New Release: Genesis Generation X2 (upgrade ends soon) [Commercial]



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...or an update of Skin Builder Pro for G3.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Of anyone needs that it's the G3 series...

  • I am having some difficulties with using GenX2 to transfer a Hiro 3 (H3) morph to Genesis 2 Male (G2M). The morph that I am trying to transfer to G2M is INJ-Head file -- !_Stratus_INJ.pz2 -- for Stratus McCleod.

    This is what I have been doing on GenX's Transfer tab:

    1) I click the Load Figure button and select the Hiro 3.cr2 file. 

    2) From Content Library I drag the INJ-Head file -- !_Stratus_INJ.pz2 -- for Stratus McCleod into GenX's Morph list.

    3) I click the Select button, and pick Transfer: For All Non-Zero Values.

    4) I make these selections for these drop down lists,

    Mode: Create single morph

    Shape: Hiro 3 -- There is another button to the right of this drop down list. On that button I pick Smooth.

    Target: Genesis 2 Male 

    5) I click the Transfer button, and then a small window gives me those two error messages.

    Note -- There are some other options below left on their original settings. They are

    Limits: -10 to 10

    Resolution: 50

    The following checkboxes are checked: "Compress generated files", "Transfer controlled transforms", and "Transfer dial groups"

    The following drop down lists are set to: "Ignore conditional morphs", and "Replace existing files".

    When I click the transfer button, GenX2 give me two error messages, "Error loading clone morph" and "Error creating morph from clone."

    Just to let you know, I have these products:

    Genesis Generation X2

    GenX2 AddOn for Genesis 2

    GenX AddOn Gen3 for A3 and H3

    A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis

  • You can ignore my last post, Dimension3D told me how to fix my problem.

  • scar_handscar_hand Posts: 127
    edited December 2015

    ---This is what Dimension3D told me to do in order to fix my problem---

    The error messages indicate that GenX is not able to locate the H3 morph file for Genesis:

    ..\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Hiro 3\CloneHiro3.dsf

    Because there are no gen3 clone morphs for Genesis 2, the clone morphs for Genesis are used. Do you have Genesis 1 installed? If so, please check that you have only one installation for Genesis (i.e. there is only one \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base folder in all your content folders) and that it contains the H3 clone morph at the correct folder.


    Sorry for not posting this sooner, I just realized that other people with a similar problem could benefit from this information.

    Post edited by scar_hand on
  • edited December 2015


    I hope the Genesis 3 version is progressing well.




    Post edited by captainklutz_a2ec859073 on
  • Joe CotterJoe Cotter Posts: 3,259

    I was wondering about the Genesis 3 version as well as whether upgrading from Gen3/4 figures through Genesis to Genesis 3 or going straight to Genesis 3 would end up being more optimal. I don't remember the base rigging types for Gen3/4 is for one. The Other is the differences in topology and how they end up translating from gen3/4 through Genesis to Genesis 3 vs straight gen3/4 -> Genesis 3.

    For me, I'm looking to move gen3/4 content to Genesis and/or Genesis 3. I don't really see a place for Genesis 2 in my pipeline. I'm also playing with Moving gen3/4 directly into an external app (Blender in my case) and rerigging vs any conversion for those characters. It's a matter of putting the various options through their paces to see what the various options benefits/costs are. (The conversion to Genesis3 with an automated tool not being an option at the moment.) So with that in mind, I'm interested in any feedback anyone has regarding this.

  • The Genesis3 add-on for GenX2 will be a new product that you will have to purchase to transfer morphs from/to Genesis 3. Any other required changes in other add-ons or the GenX2 plugin itself will be free update 

    Waiting patiently. This is one of the fewnew  products I'm really looking forward to seeing and spending my hard earned cash on. 

  • cyberspeed1cyberspeed1 Posts: 18
    edited December 2015


    I do not know where to ask the following question so id like to ask here the developer.

    Is there any chance,  in the near future, for this amazing plug-in to import lest say an .obj head/face mesh and then to create from it a morph for latest Genesis figure?

    An option like that woud be amazing for us who have external custom head/faces and want to add them to our library.

    Thank you.

    Post edited by cyberspeed1 on
  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    Never tried the "Morph Loader Pro" that's natively inside DAZ Studio? It does what you just asked!

    Anyway, I'm truly looking forward to see the new expansion!

  • Ok, i guess i did not expressed myself correctly, ill try again, cheeky.

