Non-photorealistic Renders (NPR)
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new plug in for Carrara
"You need to manually add a curved highlight to the helmet..." Are you refering to the glass face plate?
Yes. The glass.
Thank you for the kind words, much appreciated
I truly know what you're going through.
You are truly correct, composition is one of the most important steps. I've reviewed the books you've suggested, I will be making a purchase soon and gladly add those books to my library.
Here's another sample, let me know what you guys think. Posted is the original render and the post work sample done through photoshop.
Very nice, I especially like the background, how you have the character’s shadow but that there’s no sign of where the ground meets the background/wall/horizon.
— Walt Sterdan
As always, very impressive. I think the black and white version loses too much of the face in shadow, but the colour version is perfect!
— Walt Sterdan
Here's another sample, a close up trying to catch the eye reflection. Post work and and original render.
thaqnk you Walt, that's very kind - yes the black and white one is certainly lacking in parts!!
be nice to see these combined in post, perhaps the eyes are better in the photo real?
there's some of my NPR Carrara work in this magazine,
related to a show I am having in a major regional gallery next year
starts on page 60
Last one for the day, I kinda like this one, let me know what you guys think.
WOW. That is SERIOUSLY dramatic. I'm very impressed. And you MUST tell us about this gallery show you mentioned.
Okay, I know this is off topic, but I hope you'll forgive me. I thought a few of you might be interested in seeing my Halloween decorations for this year, especially since they have a comic book theme: Afterlife with Archie.
These are life-size figures created for my front yard: the masks are illuminated from within, but the rest of the scene is lit by black light.And yeah, these are custome pieces. The costumes and masks were purchsased, but I pult the scene as a custom set for the hollidays (some pieces in years past -- Archie is new for this year).
Juggie vs Archie:
Very good and disturbing.
Very cool, but if I'm being honest, I'm not a fan of mixing cartoon style with overly realistic textures. Since the face is so smooth, I would suggest simplifying the textures on the clothing (probably just removing the bump maps). Nevertheless, nice work.
great stuff, you are allowed to be off topic considering the c and c work you put in here
we dont celebrate Halloween in Oz, but I love the whole concept of this - and the rotten to the end!
you can read more about my show here
but there is more in that magazine interview link
thanks for commenting on the render too!
thanks for that, I am glad it's distrbing - it's hard to disturb people in our modern world
Glad to help! I look forward to seeing the pages you create in the future.
Halloween is a LOT of fun. I really enjoy setting up the decorations and seeing all the kids arrive in costume. Of course, after all the work I put in... we had an afternoon and evening of hard rain! Ugh. Nevertheless, it did lighten up eventually and I had 166 tick-or-treaters come to my door (I use a clicker app on my phone to track them -- it helps me anticipate how much candy I need to buy each year. It's also funny; my neighbors know about it and ask me for "the official count" after the holiday) This is down from last year's high of 244.
I read a little about your show. I've never been big in the DaDa movement, but what I saw looks cool.
Holy! This is badass!
thanks! yes the Dada movment was 'interesting' but apparently it set the scene for 'all' the following art movements of that century.
interestingly there was a similar change in the arts with Abstract Expressionism that ocurred after ww2 - as far as negating the accepted norms because they were no longer relevant
so I guess it's all about context? - I'm not s0 keen on Dada but it was a jumping off point for the show
thanks, :) yes it's almost sensual but definitely violent !
Sorry, duplicate post.
Need a filler illustration for a Western Miniatures Game. Poser 11 and postwork in Photoshop using the India Ink plug-in by Flaming Pear. Needs a little work on the face, and I need to lighten up the shirt but overall, it's okay.
Doing a little comedy here, zombies and kids enjoying the night out.
Nice! Like to see more. I like this style of shading you're applying here as well :)
Cover of my first issue comic. Its still in production but this is by far the best yet. The union of 3D, digital, and hand drawn will collide to one!