Released: Alienator Pro [Commercial]



  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    RocketWestphalia said:

    If this is only a replacement-tool, how is it possible to "unbulk" a scene as mentioned on the promotion site ?

    I didnt write that but I think they though when you have a dense group of large trees in a set, non instanced, replace some of them with smaller trees. 

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    Totte said:

    Peter Wade said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    RocketWestphalia said:

    After Instancify another great tool. Grabbed it today.

    Could you check the manual ? It stops on page six after "Next we will use the PropSwap function."

    Is this intended ? Or do i miss something ?

    THX in advance

    so did I and tried it first on Aslan Court, it reduced it 70% and renders easily for me now yes 

    I've been trying to work out what this does. From the descriptions I thought that it swaps props for different props and doesn't create instrances. So how did you reduce Aslan Court by 70% using it? 

    She talks about Instancify, not Alienator Pro 

    Thank you for the clarification. They both look like very useful tools so I bought both. And Instancify was at a reduced price for buying Alienator Pro so that was a nice bonus.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Instancify also provides a great synergistic benefit with Alienator Pro: turn a bunch of duplicate items into instances, then swap them out with other items.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601
    edited January 2021

    I have nothing to show yet as I either couldn't render it, crashed DAZ studio or had all my instances land in one spot devil

    it works but depending on how the PA set up their scene, origins are not where one expects, I have this issue with FBX exports too!

    Fern Lake and Through The Woods gave me odd results, there were not that many instances so I ran the instance to objects script then instacify to get everything with duplicates as instances

    did both Alienator which worked on the handful of instances and the object replace mode for the stuff not instanced but thats the one where the separate objects land at 0,0,0

    I will try some Ultrascatter scenes I set up myself later as those seem to work ( but don't always render as CPU fallback disabled)

    playing with instacify at the moment, Faveral's Medieval tavern I had to convert every figure to a prop first, that took a whileblush

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    edited January 2021

    A couple things are frustrating me so far. I don't know if there is a workaround or not:

    • The Conversion Set Builder pane on the right shows me the dimensions of the candidate replacement props, but the left hand pane does not show the dimensions of the props to be replaced. How can I choose which replacement prop is the best size fit? It seems clunky to randomly pick one and see if an error is displayed or not. Besides, what is the criteria for whether the link is accepted or rejected with an error message? How much volume difference is considered "too much"? What if I want to substitute props, like trees, based on height, not volume? I really need to see the dimensions of the props in the left pane to do that. You must know that information, or you could not computer the volume difference. I really want to see that dimension info in the left pane so I can make intelligent conversion selections based on my own criteria, such as height.
    • UltraScenery scales the original props to a scale factor of 1%. When I attempt to swap one of those original props in Alienator mode, I get error messages with extreme values, like 107204433% volume difference. To make that number meaningful, I have to divide by 1000000 (i.e.100*100*100). On small item conversion, like UltraScenery grass to dandelions, I get errors that say the difference is Infinity%. And because of that UltraScenery scaling factor, EVERY substitution comes up with an error message like these.
    • Added: Do I have to convert each Alienator set to Alienator Pro set manually one by one with the Alienator Pro Set Builder? I created quite a few Alienator sets. It is taking quite a long time to convert each one, one at a time. Is there a batch mode or anything?
    • Added: I have a set called Azulian Leafless Feather Trees that came with Alienator. It won't convert to Alienator Pro. Same problem with the Azulian Leafless Spray Trees set.
    • Added: I accidently converted a set from Alienator to Alienator Pro twice. I tried to Drop the Set, and confirmed that I wanted to delete it permanently, but it is still in the list of saved sets, even after I closed Alienator Pro and reopened it. I checked in the Alienator Pro PData folder and the duplicated set is still there. EDIT User error! I clicked the No button instead of the Yes button to confirm the delete. blush
    • Added: I have been able to convert PData sets from Alienator to Alienator Pro, but how do I convert SetData sets? 
    Post edited by barbult on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    barbult said:

    A couple things are frustrating me so far. I don't know if there is a workaround or not:

