Introduce Yourself, Hello, my name is.....



  • Hello

    I go by GafftheHorse as it matches my character (you'll already have a good idea if you've read Michael Moorcocks 'Dancers at the End of Time'). So far I'm living up to that with Daz3D, I've already gone to far.

    I'm interested in historical & fantasy scenes. I took up Daz as soon as I found out about it as my drawing was never up to my own standard, and have been puttering about with it on and off since June last year, but it's only become an obsession since end of November.

    I'm running Daz on Archlinux, so that's a handicap in some ways, but the native 3Delight render engine is great.

    PS. My gallery is on Deviant art (poor and amateurish that it is).

  • Wow! Lots of new users! Welcome, everyone!  So happy to see new faces!

    @GafftheHorse I'm not familiar with Archlinux, but it's great to see another Linux user using DAZ Studio.  I'm currently running it in Linux Mint 18 and haven't had too many problems with it yet.  The database was the hardest to get working correctly.  If you have any questions or problems with DS under Linux just give me a shout by PM or post something to the New Users forum and I'm sure to see it.  I'll help if I can or direct you to one our Linux gurus who might be able to help.

  • Hay all, making my presence known and adding dazforum time to my daily routine.  I am a retired US Army Vet based out of Austin Texas.  I have been using DAZ on and off since back in 2007 when I discovered it via an Army Communications Training program.  Between then and know my use of the program has been limited, however times are changing so here I am.

    I have a Simi-Pro background as a Photographer and have concluded that field has slowly spiraled into the abyss since the invention of the cell phone.  I have been a tradition model builder since childhood so I found it only fitting that I look towards 3D/CG as a proper use of study and time.

    I really enjoy building out set/scene spaces, I have a couple of projects I am currently working on and have reached a point with them where it is time to start sharing and collaborating with other in this field of work.  From what I can see looks like this forum is low activity and that is my kind of place. 

  • Hello, my name is Glen (Hi, Glen!)

    I used to use Poser 6/Daz 3 about a dozen years ago as a hobby. Then life happened and I got away from the 3d art. Now, I want to try it again to ween myself off FB games!

  • biffjunior2014biffjunior2014 Posts: 1
    edited February 2017

    Fórum ações
    Meu nome é BiffJúnior.
    Eu sou um editor de jogos como LoL, Tibia, LinaAge, WYD e Metin2.
    Eu estou nesta vida no fórum
    voluntário destes 2006.
    Minha vida destes 2008 foi estudar 3D Max em apenas dois anos!
    Mas as adversidades da vida com um monte de desenho, pintura da escova de pintura acrílico e pintura a óleo sem descanso pegou minhas mãos para o Estado de (LER), Traumatismo de repetitivo Exercícios
    A fraqueza do desenho é muito grande, mesmo na escrita!
    Mas o Meu conhecimento está acima de todas as coisas!
    Hoje eu decidi comprar apenas arquivos 3D de personagens, objetos, efeitos e Meio Ambiente!
    Eu mesmo montar os mapas!
    Eu mesmo faço todas as programações em arquivos, (Item_Pronto), (Mob_Pronto), (SQL), (MSA), (MSM), (MSE,), (MDE) e outros arquivos de metin2!
    Os horários concluem em teoria e funcionam!
    Hoje criei um Metin2 Client e o Metin2 Database em 87% Oficial e funcionando bem sem erro!
    Estou terminando de comprar um banco e Metin2 dados muito melhor do que o que eu criei em 2008 a 2014!
    Eu já configurado 48 bases de dados e cliente 65, nenhum funcionou!
    Hoje eu tenho um cliente 2017 Metin2 e 2012 banco de dados completo sem erros.
    Mas ...
    Ele custa dois mil reais e eu pago-lhe 1.300 reais.
    Meu objetivo em seu site
    e obter todos os arquivos necessários para o meu futuro jogo MMORPG.
    Metin2 cliente é executado em Files (Gr2 3d) em 3d Max pode ser aberto esse arquivo com o plugin de 2007 a 2008.
    Não sei se a empresa MAX 3D ou DAZ3D contém este plugin Gr2
    Mesmo se ele não contém,
    estou terminando o curso (Phyton) para fazê-lo rodar esses arquivos OBJ e DAZ3D
    executar em Metin2 com a programação que eu sou apenas em níveis básicos!
    Espero ter Metin2 cliente e banco de dados todos modificada no futuro
    Em Configurações.
    Vou usar as estruturas do cliente e banco de dados como uma estrutura na minha primeira Pem-Beta
    Já criei meu servidor modificado dentro Lineage e LoL, e agora eu estou fazendo tudo isso em Metin2 porque era o que eu gostava O mais e muito mais fácil de programar.
    Se um dia eu tenho tudo em um ano e meio comprei tudo aqui
    , certamente, durante esse período eu vou encontrar alguém que vai fazer o meu cliente e Banco e Zero de dados com os nossos horários dentro do cliente de Metin2 e banco de dados, para trabalhar em um cliente e Banco de dados de Zero.
    Estou pagando amigos para estudar C ++ e Phyton!
    E tudo que você proprietários deste site e fórum de DAZ3D
    Será no meu futuro Lista de créditos finais
    Enquanto isso não acontece
    só estou comprando seus arquivos de Efeitos, objetos Ambiente, veículos, animais, insetos, animações e outros!
    Eu realmente gostei de seus valores!
    Minhas condições financeiras são razoáveis ​​para!
    Espero que este ano para começar tudo de novo para estes 2014
    Eu estava procurando por uma empresa como a sua.
    Se a sorte chegou ... eles sempre estarão na minha lista de Reconhecimentos Gerais!
    Obrigado, meu nome é
    Desenvolvedor de Fóruns Privados de Metin2.
    Skyper: Sr.Biff Júnior
    Mapas Metin2:

