DAZ Studio Pro BETA [Project Iradium] - RELEASE CANDIDATE 3 - version! **UPDATED**



  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249
    edited May 2015


    Post edited by RAMWolff on
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited December 1969


    You have made multiple lengthy posts on the subject. Your requests, along with the requests of others, have been seen and discussed. The decision remains the same. If the company changes its position on the matter, that decision will be made known at a time and in a manner of its choosing. Repeated attempts to hijack threads ond/or lobby for general availability of internal proprietary tools will not produce the [presumed] intended result.

    The HD morph creation tools are part of a proprietary toolset developed internally by DAZ 3D. Tools within this set are only shared with its publishing partners (i.e. DAZ 3D Published Artists) under strict agreement. The company is well within its rights to do as it sees fit with its internal toolset; or with any of its tools for that matter. These particular tools, along with all that are distributed with the application, and several that are available separately through the DAZ 3D store, are developed using the DAZ Studio SDK - which is made available to the general public. If you (anyone) are not satisfied with the functionality currently being offered, or with a decision made regarding a request that you or another user has made, or you simply have an idea that you think would benefit yourself and/or other users, you are free to do as others have done... Download the DAZ Studio SDK and begin developing your vision.

    This is all I will say on the matter. I will not engage any further.


  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited May 2015

    For those making feature requests and/or 'submitting' bugs in this thread...

    While the forum may be a convenient place to discuss ideas, or learn from others, or find commonality/clarity in order to formally submit a request/report, it is a terrible place to formally 'submit' them for consideration by the development team. The mechanisms needed to track requests/reports and filter general discussion do not exist in this environment. As cliché as it sounds... please help us, help you, by submitting your requests/reports through the proper channels, as described in the opening post. We operate lean, and do not have the time/resources to use the forums for something forums in general do a terrible job at. Thank you for your understanding.


    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • HoleHole Posts: 119
    edited December 1969

    thanks..I actually grabbed Fusion earlier tonight, but also grabbed the allegorithmic toolset and then the new DS beta ..so haven't tried fusion yet, was trying to work with the exr's in photoshop using a plugin called proexr.

    I was expecting regular looking render passes like I'd get from max using render elements, when I render to exr in max I get a layered file that Photoshop displays as I expected(attached image show what the 3dsmax exr gives me)

    Yeah, I was expecting layered files too but since they're cramming a lot of new stuff into DS that's probably down on the list of priorities. I still don't know exactly what nodes are used for in relation to canvases, it seems like it might be unique to DAZ's implementation of Iray.

    Fusion is insanely good and very easy to learn (...and an unbeatable price)

    Actually I haven't managed to open an .exr in Photoshop - from what I've read in an incidental discussion on the Foundry forums even the extended version os PS CS6 won't open many exrs correctly, it just gives the alpha. Try using a compositing application (Autodesk has Composite, or Black magic Fusion should work I think).

    Doesn't open at all or doesn't give the option to open as transparency? I hope those people aren't assuming it's just the alpha because all they see is white.

    1366 x 768 - 195K
  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197
    edited December 1969

    hey thanks for that screenshot,I've now adjusted exposure in Photoshop and the passes look as they should..Cheers!

  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    @Rob I have one thing that bother me in the Beta version and I am not sure why, when I create a plane in the scene and rotate it the Environment hdri map get scaled dawn.
    Scenario : Imported HDRI maps , in background building , now after creating 10m plane for a wall , and rendering it the HDRI environment map get scaled down and I see only sky in the render as I believe the Finite sphere is shut off the moment the plane was created or scaled up , since if I scale the plane down the sphere dome scale back to normal , my friend Alex experienced the same so it is not just me

    Do you have a ticket/report number, so that we can investigate further? If not, please submit one so that the issue doesn't get lost in the shuffle - and feel free to reference this thread/post. Threads can move fairly quickly, and certainly have been recently, with all of the excitement surrounding NVIDIA Iray 2015 being free in DAZ Studio. One thread is difficult enough when you operate lean and you're still trying to get work done. Consider that there are many threads, across multiple sites... and well... its challenging, to put it mildly.


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045
    edited December 1969

    I tried, fruitlessly, to create .exr (or anything) to function as lighting. Enh.