    • The Conversion Set Builder pane on the right shows me the dimensions of the candidate replacement props, but the left hand pane does not show the dimensions of the props to be replaced. How can I choose which replacement prop is the best size fit? It seems clunky to randomly pick one and see if an error is displayed or not. Besides, what is the criteria for whether the link is accepted or rejected with an error message? How much volume difference is considered "too much"? What if I want to substitute props, like trees, based on height, not volume? I really need to see the dimensions of the props in the left pane to do that. You must know that information, or you could not computer the volume difference. I really want to see that dimension info in the left pane so I can make intelligent conversion selections based on my own criteria, such as height.

    First it checks volume - then it checks base area, then x,y,z. These are "guides" to prevent you from replacing grass with tree. But having the size info in the "scene prop list sounds good, will try to get that in, just need to figure out how to make it look good without taking too much space as there are no icon there to fix the space in the list (they are pretty akwardly working).

    • UltraScenery scales the original props to a scale factor of 1%. When I attempt to swap one of those original props in Alienator mode, I get error messages with extreme values, like 107204433% volume difference. To make that number meaningful, I have to divide by 1000000 (i.e.100*100*100). On small item conversion, like UltraScenery grass to dandelions, I get errors that say the difference is Infinity%. And because of that UltraScenery scaling factor, EVERY substitution comes up with an error message like these.

    Thats why there is a "Yes to all" - button

    • Added: Do I have to convert each Alienator set to Alienator Pro set manually one by one with the Alienator Pro Set Builder? I created quite a few Alienator sets. It is taking quite a long time to convert each one, one at a time. Is there a batch mode or anything

    Nope, the process is quite rough as it needs to load the props to be able to calculate the sizes from the prop (needs to be loaded in DS to do that). Might look into batch convert though.

    • Added: I have a set called Azulian Leafless Feather Trees that came with Alienator. It won't convert to Alienator Pro. Same problem with the Azulian Leafless Spray Trees set.

    OK, I just converted both again , so I had two of each, and then deleted one of each , and niw I have one of each again. Have you moved the installation of Alien Scenery files?

    • Added: I accidently converted a set from Alienator to Alienator Pro twice. I tried to Drop the Set, and confirmed that I wanted to delete it permanently, but it is still in the list of saved sets, even after I closed Alienator Pro and reopened it. I checked in the Alienator Pro PData folder and the duplicated set is still there.

    see above ^^

    • Added: I have been able to convert PData sets from Alienator to Alienator Pro, but how do I convert SetData sets? 

    You can just copy them straight over from Alienator SetData folder on data to Alienator Pro  SetData folder. Just keep in mind that the sets I provided for Alienator was done before the final prop set was done by Oso3D and some of the link to missing products and I think they turn up as empty in Alienator Pro

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I have nothing to show yet as I either couldn't render it, crashed DAZ studio or had all my instances land in one spot devil

    it works but depending on how the PA set up their scene, origins are not where one expects, I have this issue with FBX exports too!

    Fern Lake and Through The Woods gave me odd results, there were not that many instances so I ran the instance to objects script then instacify to get everything with duplicates as instances

    did both Alienator which worked on the handful of instances and the object replace mode for the stuff not instanced but thats the one where the separate objects land at 0,0,0

    I will try some Ultrascatter scenes I set up myself later as those seem to work ( but don't always render as CPU fallback disabled)

    playing with instacify at the moment, Faveral's Medieval tavern I had to convert every figure to a prop first, that took a whileblush

    One issue I can think of is that some sets do not have props placed st a certain position, but they have props placed at 0,0,0 but with an origin offset. When you run stuf like that through different programs that try to reconstruct something by changing stuff, you will probably end up with props at 0,0,0 as they had, but the origin will be reset to 0,0,0 when loaded, so that will break things.  

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601

    Totte said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I have nothing to show yet as I either couldn't render it, crashed DAZ studio or had all my instances land in one spot devil

    it works but depending on how the PA set up their scene, origins are not where one expects, I have this issue with FBX exports too!

