Dial Fusion for Genesis 2 to 8.1 (Commercial)



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    PA = Published (or possibly Premiere) Artist, a vendor in the Daz Store.

    2022-06-03 01:18:24.990 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7158): Duplicate formula found linking Laugh Lines 1 HD & DF-PierinaV8.1HDHead in /data/Daz 3D/Genesis 8/Female 8_1/Morphs/Dronetz/My People/DF-PierinaV8.1HDHead.dsf.
    2022-06-03 01:18:24.990 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7159): 	owner: Genesis8_1Female
    2022-06-03 01:18:24.990 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7160): 	output: Genesis8_1Female:/data/DAZ%203D/Genesis%208/Female/Morphs/Zev0/Aging%20Morphs%208/Laugh%20Lines%201%20HD.dsf#Laugh%20Lines%201%20HD?value
    2022-06-03 01:18:24.990 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(7161): 	input: Genesis8_1Female:/data/Daz%203D/Genesis%208/Female%208_1/Morphs/Dronetz/My%20People/DF-PierinaV8.1HDHead.dsf#DF-PierinaV8.1HDHead?value
  • nabob21nabob21 Posts: 1,029


    When we are creating our new dials and choosing the universal group to save them under, is there a way to create a new group? For example, instead of picking something like 'Real World" could we create a custom grup such as "My Character Dials" or something like that?

  • This might be asked and answered.  I appologise if i use words incorrectly.  I am wondering, I think at the concept level, if this is saving deltas in the dial or if it is performing like a master controller and changing the values of the other dials.  If it is the former, cool, but if it is the latter, what happens if you should uninstall some morphs that are included in the dials?  Does it fail or apply the changes it can - and does it tell you or do you have to notice?   

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062
    edited March 2023

    I had to do a fresh install of my Daz Library in a new drive, but now the scenes that contain Dial Fusion settings no longer have them. How can I retrieve or restore the settings?

    ETA: I saw the location in Missing Files, but I can't find it yet. Doing a slow Windows search.

    Post edited by xyer0 on
  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718
    edited April 2023

    it isn't immune to that eternal problem of morph dials refusing to show up when you load a test figure. It's almost random. I've got details that show when you load the head and body separately but won't show when you load the main head and body controller. I've tried baking and redoing an ERC freeze and can't fix these errors. It's a pity it doesn't eliminate daisy chains too. I also have a big problem with it refusing to delete dials it created, it tells me it can't delete dials it didn't create when I just created them using DF without any alteration at all. I get it won't save dials that have been saved in the wrong place by whatever creator it was that made them. I have a big list of dials that it's totally ignoring for no reason though.

    You really need to make sure you've got a raw back up of a figure before you create dials for it.

    Post edited by AbnerK on
  • Josh P.Josh P. Posts: 49

    I have dials created, but some of them are not loading on my figure. The morphs are all enabled and located in my local folder. They're just not showing up in Properties or Shaping. Any thoughts on how I can get them back?

  • Since updating to 4.22, I keep getting an error message when creating dials with Dial Fusion on Genesis 8 characters. Choosing either Zero or Restore options, all the morphs I have used on the character are zeroed out. 

    Dial Fusion error .png
    676 x 816 - 97K
  • RodB2RodB2 Posts: 19

    I haven't used DF for a while, but now it doesn't work. I can create a dial(s) and it works on the target character, but the dial does nothing on any subsequent characters that are loaded, even after restarting DS.

    Reinstalled DF.

    I'm using DS 4.22.  I think this may have started after I did a hardware upgrade and upgrade to Win11.

    The new files created are in the save location shown in the DF window. 

    Older created dials still work.

    So DF is broken somehow and I haven't a clue how to fix it.

    Anyone know how to fix this? Or am stuck with another useless peice of software.


  • RodB2RodB2 Posts: 19

    I will think twice before purchasing from this PA in future, 

    This product worked for a short period and then didn't.

    I have explained clearly what the problem is in previous post.

    I just use the products, I'm not a software engineer.

    The provided documentation assumes the product is working. 

    If there is something else I should know, please tell me.

    No help from the PA.

  • Banshee_SquadBanshee_Squad Posts: 14
    edited April 2024

    Is it possible to merge the morphs from a previos DF dial with new adjustments? I have a body morph, set it up as a DF dial, then I tweaked it. I'd like to create a new, single dial that combines all morphs happening at the moment (DF dial at 100%, plus a few other morphs added to the shape), but when I create a new DF dial, what I end up with is a dial that has only the new tweaks. I can, of course, use dials 1 + 2 to get the new shape. But is there a way to create a new, single dial that is using previous DF dials?


    EDIT: Also realizing that dials I'm making today aren't showing up in the folder with previous dials, and the dial itself only appears in the file that I created it with, not in new files (like previous DF dials do).

    Post edited by Banshee_Squad on
  • galiengalien Posts: 137

    The update for this published in DIM a few days ago also includes the Genesis 9 version.

    Is this what was intended?


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