    Frustrating, but I can work around it. And thankfully most of what I do (webcomic) are interior shots, anyway.

  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,298
    edited May 2015


    Thanks for the assist. It appears as though you've got Stefan sorted.

    The Node Lists in Canvases are a DAZ Studio mechanism for defining collections of items (nodes) in the scene that you can use to isolate the effect of a given LPE (Light Path Expression).


    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • SotoSoto Posts: 1,440
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot for the update. The option to pause/resume renders obviously is already a huge improvement, but, could it be possible in a future to have the option to resume a render even when DAZ Studio has already been closed? Similar to LuxRender's hability to resume renders anytime?

    Just wanting to know if it`s possible at all.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    Hole said:
    Actually I haven't managed to open an .exr in Photoshop - from what I've read in an incidental discussion on the Foundry forums even the extended version os PS CS6 won't open many exrs correctly, it just gives the alpha. Try using a compositing application (Autodesk has Composite, or Black magic Fusion should work I think).

    Doesn't open at all or doesn't give the option to open as transparency? I hope those people aren't assuming it's just the alpha because all they see is white.

    OK, today the files that wouldn't give me more than a white silhouette are opening semi-correctly in PS. Put it down to a haunted computer.

  • DAZ_cjonesDAZ_cjones Posts: 637
    edited December 1969

    Hellboy said:
    Thanks a lot for the update. The option to pause/resume renders obviously is already a huge improvement, but, could it be possible in a future to have the option to resume a render even when DAZ Studio has already been closed? Similar to LuxRender's hability to resume renders anytime?

    Just wanting to know if it`s possible at all.


    Currently the Iray API requires a scene to stay in memory to be resumed. A scene loaded from file will start over.

  • FusionLAFusionLA Posts: 249
    edited May 2015

    tomtom.w said:
    One feature I wish DAZ Studio had is a progress bar in the tool bar of Windows when rendering (like when downloading using Google Chrome), so that you can keep the render window on top but still see how far the render has progressed, from start to completion, even from some distance away. I use two computers, one desktop for fun stuff, including DS, and a laptop for other work, and often want to know how far the render has progressed, so that I know when I can use the desktop again. And I would like to be able to do that without having to move to the desktop computer and minimize the render window to see the progress bar.

    Switch to the main application window and move the progress bar to one side, so it won't be covered by the render window.

    Is this for Windows users only? I have never been able to do this for the Mac version.

    Post edited by FusionLA on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    fusionla said:
    tomtom.w said:
    One feature I wish DAZ Studio had is a progress bar in the tool bar of Windows when rendering (like when downloading using Google Chrome), so that you can keep the render window on top but still see how far the render has progressed, from start to completion, even from some distance away. I use two computers, one desktop for fun stuff, including DS, and a laptop for other work, and often want to know how far the render has progressed, so that I know when I can use the desktop again. And I would like to be able to do that without having to move to the desktop computer and minimize the render window to see the progress bar.

    Switch to the main application window and move the progress bar to one side, so it won't be covered by the render window.

    Is this for Windows users only? I have never been able to do this for the Mac version.

    I don't know, I wasn't aware that it was - the progress bar should belong to the main application window, which is separate from the render window. Can you not switch focus to the application (not that the interface will work) during a render on the Mac?

  • FusionLAFusionLA Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    fusionla said:
    tomtom.w said:
    One feature I wish DAZ Studio had is a progress bar in the tool bar of Windows when rendering (like when downloading using Google Chrome), so that you can keep the render window on top but still see how far the render has progressed, from start to completion, even from some distance away. I use two computers, one desktop for fun stuff, including DS, and a laptop for other work, and often want to know how far the render has progressed, so that I know when I can use the desktop again. And I would like to be able to do that without having to move to the desktop computer and minimize the render window to see the progress bar.

    Switch to the main application window and move the progress bar to one side, so it won't be covered by the render window.

    Is this for Windows users only? I have never been able to do this for the Mac version.

    I don't know, I wasn't aware that it was - the progress bar should belong to the main application window, which is separate from the render window. Can you not switch focus to the application (not that the interface will work) during a render on the Mac?