    Fern Lake and Through The Woods gave me odd results, there were not that many instances so I ran the instance to objects script then instacify to get everything with duplicates as instances

    did both Alienator which worked on the handful of instances and the object replace mode for the stuff not instanced but thats the one where the separate objects land at 0,0,0

    I will try some Ultrascatter scenes I set up myself later as those seem to work ( but don't always render as CPU fallback disabled)

    playing with instacify at the moment, Faveral's Medieval tavern I had to convert every figure to a prop first, that took a whileblush

    One issue I can think of is that some sets do not have props placed st a certain position, but they have props placed at 0,0,0 but with an origin offset. When you run stuf like that through different programs that try to reconstruct something by changing stuff, you will probably end up with props at 0,0,0 as they had, but the origin will be reset to 0,0,0 when loaded, so that will break things.  

    yes it's a known issue I have with FBX export to some programs too and DAZ moving the pivot to the centre of an object is difficult requiring the rigging tool moving those tiny arrows or in tools setting parmeters

     ( not just clicking centre pivot like iClone and Carrara cheeky )

    I have been whining about this for 10 years

    in otherwords the alienator set props and the prop one is replacing must have the same pivot point which makes perfect sense

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    Totte said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I have nothing to show yet as I either couldn't render it, crashed DAZ studio or had all my instances land in one spot devil

    it works but depending on how the PA set up their scene, origins are not where one expects, I have this issue with FBX exports too!

    Fern Lake and Through The Woods gave me odd results, there were not that many instances so I ran the instance to objects script then instacify to get everything with duplicates as instances

    did both Alienator which worked on the handful of instances and the object replace mode for the stuff not instanced but thats the one where the separate objects land at 0,0,0

    I will try some Ultrascatter scenes I set up myself later as those seem to work ( but don't always render as CPU fallback disabled)

    playing with instacify at the moment, Faveral's Medieval tavern I had to convert every figure to a prop first, that took a whileblush

    One issue I can think of is that some sets do not have props placed st a certain position, but they have props placed at 0,0,0 but with an origin offset. When you run stuf like that through different programs that try to reconstruct something by changing stuff, you will probably end up with props at 0,0,0 as they had, but the origin will be reset to 0,0,0 when loaded, so that will break things.  

    yes it's a known issue I have with FBX export to some programs too and DAZ moving the pivot to the centre of an object is difficult requiring the rigging tool moving those tiny arrows or in tools setting parmeters

     ( not just clicking centre pivot like iClone and Carrara cheeky )

    I have been whining about this for 10 years

    in otherwords the alienator set props and the prop one is replacing must have the same pivot point which makes perfect sense

    To ensure the prop ends up at intended location I set the pivot to  0,0,0 (with adjusted Y but hats a complicated thing) when I load the prop as many props do not have that and to ensure rotation  will be correct.
    I had plans for small "adjust pivot gui thing" but still on the "maybe fun to do list"


  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    is it possible that someone could make a video and show how the product works (for Script stuff, I wish peoples would always make a short video showing it in action. For a Prop or clothes its okay with images, but anything that have functions should be showed in movement).


    Short Question: Does the script ONLY replace Instances or also other things?

    And does the new loaded props jumps correct on the old position? also how about grouping, will the new items get grouped and will the old item get deleted  or just hidden?



  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Loony said:

    is it possible that someone could make a video and show how the product works (for Script stuff, I wish peoples would always make a short video showing it in action. For a Prop or clothes its okay with images, but anything that have functions should be showed in movement)


    Short Question: Does the script ONLY replace Instances or also other things?


    Two modes:
    (1) Replace Instance parents and updating instance nodes connected to that parent
    (2) Updating props

    Will not touch wearables or such

    And does the new loaded props jumps correct on the old position? also how about grouping, will the new items get grouped and will the old item get deleted  or just hidden?


