Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 13
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@daventaki Nice work! The first one looks downright funky but the second one looks real. I haven't done LAMH or the catalyzer in so long I don't know how to do it, I'll get to it one of these days.
Got your PM. Thanks.

Just had to let DIM update, anyone know what the Install Manater Default Filters are?
Gero with Youth Morph.
Still need to explore more with facial expressions though.
I don't know if this is known but it is the first I have come across it.
If you have an image in the Environment/Backdrop and a HDRI in the Environment Map for the dome lighting with Draw Dome OFF the Background image doesn't reflect in a mirror but the HDRI does.
The left hand side is a mirror with the HDR reflected in it, the right side is the image in the Backdrop which should be reflected in the mirror.
Click on image for full size.
I first noticed the HDRI reflections in an image I did for the first It's Raining Men contest. I'd set Draw Dome off so I could use one of my photos for the sky, but the HDRI was reflected in the both the back window and the paint of the car. There were two images, but this one is closest to the car:
(Image links to the full-size image.)
When I need an image to be reflected, I use a single-poly plane. I apply the image to the plane, using the image in the emissive channel, with Luminance of 10-100 Kcdm^2. I use just enough luminance for the image to show up in reflections. It' varys depending on the image and the reflective surface.
The backdrop image always behaved like it was parented to the camera, and always behind the scene. It never occurred to me it could be reflected on items facing the camera. Does it work if you're not using an HDRI for lighting? That could be useful…!
The only reason I came across it was when helping someone with their render. The scene I setup to test it is the one I posted but I didn't save the scene so I can't check at the moment. I'll set up another scene later and try. If there is no image in the Environment Map wont it then show the Sun and Sky as a reflection, just a thought?
That's what I would have expected a few hours ago.
However, you seemed surprised the backdrop wasn't reflecting in the mirror, which made me wonder if using the Environment > Backdrop with an image might add reflections if an HDRI wasn't being used. I'd test it, but The Beast has already been shut down for the day. (I'm about to shut down for the day, too!)
Tried it. It is as I thought after experimenting a bit. The Environment/ Background is just that, it is the background of the image in front of the camera, anything around the camera, to the sides or back, is reflected because the Background doesn't wrap around. You can see the distant light too reflected.
Ya know, I never read the start of this thread till now and saw it said post a character you never late to the party, but here is SASE Callista, that I picked up on a whim, and never used:
Nicely done! It's always good to render things you don't have :)
Don't forget to use your PC+ coupons before the end of the month. Fast Grab has some interesting things in there, so I used two of those, then found those fun expressions for $6.73 so they ended up costing me 73 cents. Take a look at the thumbnails for that product- looks like you can really do a lot of great, natural expressions! (I used the code which required $18 or more in the cart)
Shopping Cart
Underground War Room $24.95 $7.49 70%
The Naurfire Mountains $20.95 $6.29 70%
P3D Soft Expressions for Genesis 8 Female(s)
$14.95 $0.73 95%
I had purchased Ella HD and Xavier in early June but had not had a chance to work with them until yesterday. maelwenn and Darwins Mishap(s) both did incredible work on their characters.
I dressed Ella in dForce Midsummer Outfit and left the default texture on (love the butterflies), and for Xavier dForce Downtime Casual Outfit.
The set is one I picked up as a BYOB, Affinity, for $0.37 and it looks great for such an old item. The background is iRadiance HDR Rescources - Country Pasture, on sale now.
The pose for Xavier was from Masculine Variety Pose Collection and for Ella, used the Cocktail Poses. I then used 'Look At Me Pose Control' which appears to be gone from the store. So, maybe you can use the Part Two for the same action?
@memcneil70 Too funny, I was just looking through my lighting and noted Country Pasture LOL. Glad to see it in action, it looks really decent. That dress is gorgeous!
BD Jaiyana (G3F / G8F)
Although the lighting has a yellowish tint, I think even with other lights you may want to look at the surface colors. There are some blues/greens which may make the teeth go darker than you'd like. (Just be aware.)
These don't enlarge, the rest of the B series, etc won't as I'm trying to get through them faster and I just want a general idea of what they'll look like.
@memcneil70 Look at Me pose control 2 works the same as 1, though added in the shoulders I believe. I used 1 until I was lucky to catch 2 on a sale some time ago, and I've used 2 ever since :)
Out of curiosity, how long do other people's mice last? I ordered a new one yesterday after the failing scroll wheel (yes, I did try cleaning it first) on the old one became too much to live with any longer, and as I ordered it from the same place as the previous one I noticed I'd worn this one out in slightly over two years...
