DAZ Studio Pro BETA [Project Iradium] - RELEASE CANDIDATE 3 - version! **UPDATED**



  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    nicstt said:
    Why don't you try setting it up on a virtual machine with virtual box; been considering that myself. :) No idea if can install nvidia drivers within a virtual machine though.

    Because I don't actually own a version of Windows newer than XP (legitimate or otherwise...and it's only 32 bit)...and I have no intention of buying one. Especially Win8...it took 2 days to get my wife's new laptop up and running...and I still don't like it. In my opinion, Win8 makes WinME look good.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited May 2015

    ...I just noticed that the new shader presets do not open the full range of sliders that the Daz Uber Iray shaders do. Applied the Carpet Measured shader to a prop in a scene but it came out dark grey (even when I clicked 'Ignore" and there are no diffuse/glossy colour sliders to adjust. Same for the Adonised Aluminum shader.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • JackFosterJackFoster Posts: 143
    edited May 2015

    Edit: Never mind, I see it now.

    Post edited by JackFoster on
  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    Documentation in PDF format! Awesome!!

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885
    edited May 2015

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...I just noticed that the new shader presets do not open the full range of sliders that the Daz Uber Iray shaders do. Applied the Carpet Measured shader to a prop in a scene but it came out dark grey (even whnIclicked 'Ignore" and there are no diffuse/glossy colour sliders to adjust. Same for the Adonised Aluminum shader.

    That's because those are procedural shaders, defined by a MDL script, you can find them under the folder:

    "yout install path"\DAZStudio4 Public Build\shaders\iray\nvidia

    One of the advantages of Iray materials is that you can use this material as the base to create new ones... but, it requires you the dive in Shader Mixer waters...

    For example you can grab the Carpet Measured shader and by using Material Editors you can add Cutouts, Flakes, Dust, Top Coat, etc. to create interesting effects.

    I added a layer to the Carpet with a nice orange color layer, in the right pane you can see the sliders.

    1920 x 938 - 196K
    600 x 600 - 669K
    Post edited by jag11 on
  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:
    3delight seems much slower to me. Have to test more scenes, but so far, well. Anybody else? I've checked render settings and UE2 parms.

    Quoting myself here.

    Yes, 3Delight is slower. An image I did that took 1 min 45 sec in the older Beta took 2 minutes and 8 seconds in the release candidate. It used UE2.
    I checked the settings on UE2 (I was concentrating on those and know what I was working with) and also the render settings where I had upped the shadow samples for the final render and the shading rate was the same as well.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited May 2015

    jag11 said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...I just noticed that the new shader presets do not open the full range of sliders that the Daz Uber Iray shaders do. Applied the Carpet Measured shader to a prop in a scene but it came out dark grey (even whnIclicked 'Ignore" and there are no diffuse/glossy colour sliders to adjust. Same for the Adonised Aluminum shader.

    That's because those are procedural shaders, defined by a MDL script, you can find them under the folder:

    "yout install path"\DAZStudio4 Public Build\shaders\iray\nvidia

    One of the advantages of Iray materials is that you can use this material as the base to create new ones... but, it requires you the dive in Shader Mixer waters...

    For example you can grab the Carpet Measured shader and by using Material Editors you can add Cutouts, Flakes, Dust, Top Coat, etc. to create interesting effects.

    I added a layer to the Carpet with a nice orange color layer, in the right pane you can see the sliders.

    ...bugger, so for me they're pretty much useless then. The Shader Mixer is beyond me, that's why I don't do any advanced work in 3DL, I also don't do scripting either (coding is what caused me to abandon CG back in the 80s). Guess I'll have to wait for the full release and hope there is a larger palette of ready made shaders available (and that more are offered as expansions).

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    nicstt said:
    Why don't you try setting it up on a virtual machine with virtual box; been considering that myself. :) No idea if can install nvidia drivers within a virtual machine though.

    Because I don't actually own a version of Windows newer than XP (legitimate or otherwise...and it's only 32 bit)...and I have no intention of buying one. Especially Win8...it took 2 days to get my wife's new laptop up and running...and I still don't like it. In my opinion, Win8 makes WinME look good.

    Ha OK.

    Windows 8 - widows key and D to get to desk top; it's good tbh; i like it and cant understand all the hate its received. I mean once you get passed that weird start menu, which is easier to see than some tiny thing occupying the bottom corner, it is very much like other versions; faster than windows 7 with some tasks - sort of Linux speed.

