Released: Alienator Pro [Commercial]



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    RGcincy said:

    barbult said:

    I tried to make a 360 degree view. We'll see if this works... Click the link. It goes to Momento360 for viewing the image.

    That is absolutely gorgeous! You are a master using Ultrascenery and Alienator Pro 

    Thank you, Rich. They are both fun and complementary tools. 

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    We now call her Master Barbult - Strong with the scatters and instances she is!

  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867

    She with a thousand plant props, may her colors spread beyond the horizon!

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992

    I just picked up Alienator Pro and I'm excited to try it out.   However, do I need be concerned about the props that are grouped?  It seems I remember UltraScatter complaining about props that weren't one piece.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    sandmanmax said:

    I just picked up Alienator Pro and I'm excited to try it out.   However, do I need be concerned about the props that are grouped?  It seems I remember UltraScatter complaining about props that weren't one piece.

    Yes, it has to do with loading.

    Technical info:
    As there is no way inside a DAZ Studio script to know what was recently loaded , and to grab the info you need to know that. The only way ito do it is to snapshot the scene, let Studio handle the loading, then check the difference to figure out what was loaded. Props consisting of multiple separate props can wreck havoc depending on how internal parenting is done. Another issue is of the multiple parts are done using instances, as you cannot instance instances.


  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992

    I'm not seeing a New Set button in the Set Builder tool.  It looks like I have to create a set, save the set, close the tool, and start over in order to create another set. 
    Am I missing something?

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    sandmanmax said:

    I'm not seeing a New Set button in the Set Builder tool.  It looks like I have to create a set, save the set, close the tool, and start over in order to create another set. 
    Am I missing something?

    No, you aint missing anything, that's the workflow. Basically the reason is that the scripting system in Daz Studio is not really suitable for making "applicationlike scripts" , so to avoid issues between sets that is the most reliable solution to do things. 

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Doc Acme said:

    In the Alienator Pro, Conversion Sets tab, there's an "Enable Undo" check box.  How/when/where is that used?

    If you enable Undo, all changes are added to the Undo stack and can be undone, but as Alienator Pro can do lots of changes you can, if you have large Scatters and not endless of RAM, end up in a low memory situation because Studio has to collect every change, and that will cause a significant slowdown of the Alieantor Pro process.

  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    Totte said:

    Doc Acme said:

    In the Alienator Pro, Conversion Sets tab, there's an "Enable Undo" check box.  How/when/where is that used?

    If you enable Undo, all changes are added to the Undo stack and can be undone, but as Alienator Pro can do lots of changes you can, if you have large Scatters and not endless of RAM, end up in a low memory situation because Studio has to collect every change, and that will cause a significant slowdown of the Alieantor Pro process.

    Thanks.  I made a quick test scene to try it out.

  • Would it be possible to integrate the wonderful random layer rotation function of

    Hedge maker in Alienator pro ?

    If i use Alienator pro with trees in an ultrascenery scene, all trees of the same type look equal

    in the rotation. And a manually correction of the rotation of the instances is impossible.




  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    rainbud_7f9591930d said:

    Would it be possible to integrate the wonderful random layer rotation function of

    Hedge maker in Alienator pro ?

    If i use Alienator pro with trees in an ultrascenery scene, all trees of the same type look equal

    in the rotation. And a manually correction of the rotation of the instances is impossible.




    Are the original trees randomly rotated? All do is replace the instance parents so the instances should have the same relative scaling and rotation as they had before?
    "Non tech version of the above text"
    I tell DS to instead of having Tree A as parent for the instances of that group, I tell DS to have Tree B instead. OK, not all, the way there is rather complicated....
    If you replace non grouped instances, hmm, need to take a look.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    rainbud_7f9591930d said:

    Would it be possible to integrate the wonderful random layer rotation function of

    Hedge maker in Alienator pro ?

    If i use Alienator pro with trees in an ultrascenery scene, all trees of the same type look equal

    in the rotation. And a manually correction of the rotation of the instances is impossible.


    I don't see this problem when I use Alienator Pro on UltraScenery.  What versions of the products are you using? I have:

    Alienator Pro version 1.5.4
    UltraScenery script version (version is shown on bottom right of UltraScenery Build tab)
    Accelerator version (version is shown on bottom right of UltraScenery Build tab)

    Is there a specific UltraScenery ecology and feature that has this issue?

  • @Barbult @Totte

    Many thanks for your quick replies.

    I let the same scene with feature Lake 3 and ecology Country Ford 6

    built again by UC. Now all is alright again.

    All big tress have a random rotation how it should be.

    I don´t know what happened.




