts or clothing that is attached to the models. Sometimes it is there, but most times it isn't and has to be painted-in post-render... Like inside the mouth, under they eyes, in the arm and leg-folds, crotches, hands over the body, shear clothing or normal clothing over flesh with a gap... (Coat-sleeves)... etc...
Oh, and the fact that all models get a tan between modeling and rendering... Possibly from those old 10,000,000 candle-power default lights.
Odd that my light was removed from the rendering on the new 4.8 setup and some back-light was added to the ambient lights that I don't have, and a distant light in the completely opposite direction of the only light source I do have... Great, we put lights and it ignores them completely, adding-in random lights that we don't have anywhere in the scene... WTF? (Go with it... Not something I can live with. Anyone know how to turn off those unseen lights that are not in the scene, and know how to get back my actual scene lighting?)
Take into account that the right image failed to complete rendering after 2 hours, about 5% into the rendering... Not bad for being only 5% complete. (This is reduced from 3000x5000 px to 1500x2500 px, for this sample. Both were 3000x5000 px each.)
The left image took only about 1.5 hours to render... Would take me another hour to post-edit to desired taste, after rendering, to get it to look similar to the one on the right side.
I want to KILL the Content Management Service. I thought it was NOT being used but it takes a while to get into DS because of "Connecting to CMS" on starting DS up so it very definitely IS being used. That alone is enough reason to uninstall it *IF* it cannot be controlled. My ISP is a slow DSL, and I don't want to see what is in the store in DS anyway. I WANT to see what is in ALL my runtimes though.
CMS has nothing to do with what's in the store, and doesn't access the internet. If you uninstall PostgreSQL CMS and set set "DAZ Content Management Service" to manual in Services then it won't be running.
@ JD: You're upset about the IRAY renderers lighting? Just do not add any lights to the scene at all. Also, IRAY uses IBL so you will want to look into playing around with the Image in the IBL. You can rotate it, move it around, replace it with different ones and so on. I managed to get some very impressive (and quick!) renders on my second day using the new release. And it was using IRAY. Yeah I have a tiny little Nvidia card. EVGA GF 740 sc 2 gig card, and IRAY uses every bit of that 2 gigs and all the CUDA cores for the rendering. It works really well, though I am in agreement with others in that WE need a way to tell it how much CPU and system ram it is allowed to use. And it needs to obey those settings. It is pretty awful having to walk away from this rig for the duration of a render.
CMS has nothing to do with what's in the store, and doesn't access the internet. If you uninstall PostgreSQL CMS and set set "DAZ Content Management Service" to manual in Services then it won't be running.
I am now wondering what this message means then: "Connecting to CMS" ?
CMS has nothing to do with what's in the store, and doesn't access the internet. If you uninstall PostgreSQL CMS and set set "DAZ Content Management Service" to manual in Services then it won't be running.
I am now wondering what this message means then: "Connecting to CMS" ?
That message means that Daz Studio is in the process of attaching to your CMS database on your local machine, via the loopback/localhost address ( - a special internet address that goes NOWHERE near the internet and nowhere near any networrk interface as it is dealt with internally). An analogy would be if your compuetr was a hotel and the front entrance was your network card and the receptionist the part of your Operating System that handles networks. If your computer wants to get data/content from, say, the DAZ site it taps the doorman on the shoulder and says, "go get me data from" The receptionist looks to see if they know the name (DNS lookup) and if they find that they are 'not a resident' the request gets 'thrown out' into the big wide world (maybe the doorman hails a cab for the request? ;)) through the front doors. If, however, the data you want is known to be a 'guest' (i.e., using a 'room number') all that happens is that a bellhop is collared to go get the data for you.
I am now wondering what this message means then: "Connecting to CMS" ?
DS connects to the database installed with the content management service, so that it knows what to display in Smart Content pane for example. But that it a local connection only, it doesn't use the internet at all for that.
CMS has nothing to do with what's in the store, and doesn't access the internet. If you uninstall PostgreSQL CMS and set set "DAZ Content Management Service" to manual in Services then it won't be running.
I am now wondering what this message means then: "Connecting to CMS" ?
