AUGUST New Users Contest WIP Thread



  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited December 1969

    I like bluemoon's DOF as is, too, although it might also look good with more. I'd like some feedback on the same much DOF is the right amount for my scene? I'm attaching two versions...the one in which the background is more out of focus has an fstop of 20, the other has an fstop of 30.

    I want to tell a story with this image, and of course that's harder to do if the details of the background are completely lost. I haven't added everything to the scene yet, so the story probably isn't at all clear at this point.

    Keep in mind that the version with the fstop value of 20 has better render settings (pixel samples are 8 and shading rate of 0.3), and unlike the other, it has a blurred sky background image for that one...aside from the DOF, those are the main differences between the two--but the DOF settings are what I'm curious to hear your thoughts on. Thanks in advance...

    800 x 800 - 401K
    800 x 800 - 457K
  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited December 1969

    Sasje said:
    bluemoon said:
    I have been playing with this one for a couple of days and don't think I can enter it as i already have two.

    Would love some feedback on what you think.

    If it’s possible maybe some more blur in the back and focus on a piece of the fountain and the two persons in the front.
    Good work.:)

    I think I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. I personally think bluemoon has a very natural (to my eye) level of DOF. Anymore and it might appear forced, like a miniature photographed with a macro lens. That's just my opinion. So much is in the eye of the beholder.

    Im going to agree with EP. Fine line between natural depth of focus and just " blurring"

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited August 2012

    I like bluemoon's DOF as is, too, although it might also look good with more. I'd like some feedback on the same much DOF is the right amount for my scene? I'm attaching two versions...the one in which the background is more out of focus has an fstop of 20, the other has an fstop of 30.

    I want to tell a story with this image, and of course that's harder to do if the details of the background are completely lost. I haven't added everything to the scene yet, so the story probably isn't at all clear at this point.

    Keep in mind that the version with the fstop value of 20 has better render settings (pixel samples are 8 and shading rate of 0.3), and unlike the other, it has a blurred sky background image for that one...aside from the DOF, those are the main differences between the two--but the DOF settings are what I'm curious to hear your thoughts on. Thanks in advance...

    Hmmmm.... I think somewhere in-between from my point of view. The first isn't quite enough and the second seems like a bit too much.

    Is the story an alternate history where Neanderthals dominated?

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Hmmmm.... I think somewhere in-between from my point of view. The first isn't quite enough and the second seems like a bit too much.
    I agree here. Some place in between would probably look the best.
  • edited August 2012

    @ evilproducer - thanks for the comments, I did about 15 test renders and they came out either to much or hardly noticeable DoF. I was trying for a gradual merge from focused to out of focus.

    @ standfast - yes, this contest is a great success. The advice from other users is priceless and the information in the threads for the previous contests is worth reading, so many great tips on other subjects.

    @ Sasje - I tried to get the two characters and fountain into focus with different camera settings but didn't like the result. My knowledge of photography is limited to point and shoot, focal distance, DoF and f stop are all new to me and still very confusing.

    @ Scott-Livingston - Thanks for the comment. I like the second one better and I am wondering if a change of camera angle might give you more depth to play with. I am saying this because as it is the female character looks as though its starting to go out of focus.

    Post edited by bluemoon_524a0e29ba on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    This is one I've been working on. I'm re-rendering it because for some reason the DOF wasn't visible in the final render. I tend to render a depth pass with all my images now, and so I used that to get an idea of what I should see in the next render. This would be considered a WIP.

    2000 x 1500 - 800K
  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,344
    edited August 2012

    Hmmmm.... I think somewhere in-between from my point of view. The first isn't quite enough and the second seems like a bit too much.

    Is the story an alternate history where Neanderthals dominated?

    Yep, that's the story! Working title is "The Museum of Primitive Man." I'll try that in-between POV {edit...I meant to say DOF}...that just might do it. Bluemoon, I'll take another look at the's supposed to be sharpest on the female character, but I believe you may be right that she's slightly out of focus. Thanks, everyone.
    Post edited by Scott Livingston on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Here's the my last image finished up (I think). I really shouldn't watch Sky Captain and the world of Tomorrow anymore. Do you all think the sepia tone works?

    2000 x 1500 - 772K
  • ExtremeAlphaExtremeAlpha Posts: 82
    edited August 2012

    Admiring the view on a hot summer night

    Another try at DOF. I originally posted this rendering in the Summer Heat section. Since I used a lot of what I learned about DOF and lighting from my previous posts in this section, I posted it here as well for some feed back. The lighting are presets from the Hot tub set. I played with the placement some.

    1024 x 1325 - 2M
    Post edited by ExtremeAlpha on
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    TonyCoe said:
    Admiring the view on a hot summer night

    Another try at DOF. I originally posted this rendering in the Summer Heat section. Since I used a lot of what I learned about DOF and lighting from my previous posts in this section, I posted it here as well for some feed back. The lighting are presets from the Hot tub set. I played with the placement some.

    Nice perspective, however I'm not seeing any blur in the image, is there one?

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    Bleumoon: That’s ok, just do what you like follow you’re hart and feelings. :)
    It is a lovely picture.
    evilproducer: Cool :-) I like both pictures.
    TonyCoe : I’m agree with evilproducer, it’s a nice picture but I don’t see DOF

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    DOF is sometimes better if it is subtle. Too much blur in the image will tend to put me off as much as too little.