    Correct, the progress bar is part of the application window and separate from the render window.
    However, I have never been able to move the progress bar separately from the application window at least for the Mac version.
    Have always wanted to do this instead of needing to move the render window each time I render to see the progress bar.

    566 x 879 - 180K
  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    fusionla said:
    tomtom.w said:
    One feature I wish DAZ Studio had is a progress bar in the tool bar of Windows when rendering (like when downloading using Google Chrome), so that you can keep the render window on top but still see how far the render has progressed, from start to completion, even from some distance away. I use two computers, one desktop for fun stuff, including DS, and a laptop for other work, and often want to know how far the render has progressed, so that I know when I can use the desktop again. And I would like to be able to do that without having to move to the desktop computer and minimize the render window to see the progress bar.

    Switch to the main application window and move the progress bar to one side, so it won't be covered by the render window.

    Is this for Windows users only? I have never been able to do this for the Mac version.

    I don't know, I wasn't aware that it was - the progress bar should belong to the main application window, which is separate from the render window. Can you not switch focus to the application (not that the interface will work) during a render on the Mac?The Mac's progress bars are tied to the top center frame of the application. So while you can't have the progress bar off to the side you can place the render lower (from the top of the monitor) or on a second monitor, or resize the DS window before rendering so placing it is more convenient. None of those are as convenient as how it works on Windows.

  • FusionLAFusionLA Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    fusionla said:
    tomtom.w said:
    One feature I wish DAZ Studio had is a progress bar in the tool bar of Windows when rendering (like when downloading using Google Chrome), so that you can keep the render window on top but still see how far the render has progressed, from start to completion, even from some distance away. I use two computers, one desktop for fun stuff, including DS, and a laptop for other work, and often want to know how far the render has progressed, so that I know when I can use the desktop again. And I would like to be able to do that without having to move to the desktop computer and minimize the render window to see the progress bar.

    Switch to the main application window and move the progress bar to one side, so it won't be covered by the render window.

    Is this for Windows users only? I have never been able to do this for the Mac version.

    I don't know, I wasn't aware that it was - the progress bar should belong to the main application window, which is separate from the render window. Can you not switch focus to the application (not that the interface will work) during a render on the Mac?The Mac's progress bars are tied to the top center frame of the application. So while you can't have the progress bar off to the side you can place the render lower (from the top of the monitor) or on a second monitor, or resize the DS window before rendering so placing it is more convenient. None of those are as convenient as how it works on Windows.

    I thought maybe it was something new I was missing.
    As in the previous screenshot I posted, that is what I have been doing, moving the render window for the Mac version, but always would have liked to be able to move the progress bar.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited December 1969

    fusionla said:
    fusionla said:
    tomtom.w said:
    One feature I wish DAZ Studio had is a progress bar in the tool bar of Windows when rendering (like when downloading using Google Chrome), so that you can keep the render window on top but still see how far the render has progressed, from start to completion, even from some distance away. I use two computers, one desktop for fun stuff, including DS, and a laptop for other work, and often want to know how far the render has progressed, so that I know when I can use the desktop again. And I would like to be able to do that without having to move to the desktop computer and minimize the render window to see the progress bar.

    Switch to the main application window and move the progress bar to one side, so it won't be covered by the render window.

    Is this for Windows users only? I have never been able to do this for the Mac version.

    I don't know, I wasn't aware that it was - the progress bar should belong to the main application window, which is separate from the render window. Can you not switch focus to the application (not that the interface will work) during a render on the Mac?The Mac's progress bars are tied to the top center frame of the application. So while you can't have the progress bar off to the side you can place the render lower (from the top of the monitor) or on a second monitor, or resize the DS window before rendering so placing it is more convenient. None of those are as convenient as how it works on Windows.

    I thought maybe it was something new I was missing.
    As in the previous screenshot I posted, that is what I have been doing, moving the render window for the Mac version, but always would have liked to be able to move the progress bar.

    As far as I know it is either a Mac QT limitation or a Mac OS limitation, which would mean, if it is possible at all, not before we break the SDK and go to the next version of QT. Granted I could be wrong but since it annoys us to have them different, if it could easily be done, it already would have been done. LOL.