    Post edited by biffjunior2014 on
  • hi all,

    My name is Theolas. I am a game and youtuber starting out as will as and artest. trying this out for the frist time and hope all goes well.

    Goals to make my own modles

    here is my deviant art-

  • Welcome, everyone!  Settle in and have fun!  If you have any questions, just ask here in the New Users forum.  We have lots of helpful friendly folks to help you out.  :)

  • Hello, everyone - I guess I go by shanvhorashneroth followed by a string of numbers and letters here, unless there's some way to change my screen name? O_O Haven't seen one, sorry! Ah, well.

    I'm a hobbyist 3d artist who is just working on learning the tools and making some character art for tabletop and Storium games that I play. Over on Storium--for the unfamiliar, it's a very nice play-by-post style collaborative writing / roleplaying game site--I'm Matjaza. I also have a small DeviantArt gallery in which I put some of my DAZ Studio art, along with a couple photographs I've taken that I rather liked. I started it more to have an easy means of contacting artists to commission them, but I've started putting up pieces of my own there now when I like them enough. It's...a pretty small gallery, as a result:

    I've used DAZ for a number of years but haven't really stepped on the forums before, but now that I'm trying to learn more about doing art this way and actually improve my skills a bit, I'm going to try to actually come on here and share and ask some questions!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,017
    edited February 2017

    Hello, everyone - I guess I go by shanvhorashneroth followed by a string of numbers and letters here, unless there's some way to change my screen name? O_O Haven't seen one, sorry! Ah, well.

    I'm a hobbyist 3d artist who is just working on learning the tools and making some character art for tabletop and Storium games that I play. Over on Storium--for the unfamiliar, it's a very nice play-by-post style collaborative writing / roleplaying game site--I'm Matjaza. I also have a small DeviantArt gallery in which I put some of my DAZ Studio art, along with a couple photographs I've taken that I rather liked. I started it more to have an easy means of contacting artists to commission them, but I've started putting up pieces of my own there now when I like them enough. It's...a pretty small gallery, as a result:

    I've used DAZ for a number of years but haven't really stepped on the forums before, but now that I'm trying to learn more about doing art this way and actually improve my skills a bit, I'm going to try to actually come on here and share and ask some questions!

    Welcome to the forums! Yes, you can change your username. I'll look around and dig up a link on how to do it.