    Would the developer implement in a near future update, an option to have your own custom head and/or face, created from scratch in your prefereed modeling software, as an .obj for example.

    Then to "project" it for instance on the Genesis future figure (same way its done with older genesis figures or gen3/4 figures), because like many others out there, we have our own customized characters either in full or just the head or just the face that we'd like to be a part of genesis figure, Genesis would simply take the shape via a dial morph the newly cretaed head/face after the custom mesh, and why not full body figure characters, its obviosuly doable, since its done with the rest of the DAZ characters.


    I hope i explained better this time.

    Thank you. wink

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278
    edited December 2015

    Again, it already exists. It's called GeoGrafting!

    Look for tutorial on the NET.

    Morphs and GeoGrafting are, at the moment, the only ways to have different heads on Genesis.

    You are describing a mix of the two, not possible at the moment.

    Maybe you can try a mesh mixer but the geometra will be modified and it will not work ad Morph.

    GeoGrafting will add a "piece" with it's own morphs, if you want, but separate from the base.

    In short terms, it can't be done.

    Post edited by Imago on
  • NO, it does NOT exist, has NOTHING to do with GeoGrafting, or other similar process.

    You obvisouly did NOT understood as to what i meant, there for lets allow the actual developer of the plug-in answer the actual question, in case you havent noticed, IT IS POSSIBLE, but only with meshes/characters from DAZ not external ones.

    I simply asked if the developer would include this oiption in the future, im sure many would appreciate it and have a good use for it.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    NO, it does NOT exist, has NOTHING to do with GeoGrafting, or other similar process.

    You obvisouly did NOT understood as to what i meant, there for lets allow the actual developer of the plug-in answer the actual question, in case you havent noticed, IT IS POSSIBLE, but only with meshes/characters from DAZ not external ones.

    I simply asked if the developer would include this oiption in the future, im sure many would appreciate it and have a good use for it.

    Are you suggesting something that converts a custom humanoid figure's shape into a genesis fugure?  Like if I created Joy and Coy from scratch in let's say Maya or zBrush or whatever without using anything but modifying basic primitives found in any modeling software.  Then I use this utility to create a Joy and Coy clones in genesis x so I can convert all Joy's and Coy's morphs I made for the two?  That way I can have regular Coy and Joy and also Coy and Joy for each version of genesis.   If I understand this correctly, would I be able to sell the Coy and Joy add-ons for GenX3 so others can convert morphs I did not create for the two to one of the genesis versions.


    I have not started on Joy or Coy or even decided for sure that is their names and nor will I use this thread to talk about them.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited January 2016

    Like importing the WERTS morphs that used to be on ShareCG? I did that a few times back when I was still using DS3 and DS4.0. Worked reasonably well to import the .obj back then, but I tried it more recently in 4.7 for a project and it was really iffy.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    Or are you saying prebuilt figures like Star or figures you created yourself?

  • YESSSS, finally someone understood what i meant.

    Figures/characters/meshes, OUTSIDE DAZ, modeled in your own favorite software, to be imported using this awesome plug-in then projected to any Genesis old or new generation, to support if the outside figure has any morphs etc, same way its done between gen3/4 DAZ figures projected to Genesis figures. 

    Or are you saying prebuilt figures like Star or figures you created yourself?


  • NO, it does NOT exist, has NOTHING to do with GeoGrafting, or other similar process.

    You obvisouly did NOT understood as to what i meant, there for lets allow the actual developer of the plug-in answer the actual question, in case you havent noticed, IT IS POSSIBLE, but only with meshes/characters from DAZ not external ones.

    I simply asked if the developer would include this oiption in the future, im sure many would appreciate it and have a good use for it.

    Are you suggesting something that converts a custom humanoid figure's shape into a genesis fugure?  Like if I created Joy and Coy from scratch in let's say Maya or zBrush or whatever without using anything but modifying basic primitives found in any modeling software.  Then I use this utility to create a Joy and Coy clones in genesis x so I can convert all Joy's and Coy's morphs I made for the two?  That way I can have regular Coy and Joy and also Coy and Joy for each version of genesis.   If I understand this correctly, would I be able to sell the Coy and Joy add-ons for GenX3 so others can convert morphs I did not create for the two to one of the genesis versions.


    I have not started on Joy or Coy or even decided for sure that is their names and nor will I use this thread to talk about them.

