The Spartans, The Hoplite armed Soldier and Hercules W.I.P [COMMERCIAL]



  • Arnold CArnold C Posts: 740
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    Thanks for your feedback Stefan , you know why I am thinking they paint the leather white, as Romans was used exactly layer cut as the Greeks and they did not painted it white but dark , sometimes with decorative gold ornaments , it was flexible ..until they switched later to bronze or gold..
    linen is the worse material for that , it would be dirty after I usage and if coated with wax it would be looks afoul ... and if they did then I guessing they used it just for parades and special occasions , ceramic paintings mostly have 2 color or 3 so this don;t indicate anything , however in one ceramic painting I spotted the inside of the linpthorax what was brown from inside and while from outside.. painted leather what first come to my mind .. plus don't forget that it is not possible to get pure white or black organic paint .. and for sure not in the times .. and the only one they had would be not water proof anyway so I guess it will be a mystery.
    You're welcome. But I have to thank you, for creating that replica of an ancient greek Hoplite. That really offers a planned project of mine a completely new perspective.

    Yes, I know there has been one a few years ago, by team Mercado/Malis, for the 3rd generation of DAZ figures. That was great for it's time, but since computer technology has become more powerful during the years it has become a bit oudated qualitywise, both mesh and textures. It's been about time that someone is stepping up and doing a more modern detailed version.

    About the linen: I wouldn't even say that it would be the worse material, even if it's not that durable and resistant than metal.
    Tests by archaeologists have shown, that both the laminated and the quilted versions of that armor offer good protection againts blades and arrows, even at point blank range. It's cheap and easy to manufacture (you even don't need a special educated armorer, your wife or daughter could sew that together, if necessary. And I think that in some cases they did so, although it's mentioned nowhere.), and made from a renewable raw material. And, though you mentioned above, that the maneuverability of a soldier is of great importance, only half the weight of a comparable armor made of bronze. Not to forget the advantage over metal armor of less heating up in bright sunlight and less cooling down at nights.
    Some years ago I had the opportunity to wear a replica of a chainmail coat. It was very unconfortable to wear, it was a summer day and I got toasted through the day, and froze in the evening. Weighted about 30 kilograms, I always had the thought that I'd carry someone around on my shoulders.

    well I guess for us no problem anyway :)
    Nah, no problem for me. Laminated, quilted, tucked or even nailed on... :) as long as none finds a well conserved one or a detailed description how they were made, it's all but pure speculatuion. What remains is that it's a really cool looking piece of armor. :)

    thanks for the references .. also have some of the funny foot armors references.. the first shoe :)
    and also some leg armors with Athena , for for our set I am going for the standard showing mostly in the old Greek paintings
    and regarding the long hair .. the history tell that they cut the hair after the age of 16 ..and let it grow again by the old age .. :)

    Even better: the very first safety boots. And they didn't even had labor unions. Although... the invented the democrazy... :lol:
    Speaking of leg armor: if the armor of the Xena look-alike gal above should be of greek orgin, I think you got the greaves a bit wrong. Greek ones cover the back of the lower leg, too. They were pulled open and clipped to the leg. Italian greaves were the ones often strapped to the leg. But maybe she captured that from an Etruscan: "I need your clothes, your greaves and your motorcycle... err... chariot!" :)

    Did that in one hour?! I couldn't do that in a month! Very impressive, great details. We're definately in need of a Lucy Lawless look-alike morph for Genesis 1 and 2 if you put that on the shelves.

    You also did a great solution with the skirt of the Greek dress above on avoiding that the front bends with the leg!

    and I think I keep the white .. since pink would be little bit funny here lol just kidding
    Yah, you know, that's a picture of an Etruscan, an ancient Italian. And history has shown that they have been always a bit... different. :lol:

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Yes Stefan , I agree..

    regarding the girl outfit it was just something straight from my head ..not really focusing on any origin ..
    I can model things very fast ..but then setup and texturing take most of the time .
    and regarding the Italian ..well I agree my Italian roots get as far as the buildings of Vatican , and definitely they are.. different LOL but that are all nations in Europe ..

  • tonymousetonymouse Posts: 230
    edited December 1969

    This is so very awesome!!

  • CathyMCathyM Posts: 261
    edited December 1969

    Hi Cath! Just wondering if you're still working on all this or whether it's gone to Daz? I have to admit I have been watching the store daily lol... Just thought I'd ask :)

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited June 2014

    Thanks .. everything is finished 2 weeks ago, Spartan, Hoplite and Hercules
    The marketing prepare the release as we speak .. maybe tomorrow or in the next couple of days and since Hercules will be free for 24H with purchase of the Spartan or Hoplite set I will let you know so you don't miss it .. buy 1 get 1 for free
    it is being one month and I can't wait to see the release .. I put a lot of time and work in the 3 sets , so I hope you enjoy the sets as much as I do... the first 3 sets with the new style of modeling ,shading and texturing so I am curious how you will like it ..

