April 2015 New User Contest - Free Render Month (WIP Thread)



  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited April 2015

    I forgot, Iray and 3Delight don't use the same lighting so without setting up a whole new set of lights, the background (even though it would be blurred) wouldn't even come close to matching the characters :(

    So here's the zoomed in part at least.

    Pick nits!

    The shells coming off the chase bike are cool. Some tracer rounds would be nice for that volume of fire. Some kind of Primitive, with an emitting shader?

    I guess I'd like more light on the face of the lead rider. Is there a readout or display that could throw light up, towards her face?

    The completely black dress on the lead rider & the black armor pieces on the chase rider are confusing to me since there's no detail on them. Black blobs are not doing anything for me... to the point that I wonder if it's a texture glitch rather than just dim lighting. I really think there needs to be more visible detail where there's just a black blob at the moment.

    I do like Kismet2012's idea to blur the background with DOF. You could probably box the lead & the chase bikes reasonably well, which would not blur the immediate background around that box... but it could add a nice effect to the more distant background.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    I usually only bump the ISO in an image up to 150-200 at most and use other lights to fill in the darker areas (if that help you) Also, I found when making an object glow, it works much better to leave the Luminosity on the material at the default (1500 I think) but change the Luminance units to W (I think that stands for watts so I can just think of a lightbulb to judge what brightness I need 40w, 65w, 90w etc.) so then I set the Luminous Efficacy to the desired wattage.

    In my image, I set the gun bursts on the bike to 60w.

    Hope that helps :)

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    The shells coming off the chase bike are cool. Some tracer rounds would be nice for that volume of fire. Some kind of Primitive, with an emitting shader?

    I guess I'd like more light on the face of the lead rider. Is there a readout or display that could throw light up, towards her face?

    The completely black dress on the lead rider & the black armor pieces on the chase rider are confusing to me since there's no detail on them. Black blobs are not doing anything for me... to the point that I wonder if it's a texture glitch rather than just dim lighting. I really think there needs to be more visible detail where there's just a black blob at the moment.

    I do like Kismet2012's idea to blur the background with DOF. You could probably box the lead & the chase bikes reasonably well, which would not blur the immediate background around that box... but it could add a nice effect to the more distant background.

    Tried adding some tracer rounds, not sure if I like it though as they follow the same angle as the lines painted on the road so they blend in almost too much. I'll leave them in for now though.

    The black clothing is more likely a creator glitch! I had gotten a couple models that were made in 3dsMax and got them imported into Hex, where I cut, adjusted, and shaped them to fit G2F. Then I just simply picked a color in the diffuse tab for the pieces. I'm not sure how to make them look better. I tried lightening the black to a dark grey, but that didn't help.

    Lastly, I could not get DOF to work correctly because the 2 riders were too far from each other :(

  • thenotoriousjedthenotoriousjed Posts: 397
    edited December 1969

    Linwelly said:
    Here is my updated render using suggestions for more interaction. I also added a couple little things like the watch on the male's arm just for a little extra touch.

    I imagine Squach saying something like "No, seriously it was a ghost. I saw it myself" with the man's reply "I don't know about all that."

    This is an interesting scene with a nice natural light and environment. I think you could drive the story a bit further, I mean there is a guy sitting with some strange humanoid creature having a nice chat, the man obvioulsly isn' thinking this a weird situation but I guess you want the viewer of the scene to be thinking of the weirdness. Maybe you can let them share a few beers or a pizza, something like that.

    I thought about adding something. Was wondering about maybe some wildlife like a squirrel or something on the log beside Sasquatch looking at him oddly. Pack of beer between buddies would be kind of cool. Some ideas to toy with. Thank you.

    I think I would make a newspaper in photoshop with an article about sasquatch on the front page, and work it into the scene, perhaps on the front page, but the man is showing the sasquatch an article on something completely else in the middle of the newspaper,\, and completely oblivious to the headline. I agree though that it is an interessting fun idea that could be pushed a little further to tell the story. Coming along nicely though!Newspaper is an interesting idea. Not sure I can pull that one off. Might play with the idea just to find out though. Thanks

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    I think I would make a newspaper in photoshop with an article about sasquatch on the front page, and work it into the scene, perhaps on the front page, but the man is showing the sasquatch an article on something completely else in the middle of the newspaper,\, and completely oblivious to the headline. I agree though that it is an interessting fun idea that could be pushed a little further to tell the story. Coming along nicely though!
    Newspaper is an interesting idea. Not sure I can pull that one off. Might play with the idea just to find out though. Thanks

    So maybe this will be your inspiration:
    http://www.sharecg.com/v/18198/browse/11/Poser/Morphing-Newspaper by Trekkiegirrrl

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    wow everybodys renders are on a very good way.
    Now, I have tried my hand at d-formers and once you know what to click when, its getting a very smart thing, so see the curtain is moving around. I guess i still have some work to do for the detail, but I'm rather happy I made this work at all.

    @ Kismet, yes you are right, the action of putting the pisol to use might come out more clear choosing a start or end point.
    As I don't want my boy to be shot, I guess I will try make her just draw the pistol.

    on a different note, does anybody know about a chandelier or candlestick for several candles? Best thing would be a freebie, but i didn't find a fitting one. I'd like to have it lying around somewhere to mark the path of destruction.

    1200 x 960 - 1M
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    I played around with the Iray shaders quite a bit and I think I got something pretty good with the black outfits.

    Here's the update

    800 x 667 - 909K
  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,413
    edited December 1969

    @ Kismet2012: Found the render settings, got a portrait render, the position and the size is still a bit amiss, but now I know where to tweak the render settings, thanks a lot!

    These 4 renders show: normal DAZ Studio light settings, fiery genesis lights added, fiery genesis parented to the dragon and surfer guy beach lights added and parented to the girl. And the last render has changed gamma values.

    The dragon looks best with just fiery genesis lights. The girl needs more lighting, and still her skin looks dull. I think I will have to experiment more.

    851 x 742 - 106K
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    I played around with the Iray shaders quite a bit and I think I got something pretty good with the black outfits.

    Here's the update

    Nice! Outfits look good now.

    Regarding tracers, you could push a bit of color there, IMO. More like laz0r pew pew fire.

    If you want to see a bit of Mil Pr0n, here's some range firing from Afghanistan.
    (They're shooting a machine gun in similar light conditions as your image, and you can really pick out the tracers.)

    Current random nit: Is that Yamaki bike in the back supposed to be so matte? There's more sheen on the tire compared to the paint.

    @ Kismet2012: Found the render settings, got a portrait render, the position and the size is still a bit amiss, but now I know where to tweak the render settings, thanks a lot!

    These 4 renders show: normal DAZ Studio light settings, fiery genesis lights added, fiery genesis parented to the dragon and surfer guy beach lights added and parented to the girl. And the last render has changed gamma values.

    The dragon looks best with just fiery genesis lights. The girl needs more lighting, and still her skin looks dull. I think I will have to experiment more.

    Give us a background! :-)

    If you're stuck, here's one that I (and many others) have used, from SHIFTING IMAGES:

    It might help envision some of the lighting. Try a couple of your own settings instead of using the presets. You've got a ton of time this month. Yeah, it takes time to learn (and I'm far from expert at it)... but it's worth it to be able to rig things how you want them.

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    I really hope that things work out for you Fiona.

    I'll also be posting less. My issues are minor compared to Fiona, but RA and Eye surgeries are taking my energy.

  • thenotoriousjedthenotoriousjed Posts: 397
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl said:

    I think I would make a newspaper in photoshop with an article about sasquatch on the front page, and work it into the scene, perhaps on the front page, but the man is showing the sasquatch an article on something completely else in the middle of the newspaper,\, and completely oblivious to the headline. I agree though that it is an interessting fun idea that could be pushed a little further to tell the story. Coming along nicely though!
    Newspaper is an interesting idea. Not sure I can pull that one off. Might play with the idea just to find out though. Thanks

    So maybe this will be your inspiration:
    http://www.sharecg.com/v/18198/browse/11/Poser/Morphing-Newspaper by TrekkiegirrrlNice prop. I've been playing with it and the scene. Actually added a "feed your wild side" beef jerky ad to the paper for a bit of fun but in the scene you really can't tell.

    898 x 581 - 548K
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    Here's another "quick" render.

    I dropped the ISO, tweaked the lumens on my overhead lights (the wide-angle & the tight spot on the Sith holocron), and added 2 Primitive Emitters to the two sides of the Holocron that are not visible to the camera (i.e. a trick).

    The light on the Primitives is dialed towards reds... and is somehow burning away all the overhead light :-( So I need to tweak my overhead lights a lot. The background is nicer, but I want more overhead light & not so much of the red-tinted Emitters doing the work.

    I also repositioned the Jedi on the left & tweaked her outfit materials/shaders (something's not right there, though), along with a change to long hair just to see what it does for her. The changed position let me bring the camera in tighter.

    The clothing choices for both Jedi still bug me...

    533 x 622 - 378K
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited April 2015

    Well, here I am. Let me tell you, Laser cataract surgery is AMAZING. The difference is already so much!

    My Evil Bluestar Corporate Queen hard at work again selling androids. Very rough wip. I may switch the Androids to bodysuits, may as well buy into the whole cliche.

    "Dependable, Loyal, Affordable"

    876 x 700 - 450K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    Nice! Outfits look good now.

    Regarding tracers, you could push a bit of color there, IMO. More like laz0r pew pew fire.

    If you want to see a bit of Mil Pr0n, here's some range firing from Afghanistan.
    (They're shooting a machine gun in similar light conditions as your image, and you can really pick out the tracers.)

    Current random nit: Is that Yamaki bike in the back supposed to be so matte? There's more sheen on the tire compared to the paint.

    I didn't realize they looked like that :O
    Thank you for pointing that out. Now I just have to figure out how to make the color of the tracer gradient like in the video (Red to yellow from the tip back)

    I'm not sure what happened to the bike, I'll get to reworking the shaders on that as well.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    Nice prop. I've been playing with it and the scene. Actually added a "feed your wild side" beef jerky ad to the paper for a bit of fun but in the scene you really can't tell.

    I really like where this is going. 1 thing that keeps bothering me though is the sasquatch is much lighter than the log he's sitting on, not really blending in to the scene that well. I would suggest trying to darken him up just a tad or maybe try to get some of the light off him (a tree or something to cast a shadow over his legs maybe)

  • thenotoriousjedthenotoriousjed Posts: 397
    edited December 1969

    Nice prop. I've been playing with it and the scene. Actually added a "feed your wild side" beef jerky ad to the paper for a bit of fun but in the scene you really can't tell.

    I really like where this is going. 1 thing that keeps bothering me though is the sasquatch is much lighter than the log he's sitting on, not really blending in to the scene that well. I would suggest trying to darken him up just a tad or maybe try to get some of the light off him (a tree or something to cast a shadow over his legs maybe)I'll look into a way to darken him. After you saying it I see it too. I hate the LAMH preset aren't working with Iray. I think they would add a lot to the character.

  • edited December 1969

    I played around with the Iray shaders quite a bit and I think I got something pretty good with the black outfits.

    Here's the update

    The one thing I would do is use "turn nipples off" on whatever the girls skin setting is... it is looking a little on the porn side! ;-)

  • edited December 1969

    Nice prop. I've been playing with it and the scene. Actually added a "feed your wild side" beef jerky ad to the paper for a bit of fun but in the scene you really can't tell.

    Cool! That is pretty funny. I think if it was me, I would make a render of the sassquatch in a frontal and profile view with a height measure along the side, alla mugshot, and then I would use this in the texture of the newspaper. The ad is funny though, its too bad you cant see it!

  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited December 1969

    3ch0_419 said:
    I used the uberarea shader on the muzzle flare to have it help light up the alien(mutant?) emerging from the wall.

    That has made a huge difference. At least for me. I have had trouble "seeing" your alien in previous versions.

    Well done.

    You have a nice rim light going on the shooter from the light coming through the door. Perhaps another, really soft, low light to help light up his back and help him stand out from the background. Is there a hallway behind him? Light could be coming from there.

    Another soft rim light on the hand/arm of the guy who's perspective we are looking from would also help it stand out from the background.

    These are just suggestions. This is really looking good.

    There's actually a wall behind the shooter. For this version, I added a screen to said wall to help with his illumination, as well as a helmet camera (that I'm using for a helmet light) to illuminate the arm and hand. (Going to have to make some adjustments to the uberarea shader on each.)

    1194 x 895 - 784K
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    I'll look into a way to darken him. After you saying it I see it too. I hate the LAMH preset aren't working with Iray. I think they would add a lot to the character.

    From the angle of the shadows, it's like all of the light is falling on your sasquatch, and the other guy has a lot more shadow on him.

    If you don't put a mugshot on the newspaper next to the guy, I think it would perhaps be funnier if the sasquatch had the newspaper & the more Starbucks-y cup... because, you know, that's the more unexpected thing.

    If you could give the dude a beer or something more low-brow, that also might make it more interesting. One that comes to mind (for free) is Mausel's prop for Poser (which can be imported into Daz).


    Giving the guy a Slim Jim would also be good. I can't think of a Slim Jim prop at the moment, however. It's not something I've looked for.

  • edited December 1969

    Teofa said:
    I really hope that things work out for you Fiona.

    I'll also be posting less. My issues are minor compared to Fiona, but RA and Eye surgeries are taking my energy.

    Hope you recover quickly and with as little pain as possible. I see you got a render in with your new eyes.... looking good. As for me I get a day off from testing while we wait for results. There were some minor bumps in the road as far as the tests the last few days went, but nothing major.

  • edited December 1969

    I played around with the Iray shaders quite a bit and I think I got something pretty good with the black outfits.

    Here's the update

    Sorry to reply twice to one post, but I kept scratching my head when I looked at your render trying to figure out what about the lighting felt "off". I think I have come to the conclusion that its the two colors of blue not matching.. the skydome is a blue-green, and the blues on the road and bikes are blue-violet. Its making the scene look like its floating.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    The one thing I would do is use "turn nipples off" on whatever the girls skin setting is... it is looking a little on the porn side! ;-)

    Gah! I didn't even realize they were on! :O

    Sorry to reply twice to one post, but I kept scratching my head when I looked at your render trying to figure out what about the lighting felt "off". I think I have come to the conclusion that its the two colors of blue not matching.. the skydome is a blue-green, and the blues on the road and bikes are blue-violet. Its making the scene look like its floating.

    I wonder if I can adjust the tinting on the backdrop, if not I'll see if I can find a new one.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    Not sure if I should lighten up the purple added to the sky's diffuse or not as it looks to match the road pretty closely now.

    800 x 667 - 906K
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    3ch0_419 said:

    There's actually a wall behind the shooter. For this version, I added a screen to said wall to help with his illumination, as well as a helmet camera (that I'm using for a helmet light) to illuminate the arm and hand. (Going to have to make some adjustments to the uberarea shader on each.)

    It's much easier to see everything in the image now :)

    Couple things I noticed with the shooter, he's standing on the inside of his left foot. I think it needs to be rolled in a little so he's standing flat on it.

    Also, I think he needs an expression, maybe bring his inner eyebrows down to give him a "concentrating" look, or open his eyes and mouth wide for that scared sh*tless look.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    Here's another "quick" render.

    I dropped the ISO, tweaked the lumens on my overhead lights (the wide-angle & the tight spot on the Sith holocron), and added 2 Primitive Emitters to the two sides of the Holocron that are not visible to the camera (i.e. a trick).

    The light on the Primitives is dialed towards reds... and is somehow burning away all the overhead light :-( So I need to tweak my overhead lights a lot. The background is nicer, but I want more overhead light & not so much of the red-tinted Emitters doing the work.

    I also repositioned the Jedi on the left & tweaked her outfit materials/shaders (something's not right there, though), along with a change to long hair just to see what it does for her. The changed position let me bring the camera in tighter.

    The clothing choices for both Jedi still bug me...

    I like the colors of the outfits, the only thing bugging me (about the outfits) is the Jedi on the left has a top that looks like stitched animal skin while the bottom of the outfit looks like royal or wealthy sci-fi.

    How are you lighting the lightsaber? I would set the Units to "W" then set the Efficacy to maybe 20 or lower.

    The light from the Holocron looks off, I think mostly because the Holocron itself isn't glowing. I would add an emissive color to the holocron's surface, set the Units to W and the Eff to maybe about 5 or so.

    Then maybe you can get your overhead dominate light looking the way you want.

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    Teofa said:
    Well, here I am. Let me tell you, Laser cataract surgery is AMAZING. The difference is already so much!