    Here is a link to a thread that tells you how to change your username. It even has an illustration.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • Thanks so much! Didn't think of looking under my main DAZ account. I've changed my username to Kaumrael to match the DeviantArt page.

  • skizzandalskizzandal Posts: 0
    edited February 2017

    ​I just got Daz today and it looks very complicated.  Ive been doing 2d black and white animations ( skizzysmith on YouTube)  for a few years, but wondered what this would be like.   First thing I find is the tutorials on Youtube have a screen that looks nothing like mine.  So  many instructional things, reviews, guides, leave out the basics, and make asumptions.  Now can I make a human character from scratch with Daz 4.9 ?   I mean draw the first line of a wire frame?  I will find out over the next few weeks what the commands do.  If the whole thing is designed to get you to buy characters that someone else made, well, if there is a basic human that I can rework into what I want, thats OK, as long as when I get to the part where I want to add wings or antlers, it allows me to, I would expect to be able to modify every single part of the thing.  So if im in the wrong place, maybe someone will tell me.


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Hi all, I'm not really a newbie as I've been using Daz for a while now but never got round to introducing myself and thought it was about time I did.

    I've a rather varied interest in all forms of art including 3D rendering and fractal design - I have been known to mix these 2 genres together as some of you may be aware if you've seen any of my work on DA (Tangent101). I do tend to go off on tangents hence my nickname.

    Anyway enough of my rambling, wish you all happy rendering :)

  • Greetings to all! I am just getting back into the rendering world after an extended hiatus. I started with Poser back when ver 4 was out and was an avid user for years until life intruded and I had to leave the creative bug alone. Last time I did a render on purpose was in Poser 9 and now ive gone over to the dark side and am using Daz Studio. Not going to admir to how many wonky renders ive gone through but today It seems Ive managed to get a render i actually plan on importing into photoshop. All those Daz video tutorials on youtube must finally be sinking in. Aside from rendering and digital painting I also tinker with fractals. I have a bunch of those and some of my older work in poser on deviant art for those so inclined

    I have a render going right now and theres some stuff in the Daz store i need ......????

  • Hey, call me Geekydad. I post on DevArt under another name I'm not going to reveal, and I'm an old user of Poser- P5, P8, all that stuff. My main strength was setting up realistic looking theatrical scenes and such; I try for as little postwork as possible. I'm coming to DAZ Studio because I want to start rendering again, and the older versions of Poser no longer work on my system. I'm still learning the ins and outs of DAZ Studio 4.9, but I'm very pleased so far with what it can do. I especially like the Genesis 3 models; I've been slowly recreating my characters using custom dialed body and face morphs, and am really loving what I can do with the model.

  • Welcome to DAZ everyone.  Settle in and have a look around.  Ask any questions you might have here in the New Users forum.  We have lots of friendly people willing to help get you up and running.  

  • Hello, can you import export DAZ models to Blender and Blender models to DAZ? I've been doing some modeling in Blender. Can you animate in DAZ or is it just for still pictures? How do you make the models look really nice and not like plastic like I notice most do?

  • @bhfineartist_2d42f5137d  Hi.  Welcome.  Yes, DAZ Studio can import and export in a format that Blender can read.  You need to export your model from Blender as a .obj which DS can read.  You might find the size of your model a little different in DAZ compared to Blender depending on what size you modeled.  Blender uses more feet to the inch spec than DAZ does which I believe is 1 inch to 1 cm.  Not positive about that.  You might have to adjust your size once you get it inside DAZ Studio.  I find that when I model I usually have to increase the size of my models once inside DS because my models are tiny.  I know that when I export from DS to Blender I use a 1% ratio using the DS measurement instead of 100%.  I'm not great at math so I can't tell you exactly what the differences are between the two.  Once you have it inside DS, you can save it as a .duf, DS's native file format, and then you won't have to import

    There is a great video by @Sickleyield on moving from DAZ Studio to Blender and back again that should give you a lot of information that will help figure things out even if you are going from Blender to DAZ Studio.  The video is on making morphs, but, as I said, she has a lot of useful information about moving between the two programs.

