--Voting is closed!--Aug. Carrara Challenge: SIZE MATTERS!--Voting Thread!--



  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    About 45 minutes to go!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Wow! This challenge has been great! The only problem is all the great entries. I had a really hard time choosing, so I'll bite the bullet and list them by entry number.

    #2 Pimpy- World Creators.
    Great use of perspective and a really imaginative take on the subject.

    #3 kashyyyk- Make Out Poiint.
    I loved following the WIPs as you built the city and the rest of the world. You really feel the size of the city. I think you other entry was just as awesome showing the macro scale. The only problem, is that I can't stand freakin' spider! ;-)

    #13 Antara- Difference Between Life and Death.
    I know you had hare- I mean hair problems. ;-) Despite that, I think the entry is great just for the hawk reflecting in the eye. It is a very subtle, yet effective touch.

    I would suggest that Ringo consider #14- Arlington, By DaleHardman for an Honorable mention. He had some issues getting the final render done, but what is there is still impressive as it depicts the sad, massive cost of war.

    To everybody else, I can't even express how impressed I am by the quality of work that was done for this competition. Thank you all for gracing us with your visions.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    Great work, everyone! Here are my votes...

    1st - #12 head wax - Rats, Hunter Street
    2nd - #1 dustrider - A Moment Frozen in Time
    3rd - #5 Pimpy - Ant's Revenge

    HM - #14 DaleHardman - Size Matters: Arlington
    HM - #2 Pimpy - World Creators

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Voting is now closed! Thak you to everybody that participated in the challenge, and thank you to all those that took the time to look at the entries and voted! It does matter!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    First off, I wanted to say thank you again to all that submitted WIPs and artwork to this challenge. It can be nerve wracking to put yourself out there for all to see!

    Thanks also to those that took the time to look at the entries and make the difficult decisions needed to choose- and it was difficult!

    Last, but not least, I wanted to thank our sponsors, RingoMontfort and DAZ 3D. Without the continuing support of DAZ 3D and all of our talented PA sponsors, past, present and future, these challenges would not be what they are! Please visit their stores!

    One final note, some entries garnered more votes than others. This is not a reflection on the talent or vision of the artist that had less votes. Please don't doubt the sincerity of the voters when they say it was a tough decision, because it was tough. I went back and forth many times. I can try and claim I waited so long to cast my votes because I maintain a sense of impartiality. It sounds noble, but it would be a lie. I just plain, flat-out couldn't decide! Everybody did an outstanding job!

    Now to the tentative results. We have a tie for 2nd place! I've asked my three tie breakers to decide who will be receiving 2nd place and who will get 3rd place.

    #1 at 15 votes- A Moment Frozen in Time by Dustrider.

    #2 or 3 at 13 votes- World Creator by Pimpy.

    #2 or 3 at 13 votes- Rats, Hunter Street by Headwax.

    The breakdown is by entry number:

    #1 with 15 votes.
    #2 with 13 votes.
    #3 with 3 votes.
    #4 with 2 votes.
    #5 with 4 votes.
    #6 with 5 votes.
    #7 with 1 vote.
    #8 with 3 votes.
    #9 with 6 votes.
    #10 with 3 votes.
    #11 with 1 vote.
    #12 with 13 votes.
    #13 with 7 votes.
    #14 with 2 votes.

    Non- Binding Honorable Mentions:
    #1 with 1 vote.
    #2 with 2 votes.
    #3 with 1 vote.
    #4 with 1 vote.
    #5 with 1 vote.
    #6 with 1 vote.
    #9 with 2 votes.
    #10 with 3 votes.
    #12 with 4 votes.
    #14 with 2 votes.

    Great job everybody!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Great job Evil!!!! You did a wonderful job of running the show! And thank you so much to RingoMontfort and DAZ 3D! Of course.
    And congrats to the winners and the HM :)
    The standard was very high, as it has been in all of the challenges.
    Looking forward to seeing what El Dustrider comes up with.

    Thanks to everyone who partook, whether via entry or encouragement or voting.

    Cheers ;)

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations Dustrider, Pimpy and Headwax!