    Funny, I hated XP - I stuck with Windows 2k until there was an upgrade beyond XP - Vista: oh boy! it sucked after a week or so installed.

    I use Windows and Linux, and would love to get Daz working in Linux; shame they wont produce a build for it. One of the reasons I like Blender, is its available in all three main desktop systems.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:
    Spit said:
    3delight seems much slower to me. Have to test more scenes, but so far, well. Anybody else? I've checked render settings and UE2 parms.

    Quoting myself here.

    Yes, 3Delight is slower. An image I did that took 1 min 45 sec in the older Beta took 2 minutes and 8 seconds in the release candidate. It used UE2.
    I checked the settings on UE2 (I was concentrating on those and know what I was working with) and also the render settings where I had upped the shadow samples for the final render and the shading rate was the same as well.
    That part of the code did not change between the last Public Beta and this one. It is also something I haven't seen. Considering that the difference is less than 30 seconds, it could have been any number of things, to include background processes, or the scenes are not exactly the same. (30 seconds is lots in reference to the render time, but not time in general.)

    Please compare a more complex render scene and if it is still, in your experience, the case, please file a support ticket, include your logs, the scene file and a list of what is in the scene, and I will see what we can do.

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885
    edited December 1969

    Rob, I see that in Shader Mixer we are able to import custom MDL shaders to brick material, are there any plans to extend this behaviour to import my custom Iray Uber Base material to a Brick Material?

    It would be fantastic to be able to customize a Iray material in the properties Editor and then in Shader mixer import it to a brick and extend or combine this material with others.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045
    edited May 2015

    Where do I submit bugs? Just found a doozy.

    Edit: Nm, found it. (Help > Support)

    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,321
    edited May 2015

    Help/Contact us/submit a help request

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:
    Spit said:
    3delight seems much slower to me. Have to test more scenes, but so far, well. Anybody else? I've checked render settings and UE2 parms.

    Quoting myself here.

    Yes, 3Delight is slower. An image I did that took 1 min 45 sec in the older Beta took 2 minutes and 8 seconds in the release candidate. It used UE2.
    I checked the settings on UE2 (I was concentrating on those and know what I was working with) and also the render settings where I had upped the shadow samples for the final render and the shading rate was the same as well.

    That part of the code did not change between the last Public Beta and this one. It is also something I haven't seen. Considering that the difference is less than 30 seconds, it could have been any number of things, to include background processes, or the scenes are not exactly the same. (30 seconds is lots in reference to the render time, but not time in general.)

    Please compare a more complex render scene and if it is still, in your experience, the case, please file a support ticket, include your logs, the scene file and a list of what is in the scene, and I will see what we can do.

    It wasn't the last Public Beta, it was the first one I was comparing to (not all that clear in my message). I never got around to installing the 2nd Beta release ( and I certainly should have.

    Kinda hard to compare scene times with a version no longer installed or available, and with logs long gone. The scene I compared I had actually kept track of the time and written it down. I'll just have to leave it at that especially if nobody else has noticed anything.

    Thanks for the response.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited May 2015

    It seems that I have to double-click on a character in the viewport now to change to it? In previous versions (also, in the Beta before this), I could change between characters by simply clicking on it.
    Also, once you create a scene using the scene builder, the render size seems to be fixed and can't be changed, even if you enter different settings in the render size setting?
    Does this happen to anyone else?

    EDIT: I opened a support ticket about both issues.

    1142 x 947 - 293K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited December 1969

    jag11 said:
    Rob, I see that in Shader Mixer we are able to import custom MDL shaders to brick material, are there any plans to extend this behaviour to import my custom Iray Uber Base material to a Brick Material?

    It would be fantastic to be able to customize a Iray material in the properties Editor and then in Shader mixer import it to a brick and extend or combine this material with others.

    Take a look at, and keep an eye on, the change log. Quite a number of bricks were added in this Beta/RC, and more are in the process of being wrapped up for the General Release. My point being, all of the supporting bricks need to be in place before it makes sense to expose importing/converting the Iray Uber Material to a network of those supporting bricks.


  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited May 2015

    Spit said:

    It wasn't the last Public Beta, it was the first one I was comparing to (not all that clear in my message). I never got around to installing the 2nd Beta release ( and I certainly should have.

