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My name is Evan Bartlett. Glade to be apart of this community. The thought of being able to create my imagination into reality is something truly remarkable. I fully commit to an idea no matter how crazy it might seem. I cycled cross country. 98 days. 4,691 miles. I pushed my self mentally, and physically. Now it's time to push myself creatively.
My brother told me about this program when I was in college. My computer at the time could barely handle Adobe Premiere. Spent a year building a new one. Now I know I am ready to dive into my imagination (Daz3d).
Welcome, Evan.
Hi! I'm not new to DAZ, but I am new to these forums. I first started learning to use DAZ Studio in 2007. I found out about 3-D art from a friend on an on-line text-based roleplaying game. She and I used DAZ Studio to make avatars for our game characters. I still consider myself a beginner at using DAZ and would like to learn to use it better through tutorials and these forums. I love reading, writing, playing roleplaying games, and animals. My favorite genre in both books and computer games is sci-fi and fantasy. That is also the type of DAZ artwork I like to do. I appreciate the help already given on this forum and look forward to being part of the community.
Hi!!! My name is Danny and oh my god what have I gotten myself into??? I've ended up a Daz 3D Studio user from a long "directory tree's" worth of turns being an AE long time user. I'm a musician who lives in southwest Missouri and creativity has become my life. I'm here now because I got the hairbrained idea to make my own variety show. I kinda go nuts on the following through of these ideas....but right now I can't stop looking at Genesis 3 female's butt. :)
Alright, jokes aside; seriously where does Gen3 end and Victoria 4-7 begin??? DId I get a Vicky with my Studio 4.9 download and I'm just not understanding this crazyass file structure? I'm sure you guys all have amazingly streamlined content......but I'm stuck trying to get pants on Jeanne. Gen2 and Gen3 don't play so well together, huh? And where the heck do Vick and Mikey come in?? Ermahgosh so many questions. I looking forward to learning with all of you!
Mr. Danny Maple.
Hi and welcome. Loving your intro, with your sense of humour you should fit in well.
You may find this interesting History of Daz Human FIgures
Hi all you peeps. I'm dangerousdoug, you can call me Doug. My best bud big Al and I do loads of stuff in Daz some nice some naughty. we started doing daz in 2011 and I alone have over 81Gb's of stuff for it. We only do it for fun though and I also use other graphics progs. I am retired & Have a Dip.H.ed in ITC IT and computing, and just enjoy doing stuff. I don't hit the forums very often, but if I do and I can help I will. Some peeps think I is mad , but Im not. Anyway, gotta go now as my best invisible pretend friend fearless fred is at the door. CHOW
Hey everyone, hope you're al well. I'm Alex (a.k.a: Cobra). I've been using Daz Studio for 4 years now on and off but have recently bought a brand new powerful Desktop PC so now I can actually use it properly and I'm absolutely loving it! Haha (laptop doesn't exactly cut it when it comes to rendering
I've always had a great interest in 3D work, I even wanted to do it as a career before too! I'm basically just looking to meet some new people, get involved with the Daz community and share some of my work.
That's all for now, hope to see some of you guys and gals around!!
Ok, well.....I'm new here ;)
My name is Mike, and I'm inspired by almost everything. That is to say I have an eye for quality....but there's a lot of quality out there nowdays! I am not an artist in the purest sense....I am a tradesperson who enjoys dabbling in the arts in my spare time (music, photo manipulation, digital illustration).
What am I looking to accomplish? Well, as an automotive enthusiast AND a female enthusiast lol.....I would love to generate some different images of well-rendered classic and experimental autos with female models. I am thinking less in the sexy-model-pose-with-car vein, but more in the "real world" sense....different scenes with the female model as car-owner (approaching car, changing tire, gassing up, picnic near car, etc).
I also have a beloved OC that I would really like to replicate in 3D to "star" in my images. I don't know that I have the ability to pull this off....perhaps I can commission someone to do this for me someday lol. I have zero experience with 3D software so this will be a very steep learning curve for me.
Cheers all!!!
Hi and welcome
There is a thread by dedicated petrolheads over in the Art Studio forum, and you do get a fe of that sort of image there, although mostly they drool over the cars.