    Yes as well, yes yes yes.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    WERTS's morphs were based on gen 4, so they had the standard gen4 UVs. They were modeled in some modeling program (don't know which) and saved as .obj. You had to bring them through a built-in component of Studio, although I am pretty sure that it was one of the components that came in with the rigging and other tools. I can't remember about DS3 but I think in 4.0 they came in as a morph dial. But last time I tried to bring one in, it didn't seem to work.

    Would be good to have that function back. Particularly if the imported morph could be ported theough GenX to more current figures.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited January 2016

    Well - a new figure has new order and number of vertices. You can't make it into a morph of Genesis (whatever generation) - morphs are simply a way to move vertices ...

    This is the information that is saved into those morph objects.


    JOdel - you tried Morph Loader Advanced (not Pro - it seems to have a problem)?

    I don't have the WERTS morphs (I don't like to use likenesses to real people) - but I just tried with Aiko3 and Fredrik's Freja ...

    Load Aiko3LE.cr2

    Scene tab: Select the body part you want to change (Head)

    Start Morph Loader Advanced (it's the icon without a P inside)

    Choose a file ...

    Navigate to the folder with the obj (Freja_head.obj)

    Load morphs for - change to "Primary selection (vertex only)"

    Preset Poser unit


    Works for me ...


    Edited to add: if you have the aiko3 clone and the GenX support for it, you could save this figure and use GenX to apply that morph to Genesis ...

    Post edited by Kerya on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    I tried MorphLoader Advanced and I tried MorphLoader Pro. Didn't seem to work at all.

    At some point I'll give it another go, and then see if I can genX the results for future work. I don't see myself using gen4 figures or earlier in any scenes I build again. The skins, sure, but not the figures.

  • Kerya, it MAY be possible if the order amd number of vertices in the Genesis figure is known and used as the basis for the new figure. I know that someone made an Auto-Fit clone of Hivewire 3D's Dawn figure for Genesis.

  • EmotionalOutlet3DEmotionalOutlet3D Posts: 243
    edited January 2016

    I'm having a very "blond" morning ... I need instructions for Dummies!  I've watched a video, read instructions but I just can't seem to get it to work.  I know there were instructions in this forum once that were easy to follow but I can't find anyway to search the forum.  I'm using DS 4.8 and want to convert several v4 characters to work on Genesis 2 Female.  I believe I have everything required (GG X2, GG G2 add on,V4 and M4 Shapes for Genesis,Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female).  Can someone list off the steps for me please?  Many thanks.

    Edited:  Never mind!  The first video I watched must have missed a step but found another one and managed to get it done.  :)

    Post edited by EmotionalOutlet3D on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Kerya, it MAY be possible if the order amd number of vertices in the Genesis figure is known and used as the basis for the new figure. I know that someone made an Auto-Fit clone of Hivewire 3D's Dawn figure for Genesis.

    You can definitely create a Dawn clone for Genesis (or a Genesis clone for Dawn). But the fact that it's not a DAZ figure doesn't change anything to the way you do that: you don't take the Dawn obj and somehow automagically add it as a Genesis morph, you start from Genesis and morph it using standard morphs and/or a modeling program to get a shape as close as possible to Dawn, then export that morphed figure as an .obj and create a new clone morph for the base Genesis from that obj.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046
    edited January 2016

    I have to say, this is one of a core of absolutely important products I've bought. With GenX2, the amount of content I have that can migrate across is amazing. G2M, G2F, Genesis... some day I'll have to grab V4/M4 shapes for Genesis and expand more (though I have almost no V4/M4 morphs, so it hasn't been hugely pressing).

    But, now, every time I go 'crud, there's no King Cobra for G2F??' I can go 'oh, nuts to that, GenX2 it is!'

    I just wish there was something like this for Geografts, and things would be PERFECT.

    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • dizzy88dizzy88 Posts: 51

    Any ETA updates for a G3F version?  Really looking forward to it!

  • VisuimagVisuimag Posts: 571

    I seem to be having a problem with this. My Genesis 1 and Generation 4 sources are all missing. Not sure when/why this happened. I'm still on DS 4.8.


    Example message:


    268 x 289 - 10K
  • Really the lack of any recent contribution from the vendor makes me wonder if this is actually going to get done?



  • Really the lack of any recent contribution from the vendor makes me wonder if this is actually going to get done?



    Yeah, I'm thinking the exact same thing. I'm really looking forward to this product but I'm starting to think that it's not going to get done.

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