  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547
    edited May 2015

    fusionla said:
    fusionla said:
    tomtom.w said:
    One feature I wish DAZ Studio had is a progress bar in the tool bar of Windows when rendering (like when downloading using Google Chrome), so that you can keep the render window on top but still see how far the render has progressed, from start to completion, even from some distance away. I use two computers, one desktop for fun stuff, including DS, and a laptop for other work, and often want to know how far the render has progressed, so that I know when I can use the desktop again. And I would like to be able to do that without having to move to the desktop computer and minimize the render window to see the progress bar.

    Switch to the main application window and move the progress bar to one side, so it won't be covered by the render window.

    Is this for Windows users only? I have never been able to do this for the Mac version.

    I don't know, I wasn't aware that it was - the progress bar should belong to the main application window, which is separate from the render window. Can you not switch focus to the application (not that the interface will work) during a render on the Mac?

    The Mac's progress bars are tied to the top center frame of the application. So while you can't have the progress bar off to the side you can place the render lower (from the top of the monitor) or on a second monitor, or resize the DS window before rendering so placing it is more convenient. None of those are as convenient as how it works on Windows.

    I thought maybe it was something new I was missing.
    As in the previous screenshot I posted, that is what I have been doing, moving the render window for the Mac version, but always would have liked to be able to move the progress bar.

    As far as I know it is either a Mac QT limitation or a Mac OS limitation, which would mean, if it is possible at all, not before we break the SDK and go to the next version of QT. Granted I could be wrong but since it annoys us to have them different, if it could easily be done, it already would have been done. LOL.

    I think is neither a Mac QT limitation or a Mac OS limitation. That is the recommend way by Apple Human Interface Guidelines. I can be wrong but, if I remember correctly long time ago the progress bar was not a sheet from the main application window, and sometime it turns a sheet. The annoying thing at that time is the progress bar being hidden by the application window, exactly as sometimes occurs with the render window now. Maybe someone can take a second look at this issue, while it is not so uncomfortable move the render window.

    Post edited by MBusch on
  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557
    edited December 1969

    I'm a bit nonplussed. In the previous build I could use BaseMale and M6 UV sets on G2F and V6, but now they're gone with this latest build and I'm limited to the female UVs. If I load a scene of V6 saved in the previous build they're still there as options. I have various cross generation/figure products, but I can't figure out which one was giving me this ability which I've been using extensively for my iray skin tests. Can anyone point me in the right direction for restoring this super-convenient capability? I'm frightened to reinstall everything in case I lose it. It's the same situation with M6/G2M where I could use the female UVs on the males. I'm not sure this should be a bug to report, or just a happy accident that should never have happened, but one that I have no wish to set the universe back in order for?

    Just to prove I'm not going mad and dreamed it all (I am getting on in years now), this is a V6 scene saved in the previous build loaded into the current build, and one for M6. Something's gone very awry with M6HD as well, where the tiling comes in at 2 with a default M6HD load (he looks correct when the tiling's set to 1) :/

    846 x 925 - 146K
    846 x 925 - 444K
    846 x 925 - 191K
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    All the maps on the Iray Uber material can be tiled independently and/or globaly. Individual map tiling setting can be seen by selecting the "Image Editor..." menu option when you click to browse for an image. The Leather sample preset does this on the normal map.

    If I can ever get Studio 64 bit to run in Wine, then I'll be able to play around with Iray more...as it is, I didn't realize that, because I have, maybe, 12 hrs of using 4.8 since the first beta. It sucks having it on the same machine as is being used for the HTPC. (and there's no way my wife would let me put it on her new laptop...although I'm not sure I want to deal with Win8 THAT much...)

    I was surprised at how much a 1 GB 440 could handle in GPU mode. Yeah, it was a bit slow, for a GPU render (not too many cores on that 440), but it was faster than CPU mode and did complete.

    So, for the Iray side of things, ShaderMixer isn't even needed to tile them.

    Why don't you try setting it up on a virtual machine with virtual box; been considering that myself. :) No idea if can install nvidia drivers within a virtual machine though.

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,917
    edited December 1969

    Good job with this release candidate!