It means that it is attempting to connect to the database, which, if it doesn't exist, may take longer to try to connect. Though the ore likely situation is you have ZoneAlarm installed and the PostgreSQL database.
The Content Management Service does not connect to the Internet, it does not connect to your network, unless (with PostgreSQL) you specifically decided to have your database on a different computer and went in and changed settings to work in an unsupported way. It is entirely internal to your machine. The only time, in testing, that it slows things down is when you have ZoneAlarm installed due to a long standing issue with Zonealarm.
Click the little icon in the upper right corner of the forums and select "My Drafts", then click the 'X' button to the right of whichever draft(s) you wish to delete.
Click the little icon in the upper right corner of the forums and select "My Drafts", then click the 'X' button to the right of whichever draft(s) you wish to delete.
@ Everyone replying to my queries: THANKS! I do grasp the networking stuff a bit, been doing the PC thang for an amazing and wonder filled 35 year long adventure now. AS a home user, amateur, and avid adventurer.
The DAZ3D site and D|S were my first steps into this neck of the woods, this segment of the 3D industry called a "cottage industry". Quaint, but usable descriptor I guess. SO in answer to all these posts I am grateful for:
I have a 1 TB SATA HD dedicated to CONTENT. The vast majority of my content is for Poser/D|S. Next is Vue, then ZBrush and Modo 401. That drive currently has 29 Runtimes with both Poser and D|S formats, two of the runtimes are D|S formats only. None are Poser only. That's cause DAZ cheated, they DO use Poser formats but Poser don't use DAZ formats, as we all know. Working with Richard Haseltine, fixmypcmike and a couple other good folks we worked out that D|S is pretty smart about finding and using its content in quite a number of arrangements. With the DATA folder in the right place, both Poser and D|S are able to quickly find content in all of these Runtimes. D|S is a bit smarter about it all in that it handles stuff in the Content folder perfectly well. AS LONG AS DATA is in the right place. IN the same folder Runtime is located AND (where it exists) the Content folder too. This also says that all 29 of the Runtimes are fully able to be both D|S and Poser native. And, SO FAR, this is working just fine with Poser Pro and PP 2014 and D|S 4.8, and evenThe new CMS is a treat as it runs only when D|S runs, it unloads itself handily when D|S is exited. And once you tell D|S where all your content is, the CMS has no problem finding and displaying all the lovely content. I was concerned that the CMS might have been talking to my DAZ Product Library online. Evidently it is not. The database is simply stored externally. Now that I know what it is doing, I appreciate it telling me that it is doing it! Thank you all!
Just want to add that D|S is running fine and able to load the Poser content ok. Lots and lots of poke thru though. heh!
Just want to say @McG. Vue, Zbrush and Modo are awesome, but don't forget about Bryce 7.1 pro. It's a great bit of software that's highly underestimated, and you'd be surprised at everything it can do. I have no regrets about getting it ;-)
Hey WhiteFox! I too have Bryce 7.1 pro, and it IS installed, and I cranked it up just for this occasion. Had to go get the serial number for Bryce 7 Pro. That entered, the normal, exasperatingly cryptic interface develops before my eyes. Yep, then I found a Bryce sample file and loaded it. Diamonds! Bryce DOES have the ability to do some amazing things. Don Tatro (rest his soul!) used Bryce a lot, and he was able to produce some very interesting scenes ten years ago. So, the whole thing about getting Bryce to do these things is getting to know Bryce interface and tools. Honestly it can't be as bad as Photoshop now can it? I actually hold hope that I will get to know Bryce as well as I know Poser and D|S. Which is why it's already installed, and running right now. I believe there are a number of DAZzers in the forums here that are also Bryce-ites, ChoHole being one. I think he gave me links to some tuts on using the interface once. I will have a look see!
. I believe there are a number of DAZzers in the forums here that are also Bryce-ites, ChoHole being one. I think he gave me links to some tuts on using the interface once. I will have a look see!
Chohole is female, and if you click on my banner you will see we have quite a lively Bryce forum here
The appear in the auxillary viewport, but not in the main and they won't render in any of the rendering engines.
What happened?