    If you have any questions, just start a post in the New Users thread.  There are a few of us using Blender to make models and then using them inside DS.

    As for animation in DS, yes, DS can animate.  It isn't just for still pictures.  There are some excellent animators here in the forums.  Unfortunately, I'm not one of them.  I've played with it a little bit but I'm still very much a beginner when it comes to animation.  Ask questions, though, someone should be able to help you out.

    Making models look really nice and not plastic takes practice!  Part of it is lighting and part of it is skin surfaces and knowing how they interact which takes a little bit of experimentation and a lot of practice.  It's fun, though, when you finally get it right and you understand how you got there.  Again, ask questions.  Mostly, just play with the program and experiment.

    Remember to have fun!


  • Hello All! 

    I am new to graphic art, but I've been wanting to do it for a long time. At the moment I spend most of my time writing novels. I decided on Daz3D originally to design my book covers but I'm thinking I can do much more with it. I love art in so many forms and I look forward to making new friends with the same interests. (I'm a noob at this so any tips you can give me - My eyes are wide open. :D

  • Hallo everyone!  I'm geek-pixie. =^_^=  I've joined quite a long time ago, but I don't believe I've ever formally introduced myself here.  ^^'

    An Aries, born of the Springtime with a chibi-like stature, qualities that have been known to be found in fuzzy baby animals, and quite a vast imagination, I love to explore lots!  So, let us see what all I am interested in/have done/do/etc-Writing/Reading/English Literature, Animals, Performing Arts, Drawing, Stitching, Crochet, Knit, Toons, 3D Modelling, Animation, Gaming, Toy Crafting, Jewellery Crafting, Poetry, Comics, Web Design, Languages, Behind-the-Scenes, Fantasy/Sci-fi, there's probably more...
    I originally began 3D art waaaaay back at Poser 6.  Yes, I have made many a taunt at it, goodness knows, but I will say that it did help me to understand the basis of things.  Oh yes, there went another just then.  Anyhow, my mum had made me a little flip book from a scene of the Timeless Tales version of Rapunzel when I was little and I thought it was the best thing ever!  THAT, is what I wanted to do.  So, when I got a bit older, what I really wished to do was leap straightaway into animation, but I wanted to animate my own modelled characters.  Poser... didn't do that.  I did, however use the programme for practising animation.  So, some time later, I found out about Blender-It was in its early stages back then and that accidental click of the 'x' in the upper right hand corner was a menace.  So, I gave that up for a bit.  Later, I went back to Poser, at Poser 7; no, this still was not what I wanted.  So then, I came across DazStudio.  I should say, this was so much better!  The 3D models were so cute and extremely versatile!  I was in!  There was so much to explore that it kept me entertained for so much time!  Then, I went back to Blender and told myself that I must learn for to keep up with what DazStudio was doing.  Gradually, did I. I still must learn and understand the ways of the programme, but with the experience of those who have gone before me, will I quickly be on my way.  So... fast forward and here we are!  A vast majority of the things in my 3D Library are models that I have created, textured, rigged and animated.  

    But, what drives and encourages me the most is everyone and their creative spirits and good energy.  For I should say, it is such a reward to see all that everyone's creative minds have come up with.  And I love how everyone gets to share their creativity with everyone else to inspire us all!  It is such a great joy.  And I look forward to meeting each and every one of you here and it is my hope that we all inspire each other and encourage each other to do our very best!

    Oh, and I really love gnomes-They're so cute and so little!  If you find anything interesting, let me know so that I can add it to my collection!

    The image in my signature is a link to more things that tell a story all their own.-Note:  The 2nd image link is much more exciting. =)
    **big hugs to everybody!!!**  See you soon! ^_^


  • Hello everyone!

    My name is Krishna, and I am a software developer. Normally I am writing code, and I have pretty much zero experience with creating 3D graphics.

    I am a fan of videogames and art though, so I thought it would be nice to learn something new and dabble with 3D. 