    Kinda hard to compare scene times with a version no longer installed or available, and with logs long gone. The scene I compared I had actually kept track of the time and written it down. I'll just have to leave it at that especially if nobody else has noticed anything.

    Thanks for the response.

    The problem is I can't recreate a slowdown. I am not saying you didn't see one, on that scene, but since the code didn't change in that section, since before the first public beta, and I can't recreate it ,given your description, I need more to go on. :)

    One other question.

    The way 3Delight works includes a process called TDL make. This process is prepping textures for the render engine. It runs in the background while you are building your scene, and if it isn't done before you start your render it delays the start of the actual render until that is finished. Because of this, the second render of the same scene in the same session can be a bit faster than the first time you render the scene in the session. This could be a factor in your experience.
    Could this be the cause of the render time difference?

    Post edited by DAZ_Spooky on
  • bohemian3bohemian3 Posts: 1,035
    edited December 1969

    Perhaps when the release goes live, iRay and 3Delight Render can get their own respective forums. I know you want to limit the number of forums, but this is a significant shift in DAZ history.

    The community has been terrific in posting extremely helpful and excellent iRay info and the posts are scattered all over the place and it would be nice to have a centralized repository. Also now a fair chunk of advice for rendering may in fact be contradictory depending on your engine and separate forums could help new users especially. (Maybe even get our Game Developer forum back if someone is in the kitchen cooking up forums.)

    Thanks and I am eagerly awaiting the release and new products! Good job on all the hard work.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited December 1969

    I'm finding that after having DS open for a while and doing a few renders and test renders DS takes quite a while to clear the scene. The scene clears but DS can take several minutes to Delete Objects.

  • UnseenUnseen Posts: 661
    edited December 1969

    Everything is fine for me. I have perhaps not used features needing some fix... :)

    Thank you DAZ for this marvelous renderer. I know that I will use DS together with Poser since I really love the Iray renderer. Tjhis will of course fix a problem for me because I will be able to buy things I like even if they are DS only items without fearing to not be able to use them!!! :-)

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:

    It wasn't the last Public Beta, it was the first one I was comparing to (not all that clear in my message). I never got around to installing the 2nd Beta release ( and I certainly should have.

    Kinda hard to compare scene times with a version no longer installed or available, and with logs long gone. The scene I compared I had actually kept track of the time and written it down. I'll just have to leave it at that especially if nobody else has noticed anything.

    Thanks for the response.

    The problem is I can't recreate a slowdown. I am not saying you didn't see one, on that scene, but since the code didn't change in that section, since before the first public beta, and I can't recreate it ,given your description, I need more to go on. :)

    One other question.

    The way 3Delight works includes a process called TDL make. This process is prepping textures for the render engine. It runs in the background while you are building your scene, and if it isn't done before you start your render it delays the start of the actual render until that is finished. Because of this, the second render of the same scene in the same session can be a bit faster than the first time you render the scene in the session. This could be a factor in your experience.
    Could this be the cause of the render time difference?

    I think you're right! I had opened studio, loaded the scene, checked the UE2 settings, checked the render settings, and hit render. I just tried again and made the same checks but this time I waited to hit render until all drive activity had stopped (a bit of a stretch for me to see) and the time was only off by 3 seconds.

    Thank you. And I'm really sorry for the false alarm about the speed!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    ...has anyone else been experiencing the application window going white and then black with a "Not Responding" message when loading a scene like I have been getting? Don't want to submit a support ticket if it is an isolated situation.

    Also getting the "Not Responding" message when performing other functions like cancelling a render processor applying an LIE overlay.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    ...one adjustment in the Iray tone mapping I would like to see is an interactive temperature control (cool <> warm) like Luxrender has.

    Another feature that I liked in Reality was that one could actually simulate using real film types like Kodachrome 64, Gold 100, Tri X pan, etc. as each has it's own unique quality.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...has anyone else been experiencing the application window going white and then black with a "Not Responding" message when loading a scene like I have been getting? Don't want to submit a support ticket if it is an isolated situation.

    Also getting the "Not Responding" message when performing other functions like cancelling a render processor applying an LIE overlay.

    Yes, I do get that quite often. Most of the time, it's when I stop a render very early on, but it has also happened during opening of the scene.
    I usually wait a bit, and then it continues after a couple of seconds, as it sorts itself out. I chalked it up to my system not having sufficient RAM to handle operations...