    DS is no longer crashing when switching form Iray preview to texture mode which is awesome! : )

  • ben98120000ben98120000 Posts: 469
    edited December 1969

    Jimbow said:
    I'm a bit nonplussed. In the previous build I could use BaseMale and M6 UV sets on G2F and V6, but now they're gone with this latest build and I'm limited to the female UVs. If I load a scene of V6 saved in the previous build they're still there as options. I have various cross generation/figure products, but I can't figure out which one was giving me this ability which I've been using extensively for my iray skin tests. Can anyone point me in the right direction for restoring this super-convenient capability? I'm frightened to reinstall everything in case I lose it. It's the same situation with M6/G2M where I could use the female UVs on the males. I'm not sure this should be a bug to report, or just a happy accident that should never have happened, but one that I have no wish to set the universe back in order for?

    Just to prove I'm not going mad and dreamed it all (I am getting on in years now), this is a V6 scene saved in the previous build loaded into the current build, and one for M6. Something's gone very awry with M6HD as well, where the tiling comes in at 2 with a default M6HD load (he looks correct when the tiling's set to 1) :/

    Copy UV files you wish from ...\*your content library folder*\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Male\UV Sets\DAZ 3D\Base into the ...\*your content library folder*\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\UV Sets\DAZ 3D\Base, and other way around, from ...\Female\.... to ...\Male\.... That should make them visible / choosable as UV Set in Surfaces tab.
  • MasterstrokeMasterstroke Posts: 2,049
    edited December 1969

    I still have problems in using the transition, scale, rotation dials. At mouse or pen release they sometimes flip to a random extreme value. In order to keep control, I need to type values instead. Morph sliders work without issues.

  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557
    edited December 1969

    Copy UV files you wish from ...\*your content library folder*\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Male\UV Sets\DAZ 3D\Base into the ...\*your content library folder*\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\UV Sets\DAZ 3D\Base, and other way around, from ...\Female\.... to ...\Male\.... That should make them visible / choosable as UV Set in Surfaces tab.

    You're the best! :) Thanks. The Ryze textures on V6 look very disturbing, I have to say.

  • DAZ_cjonesDAZ_cjones Posts: 637
    edited December 1969

    Jimbow said:
    Copy UV files you wish from ...\*your content library folder*\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Male\UV Sets\DAZ 3D\Base into the ...\*your content library folder*\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 2\Female\UV Sets\DAZ 3D\Base, and other way around, from ...\Female\.... to ...\Male\.... That should make them visible / choosable as UV Set in Surfaces tab.

    You're the best! :) Thanks. The Ryze textures on V6 look very disturbing, I have to say.

    It is not necessary to move any files. If you want a female uv set on the male, simply apply a female material preset using those uvs to the male. It will add the needed uv set. (The reverse works as well. )

  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557
    edited December 1969

    It is not necessary to move any files. If you want a female uv set on the male, simply apply a female material preset using those uvs to the male. It will add the needed uv set. (The reverse works as well. )

    Already done, but thanks.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045
    edited December 1969

    Re rendering an older project, I'm reminded that Iray rendering isn't THAT bad... 3delight, and it looks like it's going to take 3 hours to render. Heh

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    rbtwhiz said:
    Note: The change log indicates bug fixes and minor [risk] improvements that have occurred in builds later than the Release Candidate ( being announced in this thread. These later builds may not be available through the Public Build channel prior to the General Release. However, they are certain to be tested via the Private Build channel prior to the General Release.


    So the ShaderBuilder fix and the Tiler brick fix aren't in this release...but, from what you said, Rob, will be in the final/general release?

    And we are getting a real 'sleep' for scripting???

    Rob, I'd send you a beer or pizza or whatever...
    ...so does this mean overlays to textures using the LIE still won't work? Testing the Freckles overlay on just the native skin shader now.

    Also still getting the situation where the entire window goes white then black when a scene is loading as well as the upper border of the window flickering when I load something into or make a change to the scene. This did not occur in the first build.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    ...well appears the LIE overlays do work now.

    Having to run actual render tests as the scene is pretty "heavy" and it takes longer to refresh in Iray view mode than to just run a test render. Have an old Fermi 1GB Nvidia GPU

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    3delight seems much slower to me. Have to test more scenes, but so far, well. Anybody else? I've checked render settings and UE2 parms.

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