You are in Smooth Sahded preview mode - click the sphere next to the camera/view list at top-right of the viewport and pick a new mode (Texture Shaded presumably) or press cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win)-9 for texture shaded mode. (I removed your screenshot as the Aux viewport was showing a nude figure.)
Problem above solved...
Seems it failed to continue after the C++ update component.
Running it a second time solved the issue. (Had to uninstall it, then reinstall it after everything was done.)
Doing a test-render with a known-scene, for comparison. Though, honestly the original one to compare with was not fine-tuned for rendering. (First render on 4.6 had the normal disassociated banding like one of the lights was failing at the shader-levels between solid values of light. It had missing Red and Blue, leaving green stripes across my models, like wide-grain wood where the light-bands would normally have blended between solid-number values. Just reloaded and rerendered... then ended-up with red/blue random pixels showing through the alpha-layers on the hair. Those are easy to fix after rendering... Green bands are not easy to fix, when they span all objects randomly. xD)
I am about 7% after 20 minutes, into a new render, but only doing this one at 1200x2000 not 3000x5000... No, wait, I want this to be equal... Going to stop rendering and redo it at 3000x5000, like the other one. (So far, this one looks 10x better. It actually has self-shadows showing correctly and ambient-occulsion and cavity-shadows. Things the old rendering didn't handle well, or at all.)
BRB, setting the render to uber-resolution.
Those render problems are indicative of using DeepShadowMaps for shadows. It's past time to put that beast to rest...there are deep seated problems with DSM that will never be resolved (core problems that date back to very early versions of 3DL and all Renderman-compliant renderers).
I agree... Maps are only for regurgitating recycled frame data, not actually intended to be used for still-frame rendering, where directly shading the individual pixel on the output is more than sufficient-enough. It's actually redundant to calculate a 4096 shadow-map over something that only consumes 1/100th that output at the camera, then choke trying to do that 400-times per object.
I am still waiting for someone to realize you only have to calculate the pixel-projection, not the light-rays, to determine what the output pixels should contain. But hey, all these rendering techniques are old-school anyways. They just have better tricks that were just a pipe-dream before we all got super-computers. Like windows... The CPU's got faster so windows made programs 200x sloppy/slower, and just said "Deal with it, it's still faster than Win95!"
But seriously though... The rendering engines spend forever looking at the same unchanged content within one pixel to determine which "random" value will be projected ultimately. (Since the true value would make it look like plastic, and random noise alone, just makes it look dirty.)
I also love that all these programs first calculate light, then calculate drawing shadows, then overlay lights, then sub-surface shadows, then sub-surface lights...
Last time I checked, everything in the world was dark and black when devoid of light. Should only need to calculate light, preiod, whereever it goes. {Classic ray-tracing} However, they need to do it backwards, from the pixel, from the camera, not from the infinate source of lights that radiate billions of places we don't even see within a rendering. Unlike the final rendering, if that were the starting path, to the surface, you would never waste any time rendering anything you can't see, as once you have that pixel, nothing-else behind it matters. Sort-of like point-clouds, but in reverse. Throw a ball outward until it hits something and sticks, once it does, throw the next one in a new direction. Normally they cover the whole 3D world with tennis-balls and then look to see which ones they see, then what brightness they are, then how much darker they should be, then what other balls are casting on those balls or seen through those balls... a big ray-cast mess of 10,000 hours just to render a 1080p icon of a world. xD
Still enjoying this program to the max, as well as all my other toys.
Now I just wish they could fix the base-models and work on some better form of content orginization... Oh, and pose-control, and model "spot adjusting" in 3D, for places where the models just have one or two sour spots that need that little "tweaking", which is a nightmare to attempt on a posed model, within the program.
Hmm... by my calculations, the rendered image should be finished in 28 hours (2% done in 33 minutes)... Might have to cut it short by a few hours, to make it post before the next release of DAZ-3D arrives.
Quick question... Where is the pause button? I see the "Continue", which is greyed-out, but there is no "pause rendering" button anywhere. (DO I just "Cancel", then it will continue from there? Cancel = Stop forever, Pause = Temporarily stop to let my CPU cool down for a moment while I browse for porn.)