  • Apothis68Apothis68 Posts: 25
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:

    Another feature that I liked in Reality was that one could actually simulate using real film types like Kodachrome 64, Gold 100, Tri X pan, etc. as each has it's own unique quality.

    That's a feature of Lux, rather than Reality, and yeah, I miss it too :) What I've started doing is using an app called Motiva Real Camera to do the same thing. Slight change in workflow as you cant do it directly on the render window, but works well for me.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    Spit said:
    Spit said:

    It wasn't the last Public Beta, it was the first one I was comparing to (not all that clear in my message). I never got around to installing the 2nd Beta release ( and I certainly should have.

    Kinda hard to compare scene times with a version no longer installed or available, and with logs long gone. The scene I compared I had actually kept track of the time and written it down. I'll just have to leave it at that especially if nobody else has noticed anything.

    Thanks for the response.

    The problem is I can't recreate a slowdown. I am not saying you didn't see one, on that scene, but since the code didn't change in that section, since before the first public beta, and I can't recreate it ,given your description, I need more to go on. :)

    One other question.

    The way 3Delight works includes a process called TDL make. This process is prepping textures for the render engine. It runs in the background while you are building your scene, and if it isn't done before you start your render it delays the start of the actual render until that is finished. Because of this, the second render of the same scene in the same session can be a bit faster than the first time you render the scene in the session. This could be a factor in your experience.
    Could this be the cause of the render time difference?

    I think you're right! I had opened studio, loaded the scene, checked the UE2 settings, checked the render settings, and hit render. I just tried again and made the same checks but this time I waited to hit render until all drive activity had stopped (a bit of a stretch for me to see) and the time was only off by 3 seconds.

    Thank you. And I'm really sorry for the false alarm about the speed!

    You're welcome, and no problem. Between Tech Support and my team we spend a good deal of time with similar things :) I think of it as job security. :) And thank you for letting me know the issue appears solved.

    For comparing render times, with 3Delight, the best thing to do is render twice and only count the second render. You can even cancel the first render after it actually puts the first blocks into the viewport, then just hit render again. :)

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited May 2015

    Loving the new version so much new features, and lots of fixes! But I have been getting common freeze and crash issues, it is unstable for me... When I swap a shader on a surface (Not a shader/material preset, the actual shader) "Daz Default to Iray Uber", the smoothing and collisions on clothes resets, and daz becomes unresponsive. It's becoming quite an issue i'm afraid :(

    EDIT: Well it seems smoothing and collisions itself seems to be making daz unresponsive. Just loaded a scene, the smoothing and collisions were calculating and daz has went unresponsive. Bugger XD

    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    SpyroRue said:
    Loving the new version so much new features, and lots of fixes! But I have been getting common freeze and crash issues, it is unstable for me... When I swap a shader on a surface (Not a shader/material preset, the actual shader) "Daz Default to Iray Uber", the smoothing and collisions on clothes resets, and daz becomes unresponsive. It's becoming quite an issue i'm afraid :(
    That doesn't sound good, and frankly should not happen as shaders and Soothing and Collision are not connected.

    Can you please file a support ticket and include in the ticket, along with a description of the problem, the levels of both smoothing and collision you are using, your system specs and which viewport style you are using?

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    I can do that yes, though I just had another crash, just loading a basic scene with a dressed character and the smoothing/collisions having not working... It went unresponsive again :(

    I'm just using the standard Texture/Shaded... I have the Per Pixel Shading Off, as I do not want to waste resources, specially with big scenes :)

    Should I put in title of the ticket "Daz 4.8 Bug" or something? I haven't submitted one in a long time, but the last time I did, I think it was miss understood as something else and nothing came of it lol

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    SpyroRue said:
    I can do that yes, though I just had another crash, just loading a basic scene with a dressed character and the smoothing/collisions having not working... It went unresponsive again :(

    I'm just using the standard Texture/Shaded... I have the Per Pixel Shading Off, as I do not want to waste resources, specially with big scenes :)

    Should I put in title of the ticket "Daz 4.8 Bug" or something? I haven't submitted one in a long time, but the last time I did, I think it was miss understood as something else and nothing came of it lol

    Please have the title be something a little more descriptive. LOL.
    If you want you can also add that I asked you to submit it.
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    HAHA! Well no I wouldn't just call it specifically "Daz 4.8 bug" :lol:

    I shall send it with the daz studio log as well, thank you Spooky :)

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