    Alienator pro 1.5.4

    Many thanks for your help.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    Your Accelerator version is not the latest. There was a rotation bug at one point that got fixed. You should probably update it.
  • barbult said:

    Your Accelerator version is not the latest. There was a rotation bug at one point that got fixed. You should probably update it.

    Many thanks.

    I updated now to Accelerator V and i will check it.


  • Marty3DMarty3D Posts: 44
    edited September 2021

    I picked this up yesterday, a neat little script, liking it so far.

    Just one question, where are the prop sets saved to on hard drive? I have DAZ3D on an E:Drive SSD but cannot for the life of me find where the prop sets get saved to. Everything works great I just want to know for management purposes where they go roughly in what folder. I'm not expecting a duplication of props, just that there must be some .json file or something that gets referenced by the script on the drop down menu list. :D



    Post edited by Marty3D on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    Marty3D said:

    I picked this up yesterday, a neat little script, liking it so far.

    Just one question, where are the prop sets saved to on hard drive? I have DAZ3D on an E:Drive SSD but cannot for the life of me find where the prop sets get saved to. Everything works great I just want to know for management purposes where they go roughly in what folder. I'm not expecting a duplication of props, just that there must be some .json file or something that gets referenced by the script on the drop down menu list. :D



    Look in your Content Library folder under data/BWCTotte/Alienator Pro. There is a PData folder and a SetData folder. Both contain JSON files created by Alienator Pro. PData is prop sets and SetData is conversion sets.

  • Marty3DMarty3D Posts: 44

    barbult said:

    Look in your Content Library folder under data/BWCTotte/Alienator Pro. There is a PData folder and a SetData folder. Both contain JSON files created by Alienator Pro. PData is prop sets and SetData is conversion sets.

    Thanks a lot. I found it now. My problem was, I was looking for Code66 folders and inside those. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    edited November 2021

    The recent PC+ Tree Houses freebie works well wth Alienator Pro. I substituted some tree houses for large Oak trees.

    USC Oaks Alienator Tree Houses_001.jpg
    2000 x 1125 - 2M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    edited December 2021

    This was the Crystal Cave before Alienator Pro got a hold of it. laugh


    Crystal Caave Green Alienator Pro lit tres and mushrooms_CAM02.jpg
    2000 x 1000 - 2M
    Crystal Cave Green Alienator Pro lit tres and mushrooms_CAM01 Default.jpg
    2000 x 1000 - 2M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,489

    Lovely vivid (if weird) scene, @barbult - the first one looks just like Santa's grotto! (Well, maybe the "eyes-on-stalks" would be a bit scary for the kids)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    MelanieL said:

    Lovely vivid (if weird) scene, @barbult - the first one looks just like Santa's grotto! (Well, maybe the "eyes-on-stalks" would be a bit scary for the kids)

    Thanks for looking, MelanieL! I am fascinated by those weird alien things.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Such great renders Barbult, as always!

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    I love how easy it is to create sets and convert instances with Alienator Pro! A feature request for a future update would be to allow us to set affinity, rotation, etc.

    This is just a quick test to replace some of the USC daisies with MJF's Nicotiana and Woodland products.


    1000 x 800 - 999K
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    dawnblade said:

    I love how easy it is to create sets and convert instances with Alienator Pro! A feature request for a future update would be to allow us to set affinity, rotation, etc.

    This is just a quick test to replace some of the USC daisies with MJF's Nicotiana and Woodland products.


    The thing is that those paramaters are in US itself. I do have UST III -  Ultra Scenery Toolbox Volume III on my todo list, and I've done parts of it, but it's a major project so I won't even guess when It's done. There you will be able to set affinity.

    Another solution is to use UST II -  Ultra Scenery Toolbox Volume II and make a copy of the ecology you are using, edit the affinites, and then use a popuplated scene using that ecolopy and use Alienator Pro to replace the plants.


  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Totte said:

    dawnblade said:

    I love how easy it is to create sets and convert instances with Alienator Pro! A feature request for a future update would be to allow us to set affinity, rotation, etc.

    This is just a quick test to replace some of the USC daisies with MJF's Nicotiana and Woodland products.


    The thing is that those paramaters are in US itself. I do have UST III -  Ultra Scenery Toolbox Volume III on my todo list, and I've done parts of it, but it's a major project so I won't even guess when It's done. There you will be able to set affinity.

    Another solution is to use UST II -  Ultra Scenery Toolbox Volume II and make a copy of the ecology you are using, edit the affinites, and then use a popuplated scene using that ecolopy and use Alienator Pro to replace the plants.


    Thanks for the quick reply! smiley  I have UST II so I might try that, but I was hoping though that UST II would create new ecologies using other products, like MJF's plants, rather than have us copy/modify .json files.

    Anyway, it's great to hear there is a UST III in the works! yes


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