Also, I wish they had a "load limit" option... Allowing it to pause between render-phases, so it just doesn't run 100% and fry our CPU's, in hope that we all have uber cooling for 33 hours of rendering. (Though, I can force CPU priority and percentages if I need-to. Windows has built-in thread-load data and CPU-temp data, and all sorts of goodies in API, to allow programs that are demanding like this, to not become thread-hogs and CPU killers.) {Talking about some of the prior posts and my own issues when the rendering engine dominates the whole computer to the point where I have to vent excess heat outside my home or crank-up the AC and ensure that not a spec of dust is on my CPU or GPU fans, just to keep the program from crashing fatally and losing all the progress. Oh, and a "continue" would be nice in those events too. As well as a "touch-up FIX ME" rendering option on a completed rendering where, some artifact shows, but it might not in a new render-pass that is less demanding, instead of rendering the whole thing or attempting partial renders and photoshop patchwork to blend it over the failed render section.}
Hmm... Seems to have failed to render, about 2 hours into the rendering...
The render window is up, but the rendering progress mini-window is gone and it is just sitting there doing nothing, but consuming 2,782MB of RAM... (Seems to be choking on 32-bit memory allocation, which it shouldn't be, as this is a 64-bit program and I have 16GB of RAM, with 4GB in VRAM, which it isn't even using because this is a Radeon card, which is what the majority of consumers has now, not NVIDIA. Thanks to the whole BitCoin explosion a few years back.)
Only option on the render-window is "Close" now... Now what do I do? Render again and wait two more hours for it to fail again, without any warning? (This is where the above suggestion about continuing where you left-off, after a crash, would come-in handy... Which requires pausing and saving render-data, and the rendered progress along the way, without user-input, with auto-crash detection being the fact that the final image was never completed.)
Doesn't look done, just looks like a noisy image that is incompletely rendered. Was only at 5% last time I checked, 2 hours into the rendering. (Looks more than 5% done, but it looked more than 0% done when it started.)
I'll try playing with settings to reduce the demand, but I realy wanted to use the default settings for the comparison. Any suggestions? (I'll still post the progress, so you can see that the end result, if I can figure-out how to save it with the save-button disabled. However, it isn't as detailed, obviously, as the other one... Since it never got to 100% complete.)
I covered-up the over-exposed semi-nudity, more than needed. (That wasn't the focus.) {If you must know, it's for a visual-novel, not one I am writing. Just happened to be the last thing I had rendered, prior to this update, that was available on this computer, as a saved project.}
The rendering on the left was from 4.6, with soft-shadows and a single directional light that had to be turned-down a LOT because it made them glow like lights themselves, when it was on standard brightness of "White", as if they were chrome-skinned or covered in talcum-powder.
Love the glowing-teeth, which is why 90% of models have mouths closed. The most notable issues I have with the old rendering setup and objects, was the lack of self-shadows known as ambient occlusion and other self-shadows just from overlapping body-parts or clothing that is attached to the models. Sometimes it is there, but most times it isn't and has to be painted-in post-render... Like inside the mouth, under they eyes, in the arm and leg-folds, crotches, hands over the body, shear clothing or normal clothing over flesh with a gap... (Coat-sleeves)... etc...
Oh, and the fact that all models get a tan between modeling and rendering... Possibly from those old 10,000,000 candle-power default lights.
Odd that my light was removed from the rendering on the new 4.8 setup and some back-light was added to the ambient lights that I don't have, and a distant light in the completely opposite direction of the only light source I do have... Great, we put lights and it ignores them completely, adding-in random lights that we don't have anywhere in the scene... WTF? (Go with it... Not something I can live with. Anyone know how to turn off those unseen lights that are not in the scene, and know how to get back my actual scene lighting?)
Take into account that the right image failed to complete rendering after 2 hours, about 5% into the rendering... Not bad for being only 5% complete. (This is reduced from 3000x5000 px to 1500x2500 px, for this sample. Both were 3000x5000 px each.)
The left image took only about 1.5 hours to render... Would take me another hour to post-edit to desired taste, after rendering, to get it to look similar to the one on the right side.
