Non-photorealistic Renders (NPR)



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Need a filler illustration for a Western Miniatures Game. Poser 11 and postwork in Photoshop using the India Ink plug-in by Flaming Pear. Needs a little work on the face, and I need to lighten up the shirt but overall, it's okay.

    looking good, I was going to suggest a shadow on the ground but when I see it smaller I realise it doesnt need it! nice plugin too


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Doing a little comedy here, zombies and kids enjoying the night out.

    background looking good


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Cover of my first issue comic. Its still in production but this is by far the best yet. The union of 3D, digital, and hand drawn will collide to one!


    looks terrific, design sings and I love the dirt on the face


  • Need a filler illustration for a Western Miniatures Game. Poser 11 and postwork in Photoshop using the India Ink plug-in by Flaming Pear. Needs a little work on the face, and I need to lighten up the shirt but overall, it's okay.

    Nothing much I can say but I really do love this one, especially the crosshatching on the clothes. If anything, why not make 2 renders and use the masking on the face and shirt?

  • Here's another sample, a close up trying to catch the eye reflection. Post work and and original render.

    Awesome sample. Like to see how far you go with this one :).


  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379
    edited November 2017

    Trying to nail a graphic novel style. This is as close as I've come so far. 


    Post edited by Leonides02 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Looks very nice, Leonides02.


  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,420

    Trying to nail a graphic novel style. This is as close as I've come so far. 

    I'd want to see more (e.g. other characters, backgrounds, etc.) but it looks to me like you nailed it. It looks painted, without the normal auto-brush strokes that often look slighly more digital than real. Well-done!

    -- Walt Sterdan 

  • Trying to nail a graphic novel style. This is as close as I've come so far. 


    This has a great hand drawn look!

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    edited November 2017

    Very likely this Space Station will be used in my developing graphic novel:


    Post edited by tkdrobert on
  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379
    edited November 2017

    Thanks everyone! Here's another one I did today to see how I could get the "ink" to come out.

    Went from this:


    To this:


    Needs some refinements but, I must say, I'm fairly impressed.

    Post edited by Leonides02 on
  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579

    Trying to nail a graphic novel style. This is as close as I've come so far. 


    Looks good

  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    edited November 2017

    So my eldest daughter is a huge Hobbit and Lord of the Rings fan.  She read all the books.  I'm working on a gift for her.  Below is my attempt to do a Bibo meets Smaug.  This is more like the cartoon I remember as a kid then the current movies.  What do you guys think so far?  Anything I can do to improve it?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    edited November 2017

    Here is a sketch version.  No sure I like it but it gives it an old school look.

    Hobbit PS 2 FotoSketcher by tkdrobert

    Post edited by tkdrobert on
  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    edited November 2017

    1 more version with the gold tuned down.

    Hobbit PS 3 by tkdrobert

    Post edited by tkdrobert on
  • head wax said:

    Need a filler illustration for a Western Miniatures Game. Poser 11 and postwork in Photoshop using the India Ink plug-in by Flaming Pear. Needs a little work on the face, and I need to lighten up the shirt but overall, it's okay.

    looking good, I was going to suggest a shadow on the ground but when I see it smaller I realise it doesnt need it! nice plugin too


    Thanks. I will post a newer version shortly. I experimented with shadows on the ground, and found they weren't worth the effort. You see, the pages have a graphic line of barbed wire running across the bottom of the page, so that acts as a horizon line most of the time.

    I'm a BIG FAN of the India Ink plug-in. It takes a lot of work to get good results, but they are really strong if you put in the effort.

  • Cover of my first issue comic. Its still in production but this is by far the best yet. The union of 3D, digital, and hand drawn will collide to one!

    Looks pretty good. In general, I like the changes you made to the logo. The background colors have a nice painterly feel to them. I have to speak as an editor, though, and ask a simple question: Is this image cover-worthy? It's nice, and although I do get a sense that this is sci-fi and it has robots, I can't help but think that an action scene (or something more moody) would work better for the cover of your first issue. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.  Keep up the good work.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    This Space Station looks great, tkdrobert, and compose nicely with the background.


  • tkdroberttkdrobert Posts: 3,579
    Artini said:

    This Space Station looks great, tkdrobert, and compose nicely with the background.