    This is an older one of mine where the DOF is there, but subtle.

    DOF is seen really not as blur so much as out of focus.

    576 x 768 - 280K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    TonyCoe's image has a nice DOF to it. It is very subtle as chohole says but easy for me to see. Just compair the female to the male. It's a light touch but it's in there.

  • SasjeSasje Posts: 835
    edited December 1969

    woops!! now I see it, the male is a little bit softer

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,324
    edited December 1969

    Yeah. I really like it. It looks very realistic to me.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    DOF is sometimes better if it is subtle. Too much blur in the image will tend to put me off as much as too little.

    This is an older one of mine where the DOF is there, but subtle.

    DOF is seen really not as blur so much as out of focus.

    Which creates a blur! ;-P Believe me, I know what I'm talking about every time I take off my glasses.

    Seriously though, I generally prefer subtle as well. I can seethe blur if I look closely. It's very, very subtle. I didn't notice it last night when I first saw the image, but my eyes might have been tired, as it was pretty close to the time I went to bed.

  • BrotherloboBrotherlobo Posts: 495
    edited August 2012

    Okay..time for me to weigh in. I am extremely new to DAZ -- I only discovered this program last week. Luckily, I'm on vacation but it has consumed much of my time. Personally, I have found the 'New Users' forums extremely helpful and many of the posts from past monthly contests.

    Here is my first (well, maybe 15th, 20th or 75th) try. The suggestions on DOF have been super helpful but I still feel I need work on my lighting and camera angles. But without input, I'm just spinning my wheels.

    Just FYI -- the figure is based off a character in my lastest Sci-Fi novel, just an updated look. I did my original cover in photoshop with images bought from Dreamstime. I knew very little about DOF, shadows, lighting and camera angles. Of course, I was also limited by my program at the time. Don't get me wrong, Photoshop is great and I plan to use it in conjuction with DAZ. I just wish I had found this program and community last year....but that is the past, working toward the future now. :-)

    EDIT: okay...cropped it down to have it within the guidelines.
    Programs used: DAZ 3D 4.0 Standard & Photoshop CS3 (for cropping only)

    Title: Iaido 'Achilles' Spartan makes a wrong turn

    800 x 553 - 253K
    Post edited by Brotherlobo on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    :ooking good, especially as you are so new at this.

    Just one thing. For the New Users Contest we have set the maximum size for the render at 800 pixels on the longest side, and yours is 873 pixels. Can you resize the width a tad, please.

  • BrotherloboBrotherlobo Posts: 495
    edited December 1969

    Roger that...rendering a new version now (sorry about that)

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    :ooking good, especially as you are so new at this.

    Just one thing. For the New Users Contest we have set the maximum size for the render at 800 pixels on the longest side, and yours is 873 pixels. Can you resize the width a tad, please.

    So the final image should be 800 pixels on the longest side, even though the forum has the (admittedly buggy) ability to resize and present a thumbnail in the posts?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:

    That's what I figured. I just wanted it spelled out. Might want to PM a couple of the entrants as there are a couple that exceed the dimensions. It would be a shame if somebody was disqualified after all the hard work they put into the images.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    That has already been addressed.

  • BrotherloboBrotherlobo Posts: 495
    edited December 1969

    Okay, another 'noobie' question.

    This is the WIP forum. Do I need to post it also in the contest forum?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Once you are happy with your image, feel that you have had enough feed back to help you improve it, then yes, then you post it to the contest thread.

    The idea of this WIP thread is that people here will help you to make your image better, by giving you tips and advice.

    These contests are deisgned to be a learning tools as well as a contest, and everyone is very friendly and helpful

  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited August 2012

    Waiting for the Team

    (btw is image resizing working now, and how big can we post images?)

    Previously I had found trying to get detail in a dark image like this challenging as it tended to wash out and all become dark. The thought was to create a breaking dawn type image where the character (guarding the ship) is waiting on the team to return from a night raid. I thought this would be a good challenge to try to get the DOF and maintain image in this type of light setup. This type of picture lends itself to bigger is better because more of the details come out in larger images.

    Oh almost forgot, straight render in DS4.. no post other then jpg compression.

    800 x 800 - 312K
    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Gedd said:
    Waiting for the Team

    (btw is image resizing working now, and how big can we post images?)

    DO youmean as a general rule, or for the purposes of the New Users Contest ?

    Assuming you mean the contest. The rules are here, a sticky thread the applies to all our New Users Contests.
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited August 2012

    Both actually, but for the contest I thought I read 800x800 ... can't find it now so wondering if I remember wrong.

    Just found it in the contest rules, ty :)

    Post edited by Joe Cotter on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited August 2012

    800 max side per side, if you read the rules I linked to.

    As a general rule, for nomrla forum use the max size is 2000x2000, but as the autoresizing is playing up at the moment, and only resizing based on the height instead of the largest size, you may find that some images in landscape format will stretch or even break the forum formatting. Daz3D are working to sort this out.

    What we are doing if an image is breaking the formatting is to copy and paste it with a blank space underneath, so that the formatting will work.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, the part about the space beneath is interesting.

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