Image removed by Moderator
I want to KILL the Content Management Service. I thought it was NOT being used but it takes a while to get into DS because of "Connecting to CMS" on starting DS up so it very definitely IS being used. That alone is enough reason to uninstall it *IF* it cannot be controlled. My ISP is a slow DSL, and I don't want to see what is in the store in DS anyway. I WANT to see what is in ALL my runtimes though.
Thanks In Advance!
CMS has nothing to do with what's in the store, and doesn't access the internet. If you uninstall PostgreSQL CMS and set set "DAZ Content Management Service" to manual in Services then it won't be running.
@ JD: You're upset about the IRAY renderers lighting? Just do not add any lights to the scene at all. Also, IRAY uses IBL so you will want to look into playing around with the Image in the IBL. You can rotate it, move it around, replace it with different ones and so on. I managed to get some very impressive (and quick!) renders on my second day using the new release. And it was using IRAY. Yeah I have a tiny little Nvidia card. EVGA GF 740 sc 2 gig card, and IRAY uses every bit of that 2 gigs and all the CUDA cores for the rendering. It works really well, though I am in agreement with others in that WE need a way to tell it how much CPU and system ram it is allowed to use. And it needs to obey those settings. It is pretty awful having to walk away from this rig for the duration of a render.
Where is the CANCEL button for posts in progress? How about a DELETE button for our own posts?
I am now wondering what this message means then: "Connecting to CMS" ?
That message means that Daz Studio is in the process of attaching to your CMS database on your local machine, via the loopback/localhost address ( - a special internet address that goes NOWHERE near the internet and nowhere near any networrk interface as it is dealt with internally). An analogy would be if your compuetr was a hotel and the front entrance was your network card and the receptionist the part of your Operating System that handles networks. If your computer wants to get data/content from, say, the DAZ site it taps the doorman on the shoulder and says, "go get me data from" The receptionist looks to see if they know the name (DNS lookup) and if they find that they are 'not a resident' the request gets 'thrown out' into the big wide world (maybe the doorman hails a cab for the request? ;)) through the front doors. If, however, the data you want is known to be a 'guest' (i.e., using a 'room number') all that happens is that a bellhop is collared to go get the data for you.
If you have posts in progress you should see a "My Drafts" entry in the "gear" menu, you can cancel your drafts there.
DS connects to the database installed with the content management service, so that it knows what to display in Smart Content pane for example. But that it a local connection only, it doesn't use the internet at all for that.
It means that it is attempting to connect to the database, which, if it doesn't exist, may take longer to try to connect. Though the ore likely situation is you have ZoneAlarm installed and the PostgreSQL database.
The Content Management Service does not connect to the Internet, it does not connect to your network, unless (with PostgreSQL) you specifically decided to have your database on a different computer and went in and changed settings to work in an unsupported way. It is entirely internal to your machine. The only time, in testing, that it slows things down is when you have ZoneAlarm installed due to a long standing issue with Zonealarm.
Just how many runtimes do you have and how many of them are DAZ native and how many are Poser native formats?
Click the little icon in the upper right corner of the forums and select "My Drafts", then click the 'X' button to the right of whichever draft(s) you wish to delete.
That I don't see. Although you could edit the post to remove a coment, just replace your text with "post deleted" or something I suppose.
Posts aren't deleted. Even we do not delete posts, we move them out of sight.
@ Everyone replying to my queries: THANKS! I do grasp the networking stuff a bit, been doing the PC thang for an amazing and wonder filled 35 year long adventure now. AS a home user, amateur, and avid adventurer.
SO in answer to all these posts I am grateful for:
The DAZ3D site and D|S were my first steps into this neck of the woods, this segment of the 3D industry called a "cottage industry". Quaint, but usable descriptor I guess.
I have a 1 TB SATA HD dedicated to CONTENT. The vast majority of my content is for Poser/D|S. Next is Vue, then ZBrush and Modo 401. That drive currently has 29 Runtimes with both Poser and D|S formats, two of the runtimes are D|S formats only. None are Poser only. That's cause DAZ cheated, they DO use Poser formats but Poser don't use DAZ formats, as we all know.