I don't know exactly how long I've had my current trackball, but I feel like it has to be ten years or more.
I go for the expensive ones as I've found they last a LONG time (had mine over 6 years), when I was buying the $30 or so mouse, I'd replace every three years or less. So the MX Master has always paid for itself. Google this- Logitech - MX Master 3 Wireless Laser Mouse - Black and you'll find it at Best Buy (be sure and get the "3" version) but even the $60 earlier versions are good too. When you charge one of these, the charge lasts for WEEKS with heavy duty use.
I go for the expensive ones as I've found they last a LONG time (had mine over 8 years), when I was buying the $30 or so mouse, I'd replace every three years or less. So the MX Master has always paid for itself. Yep, it's 100.00
Google this- Logitech - MX Master 3 Wireless Laser Mouse - Black and you'll find it at Best Buy (be sure and look at the "3" version) but even the $60 earlier versions are good too. When you charge one of these, the charge lasts for WEEKS with heavy duty use. Read everything it can do, it's loaded with features IF that's what you like. For me, the hand ergonomics can't be beat. SO comfy!
The previous one was a Logitech... fairly simple one, but it had good battery use. The new one's a Corsair, with options here there and everywhere (I'll be discovering new buttons for weeks). I do need a larger mouse, since the 'standard' ones give me RSI (I think it's to with wrist position in my case), and I prefer wireless since they have no wires to break (which was how I used to lose mice).
Also, no Best Buy here ;-)
@Nath, I use the same mouse as Novica, as it is an excellent ergo one. I have them on all my computers, having upgraded models as they came out and I needed new ones. As with keyboards, someone pointed out to me years ago, since I work at home on the computer, essentially 12 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 a year I put mice and keyboards through intensive use. Desk chairs as well.
So add up your hours of usage. If you only put a couple of hours a day, a few days a week with that mouse then it might be an issue. But if you are a heavy, power user, then you may have got your money's worth out of it.
@nath Amazon may have it. I know it looks weird in the photo, but that leftside "flap" is where your thumb lies. It really is totally neat, like how your hand would wrap around a baseball- your entire thumb is cradled all the way down to where it connects to the palm. I don't even use a pressure pen to draw, I draw with my mouse because it's so comfy and precise.
Oh, I got my money's worth from it, as I did with previous Logitech mice. I hope this one lasts as long. And I did mean what I said, it is curiosity about how hard we are on our peripherals (and for good or bad, the Corsair will be here until it breaks *g*)
The mouse I use at work is a cheapo Trust, and that has lasted five or six years by now, doesn't get nearly as much of a workout.
Hmm, haven't even heard of Trust. But then, I'm a Logitech fan so I usually don't look elsewhere.
It does look comfy.:) It is actually available locally (and probably through Amazon Netherlands).
Trust is a Dutch brand, I don't think they sell much outside Europe. I don't necessarily stick with a brand, I look at what's available and meets my needs.
I'm a huge fan of Logitech, too. I've been using "trackballs" since the mid-90's. The first one was a "cheap" brand, and I was constantly cleaning the rubber ball. Took less than year to pay more for the TrackMarble, and I've been using a variation of that ever since. Sadly, the model I prefer is not made as well as it used to be. I'd have to go with something much newer, and I don't like them. (I've tried them out at the local Office Depot.) I'll probably have to suck it up and get something shaped differently eventually, but until them, I'm still using the M570.
(I've got one for each computer, with an older, red marble for an older wired version in one, so I can tell them apart!)
Now if you are cheap like me, use a laptop and travel, and had terrible experiences with wireless...these little Sabrent travel retractable mice seem to hold up for a looong time in my experience. Plus, you can buy like 5 of them for $30, and even if you get 2 years apiece, thats ten years! (AMZN: Sabrent Mini Travel USB Optical Mouse with Retractable Cable (MS-OPMN)) They dont fit your hand, but you get used to them. Probably not recommended for a home or office workstation, of course.
If you have wrist problems, you want to look into a vertical mouse.
I ran a data entry department after I retired, and watching for ergonomic injuries was a never ending task. We had a great person on contract that put me onto the Logitech mice back in the 90s, then split keyboards. But, when I started to have sharp pains in my right hand, she tried having me use different styles of mice, track balls, left hand mice, the upright ones... and my brain shut down. Seriously, I would put my hand on the mouse, know what motion I needed to take do to move the cursor, and my brain couldn't get my left hand to move. Let me use the right hand, and I just went to town. I even have issues with trackpads on laptops. I just can't seem to wrap my brain around the movements needed.