    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • CathyMCathyM Posts: 261
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for your answer, I'm very excited to try these sets - I know you put alot of time and work in all of your creations, the quality just shines through :)

  • swordkensiaswordkensia Posts: 348
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    Thanks .. everything is finished 2 weeks ago, Spartan, Hoplite and Hercules
    The marketing prepare the release as we speak .. maybe tomorrow or in the next couple of days and since Hercules will be free for 24H with purchase of the Spartan or Hoplite set I will let you know so you don't miss it .. buy 1 get 1 for free
    it is being one month and I can't wait to see the release .. I put a lot of time and work in the 3 sets , so I hope you enjoy the sets as much as I do... the first 3 sets with the new style of modeling ,shading and texturing so I am curious how you will like it ..


    Good news, let the constant page refreshing begin,....EAGERLY awaiting this set (and others.!!!).


  • FusionLAFusionLA Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    Thanks .. everything is finished 2 weeks ago, Spartan, Hoplite and Hercules
    The marketing prepare the release as we speak .. maybe tomorrow or in the next couple of days and since Hercules will be free for 24H with purchase of the Spartan or Hoplite set I will let you know so you don't miss it .. buy 1 get 1 for free
    it is being one month and I can't wait to see the release .. I put a lot of time and work in the 3 sets , so I hope you enjoy the sets as much as I do... the first 3 sets with the new style of modeling ,shading and texturing so I am curious how you will like it ..

    I just stumbled across this post, and have to say these will be an instant buy for me.
    Very good job looks like you have done!
    Would like to see Egyptian outfits (male, and female) done right like this, again great looking work.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks everyone , I have good news if nothing get on the way the 3 sets will be released on upcoming Sunday June.8 ..5 more days! keep it tight!

    @fusionla , you mean real replicas of the Egyptian outfits ?

  • FusionLAFusionLA Posts: 249
    edited December 1969

    Mec4D said:
    Thanks everyone , I have good news if nothing get on the way the 3 sets will be released on upcoming Sunday June.8 ..5 more days! keep it tight!

    @fusionla , you mean real replicas of the Egyptian outfits ?

    Yes or anything current for Genesis 2 characters use.
    The work you do is really good!
    I will send you a private message with a link to some good costume ideas.
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    when I finish the medieval theme I will go back into ancient Asian, then ancient Egyptian and back to ancient Roman

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Hi Cath! Nice avatar! :)

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited June 2014

    Hi Kerya thanks! got my new frames and made new selfie lol

    now I can get more details as before lol hehe

    Kerya said:
    Hi Cath! Nice avatar! :)
    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited June 2014

    Th0se are just gorgeous.

    Here is something that I know I would love to see a version of. Although I suspect the rigging puts it into the impossible category for now.

    The source is Volume 1 of Herbert Norris's 'Costume and Fashion' series. Norris is an excellent source (although he makes some very silly statements by the time he gets to the Tudors) but has been out of print for decades. My copy is from 1924.

    He was theatrical, and so his work, particularly in volume 1 is full of photos of actors in the re-created costumes and diagrams and directions of how those versions were made. Another fine source -- also out of print for decades -- is Mary G. Houston.

    This is an Athenian lady and the himation is just gorgeous. I'm including the diagram and directions (not that it would get one much forwarder in anything to do with modeling and rigging), although I've no certainty that reducing the resolution enough for forum posting would leave it still readable.

    700 x 803 - 154K
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    Post edited by JOdel on
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    That is beautiful one ! thanks for sharing looks like a partial remake of the Ionic Chiton , i think it would be the most challenging weight maps rigging but a good challenge !

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Yes, it is the ionic Chiton. He has diagrams for that as well, (and photographs of actors wearing them) but those are available in a lot of sources (as well as the Doric). Norris's are particularly good since they often have the measurements as well. Plus nice clear drawings of the design motifs used for decoration. I think Dover reprinted one of the volumes of the series, but I don't know if they did this one.

