Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13
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You need an explanarion of why he was running away from a dinosaur, lol?
@simonJM SIMON!!!!!
Bellamie (G8F) Alirisia Outfit (G8F) Camellia Hair (G8F)
Her lashes are really long, so I adjusted them using the hide layer 1 and 2, shorten lashes, etc. The first shows the default lashes, the second is the shortened. These are still the Paper Tiger Ideal lights.
@LAdair, thank you for the information. I do have Anagenesis 2 and love it. Before Dual Lobe came on the scene I went to it for G8, just like I did for previous generations. It is still a resource like Divamakeup's Alteran8. It took a bit to figure out what you suggested I do, but Daz is kind and let me mess up, reaply skin mats and start over again. And also take notes. So I adjusted the Transluceny Weight again to 0.10, and picked the Glossy Color to switch to default (1.00 1.00 1.00) and I noticed the teeth looked better. So rendered this. One difference, this was done on my laptop.
That's what happened to me too LOL. The page changed and I thought it didn't take, and that stupid draft got posted again.
I have notice that the forum is moving fairly slow, like molasses. Same with Daz Studio as I was trying to work on things that needed to interact back to Daz. Driving me crazy.
I used Orestes Iray HDRI Skydomes for the lighting & sky in this render. I also used the sand pit & placed a plane primitive behind it for the water. I think later on down the road I'm going to pick up a few more Orestes HDRI packs. The lighting looks great and they seem to render a bit faster.
The toes in the sand are a nice touch! You'll get a good variety with Orestes. :)
heh, I just decided to sink her down a little since there's not enough geometry on the sand pit to use a Dformer on it around the feet without either scaling the character up or scaling the sand pit down which probably wouldn't work for the camera shot. Its the first time I used these HDRIs so I'll have to play around with them more. I do like the fact that I don't have to mess around with spotlights & primitives to achieve acceptable lighting. Later on I might try using terrain from everyday morphing primitives.
Now I just have to figure out how to give the character wet skin in conjunction with the surface settings I used. I have the Top Coat Layer colored & set to "weighted" in order to lighten the skin tone a bit.
Working through recent purchases I test drove Muelsfell Vast Ocean and used two of the options. I was stoked, so easy! Two water planes, and others for under the water and above. I added Oso's Pixie Dragon, the Tusker Skull and the great Orestes Iray HDRI Skydomes - Vanilla Evening. So the purple dragon turned sandy.
Click below for a larger image. The original was too large for the forum.
This wet and dry outfit also has a wet skin you could use. I rendered the outfit but not the wet skin.
That's really pretty with that lighting on the water.
I really need a good black & white "water dripping down surface" texture for the cut-out opacity map and a decent displacement map to go with it. I did pretty much the same render again with the obvious exception that I gave her a wet-oily skin. Increased the glossy wt., reduced the roughness for both glossy layer & dual lobe specular, and threw on a geoshell with the water-thin shader and water drops cutout opacity map. I also used the same map for displacement with the wt. set to 1.0, min. 0, max 0.25, SubD set to 3.
I don't think it looks bad, but I believe in doing what I did only successfully added slightly dark specks of shadows due to the displacement map in conjunction with the cutout opacity maps. They're basically working against each other and just making a mess of the droplets.
Another thing I want to do is see if I can darken the lips a little more towards the red-ish pink direction. They were the perfect color until I had to match the top coat layer of the lips with that of the face in order to get rid of the seam around the lips, which resulted in the light pink color.
Not product related but had to share this
Just a note- for those of you wanting a good external harddrive, the Deal of the Day for Best Buy is the WD EasyStore 4TB and it's 125.00 off, only 75.00 That's today only!
Talk about timing- I tripped and knocked my 8TB one off onto the floor and it broke so I had to get another one, and it's the Deal of the Day! I got 2 of the 4TB for $150, instead of the $200 the 8TB currently is!
The EasyStore isn't the same as the other WD one, I think it's Passport? Easy Store has a better reputation for reliability. This one I've had for years, and unfortunately, all my Daz products are on it, as well as the studio. I'm not even going to get upset, I'm going to take it in and see if it can be fixed. It's not making any clacking noises so there's hope. :) With the virus going on, there's enough stress already.
I love how gentle he is with the cat (and at :38 the "We've acquired a visitor...")
I just got an unexpected dilemma. The lady that adopted the female IRN I named Matey that a disreputable pet store sold me as a untamed juvenile male has to have surgery to close an eyesocket that she had been wearing a eye prostetic in from an earlier cancer (the lady caregiver not the bird Matey) and asked me to take Matey that she adopted from me and her 3 other Indian Ringnecks from her she got from elsewhere so I agreed to knowing she is stressed to the hilt and needs to take extra good care of herself first.
I will have to see how they do here at my house. 5 Indians Ringnecks, including the one I have now, in one house seems excessive and likely very loud to me. That said I'll continue training them, acclimidating them to a man caregiver, as Matey when I had her before was actually tame but simply afraid of men for some reason from before I bought her from that pet store to begin with. It's possible though after I'm satisfied they are not afraid of me and so not men in general and are thouroughly tames so than they aren't passed from one home to the next, I will sell or give the solitary female, the male & female pair, and only keep Missy and another male IRN, if those two like each other and pair up, that is. One bonded pair as friends was all I wanted as pets.
Love Canterbury Cathedral, I've still a bible and a replica tapestry I bought from there, although the tapestry was about 1066, so really not so peaceful.
In the earlier thread the "On the Farm" product was released but did not include any scene files.