    It will for example if there is a table with a vase on it, parented, replace the table and place the vase parented on the table, but, if the table has other dimensions (height) the vase will still be at the same position son it will be too low or too high. Barycentric Collision Detection in scripts are still way too slow. I'm working on a solution to that but still a fr bit to go.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    Totte said:

    barbult said:

    A couple things are frustrating me so far. I don't know if there is a workaround or not:

    • The Conversion Set Builder pane on the right shows me the dimensions of the candidate replacement props, but the left hand pane does not show the dimensions of the props to be replaced. How can I choose which replacement prop is the best size fit? It seems clunky to randomly pick one and see if an error is displayed or not. Besides, what is the criteria for whether the link is accepted or rejected with an error message? How much volume difference is considered "too much"? What if I want to substitute props, like trees, based on height, not volume? I really need to see the dimensions of the props in the left pane to do that. You must know that information, or you could not computer the volume difference. I really want to see that dimension info in the left pane so I can make intelligent conversion selections based on my own criteria, such as height.

    First it checks volume - then it checks base area, then x,y,z. These are "guides" to prevent you from replacing grass with tree. But having the size info in the "scene prop list sounds good, will try to get that in, just need to figure out how to make it look good without taking too much space as there are no icon there to fix the space in the list (they are pretty akwardly working).

    Having the dimensions in the left pane would be wonderful! Thank you for looking into it. It would make Alienator Pro worth double the price to me, and I would happily pay for another update if that is what it takes to get that feature.

    As far as batch conversion of PData sets, I've overcome the need by slogging through the list one by one, because I was eager to use them. It might help other people, though. Thanks for considering it.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Thanks @barbult for coming with useful suggestions!

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited January 2021

    barbult said:

    Totte said:

    barbult said:

    A couple things are frustrating me so far. I don't know if there is a workaround or not:

    • The Conversion Set Builder pane on the right shows me the dimensions of the candidate replacement props, but the left hand pane does not show the dimensions of the props to be replaced. How can I choose which replacement prop is the best size fit? It seems clunky to randomly pick one and see if an error is displayed or not. Besides, what is the criteria for whether the link is accepted or rejected with an error message? How much volume difference is considered "too much"? What if I want to substitute props, like trees, based on height, not volume? I really need to see the dimensions of the props in the left pane to do that. You must know that information, or you could not computer the volume difference. I really want to see that dimension info in the left pane so I can make intelligent conversion selections based on my own criteria, such as height.

    First it checks volume - then it checks base area, then x,y,z. These are "guides" to prevent you from replacing grass with tree. But having the size info in the "scene prop list sounds good, will try to get that in, just need to figure out how to make it look good without taking too much space as there are no icon there to fix the space in the list (they are pretty akwardly working).

    Having the dimensions in the left pane would be wonderful! Thank you for looking into it. It would make Alienator Pro worth double the price to me, and I would happily pay for another update if that is what it takes to get that feature.

    As far as batch conversion of PData sets, I've overcome the need by slogging through the list one by one, because I was eager to use them. It might help other people, though. Thanks for considering it.

    You mean something like this @barbult

    Skärmavbild 2021-01-13 kl. 22.30.05.jpg
    800 x 483 - 163K
    Post edited by Totte on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    Totte said:

    barbult said:

    Totte said:

    barbult said:

    A couple things are frustrating me so far. I don't know if there is a workaround or not:

    • The Conversion Set Builder pane on the right shows me the dimensions of the candidate replacement props, but the left hand pane does not show the dimensions of the props to be replaced. How can I choose which replacement prop is the best size fit? It seems clunky to randomly pick one and see if an error is displayed or not. Besides, what is the criteria for whether the link is accepted or rejected with an error message? How much volume difference is considered "too much"? What if I want to substitute props, like trees, based on height, not volume? I really need to see the dimensions of the props in the left pane to do that. You must know that information, or you could not computer the volume difference. I really want to see that dimension info in the left pane so I can make intelligent conversion selections based on my own criteria, such as height.

    First it checks volume - then it checks base area, then x,y,z. These are "guides" to prevent you from replacing grass with tree. But having the size info in the "scene prop list sounds good, will try to get that in, just need to figure out how to make it look good without taking too much space as there are no icon there to fix the space in the list (they are pretty akwardly working).