    Thanks.  I've been looking for a good Space Station model for the launching off point for my story and this one is pretty good.  Took me a while to texture it though.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,420
    tkdrobert said:

    Very likely this Space Station will be used in my developing graphic novel:

    Very nice pict; the only thing I might suggest woud be to differentiate the Antares a bit from the station. As it stands, with the colours almost the same, at first glance it looks a bit like the Antares might be part of the station. Again, very nice pict!

    -- Walt Sterdan

  • Northern WoodlanderNorthern Woodlander Posts: 138
    edited November 2017

    Cover of my first issue comic. Its still in production but this is by far the best yet. The union of 3D, digital, and hand drawn will collide to one!

    Looks pretty good. In general, I like the changes you made to the logo. The background colors have a nice painterly feel to them. I have to speak as an editor, though, and ask a simple question: Is this image cover-worthy? It's nice, and although I do get a sense that this is sci-fi and it has robots, I can't help but think that an action scene (or something more moody) would work better for the cover of your first issue. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it.  Keep up the good work.

    Thanks, and best of all, thank you for asking the important question about the cover. My attention is to create a cover(s) consistent to the volumes they are going to be in (the story is broken into 3 volumes, with 4-5 chapters each). which contains chapter page plus an epigraph attach to the story.

    This chapter is called "Your Place in this World." Its about two main characters, Omar and his daughter Yusra, and their current state living in a dystopia Egypt. Yusra wanted to become a Techie much like her father, who acts like a mentor to her dreams. But her dreams are crushed when the rulers of Egypt enforce laws that forbade women from joining the Tech Guild (in order to preserve their culture and population surplus). Yusra and Omar are compelled to the "old ways." 

    For this particular issue I wanted to avoid giving too much details without being to vague of the setting (post-apocaltyptic, dystopia). I may instead do a scenery shot of a dystopia Cairo for the sake of entering the world of the comic. 

    Post edited by Northern Woodlander on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited November 2017

    This is on the famous Nobbys break wall that surrounds our City's harbour entrance. The Red thing is a local icon and ships' beacon.

    I left space for Text top left but refrained.

    Carrara Job. Filter Forge filters ad infinitum

    Any suggestions on Phantom Comic cover text welcome (not the title The Phantom- I'v sorted that one :) )



    Image may contain: outdoor

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379
    edited November 2017

    My friend's D&D character, made into a sketch...


    Post edited by Leonides02 on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited November 2017


    terrific pose Leonides02





    Post edited by Headwax on
  • head wax said:

    Here's another sample, a close up trying to catch the eye reflection. Post work and and original render.

    be nice to see these combined in post, perhaps the eyes are better in the photo real?


    I'll give it a shot, thank you.

  • Last one for the day, I kinda like this one, let me know what you guys think.

    Very cool, but if I'm being honest, I'm not a fan of mixing cartoon style with overly realistic textures. Since the face is so smooth, I would suggest simplifying the textures on the clothing (probably just removing the bump maps). Nevertheless, nice work.

    Thank you again for the kind words, I do see were you're coming from. It seems like toning down the noise may help but it'll be a work in progress smiley

  • Thank you, it took alittle while to reflect the hue and saturation onto the characters.

    Nice! Like to see more. I like this style of shading you're applying here as well :) 

    Doing a little comedy here, zombies and kids enjoying the night out.



  • Cover of my first issue comic. Its still in production but this is by far the best yet. The union of 3D, digital, and hand drawn will collide to one!

    Your outlines and shading are very impressive.

  • head wax said:

    Doing a little comedy here, zombies and kids enjoying the night out.

    background looking good


    Thank you again for the kind words.

  • mmitchell_houstonmmitchell_houston Posts: 2,490
    edited November 2017

    Sorry I've been quiety lately. Been tied up with work, and then yesterday I had a "nerve burn" done on my knee, which means I cannot spend more than an hour at a time sitting at my computer (or else the knee stiffens up).

    I shall return soon, though!

    In the meantime, here's another take on the Cowboy illustration I was working on.


    EDIT: I may have to use the one with the lighter vest -- the first one is closing up too much.

    1509 x 2342 - 764K
    1509 x 2342 - 803K
    Post edited by mmitchell_houston on
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