I put a file together to recreate the approach scene from the product page. (
I posted it here: and in my gallery.
I would very much like someone to give this a shot and let me know what your thoughts are. I've never tried to share a scene (or anything) before other than images so I'm hoping to use this to get some feedback!
Thanks in advance! The linked thread has great feedback but I haven't found anyone to try the .DUF yet, (NOTE: REQUIRES "On the Farm"...It's JUST the scene I created).
@Novica, thanks. I enjoyed not working with humans for a change.
@Aabacus, those images are great. I haven't bought the On the Farm item yet, but you really showed a great use of it. During the BYOB sale, I picked up some old Daz farm items, so I just put the On the Farm on my wishlist so I can fill in that niche.
My closest experience to a farm/ranch was my uncle/aunt's in the Mojave desert and their barn/corral with horses and chickens. Each summer the kids in the family would be 'farmed' out to them to get out of the cities where they lived. It was one time there that I found Marvel comics in the early 60s, and in the mid-60s, tried to drive a car for the first time. No A/C, hot, dusty, and we all loved it.
Those sound like some awesome memories!!! How awesome to know Marvel before Marvel was a thing! LOL. And I learned to drive on a riding!
As others noted, On the Farm doesn't come with a scene when you buy it. I put this together as an experiment to see if I'm packaging the SCENE correctly and that I'm not blowing people up. It's got a lot of things going on. On the Farm is totally worth picking up but it is a time eater! LOL.
Do NOT bring those birds back into your house without quarrantining them for several weeks! Don't mix them with your other birds.
She couldn't wait. He surgery is soon and had to have them moved out. I told her I won't consider doing anything to adopt them out or such until at least January to let her recover from surgery and possibly she changes her mind.
I want to get to know them better too, try training them because they are a lot of work and I don't particular want to send them out on a carosel of one adoption after the other like musical chairs. If I do eventually adopt them out afterJanuary I want them socially paired and only one pair per adoptee because I know most people work and neglect single birds except for food & water.
As a personal pet, I only have the one lutino Indian Ringneck Missy I rescued in January 2019. She's nearly tame now as I've worked many hours with her. The paired budgies I finally got tamed I gave to the lady that gave me the IRNs today because she wanted paired up tame Budgies for her grandson (and anyway Missy went directly for the budgies' necks every chance she got so that was a disaster waiting to happen if I didn't get them out of here) and she took the green female IRN Matey off my hands a few months back that Missy was aggressively unhappy with as well being in the same room with. So Matey is now back at my house and actually has a male friend Preistley that came with her but they are in a seperate room safe from Missy in their own cage.
I have an unpaired male named Westley that looks like he was severely attacked on the chest, one toenail gone, and one side of his beak healed from damage, some time in the past from the odd way the feathers have grown in that spot. ISo Westley looks to be too gentle for his own good so I'm keeping him. 'll try to socialize him with Missy. Maybe they'll pair up and maybe they won't. I'll not force it or leave thjem unsupervised as Missy is super agressive so I have to closely watch them when in the same room. I don't want to breed them though just pair them up.
Then there is a 5th IRN, another lutino female named Sunshine, but unlike Missy, she is tame and sweet if she knows and likes you: and tame regardless. She is checking to see if an elderly lady might want her as Sunshine is a people bird so maybe I drive that bird to that lady's house in the next few weeks.
None of them but Missy know me and the 4 new ones aren't thrilled to had to have moved of course but I'll keep working with them and they'll stop being upset at the move and at me being their new caregiver.
It's a problem that they're in a same house but I don't run air conditioner or fans so the air circulates mostly from ground level and basement to straight up and back outside so that will help if they are carrying something.
Now I need to arrange a quick easy way to clean their cages. I think I'll buy a heavy clear plastic shower curtain I can cutup as cage liner so I can quickly take it outside the cage to the garden hose and wash it off. They almost never actually climb down to the cage floor so that should work well.
That is a nice thing you are doing and I hope it all goes well for you and the lady's surgery as well. I do hope you are able to be careful and keep them separate from your birds if possible?
Thanks. I've already evaluated the 4 I brought home today and seperated the agressive paired up male & female from the unpaired male & female that are younger and more docile. And my pet that I already had is seperated from them too. It'll take a few months but I'll get them sorted out.
If I may ask, what kind of surface settings do the irises have on your character? I've been playing around with this lately to give a little more depth to the irises where I would use the same Base texture/color in the Top Coat Color and have the Top Coat mode set to "Weighted". Plus I would set the Top Coat Roughness to Normal Map and use the same iris normal map. This character I did a while back, but I had originally used the Metallic Flakes layer which didn't turn out the way I had liked. The attached image below came out much better than my first iteration of the character.
They are the default settings, whatever that is. I am currently having to reinstall all my products but finding I don't mind. I am making folders this time by categories and when I copy the files before I install them, I have the files neatly organized. Slow going but I'm also taking a look at each product, something I need to do as it reminds me of what I've bought and what I don't need. One of those "wow, didn't know I had this" moments over and over and over again....
Hmm... it must be how the iris texture is colored then I guess. I was wondering because they have a similar coloring to them as what you would get from using the Top Coat surface in weighted mode. Anyway, depending on the lighting, I've been finding that using this layer in such a way in conjunction with the normal map(for top coat roughness) can give a bit of color-depth to the irises.
I despise Daz's file architecture. Its like every single product you get and add to it ends up scattered across numerous different files. Then there's the lack of consistency with categorizing in conjunction with PAs having to use different designations/names for joint products... I know I have about 3-4 folders in my runtime/textures directory with similar names because they were multi-authored.