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I'm Jay, AKA NerdBird AKA DangerousThing (on other boards), and I'm addicted to 3d graphics. :)
Several years ago I was deeply into Poser. Then my wife objected to the money I spent on them, so I went cold turkey and quit. Now, this is today, my late wife is gone, and I have come back to 3d graphics. This time, I've chosen DAZ as my method of injection of the addictive substances.
In the past, I've been many things. I have been a trackman for the railroad (*many* pounds ago). I've spent most of my life employed as a Sr. Programmer/Analyst. And then my wife got sick so I quit and became her caregiver for 12 years.
I originally got into 3d graphics to illustrate my role-playing games for my players. I will probably do that again. Unfortunately, the clothing situation seems not to have changed since I was last here. Are the vendors catering to adolescent boys? Much of the female clothing available would get a woman arrested as a streetwalker!
I also have problems with much of the science fiction clothing available. There isn't much of it beyond bodysuits. This makes illustrating a game with multiple cultures very difficult. I couldn't even find an authentic kimono available for the g3f (yes there is an area of my game that was settled by ethnic Japanese nobles and European serfs).
Oh well, I guess I'll have to dust off the 3d modeling skills in either Blender or Modo.
My major limit on acquiring 3d content now is not only money but more important the downloads. I now live full-time in an RV and no longer have access to cable internet. I use a cellular data plan, and they are rather expensive per gigabyte.
So that's me in a nutshell.
Have a great day!
Hello from Singapore!
I am a newbies in 3D character creations and animation.
I know Daz Studio from using Reallusion products as they are cross selling Daz content packs.
Recently I have a doubt about fully rigged character. I am interested to create a very fat character with a big belly but could not find a rigged bones model that has a bone on the belly for me to work on the spring action when he is running and dancing... anyone can help?
Hello i am new to daz3d only ben useing it for 3 days my question is on average how long does it take to render a movie avi so far my render has ben going on for 4 days noe not evan half way done
'Morning, all!
I am an extreme newbie/luser in the 3D world. But, what I'm doing basically is making little limited action animation videos for my amusement and bemusement. You can see some of the here:
Now, normally, I'm a poser user. However, I am beginning to wonder if SmithMicro is really all that interested in graphics. They seem to be a bit cool toward the Poser product line. So, I'm wondering if Daz3D would be the better bet. However, right now, I'm stymied by how difficult it seems to use. User friendly isn't the word that I'd employ. For instance, I just downloaded the DSPN converter, and as near as I can tell, it is nowhere to be found on Mac. What happened?
Well, onward and upward...
Hello, 3D world, it is good to actually have found something I have searched so long for. I am greatful to all the individuals that has made this possible to own such awesome software. It is an honor to be able to get step by step instructions/hands on experience that is exciting to me. I have always took interest in 3D programs since the sims 2 game, but was unsuccessful due to complications with 3d software. It has been a year or so that I decided to try again and lo and behold I encounter this software and I am very excited to learn more about it. Thanks for allowing me to have a copy.
Hey.I've been a pencil to paper artist my whole and just recently got DAZ Studio.So far i like it since this is actually the first software i'm using and the learning curve isn't too difficult,but since this is my first time using software like this its still kind of steep.
Hi I'm Rhiannon
Not so much a newbie as a returner after several years absence who has forgot practically everything.
Hi there, well I'm not new to Daz, I've been using the content her for more than a decade in Poser. Today I decided to take the step and downloanded DAZ Studio 4.9
I would love to know if there is anything I really need to be careful of. I feel like a total newbie and hope to connect with others and help each other along the way.
I'll try and not embarass myself too much
Hello, my name is unimportant. Just call me Jo. I'm inspired by the world around us, but not the part most focus on, I see the faceless people, the hidden potential.
I'm a bit past crazy in case you didn't already assume that. I'm a walking taboo. I spend days just thinking about voids, poison, and death. I'm not scared of my much but what my own mind has created terrifies me. I unleash my true personality only when completely alone, no one really knows me, and I love it that way.
Hi, my name is Tina , I am a professional photographer, also make corporate video , and I want to expand my abilities as film maker, and I knows all about morphs I' m 80% female and 20% male or I was , now am 100% female, Das 3D has the product to aselerate the animation, and the production of my short film.
My name is Michael Plumeyer and I'm a professional photographer which I've been for 19 years now. I just downloaded Daz3D to see what it would be like to play with it and see what I can do with it. Currently using CS6 but might upgrade to CC if I have issues with the two different softwares.
I don't know what I can do with Daz3D yet but I'm looking forward to finding out.
hello everyone !
