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I have given up on wishing for physics and particles effect engines which I can do now in film editing.
But here are a few new changes I hope to see in the daz 5
I really hope they fixed the UI and gave us the ability to change font size for us blinde folks . daz small default font size is making me see cross eyed by the end of the day.
I really hope they have changed or added ports that would give the users the ability to connect to a network server for file sharing between project team members which would bring daz up to the big boys market.
I know This is wishful thinking but it be great to have a connection port or some kind of plugin API for 3rd party render engines for conformity with other 3d software it be 10x better than using fxb if we could go from daz studio directly to the render engine in a 3rd party app. without having to match file requirements. like UE & unity is doing..
lastly & I am hopeful, but I have doubts that it has been added .I have menetioned before that I would love to see the ability to add video as background files, as poser , blender or Unity can , this would make adding daz 3d characters to real life films much easier than doing it 1 frame at a time using the environment tab. and porting over to a film editor
This new is both exciting and frightening all at once!
Bryce 7 was 2010, ELEVEN YEARS AGO
Poor examples of things to defend DAZ 3D's honor on, don't you think? And you couldn't have been expecting that EVERYBODY HERE would just let this slip on by without adding some context, right?
And yes, I'm still upset about everything above...just a little, yep. It's a shameful record, having so many tools in various states of disrepair and outright abandonment. You'll get no epic poems or folk songs from my quill.
At least we're maintaining Studio. I'll take it, but it's quite shy of "good enough" in my feeling. You're welcome!
- Mr. S. Pixel, carnivorous gardener of tomatoes, peppers, and ideas, advocate of devils, and standing up for truth, justice, and small furry woodland creatures.
same here, I couldn't do much at all in D|S3 on my old Dell Inspiron laptop without it crashing so used Carrara and Poser, was very surprised when 4 actually worked albeit slow.
64bit hexagon from 2017
I wasn't claiming that work was ongoing, I was saying that - contrary to the quote - Daz had done work on the applications and released new versions after their purchase. Both can be true.
Thanx for the info, Starkdog.
Here since the Zygote days, but didn't use DS until 4.7. Went thru all the permutations (and/or mutations, as the case may be) of Vicky and Mike tho ;).
Indeed; I still have my beta diskette for the Poser 1.0, and a few Zygote CDs from before that. Times they do march on...
-- Walt Sterdan
I stand (slightly) corrected. But it's still a beta, so what's up with that?
Yeah, but it feels like you were giving way too much credit for lukewarm efforts.
Here's my "grouchy IT guy's" opinion on old products:
Maintain it and upgrade it, or at least put it in your backlog of work to do.
Or, if convinced that it REALLY IS at end of life, then announce that you're letting it go, and then either sell the assets, license out the IP, dispose of it, or let the source code go FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). At least if you send it down the FOSS route, it might get converted to 64 bit (a beta doesn't count), and maybe it will even receive some TLC by some loving developer(s) volunteering to give the top 2 or 3 crash-causing bugs the "Rid-a-Bug" treatment.
I beg you DAZ, from the bottom of my heart, please please please give these old products some dignity; that's all I'm asking for. DAZ's house is very cluttered right now, and I find it difficult for me to get excited about the newly announced products such as Studio 5. Will they actually get FINISHED? Or will we just see one or two betas before they get put on the back burner...or left outside to rust in the rain like Bryce?
I couldn't agree more. I'm several decades north of the age of consent myself and I get eyestrain from trying to read small text.
Another positive step forwards for those of us with less than perfect eyesight would be to ban the use of the darkside style in tutorial videos. The combination of darkside and small fonts make most of these unreadable for old folks.
Personally, I'll only upgrade if all plugins I bought and use work.
Instead of investing in products Daz 3D already owns like Bryce, Carrara and Hexagon, they invested in Morph3D - meanwhile forgotten, and now Tafi and NFT.
If Studio 5 will be (mostly) without bugs and can use other render engines than just the one a single company supports for one operating system and constantly needs new expensive hardware, it may turn out to be a good investment.
It is Daz 3D's company, they make profit with what they do or they do not.
heh - i remember paper tape from those days - still have a bit saved... the old days were fun! (although not always ata the time..) First system I was alowed to run- IBM 360/40 (Although we had a 1401, I never got to seriously work with it..)
As hard as it is. Consider it dead, and be happily surprised, when - against all expectations- otherwise.
As 3D artist I love to define the sex (male/female) of my characters my self, I hate predefined characters . so I hope to see unisex figures with hairless body textures ( there are good body hair systemes ) in a unisex figure you decide the role by applying anatomical elements and morphes like "more female" or " more masculine" like what we see in "August 8.1"
From what I heard, that's how Genesis 1 worked, and it was a disaster.
Yeah I started with Poser 6 and V3 about 6 - 8 months before V4 dropped
I wouldn't say it was a disaster by any means.
so uh... can we have a roadmap of what features Daz plans to bring to DAZ Studio?
This is so confusing. Are we talking about a pre-beta version of DAZ Studio 5, for Macintosh only? If that's the case, why not post that info in the subject name? You could save many of us some reading time.
+1 Yes, that's the way I see it.
Deprecated usually means it will not be developed further, and probably will eventually be dropped by whoever makes it.
No, it's not Mac only.
...I still use Genesis because of all the 3DU toon figures which came out for it., FInally more clothing options for Sadie and Sam.
Far from a disaster actually. Digital clay is digital clay :) A unisex figure gives the user lots of possibilities.
But of course, there was more pressure on the PAs because naturally people then expected any outfit (and most textures) to work perfectly with any body shape. And there were fewer opportunities to generate income for DAZ - because you'd need half as many body morphs, creature creator kits etc than with two separate base figures.
...yeah that is sort of what I gathered after digging around a bit more. So that means Maxwell's next on the chopping block. Wonder if the general release Daz 5 will be when it happens as most likely it will include a new update of Iray. Nvida already will be dropping driver support for W7 and 8.1 this fall and already has done so for their Ampere pro version cards (formerly the Quadrro series).
Some software has also abandoned Windows 7 for 10 like Marvelous Designer, Adobe Creative suite, and Blender (as of ver 2.93). Hopefully Daz will not be going that route with teh general release of .5.
They have never released a 64bit version of Hexagon for MacOS (not even a beta version) even tho they made a lot of promises that a Mac version was coming
Apparently your card is not "small" Maxwell, but SM 5.2
Thanks for clarifying. I agree with Ron. Seems very confusing when reading through all these posts that it SEEMS like it's all about MAC and no mention of Windows!