    Once the winning order is decided and Ring picks the Honorable Mention, I'll PM you all.

    Dustrider, I can't wait to see what you decide to do when you host it. Headwax was one of the major movers to get this thing going and can provide some valuable insight. Feel free to pick my brain as well. There have also been many other fine hosts that you can get advice from should you need it!

    To those that are new to this challenge, the winner gets to host the next challenge and decide the theme and rules. The original idea was to promote Carrara through educating others about what Carrara can do. This is why a WIP thread is a good idea. Another way to educate the user is to ask both new users, intermediate, and veteran users to step out of their comfort zone and maybe use a tool or function in Carrara that is usually not often used, like the meta-ball modeler or deformers. Another major goal we hope to achieve is to show DAZ 3D that there is interest in Carrara and Carrara vendors and that Carrara can provide a valuable revenue stream to DAZ 3D so they keep developing it.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,969
    edited December 1969

    Very succinct Evil - and well put.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    Very succinct Evil - and well put.

    I'm just glad that I had the brain cells left to remember the discussion that went on prior to you getting the ball rolling! Thanks for that by the way. Thanks also to those in high places that listened to you and advocated for us Carrara users. Thanks to you, we're not just the ugly stepchildren of the 3D world, we're also weiners- I mean winners! ;-)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited December 1969

    Entry # 12

    Artist: Head wax

    Title: ‘Rats, Hunter Street.’Oui! This is one sweet render!

    Entry #1

    Artist name:.

    Title of the submission:
    A Moment Frozen in TimeFantastique, my friend! I love this!

    Entry #6

    Artist name:. Diomede

    Title of the submission: Pirates in a Rum Bottle


    Most difficult as always. You folks sure do make the voting difficult!

    Honorable mention from me is going to:
    Entry Nr 4

    Author: DUDU

    Title: A town in a drop as it is just really cool!

    The problem is that there are several more that I want to vote for. Some, of which, almost beat out some of those I've finally ended up submitting above. So I just want you all to know that I really love your images, and especially how you've come to the final render. Quite the amazing bunch of talent we've got here! So please make me vote for YOU next month!

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,726
    edited December 1969

    EP, you did a fantastic job to make this challenge a big success, thanks for all your hard work!!!! A huge thank you to DAZ 3D and Ringo Montfort for the great prizes!

    Congrats to all the contestants and winners! It can be a difficult thing to put yourself and your work out there for others to "judge" (something I know all too well), so by just entering you really have already won.

    I'm very honored to have gotten first place .... VERY VERY honored!! Looking at the creativity, talent, and work involved in the other entries, I felt my chances were slim to none ... especially since I employed the over used cliche' theme of a scantily clad girl in armor (the famous DAZ/Poser render acronym NVIATWAS comes to mind :ohh: ). Unfortunately, being a huge fan of Vallejo style fantasy art, that's where I usually find my best inspiration. With this months challenge theme - the idea hit and I just had to enter, even though I felt the visual cliche' of my image (and heavy use of content) compared to the wonderful creativity and outstanding ability to create beautiful, original works of art that is demonstrated by the Carrara artists here every month, would negate any chance of winning at all. But for this entry, it was all about bringing the idea to "life", and finally entering a challenge just to be able to say "I did it!".

    Thanks to everyone who voted - whether you voted for my entry or not, as every entry deserved to win, I just got really really lucky. I've entered a few challenge/render contests over the years (not the Carrara challenges), always when the theme struck a creative nerve (doesn't happen very often as I have a serious dearth of creative nerves), but I have never placed before.

    Well ...... peuuuwww (aka pooh)! Now that the initial excitement is over, the realization that I have to host the next challenge is sinking in. I doubt I can live up to the standard set by EP and his predecessors, but I'll do my best. I'll just throw out my request for help and guidance now (EP, Head Wax, others?). If you could PM me with some little bits of advice, like what I need to do to get the DAZ sponsorship, and the best way to approach other potential sponsors, I would be very grateful (if I don't get any tips PM's, I will be sending out some begging and grovelling PM's post haste). I also hope the previous hosts realize that I intend to plagiarize the heck out of your rules, conditions, etc. :roll:

    Thanks again to all involved! Now it's off to bed with images of dancing suga....... Carrara Challenges in my head.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,011
    edited December 1969

    Well done to everyone who entered

    done well

    Great job in promoting the challenge EP :-)

    Thanks to the sponsors...... yay

    and congrats to dustrider et al for your accomplishments :)

    and good luck with the next Carrara challenge

    looking forward to it whatever it may be ;-)

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations to Dustrider, Pimpy, and Headwax. Well deserved. And I just can't gush enough over the job that EP did promoting this month's challenge outside the Carrara forum. Big tip of the hat to you. Naturally, thanks to Daz and Ringo for the continuing support.

    Dustrider, I will give you a couple of my thoughts about being host. First, and most important, you are now dictator so don't feel like you have to take my suggestions. Second, there are several topics and issues that you should make clear, even if most of us don't really care what the final decision is. For example, are people allowed to submit more than one image? If they do, are votes counted by image or by artist? Is there a minimum number of works in progress that have to be submitted before an entry? Is post work allowed? If so, do you have to submit the raw carrara render in the WIP thread? Etc. etc. etc.

    A lot of these issues have come up before so feel free to cut and paste the rules from prior challenges. However, make sure you read them and that they are what you want. For example, in this challenge Pimpy had the most combined votes, but not for a single image so the voting rule mattered. Btw- great job Pimpy! As this challenge had a single theme, it made sense to count by image.

    The one suggestion that I would be more serious about is to make sure that whatever requirements you set don't exclude too many people. For example, not everyone has the Pro version so consider carefully before requiring use of a feature that is only found in the pro version. Likewise, requiring the use of a piece of free content is different than expensive content.

    For a look at what some prior challenge hosts have done, you can skim through the links found here.


    And have fun!

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    Bravo to everyone! It was difficult to pick a winner - I revised my choices a few times before posting. A well-run contest indeed.

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,971
    edited December 1969

    Well done all!!

    I think so many entered because the scope of the theme was so broad. I wished there had been time to have joined in. It's a great way just to learn as you get so much help in WIPs. I really REALLY recommend it for newbies!

    Also, a general topic allows for so many ways to interpret it. We are all different when it comes to interests, especially age-related interests. But sometimes it's better to step outisde your "box" and try something completely new which is why I like the challenges that require the use of a feature in some way, but doesn't restrict you in others.

    Can't wait to see what you assign for the next contest, Dustrider....am sure it will be fun and challenging!

    xx :) Silene

  • d-j-od-j-o Posts: 345
    edited December 1969

    Concrats winners! Very nicely done!

    Great job EP, I'm sure you will be running one again...

  • pimpypimpy Posts: 274
    edited December 1969

    Thanks to everyone who voted and congrats to all the contestants and winners!
    Thank you to DAZ 3D and Ringo Montfort for the great prizes and of course to EP for the incredible work. Thank you!
    Good luck to the winner Dustrider for hosting the next Carrara challenge and I'm realy curiosus to see what you assign for the next contest.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    There may be a mistake in my count with 2nd and 3rd place, so I'm counting again just to be sure.

    Dagnabit, I said there would be no hanging chads, and by gum, there won't be! ;-)

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I went over the votes twice more and discovered that I did indeed miscount a vote. The new standings are:

    #1 at 15 votes- A Moment Frozen in Time by Dustrider.

    #2 at 13 votes- World Creator by Pimpy.

    #3 at 12 votes- Rats, Hunter Street by Headwax.

    Sorry about that everybody. It's purely my fault. I should have added them up when I wasn't so tired.

    I just need Ringo to choose the Honorable Mention!

  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I went over the votes twice more and discovered that I did indeed miscount a vote. The new standings are:

    #1 at 15 votes- A Moment Frozen in Time by Dustrider.

    #2 at 13 votes- World Creator by Pimpy.

    #3 at 12 votes- Rats, Hunter Street by Headwax.

    Sorry about that everybody. It's purely my fault. I should have added them up when I wasn't so tired.

    I just need Ringo to choose the Honorable Mention!

    Hi Evil,

    Lets get together in private message.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Okay, I went over the votes twice more and discovered that I did indeed miscount a vote. The new standings are:

    #1 at 15 votes- A Moment Frozen in Time by Dustrider.

    #2 at 13 votes- World Creator by Pimpy.

    #3 at 12 votes- Rats, Hunter Street by Headwax.

    Sorry about that everybody. It's purely my fault. I should have added them up when I wasn't so tired.

    I just need Ringo to choose the Honorable Mention!

    Hi Evil,

    Lets get together in private message.


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    RingoMontfort has decided on the Honorable Mention. Congratulations Antara!

    So here is the final list of winners!

    1st Place- Dustrider.
    2nd Place- Pimpy.
    3rd Place- Headwax.
    Honorable Mention- Antara.

    Congratulations everybody! You all did outstanding work!

    Thank you again to everybody that entered and produced informative and cool WIPs. Thanks for sharing your trials and tribulations. I hope everybody had some fun and will try out Dustrider's challenge.

    Thank you also to the folks that were new to the challenge this time around. It's great to have more people to learn from and share ideas with. Thank you to the veterans of this challenge as well. Without your support it may have faded away to be forgotten.

    Speaking of support, please show some love to our very fine sponsors. RingoMonfort and DAZ 3D have really been excellent sponsors. Ringo in particular has gone above and beyond in trying to foster this little community of ours.

  • DaleHardmanDaleHardman Posts: 27
    edited December 1969

    Congrats to the winners! A big thank you to Daz, Ringo & EP for making this challenge possible :-)

    It was neat to see everyone work on their ideas & watching the images evolve. I had a great time & I found it to be a fun way to get back into CG after being away for a long time.

    So DustRider..... you have your challenge posted up yet? ;-)

  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    I would like to say congratulations to all the winners.
    This was lots of fun to watch and really love all entries. Lots of great ideas.
    Thanks to "evilproducer" for all the hard work.

    Best Regards.

    Ringo Monfort

    RingoMontfort has decided on the Honorable Mention. Congratulations Antara!

    So here is the final list of winners!

    1st Place- Dustrider.
    2nd Place- Pimpy.
    3rd Place- Headwax.
    Honorable Mention- Antara.

    Congratulations everybody! You all did outstanding work!

    Thank you again to everybody that entered and produced informative and cool WIPs. Thanks for sharing your trials and tribulations. I hope everybody had some fun and will try out Dustrider's challenge.

    Thank you also to the folks that were new to the challenge this time around. It's great to have more people to learn from and share ideas with. Thank you to the veterans of this challenge as well. Without your support it may have faded away to be forgotten.

    Speaking of support, please show some love to our very fine sponsors. RingoMonfort and DAZ 3D have really been excellent sponsors. Ringo in particular has gone above and beyond in trying to foster this little community of ours.

  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited December 1969

    Oh, wow. Thank you, RingoMonfort, for picking my entry! And for being such a great sponsor to this challenge and great supporter for Carrara in general!

    Congratulations to all the winners! This was a great challenge and I thoroughly enjoyed being part of it and the WIP thread discussions. And special thanks to all of you who helped me deal with my furry issues in this round :).

  • sukyLsukyL Posts: 251
    edited December 1969

    Congratulations Dustrider, Pimpy, Headwax, and Antara. I can't wait to check out the next challenge.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited December 1969

    Yes! Congrats to all!
    I guess I was late. But again... the thread is still entitled: Voting is Open :ahhh:

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Yes! Congrats to all!
    I guess I was late. But again... the thread is still entitled: Voting is Open :ahhh:

    Not anymore! Check it out! ;-P

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited December 1969

    —Dart HAS Closed Voting!—
    No I didn't.
    I just pointed out why I voted after the voting was closed.
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    —Dart HAS Closed Voting!—
    No I didn't.
    I just pointed out why I voted after the voting was closed.

    Just kidding my friend.

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