I am Thomas . I have a blog website, computer manuals for beginners
hello everyone!
My name is Thomas. I loved reading your posts in the old Forums. I am 30 yrs old (and I feel old now)
A re-re-Introduction. I am Charles West formerly Caligreal and after multi computer changes I have finally found a laptop with windows 10 that will run hexagon and studio. I have loaded it up and even the Sportspack for Emotiguy that I see is still out there. I was sorely dissappointed seeing the offset in the stitches so I am searching for a machine and hopefully will find the final version of those files to fix the ofset stitches. I hope to find out how to create injection files for emotiguy and emotigal to bring both up to usable on the sportspack. I have been toying with emo once more and want to create the super inj file to add all my new morphs and possibly bring up sports pack 2 to snuff at the same time. Here are some peeks at what I have been toying with on the old character. I will update when I find time. The name change has come from switching to my name rather than an old nick.
Hello, new user. Just seeing if this thing works. :)
Hello, my name is Jeff.
I've been an amatuer photographer for 20+ years (not much of one lately). I worked in IT since the mid '90s and dabbled with CG since running POV-Ray on a 286. I also tried out Blender about a decade ago, but didn't stick with it.
Now I have more free time, and I've been having fun trying to figure out DAZ Studio.
Wow, been using DS for a whole year and realized I never posted in here ;).
My name is Laurie and I've been using DS for about a year and used Poser for very nearly 20 years o.O. I make lots of freebies and was even a PA here waaaay back in the day (V3 stuff). After I got over the initial frustration (which was a hurdle, let me tell ya), I've come to love DS and don't really use Poser anymore these days, tho I still have a soft spot for it and wish its continued success. I'm glad to be here in the beginning of what seems to be big things for DS - a lot of new plugins coming out for dynamics, landscapes, instancing and so on. All very cool stuff. And of course, I adore Iray! :D
Hi, I've been using Daz for about three weeks. I used Poser nearly two decades ago, briefly, before giving up in despair. I've always had artistic ambitions but I decided to put them on hold to focus on my other love, fiction writing. Now I'm hoping to bring the two of them together. I'm delighted by what I seem to be able to achieve in Daz Studio, especially once I dipped into some savings. >.>
Hi im Yinx im interest in character design
Hi, I'm Mary. Just joined, but having difficulty installing the photoshop 3d bridge. Any ideas?
Hello, I'm Leanne, or Queeny, or Evil Queeny depending on my mood :D I started using DAZ in 2007, but about 3 or 4 years ago something happened in my life that I lost pretty much everything. I'm back to a point where I can get back to doing this again, but have to pretty much start over re-teaching myself how to use the program again lol, not to mention re-downloading and re-installing ALLLLLLLLLLL the content I collected over the years i did this before. I have a lot of work to do and look forward to meeting all of you... again.. lol
Hello @ll
First, I'm not online as often as others ( just in case you should be wondering about me replying rather late to something ) - and most of that recently got used up from looking through the DAZ-store... ( still haven't managed to get through from one end to the other - not sure if that's good or bad... )
Oh, and when I get to it, I tend to write long posts - as you obviously see... ;o)
I started 3D-modeling in late 2001 as a hobby (mostly for modding), starting with blender and ( due to some problems with the state in which it was back then - considering by a few short and more recent tests, it propably is in a better shape by now, though now I'm sort of used to tS... ) switched to truespace once tS 3 was free (needed tS 1 for conversion from the start on anyway). Later I bought (or rather, got as present) tS 4 (the first really usable version in my opinion) and some years later tS 6. Am sad that development mostly stopped because of MS buying tS, but that ofcourse doesn't really stop me from using the free tS 7 - though I still mostly use the model-side due to the old plugins I'm used to.
All in all I'm quite happy with tS, except for animating (where obviously now DS comes in) and exporting, where it tends to make quite some hassle...
Also, being nearly continuously plagued by PC-troubles doesn't really help speeding up my modeling and such, and during the last years, RL also held me back quite a lot..
I'm not exactly new at DAZ - stumbled over the site in roughly autumn 2012, but - due to various reasons (PC-Problems, RL, ...) - it took me quite a while to create an account ( sadly so, thinking of all the freebies I missed that way
- also, one of my favourite models ( doesn't seem to be available anymore... or does anyone know something different there? ) and only got to create this account shortly before the end of last december.
In between I was already using an unregistered version of DS from a PC-magazine webpage (, and thus could already experiment around with it for a while.