    The series isn't complete. Volumes 1, 2, and 3 (in two books), were published and volume 6 was published after his death, illustrated by someone whose work was really inferior, but volumes 4 and 5 existed only in notes if at all.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited June 2014

    modeling of that is not big problem can be done in 1 hour but then the technical side, for dynamic it will be no problem as it is easy job
    Genesis T-Pose is not really good for doing any sort of top draped clothing but I may rig another genesis base to use for that and it may works much better so the folding are not lost when the arms are down it would be a good challenge , I found a lot of clothing patterns on the internet and each time I see new one I am saving it for later , the measurements don't really help here but the patterns are great so you know how it was constructed and in most cases it is much easy as it looks like so good references .. if you have anything else interesting , you welcome to post it down
    I have interesting one that show how the Greeks women clothing changes in time , I made the 2 and 3 left top ..then it getting more complex

    JOdel said:
    Yes, it is the ionic Chiton. He has diagrams for that as well, (and photographs of actors wearing them) but those are available in a lot of sources (as well as the Doric). Norris's are particularly good since they often have the measurements as well. Plus nice clear drawings of the design motifs used for decoration. I think Dover reprinted one of the volumes of the series, but I don't know if they did this one.

    The series isn't complete. Volumes 1, 2, and 3 (in two books), were published and volume 6 was published after his death, illustrated by someone whose work was really inferior, but volumes 4 and 5 existed only in notes if at all.

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    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Well - the Spartan is near!
    The store page shows it in the upper right, but it leads to a 404 Not Found page.
    But it is near!

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    Well - the Spartan is near!
    The store page shows it in the upper right, but it leads to a 404 Not Found page.
    But it is near!

    Tomorrow - hold tight and I'll drive by the store for you ... ;)
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I saw it yesterday .. they should be all 3 released tomorrow so you have some Sunday Funday :)

    Kerya said:
    Well - the Spartan is near!
    The store page shows it in the upper right, but it leads to a 404 Not Found page.
    But it is near!
  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited December 1969

    Cath.. you never cease to amaze me. Have been following this thread and the the dragon armor thread with eager itnerest I must admit :) beautiful work as always !

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks a lot .. :) I am off tomorrow so can't wait to see what you render when I am back .. the Hercules set should be free by purchasing of one of the other 2 sets .. just so you know .. Free Hercules offer is for 24H don't miss it
    and I hope you enjoy it as much as I creating it

    Carola O said:
    Cath.. you never cease to amaze me. Have been following this thread and the the dragon armor thread with eager itnerest I must admit :) beautiful work as always !
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    It is UP and Ready :

    Add Hercules to your cart with one of the other set to get full 100% discount !

    Happy Rendering and thanks for your support !

  • swordkensiaswordkensia Posts: 348
    edited December 1969

    Just bought the lot..!!!!

    Its a stupendously good deal..


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the support !!
    there is also 45 % of my entire catalog to go with the new releases beside free Hercules .. really special summer deal plus punch
    I hope I will be ready with another B-Day freebie before the end of this month .. actually 2 of them to be exactly :) but that is subject for another thread!

    can't wait to see what you render with! excited !

    Just bought the lot..!!!!

    Its a stupendously good deal..


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Thanks to you my Genesis2males are getting more stuff than the females ... LOL

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    That's new ! usually there is more stuff in the store for the females :) but i got your point hehe
    I will have something cool for the females soon also .. for the balance ..

    thanks for the support Kerya !

    Kerya said:
    Thanks to you my Genesis2males are getting more stuff than the females ... LOL
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Just from Daz3d - the Hoplite has to wait for our bank robbery ...

    Mec4D The Spartan for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D Hercules for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D DarKon for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D Ferdibrand Goodchild for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D The Great Wizards for Genesis 2 Male(s)

    Mec4D Queen Of Hearts For Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Mec4D Apocalipsa for Genesis 2 Female(s)

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Nice collection Kerya :)
    good you got the Spartan so you can use the beard with Hercules it only include the curly hair ..
    Hoplite don't have scalp hair or facial hair
    and I see Spartan is already more popular for that matter ..
    but I see also that people purchased just Hercules .. losing this way one free set ..I hope by mistake

    Kerya said:
    Just from Daz3d - the Hoplite has to wait for our bank robbery ...

    Mec4D The Spartan for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D Hercules for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D DarKon for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D Ferdibrand Goodchild for Genesis 2 Male(s)
    Mec4D The Great Wizards for Genesis 2 Male(s)

    Mec4D Queen Of Hearts For Genesis 2 Female(s)
    Mec4D Apocalipsa for Genesis 2 Female(s)

  • swordkensiaswordkensia Posts: 348
    edited December 1969

    'Son of Sparta'.

    Just a quick render of Mec4d's excellent new outfit for G2M.

    Rendered in Luxrender..


    1350 x 1750 - 1M
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