    So far my 3D explorations include a little bit of playing with:

    • Blender - steep learning curve!
    • Sculptris - nice for sculpting fun, but will take a lot of work for me to get the kind of results I want

    Then I found mention of Daz 3d Studio, which sounds like the right kind of tool for making the creations I want with a shorter learning curve than the other tools. At least that is what I hope!

    Right now I have the Install Manager running and it's downloading lots of things. I cant wait to have a play.

    One area of concern is that it seems to be downloading Postgres CMS. I hope its not going to be a problem that I already have an install of the Postgres SQL database on my machine (I use it for development work)!

    I'm looking forward to learning from you all, and who knows, maybe one day I will be able to help some of you out too.



  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited February 2017

    Welcome geek-pixie and @kr1shnak!  Take a look around and ask questions if you need help.  Don't be shy.

    Geek-pixie,  I like gnomes, too.  They are adorable.  :)

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • Thank you Knittingmommy for the lovely welcome.  *hugs* ^^  Ah!  You like gnomes too!  That's fantastic! Oh, hey, I see you too have a DeviantArt page.  I should like to add you there, if that is alright.  Hm, and a question I did want to ask-Does Daz hold Toon-themed Challenges as well?  And could there be a forum category specifically for toon artists to get help and feedback on works?

  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,668

    Hello Geek-Pixie welcome to the forums, we have everything you can think of around the forums but I suggest you join in the newbie forum threads first to get yourself aquanted with how things go around here and maybe even learn some things along the way.

    Once your ready you can start a thread over at the Art Forum where you can a lot of advice from amazing artists that surf around the forums to help out.


  • Hello, Saphirewild.  Thank you for the warm welcome and very helpful information.  As I love to read, I'm off to go check this out right now! ^^

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited February 2017

    Thank you Knittingmommy for the lovely welcome.  *hugs* ^^  Ah!  You like gnomes too!  That's fantastic! Oh, hey, I see you too have a DeviantArt page.  I should like to add you there, if that is alright.  Hm, and a question I did want to ask-Does Daz hold Toon-themed Challenges as well?  And could there be a forum category specifically for toon artists to get help and feedback on works?

    Nothing specific,  the New Users Challenges are formatted as being edutainment, ie you learn as you make the renders,  and there are program specific challenges for a couple of the DAZ programs. (Bryce and Carrara) plus there are the PCI contests held in the PC members only forum.  Any more specific Challenges are usually run by members of the forum rather than being Daz sponsored.


    Visit the New Users, as already mentioned,  and browse through what is being done in the NU contest forum,  get your self settled into what DS can do for you, and then take it from there.


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Ah, I see.  Thank you for this information.  And it is very nice to meet you, Chohole! *hugs* =)

  • There are a couple of threads for toon images and NPR images, but they are spread out a little bit.  The best thing to do until you get your feet wet is to ask in the new user forum any specific questions you might like answered and let all of us toon folks and those of us who like NPR to come to you.  There are a lot of us about on the forums.  If you start a toon thread in the new user forum, we'll find it.  As you get accustomed to the forums, you'll quickly figure out which of us like to play with toons.

    Ah, I saw the watch on my DA page.  :)  Oh, and I know of two gnomes in the DAZ 3D shop if you haven't found them yet.

  • Hi my name Andy Merz from AMTV I have started to use DAZ to create shots of 3d animation for use in Adobe Premiere Pro as I found Cinema 4D intimidating. I am inspired by anything retro like 60's, 70's 80's and 90's TV from my childhood (childhood? yes 40 years of childhood and counting!). 

  • Will do and thanks! ^^

    The DAZ 3D shop has got gnomes?  I'll have to add them to my wishlist.  Thank you! =D  Ah, you guys have also got Mushroom Houses and Fairy Trees. So many things to explore in the shop.heart

  • andy_merz said:

    Hi my name Andy Merz from AMTV I have started to use DAZ to create shots of 3d animation for use in Adobe Premiere Pro as I found Cinema 4D intimidating. I am inspired by anything retro like 60's, 70's 80's and 90's TV from my childhood (childhood? yes 40 years of childhood and counting!). 

    Hi Andy, welcome to the forums! ^^

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