Working with Richard Haseltine, fixmypcmike and a couple other good folks we worked out that D|S is pretty smart about finding and using its content in quite a number of arrangements. With the DATA folder in the right place, both Poser and D|S are able to quickly find content in all of these Runtimes. D|S is a bit smarter about it all in that it handles stuff in the Content folder perfectly well. AS LONG AS DATA is in the right place. IN the same folder Runtime is located AND (where it exists) the Content folder too. This also says that all 29 of the Runtimes are fully able to be both D|S and Poser native. And, SO FAR, this is working just fine with Poser Pro and PP 2014 and D|S 4.8, and evenThe new CMS is a treat as it runs only when D|S runs, it unloads itself handily when D|S is exited. And once you tell D|S where all your content is, the CMS has no problem finding and displaying all the lovely content. I was concerned that the CMS might have been talking to my DAZ Product Library online. Evidently it is not. The database is simply stored externally. Now that I know what it is doing, I appreciate it telling me that it is doing it! Thank you all!
Just want to add that D|S is running fine and able to load the Poser content ok. Lots and lots of poke thru though. heh!
Just want to say @McG. Vue, Zbrush and Modo are awesome, but don't forget about Bryce 7.1 pro. It's a great bit of software that's highly underestimated, and you'd be surprised at everything it can do. I have no regrets about getting it ;-)
Hey WhiteFox! I too have Bryce 7.1 pro, and it IS installed, and I cranked it up just for this occasion. Had to go get the serial number for Bryce 7 Pro. That entered, the normal, exasperatingly cryptic interface develops before my eyes. Yep, then I found a Bryce sample file and loaded it. Diamonds! Bryce DOES have the ability to do some amazing things. Don Tatro (rest his soul!) used Bryce a lot, and he was able to produce some very interesting scenes ten years ago. So, the whole thing about getting Bryce to do these things is getting to know Bryce interface and tools. Honestly it can't be as bad as Photoshop now can it? I actually hold hope that I will get to know Bryce as well as I know Poser and D|S. Which is why it's already installed, and running right now. I believe there are a number of DAZzers in the forums here that are also Bryce-ites, ChoHole being one. I think he gave me links to some tuts on using the interface once. I will have a look see!
Where did my materials go?
The appear in the auxillary viewport, but not in the main and they won't render in any of the rendering engines.
What happened?
Chohole is female, and if you click on my banner you will see we have quite a lively Bryce forum here
You are in Smooth Sahded preview mode - click the sphere next to the camera/view list at top-right of the viewport and pick a new mode (Texture Shaded presumably) or press cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win)-9 for texture shaded mode. (I removed your screenshot as the Aux viewport was showing a nude figure.)
I did click on your banner chohole, and I thank you for all the cool textures to the various clothing! :D
In actually meant my Bryce image banner, takes you to the Bryce forum, and right at the top of it is a whole long list of Tutorials.
How can I set Texture Compression correctly ? I feel it may change for each PC perfomance. and CPU GPU setting.
I check nvida iray blog, or 3ds MAX documents but it seems different about DAZ stuido render setting>advanced>textre compresison
Just tell me, how I set these. and how they work please. eg when I set High as 4096 medium as 1024
what happen? which texture will be compressed, and how it work? what is different, about high or medium?
how ds decide to compress texture or not, when iray render?
then,, when DAZ finish manuall , about render advanced setting?
I have not seen any progress, it still wip, after DAZ release product ver of ds 4.8.
And it is same about Editor page too. About Render mode , Progressive rendring, Optimazation,Filtering etc .
Or DAZ plan to sell documents about these too?
Here is the info you will need:
Hope these help, use the search function in those pages for anything else you might need.
Hi rogerbee thanks, but I have already read your linked page ^^; I could render some pic with iray.
so that about basic, I do not feel many problems. (though I can not say what is basic or not about iray render)
But there is no discribe which I want to know ,, as official documents.
hope to know each detail of setting as official documents. I hope you understand why I ask here
(it seems official topic about daz studio 4.8 then I hope I get answer as official)
but if you know clear about texture compression setting already, and have advice, teach me please,
I hope to learn it now
There must be something in here: