April 2015 New User Contest - Free Render Month (WIP Thread)



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    Gallows said:
    Last render...any thoughts?

    He still has the red nose effect, and the render seem a bit pixelated, that might be solved with a better shading rate. I don't know what shading rate you use up to know. Other than that this really has turned into a very good render. Kudos on the improvement.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    Here is my next improof. changed the light, pose and the shirt. for more backround I add a few houses.
    In Test 3.1 and 3.2.1 I used gimp to make the backround a little less pixeled

    What do you think about the hole picture, the backround and the softning?

    Thank you for your help

    This has improved quiet a lot. The shirt of the left hand hilr is much better like this.
    Here are some suggestions to go a bit further. For one I would like to see a bit more of the blonde girls face, maybe you pan your camera around so that both faces can be seen.
    The other thing that you should take care of are tangents, in all four versions there is a cut where tha grass ends and something else begins in the background, the cut is chopping of their heads. You might as well have a look at theri knees, the end of the render is right at the knees that creates another tangent. You could try to have a look through the internet for photos of "best friends" look which ones you like and then ask why. the result might find a wy in your render

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,413
    edited December 1969

    Gallows - 28 April 2015 06:07 AM
    Last render...any thoughts?

    If I were the assassin, I would prefer a much smaller knife for practicability reasons.
    Besides that little detail, I think this render shows good drama and tension. I'm a beginner myself, but to me this looks a lot better than the first renders. Makes me already think of a story to that picture. He could be the man who had a drunken brawl in a tavern and unintentionally killed her brother. She is set on revenge. Disguised as a whore she found her prey ...

  • SamutSamut Posts: 50
    edited December 1969

    Racing, Chasing, or Fleeing? When these Fishpeople and colonists saw each other on the beach, everyone started running or driving, and nobody's sure quite what they're doing.

    Made with DAZ (Iray render), no postwork.

    I'm still fiddling with the poses and colors; any advice would be appreciated, especially regarding lighting and how to create tire tracks and footprints in the sand.

    Thank you.

    1920 x 1080 - 1M
  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914
    edited December 1969

    I like it...I think it adds to the sense of movement and dynamism. Overall this is looking really good. I think you've got the right balance of natural and artificial lights. I'm not completely sold on the way the vehicles' surfaces look yet. I know they've gone through several different variations in your earlier renders. Personally I'd go with darker and/or more reflective for both of them...I think that might lend a slicker, speedier feeling to the scene. But that might be personal preference...do what feels right to you.

    I tried messing with the surfaces, I didn't want to make the vehicles any darker as I don't want the whole scene to end up dark but I can't seem to find a happy medium between super-high glossy mirror and shiny plastic in Iray.

    I've been trying to simply make the surface more metallic looking by adding more gloss and/or reflectiveness but changing any/all the glossy settings seems to have no effect. When I try changing the material type from Metal - Magnesium Alloy (which is the one used in the current rendition) to Metal - Nickel but then it looks like it's made with mirrors and changing gloss and reflectivity settings seems to have no effect :(

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438
    edited December 1969

    OK Folks,

    here are some of my renders.
    For outdoor its easy. I often use skydomes from glaseye.
    For the water I used a modified bump texture of "The morphing terrain" from FirstBastion. But I used it as real displacement. This is very important for refraction- and reflexion effects.
    The width of the shine on the water primary depends on the glossy parameter.

    The light itself is easy: One distant light for the sun and the UE2 with soft shadows.

    If I want to light a scene correctly, I sometimes use UE2 with indirect lighting. But in that case the render time increases by 10 times.



    2000 x 1800 - 269K
    2000 x 1800 - 335K
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,322
    edited December 1969

    Reminder: Tomorrow is the last day for submissions.

  • ExperimenterExperimenter Posts: 162
    edited April 2015

    Last changes of my picture. first without post work, second with

    773 x 1000 - 506K
    773 x 1000 - 485K
    Post edited by Experimenter on
  • edited December 1969

    Racing, Chasing, or Fleeing? When these Fishpeople and colonists saw each other on the beach, everyone started running or driving, and nobody's sure quite what they're doing.

    Made with DAZ (Iray render), no postwork.

    I'm still fiddling with the poses and colors; any advice would be appreciated, especially regarding lighting and how to create tire tracks and footprints in the sand.

    Thank you.

    The easiest way to create tire tracks and footprints in the sand would be to find footprints and tiretrack free to use images, and make a displacement map using them, and add it to the texture of the sand, with negative setting and no positive setting. Displacement base (no pushing up or down) is 50% grey. Darker is negative direction, lighter is positive direction. Where to put them in relation to your maps is the hard part of making the texture work, as well as the values for the displacement and the dialing of how much displacement to use, both in the +/- settings and the percent to displace.

    Another option would be tire track and footprint items, there might be freebies out there. I am positive there are for the tire tracks, but I have only found one and I don't know that it will work for your image, and at the moment I can't figure out if I downloaded it when I saw it or where I found it... so sorry!

  • edited December 1969

    Before everyone disappears for the month, I wanted to take a moment to invite everyone over to the "Monthly Freebies Contest" found under "General Freepository". There is a new fun theme each month and a decently good chance to win a small prize, not to mention the chance to show off your art among new friends and familiar faces. As a new Daz user (I started in Jan), I have found that participating in the freebie contest has given me another good reason to practice my skills, while at the same time encouraging me to increase my inventory of quality items. Both of these have helped my renders! Remember, the more you practice, the better you get. This months theme is not yet announced and the new thread not set up yet, but I hope to see some of you there. *hugs*

  • MN-150374MN-150374 Posts: 923
    edited April 2015

    Racing, Chasing, or Fleeing? When these Fishpeople and colonists saw each other on the beach, everyone started running or driving, and nobody's sure quite what they're doing.

    Made with DAZ (Iray render), no postwork.

    I'm still fiddling with the poses and colors; any advice would be appreciated, especially regarding lighting and how to create tire tracks and footprints in the sand.

    Thank you.

    The easiest way to create tire tracks and footprints in the sand would be to find footprints and tiretrack free to use images, and make a displacement map using them, and add it to the texture of the sand, with negative setting and no positive setting. Displacement base (no pushing up or down) is 50% grey. Darker is negative direction, lighter is positive direction. Where to put them in relation to your maps is the hard part of making the texture work, as well as the values for the displacement and the dialing of how much displacement to use, both in the +/- settings and the percent to displace.

    Another option would be tire track and footprint items, there might be freebies out there. I am positive there are for the tire tracks, but I have only found one and I don't know that it will work for your image, and at the moment I can't figure out if I downloaded it when I saw it or where I found it... so sorry!
    Free brushes work also very well to create displacement maps:


    Note, even if they are labeld as Photoshop brushes, they will also work fine in GIMP.

    Post edited by MN-150374 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2015

    Last few hours to get your entries transferred over to the entries thread

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • SamutSamut Posts: 50
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for all the advice regarding creating tire tracks and footprints. I didn't leave myself enough time to do any of that for this month's contest, but I've bookmarked the links.

  • Babalar1Babalar1 Posts: 71
    edited December 1969

    Well here is the final render after a kazillion experiments with HDRI backgrounds (never got that to work) to Bryce (the figures looked to plastic) to clothing and prop changes. I'm not totally satisfied with the results as there are so many things that could have been done to make the story better but nothing I tried came out with good enough results. One idea I was trying was to give her a space suit and a crashed terrestrial ship in the background but was to complicated for my low-level knowledge base.

    @kismet: nice observation on the foot sticking out of the frame. Also, I picked up the morph dress and had trouble adjusting it for the pose but will definitely use it for other renders.

    @linwelly: You are right about the hands and giving more sense he is carrying weight. I tried giving him more flex in his arm which luckily was part of the Michael 4 morph adjustments.

    @fionathegood: I can see your point that everyone has something they can contribute to help others and next time I'd like to participate more in the discussions for what it is worth. Also liked your idea about using planes to create water affects and read the link that had some fascinating ideas. Didn't have time to explore it further but will definitely in future renders. The tip on changing her head angle was just what she needed. Thanks on that:)

    @Scott-Livingston: I agree on your advice about her expression and had done some adjustments from the previous render to give a more realistic look to her.

    Thanks all for your helpful advice and the renders all look great!

    600 x 800 - 509K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Contest closed

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 1969

    So thanks to all participants and admins for advice and support and good luck for everone who entered the contest.
    There are lots of good renders and it was once again great to see them evolve and learn from the others as well.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    I wish good luck for everyone!

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    Good luck. Wonderful work from everyone again this month.

  • yhzmurphyyhzmurphy Posts: 434
    edited December 1969

    Good luck to all...and great to see the progress everyone made.

    And, in case I don't get a chance to log in tomorrow: May the 4th be with you!

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