    Having the dimensions in the left pane would be wonderful! Thank you for looking into it. It would make Alienator Pro worth double the price to me, and I would happily pay for another update if that is what it takes to get that feature.

    As far as batch conversion of PData sets, I've overcome the need by slogging through the list one by one, because I was eager to use them. It might help other people, though. Thanks for considering it.

    You mean something like this @barbult

    YES!!!! Like that! 

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    barbult said:YES!!!! Like that! 

    I'll let you test soon, just gonna try to add feature #2 first, I think I got an idea how to make that too, batch convert. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    Totte said:

    barbult said:YES!!!! Like that! 

    I'll let you test soon, just gonna try to add feature #2 first, I think I got an idea how to make that too, batch convert. 

    Thanks, you are one of the most responsive PAs in this store! You make useful stuff, too.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601

    ... and a moveable pivot script would be awesome too yes

    Set to centre, base or manual adjust enlightened

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    barbult said:

    Totte said:

    barbult said:YES!!!! Like that! 

    I'll let you test soon, just gonna try to add feature #2 first, I think I got an idea how to make that too, batch convert. 

    Thanks, you are one of the most responsive PAs in this store! You make useful stuff, too.

    Thanks!  And PM sent  

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    ... and a moveable pivot script would be awesome too yes

    Set to centre, base or manual adjust enlightened

    Needs to be a plugin though to make it work nice, that's why I've been holding it off. Just to set to center or base center is easy, had scripts for that that I planned to have as a christmas freebee but as the move pivot was so ugly without real plugin support to be able to manipulate the point in the viewport I shelfed it. 

  • barbult said:

    Totte said:

    barbult said:YES!!!! Like that! 

    I'll let you test soon, just gonna try to add feature #2 first, I think I got an idea how to make that too, batch convert.

    Thanks, you are one of the most responsive PAs in this store! You make useful stuff, too.

    Wow, that is quick! Looks like a nice extra feature or two.

    I of course grabbed the Pro version, but haven't had time to play yet (maybe tomorrow).

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    Totte said:

    barbult said:

    Totte said:

    barbult said:YES!!!! Like that! 

    I'll let you test soon, just gonna try to add feature #2 first, I think I got an idea how to make that too, batch convert. 

    Thanks, you are one of the most responsive PAs in this store! You make useful stuff, too.

    Thanks!  And PM sent  

    I got it and will test it. Thanks. Wow, that was fast!!! 

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099
    edited January 2021

    barbult said:

    Totte said:

    barbult said:

    Totte said:

    barbult said:YES!!!! Like that! 

    I'll let you test soon, just gonna try to add feature #2 first, I think I got an idea how to make that too, batch convert. 

    Thanks, you are one of the most responsive PAs in this store! You make useful stuff, too.

    Thanks!  And PM sent  

    I got it and will test it. Thanks. Wow, that was fast!!! 

    90% of the time was loading the thumb into the list..... 

    Post edited by Totte on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    edited January 2021

    I am having fun making colorful alien scenery from UltraScenery scenes.

    Misc Alien Planet 1920 from USC_004.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,099

    Very nice barbult! Just that kind of stuff Alienator Pro is designed for !

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871

    Totte said:

    Very nice barbult! Just that kind of stuff Alienator Pro is designed for !

    Yes, and it is so fast. There are thousands of instances in there that Alienator Pro replaces with something else in just a few seconds.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    barbult said:

    I am having fun making colorful alien scenery from UltraScenery scenes.

    Looks great, Barbult. Have you used the regular ecology in the UltraScenery or is it also customized?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,871
    Artini said:

    barbult said:

    I am having fun making colorful alien scenery from UltraScenery scenes.

    Looks great, Barbult. Have you used the regular ecology in the UltraScenery or is it also customized?


    This was a regular ecology, but a customized feature where I made the river wider.
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Thanks for the answer. Will need to play with Alienator Pro myself.

    Right now I am amazed with possibilities of MARSA Elements and Alienator Pro will come handy with that too.


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