DAZ Studio Pro, General Release, Now Available! [*UPDATED*]



  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    More like "that's not how it works" — you can smooth multiple objects against the same target if you have them all selected at once, or you can smooth them against different targets if you do it one at a time. What you can't do is smooth a single object against multiple targets.

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited December 1969

    did update again today?
    I finally got it in last night and everything running again... and I opened the install manager and it declared it was going to update daz and install gen 3.--- which it did last night
    is this a installer glitch or was there a new update today?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    alanbard said:
    did update again today?
    I finally got it in last night and everything running again... and I opened the install manager and it declared it was going to update daz and install gen 3.--- which it did last night
    is this a installer glitch or was there a new update today?

    I haven't seen any update today. Are they still showing in the Installed tab?

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited December 1969

    it didn't show in any tab...
    the install manager popped a box and said I'm installing this.
    I did it last night, too.
    didn't show any activity bar or download speed.
    I only knew it had finished when I did a get info on the daz4 exe and it said .89 instead of .66 which it had earlier...
    well, that and the fact it went from two second blank renders to rendering things again.
    but tonight when I logging in to daz with the install manager it wanted to do it all over again.
    I told it no...

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    DIM does not download automatically, it will "Install After Download" automatically if you have that box checked, so don't have it checked.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited December 1969

    Well, G3F definitely had an update today. Showed up in Product Updates and everything.

    And in a related question: are Genesis 3 Starter Essentials and G3F going to get product readme pages? I went to the wiki to see what was updated, and Genesis 3 Starter Essentials page stub says it hasn't even been released yet.

    Victoria 7 does have a product readme, but since she didn't get updated, there's no help there.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    I've reported the missing readme.
    Comparing the update to the original, I see 3 sets of changes:
    1) changed material selection sets,
    2) added expressions,
    3) changed poses 1 and 15

  • alan bard newcomeralan bard newcomer Posts: 2,248
    edited December 1969

    hmm, system ate my reply from yesterday...
    I have no auto installs*...
    I have about 70 custom named folders and install into those..
    both times it just flashed a message and say I'm going to do this...
    I just refreshed and the G3 update is there as a download....
    *of any kind if I can avoid it, I don't want anything going in to the computer that I don't vet.

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited December 1969

    I've reported the missing readme.
    Comparing the update to the original, I see 3 sets of changes:
    1) changed material selection sets,
    2) added expressions,
    3) changed poses 1 and 15

    Thank you so much for going through and figuring that out, and for reporting the missing readme.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome. The readme is up now.

  • WhiteFoxWhiteFox Posts: 92
    edited December 1969

    Um. . . Not sure if anyone else is having this issue but I just DL'd the G3 F update and opened Studio, loaded G3 and when I went to pose her eyes to make her look left I noticed her eyes went crazy. The left eye went up, and the right eye went down!?! Also some of the other sliders give weird results too.
    Can anyone else confirm this before I submit a bug report please?

    Thanks in advance.

  • ZeuxidamusZeuxidamus Posts: 87
    edited December 1969

    Um. . . Not sure if anyone else is having this issue but I just DL'd the G3 F update and opened Studio, loaded G3 and when I went to pose her eyes to make her look left I noticed her eyes went crazy. The left eye went up, and the right eye went down!?! Also some of the other sliders give weird results too.
    Can anyone else confirm this before I submit a bug report please?

    Thanks in advance.

    Just checked and everything is working fine for me with the update installed

  • WhiteFoxWhiteFox Posts: 92
    edited July 2015

    Cool, thanks zeuxidamus1. I'm in the process of uninstalling and reinstalling now. I recall not seeing 'new content' lit up like normally so I think something went wrong during the first attempt at updating.

    thank you again.

    (EDIT) Everything installed fine, no more issues. Thank you for the assistance.

    Post edited by WhiteFox on
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    edited December 1969

    when I went to pose her eyes to make her look left I noticed her eyes went crazy. The left eye went up, and the right eye went down!?!

    The only eye oddity I've noticed is that the left-right slider works backwards from the earlier figures. Which makes a certain amount of sense, when you think about it.

    "Look left. No, not your left, my left."

  • BladeNinjaBladeNinja Posts: 18
    edited December 1969

    This may have been answer and if so please lead me to the right area... I have DAZ Studio 3 content and files saved to DAZ Studio 3 and DAZ Studio 4.7 also with saved content and files installed. If i get rid of DAZ Studio 3. Will all my saved content get deleted as well including my files i have saved??? I want to upgrade to 4.8 but not sure what will happen if i delete both DAZ3 and 4.7 to upgrade to 4.8...

  • McGrandpaMcGrandpa Posts: 464
    edited December 1969

    Oh wow. I can only speak to this one as a "dual user" of both Poser and DS. I use only external runtimes/content installations of my content. I currently have 29 active Runtimes. I have seen that uninstalling either DS or Poser completely does not change anything at all with those external runtimes. It MIGHT affect content installed into the programs install location. Upgrading DS usually creates a new version named folder in its installation folders. BUT, the default now is to create and maintain USER folders. I do not allow this in my system. ALL content for ALL programs WILL go to external runtimes. Be it DS, Poser, Carrara, Modo, ZBrush, Vue or MilkShape3D. All use the external runtimes for all content. This eliminates the kind of problem you are concerned about.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    4.8 can co-exist with DS3...just like it did with 4.7.

    And the install process will uninstall 4.7, leaving all your saved scenes/files alone, especially if you used the DIM to install 4.7.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Yes, you can keep DS3 installed, but if you do uninstall it, only the content which was installed with the application will be removed. However, I would recommend keeping it installed if you can, as the .daz file format is a problematic one, which is why DS4.5+ no longer save scenes in that format. In some cases .daz scene files won't open in 4.5+ (although I haven't had any problems with scenes saved in DS3, only some saved in 4.0).