By now I got some useful stuff from the store ( although looking through the store and optimizing discount-usage tended to take more time then I liked... ) , including Carrara ( about which I still wonder how the 'seamless integration' is supposed to work - so far it didn't want to load my DS-files; though just now I read in the help-wiki that I'll likely have to create/assign some 'custom folder' - would it be a good idea to point it to my runtime, or should I rather copy that to a new folder to avoid conflicts?? ) and graphMate ( which installed & activated ok, but it still doesn't seem to do much - does it need keyMate to properly function? ).
I also just recently bought Pegasus Modeler, in hope that it might help overcome my tS-conversion-problems - time will tell, as the saying goes...
For 2D I'm using or gimp, or some old full-versions which came on magazine-discs or bundled with hardware.
I'd like to get into game-design/-development (I also like programming, mostly in C++, though - due to modding - I mostly used some script-languages) , but currently, I'll first have to fix and configure some things ( find & setup a new compiler since the old one is propably quite too old by now; also, the graphics card of my online-PC recently quite abruptly retired... ) and to find my way around in the tools I got from here by now ( and somehow get the money for those GDLs... and eventually some people to work together with ).
I like to extend the features/scope of a game, though I tend to overdo it a bit, one way or the other...
What would your recommendations concerning selection of a 3D-engine be? For a while I considered using Unity, but since the 2 Unity-based games I played ( Stardrive 2 and Dungeons 2 ) seemed quite ressource-hungry compared to their graphics; and since I read that you have to pay quite a lot for source access ( so much for "free" ), which e.g. in D2 seems to lead to a lot of (really gamebreaking) bugs not being fixed, I don't anymore think Unity would be a good option.
So atm. I'd propably try how far I get with ogre and/or irrLicht, once I get to set them and a compiler ( recommendations welcome ) up. (...and of course I'll continue experimenting with DS)
Unreal- and CryEngine I'd for the moment rather avoid - in order to not get into eventual trouble with the big companies...
Also, I propably should create a few more accounts - shareCG/Renderosity/etc. ; though that might take a while...
TL;DR : I like 3D-modeling and coding/scripting, have so far done this as element for modding as a hobby, and would like to get into game-development but have to sort out a few things. Used DS 'light' since late 2012, and full version since Dec. 2015 .
Good luck, then
. And take care not to burn your modem/router in the process
Hi All,
I'm a long time lurker who has now decided to have a go at 3D as a hobby and see if I can manage to create the fashion images that I've always dreamed of (It turned out pen and paper weren't my route to fame and fortune!).
My dream would be to become a PA but that is a long, long (looooong) way off at this point. I'll just try and make some pretty pictures and see how the future unfolds.
Hi there,
I am New to Daz and I was wondering what software everyone uses to make these amazing characters?
Greetings all
I am George. I used DAZ since its early days but then due to unforeseen circumstances had to give it up for some time. However now i am back trying to remember how to use it again.
My name is Anestis. I downloaded DAZ 3D a few years ago, made a couple of scenes but never went anywhere with it (life got busy).
Trying to get back into it as I have some ideas (mostly RPG character/NPC/possibly monster creations) amongst other things (computer programming).
I mostly like SF and Fantasy, with a mix of other stuff thrown in.
I just downloaded Daz3d a couple of weeks ago, and so far am really excited about working with it. I worked with Maya and Cinema 4d close to 8 years ago or so, mostly modeling. The posing and scene creation capabilities of Daz are really inspiring, and I'm looking forward to continuing to get familiar with the software.
Hopefully I'll meet some like minded people here too by exchanging ideas and techniques as well as resources and experience, with some good ol' fashioned socializing thrown in for good measure.
Hi All!
My name is Richard. I live in Orange County and I am in the I.T. field. I do not know how to draw or paint. I mean, zero skills. My Dad was an art enthusiast and could paint beautiful landscapes, portraits, you name it. That gene skipped my generation! I wish I would have asked him to teach me, but at the time I had no interest in learning to be an artist.
I am an avid gamer on Xbox One, but lately I have been interested in creating comics. But I can't draw. But I want to create fantasy scenes like in Skyrim, Assassin's Creed or Dragon Age Inquisition. What a dilemma! I found out about Daz in late May of this year (2016) while searching online for how to make webcomics when you can't draw. What is Daz Studio? 3D rendering? The software is free, so I'll give it a try.
Since then, I have had so much fun creating scenes that I could not possibly have done by any other means! I have learned so much by entering contests and render opportunities on Daz. The volunteers are awesome and have been incredibly helpful and encouraging. Similarly, the forums are a great place to learn.
One day I'll get to that comic. But for now, I have so much to learn and play with in Daz Studio and other programs like Photoshop that it will be my hobby for quite a while!