    My Evil Bluestar Corporate Queen hard at work again selling androids. Very rough wip. I may switch the Androids to bodysuits, may as well buy into the whole cliche.

    "Dependable, Loyal, Affordable"

    Glad your eyes are better.

    Onto the criticisms!!!

    I think that, cliche-wise, the setting kind of clashes with the corporate idea. More glass, plastic, and black leather... less stone & plants. If you have PC+, then even something inexpensive like the Classic Deco high-rise look would be nicer than the garden patio.

    The outfit on the queen seems more evening-wear than corporate (and there's sexy ways to do corporate that aren't so much like a dress, I think).

    I don't know what works best on a Android for sale. "More human than human," right? I don't know if a bodysuit fits the marketing profile for the prospective client, but I don't know who the product is marketed for... so that's a big determinant in your scene set-up, I guess. Who is the customer (i.e. the viewer of the scene)?

    An owl would be nice.

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited December 1969

    I like the colors of the outfits, the only thing bugging me (about the outfits) is the Jedi on the left has a top that looks like stitched animal skin while the bottom of the outfit looks like royal or wealthy sci-fi.

    How are you lighting the lightsaber? I would set the Units to "W" then set the Efficacy to maybe 20 or lower.

    The light from the Holocron looks off, I think mostly because the Holocron itself isn't glowing. I would add an emissive color to the holocron's surface, set the Units to W and the Eff to maybe about 5 or so.

    Then maybe you can get your overhead dominate light looking the way you want.

    The clothing reflects my lack of samurai-monk outfits. I've been resisting the skimp-wear, although Ahsoka Tano runs around in a tube top and miniskirt in a good chunk of the Clone Wars show... now there's an idea!!!

    I'll try turning down the Bump map on the Dragonslayer shirt (I think that's what she's wearing), and then I'll try applying one of the Plastic shaders on the "leather" armor surface.

    I think I may have messed up the Holocron lighting somewhere, which caused the issue. I had a spotlight directly overhead with the Point At... set to the Holocron. When I was messing around with the Holocron object (replacing it with another Holocron), the light was no longer pointing at the same spot since the original object was gone. Oops.

    Still trying to get the lights set up properly. I'll run it again overnight.

    It just didn't seem to work right when some lights were on Wattage, and some lights were on Lumens. My photometric lights just won't go with Ws, and when I run my emitters on Ws, they seem to take some kind of weird priority over the Lumens. I'll have to keep messing with it.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    That's how I set up my last scene and wish I would have learned for my previous scene. Photometric lights (IE spotlights) I use Lumen with (I don't think you can change the Units with those anyway)

    Any surface that's going to emit a light (screen, neon sign, etc.) I found works best using W and Eff, leaving the Lumens alone.

    I tried creating the neon look using Lumens and it always washed out the object before I got near the glow effect I wanted, That doesn't seem to happen this new way.

    In this current scene I've got multiple of each. The tracers, sword, eyes and flier control panel on the lead driver, the blue in the helmet on the chasing driver, and the muzzle flashes on the chasing driver are all done in W

    Then I have 6 photometric lights, 1 pointed at each of the fronts of the drivers, 1 on each of the side of the drivers/vehicles, then one from the front of the scene and 1 from the back (I think) all using Lumens

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    That's how I set up my last scene and wish I would have learned for my previous scene. Photometric lights (IE spotlights) I use Lumen with (I don't think you can change the Units with those anyway)

    Any surface that's going to emit a light (screen, neon sign, etc.) I found works best using W and Eff, leaving the Lumens alone.

    I tried creating the neon look using Lumens and it always washed out the object before I got near the glow effect I wanted, That doesn't seem to happen this new way.

    In this current scene I've got multiple of each. The tracers, sword, eyes and flier control panel on the lead driver, the blue in the helmet on the chasing driver, and the muzzle flashes on the chasing driver are all done in W

    Then I have 6 photometric lights, 1 pointed at each of the fronts of the drivers, 1 on each of the side of the drivers/vehicles, then one from the front of the scene and 1 from the back (I think) all using Lumens

    Just for me to understand, these things you are discussing here about light are all concernig the situation in Iray or is that something in DS 4.7 as well? Cause I don't understand a first thingright now, as I don't remember anything similar for 4.7 but I'm still far from knowing everything

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