  • GeorgehazeGeorgehaze Posts: 177
    edited December 1969

    I believe that I've found a bug in the new version...

    Currently, I have both "Version Pro-Edition (64-bit)" and the "Version Pro-Edition (64-bit) Public Build" installed.

    The functionality of the 'Copy Parameter Settings' and 'Paste Settings to Selected Nodes' commands do not appear to be functioning in the 'Public Build' version while they still work just fine in the non-Public Build version.

    Just thought that you'd like a heads up on this.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,871
    edited July 2015

    I believe that I've found a bug in the new version...

    Currently, I have both "Version Pro-Edition (64-bit)" and the "Version Pro-Edition (64-bit) Public Build" installed.

    The functionality of the 'Copy Parameter Settings' and 'Paste Settings to Selected Nodes' commands do not appear to be functioning in the 'Public Build' version while they still work just fine in the non-Public Build version.

    Just thought that you'd like a heads up on this.

    Copy Figure/Paste Figure are working as expected for me in The last beta I have is .56.

    Sorry, I misread. EditCopy >Copy Selected item(s), Edit>Paste>Paste to Selected Node(s0 is working for me. Are those the commands you are looking at?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • GeorgehazeGeorgehaze Posts: 177
    edited December 1969

    Apparently, what had been "Edit>Paste Shape to Selected Item(s)" is now replaced by "Edit>Paste Pose to Selected Item(s)"

    At the very least, on my machine, that is the case.

    As long as I'm aware of it, I can work around it.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Apparently, what had been "Edit>Paste Shape to Selected Item(s)" is now replaced by "Edit>Paste Pose to Selected Item(s)"

    At the very least, on my machine, that is the case.

    As long as I'm aware of it, I can work around it.


    There's both paste shape and paste pose.

  • NosiferretNosiferret Posts: 339
    edited July 2015

    I have updated to 4.8 as of last night and everything seemed to be going ok until just recently. I'm trying to make my own poses and when I tried one of the poses on V6 I now can't target anything on her to move. I thought maybe it was my pose, so I restarted Studio and brought up a plain V6, she's in dafult pose stance and she shows up in Parameters, but if I want to start posing, I click on say her arm, nothing changes in the parameters. The cursor hovers over limb I see a message displayed what item it is, but if I click or double click I do not go to that location in the parameters.

    Have I clicked on something that keeps this from happening? Is it a 4.8 bug?

    this started happening last night, after I restarted Studio and went back into my scene, I could target fine. Now, that trick does not work.

    Edit: I think I might have figured it out. Somehow the Node Selection under Tools was off...I went clicking on things on a whim and it happened to be that one. don't know how it got turned off I know I didn't click on it via the menu but maybe I hit keys by mistake that was a short cut to it? ...but so far I can click on the defaulted Vic figure, now to see about the poses I made/saved.

    Post edited by Nosiferret on
  • BladeNinjaBladeNinja Posts: 18
    edited December 1969

    Thank you guys i for the replies. I do keep DS3 on the computer still seeing how i'm not the type to want to go back and redownload everything i have on DS3, let alone some of the third party stuff i've add (and no longer remember where i got it from) lol.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Thank you guys i for the replies. I do keep DS3 on the computer still seeing how i'm not the type to want to go back and redownload everything i have on DS3, let alone some of the third party stuff i've add (and no longer remember where i got it from) lol.

    BTW, you can add your DS3 content folders to DS4 so it can use them (and if you use categories in DS3 you can import them into DS4).

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 435
    edited December 1969

    I was hoping that the Bryce Bridge would be fixed. I read in the first or second post of this thread that it has been fixed, so I am going to test that and see how well it works.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited July 2015

    Is anything being done to address the appalling slugishness? The program is practically unusable. I'd go back to 4.7 (which actually *worked*) except that I'm already seeing content that demands 4.8.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    JOdel, I'm not sure what sort of sluggishness your seeing. Is it when you have the main window set (and in some causes the aux view) to interactive? I know for scene set up (frequent changes) it can be easier to move it back to texture shaded to work.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    For me 4.8 is sluggish and unresponsive. You can't click on a item, either in the scene or in the scene list, to select it. You have to click and *hold* before it will select. The transformation sliders don't respond smoothly or readily.

    You can't just click and drag the scene commander controls (pan, zoom, and the widget that adjusts the view angle), you have to click and hold and press down, drag, and *drag* (all the way across your desktop) pressing down like death on the mouse button before it will budge at all, and it still is reluctant to move. And then once you bet the angle where you want it you have to let go and just sit there for most of a minute, because the mouse button doesn't release and if you move the mouse the least little bit, the scene follows, even though you are no longer holding the button *at all,* and then it is just as reluctant to follow when you have to *start all over again* to fix it.

    The scene will suddenly arbitrarily jump to some other view, either well to the back or to the side or completely turn around and be looking at things from the back (or not at the scene at all, and you have to go and *find* it), at a whole different distance, even though you have done *nothing*. I have *no idea* what is making it do this.

    I swear, this version of the program is an even more uphill battle to work with than DS3. (But at least in this version shaders apply.)

  • jtbetheljtbethel Posts: 43
    edited December 1969

    Two things I've found makes Daz sluggish

    1. Having Nvidia Iray view selected in either the Main or Aux viewport. (Best set to Texture Shaded)

    2. Having "show hidden properties" ticked in the little options pulldown for Parameters.

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