Hello my name is Mbasa Guzana and i'm am a South Africa, I love to dream and i want to turn mosts of my dreams into animations, i just love the limitless posibilities that u can do with animations. I am a Chemical Engineering student, love blue & grey and hate haters
Welcome, Mbasa! Feel free to ask questions. Take a look around. I look forward to seeing your work. :)
Hey all, my name is Zach and I have a little CGI experience. Many years ago I was introduced to Bryce and I liked it and played mostly with scenery and some geometry props. Very basic work in Bryce. Additionally, I was learning Photoshop at that time. I have since tried to learn Blender with very little success and have played around in poser but it has been slow going. I am enjoying Daz because of its ease of use for beginners. My plans are to eventually spread out into poser/Daz/Photoshop/Blender. Maybe more later, like Lightwave but these are my primary focuses for now. I have been able to learn a lot already from the community and I hope to be able to contribute as much as I can. CG has always fascinsated me since I grew up watching Reboot. I hope to be able to make something that can captivate the imagination others the way many have used CGI to captivate mine.
Hi and welcome. Bryce is still going strong, and we have a very friendly community here.
Thank you Chohole. It's nice to see Bryce has a commmunity around here. (Which is not a big surprise really, Bryce is awesome) Bryce was nice but I was using it back in 1997-98 when it was still pretty basic and havent touched it since. With the price of these softwares, it isn't easy to collect them all like pokemon. I would like to get my hands on Bryce again but... it will be a while. Years at the earliest. I like that Daz is free but we pay for assets. I do wish there were more bundles of clothes rather than individual items costing $12-20. Thankfully, they do a lot of sales. Would be nice if we saw clothing bundles with like 10 tops, bottoms, etc for $50. Ditto for hair packs. Really sat this point I would like to see texture packs for clothes and hair as part of the purchase of the item. It sucks having to pay $20 for an outfit, then $12 for 1 or 2 more textures for the outfit. Though I digress, I don't mean to attack the site I just joined, I love DAZ.
I will probably enter a photo every month to the contests as right now, I have little direction for the hobby. I do have plans for a larger product but it will have to wait until I have the assets I need to do it. This will of course take time and money, and I need to excercise more restraint as to what I purchase and when just to make the hobby affordable. However, I have enough to work with for our monthly contests and that also provides me great practice for when I am able to take on my larger project.
Bryce is at a very reasonable price at the moment, comparred to what it was when I upgraded
Oh and we have a contest as well.
My Name is George, I am very new to Daz 3d . I am a product designer using solidworks and Geomagic Design X for a living. I guess you can say my passion has always been 3D Characters and animation. When I started my career, the training and online availability of software and tutorials for 3DSMAX was a little more scarce than it is now. I would have loved to make a career using 3d Studio or Maya, but that was then this is now. I am now getting more in to Daz 3D for a start and I was wondering what the best morph pakage to purchase would be. I would rather purchase the combo package for the best value. I am starting with Genesis 3 so I want the latest package. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Welcome to the forums George.
I would recommend starting with the basic morphs for the Genesis 3 figures: Genesis 3 Female Head Morphs, Genesis 3 Female Body Morphs, Genesis 3 Female Expressions, Genesis 3 Male Head Morphs, Genesis 3 Male Body Morphs, Genesis 3 Male Expressions.
There are some very good morph sets by Zevo, i13 Squish Soft Body Effect Morphs for the Genesis 3 Female(s) by Ironman13 and other vendors depending on what exactly you want to do.
Hello, My name is Steve, and I am a newbee. I have an interest in the Kinect 360 and V2.0 in utilizing their awesome abilities to scan and map. Can this software be used in any way with the Kinect?...thanks!
Thank You for the great advice Kismet2012.
Hello, my name is Jim, very new to all this but I'm having a blast. It's a lot of fun. I don't know how to disable the universal tool manipulater. Sometimes I would like to. I'm sure it's really easy, but I can't figure out how to do it. Thank you for your help
Hi there Daz people. I've been using Daz off and on for a few years, and have limited experience with the software, but have recently started to invest more time learning about still image 3D rendering. Can anyone point me in the right direction with this hurdle: I need to insert human and animal tracks in certain environments, for example, sand and snow. What/how is best way to do this? My final renders are printed up to 40x60, so details, when applicaple in close-ups, are important.
Okay, it's one of those days. So, I'm going to try this again, and upload the correct image!
Hi there Daz people. I've been using Daz off and on for a few years, and have limited experience with the software, but have recently started to invest more time learning about still image 3D rendering. Can anyone point me in the right direction with this hurdle: I need to insert human and animal tracks in certain environments, for example, sand and snow. What/how is best way to do this? My final renders are printed up to 40x60, so details, when applicaple in close-ups, are important.
Hey everybody! New to the forums, hope to socialize, learn and share with all in the future!
Hello Jim. Welcome to the forums.
Under the Tools menu you can turn on another tool which will turn off the Universal Tool Manipulater. I like having the Spot Render turned on.
Welcome to the forums demiurge.
Welcome to your new addiction Shannon.
Welcome to your new addiction Shannon.