And for the GUYS!! Wolfie and the Sly Fox are here [commercial]



  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited January 2020

    Thanks again for making this set.

    This time, I have run dForce simulation and used Diego 8 dressed in Hanfu Outfit -


    1000 x 1200 - 332K
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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited January 2020

    Has left only Face blend Fur on Diego 8 face (besides ears and ear patches fur).


    1000 x 1200 - 163K
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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited January 2020

    ... and with added Head Fur option.


    1000 x 1200 - 171K
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  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Went straight into the cart. Thank you. 

  • RuthvenRuthven Posts: 659

    Wow! Loved these guys as soon as I saw them! 

    Short on my monthly Daz budget now, but surely will get them as soon as possibile!

    Little suggestion for the next releases (expecially catboy): what about including morphs for the ears that makes possible changing the distance between them, their size (without changing the "head dome" size) and inclination on the head? And maybe add some "ear bend" morphs? It would really help in trying to use them on earlier generation characters (I'm working on a Jayden 6 catboy and am not satisfied with the ear props I have collected until now), and be useful in increasing expressivity.

  • Ruthven said:

    Wow! Loved these guys as soon as I saw them! 

    Short on my monthly Daz budget now, but surely will get them as soon as possibile!

    Little suggestion for the next releases (expecially catboy): what about including morphs for the ears that makes possible changing the distance between them, their size (without changing the "head dome" size) and inclination on the head? And maybe add some "ear bend" morphs? It would really help in trying to use them on earlier generation characters (I'm working on a Jayden 6 catboy and am not satisfied with the ear props I have collected until now), and be useful in increasing expressivity.

    the ears are actually fully rigged conformers each with two bones, base and tip, and so include the ability to bend and scale independantly, so can be pretty expressive and versitile, sorry if I didn't showcase that ability in my promos. as for using them on figures other than G8, all the bodyparts I design are intended to be able to seamlessly intgrate into the base figure using geograft technology, as if they are natural parts of the figure, unfortunately that does tend to result in cross figure incompatibility.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2020

    ok i don't know if i miss something but where's the "Body material" i means the "skin" material not the fur????, and to be fair i'm really disappointed with that "dforce stuff" while for render it's really "awesome" to work outside daz it totally useless( at last for me working for game), i had bought body, the wofie guy and lady foxy but i feel which i gonna have to refund because nothing really worked as it worked like the "cat girl mega pacck", while the previous worked like a dream this current one is being a big nightmare for me and making me really disappointed with the final product.


    Also where is the "pants mat"???, the only materials appearing for me are for the "fur stuff and for the geographic stuffs" body skin and the pants have no materials at all.

    Post edited by Ellessarr on
  • Ellessarr said:

    ok i don't know if i miss something but where's the "Body material" i means the "skin" material not the fur????, and to be fair i'm really disappointed with that "dforce stuff" while for render it's really "awesome" to work outside daz it totally useless( at last for me working for game), i had bought body, the wofie guy and lady foxy but i feel which i gonna have to refund because nothing really worked as it worked like the "cat girl mega pacck", while the previous worked like a dream this current one is being a big nightmare for me and making me really disappointed with the final product.


    Also where is the "pants mat"???, the only materials appearing for me are for the "fur stuff and for the geographic stuffs" body skin and the pants have no materials at all.

    the Hirarchal material presets include the base body materials, if you do not wish to use the fur you can simply apply the Wolfie Parts All Wearable preset to G8M which does not load the fur, and apply the Hirarchal material preset,

    The Pants material presets are in a subfolder of the Wolfie and Sly Fox Pants, which are in the Genesis 8 Male / Clothing folder in your library. DAZ requires Clothing to be placed in a seperate sublibray from Characters. and it only makes sense for the material presets for that clothing to be in a subfolder of the pants themselves I'm sorry for any confusion this might cause.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395
    WillDupre said:
    Ellessarr said:

    ok i don't know if i miss something but where's the "Body material" i means the "skin" material not the fur????, and to be fair i'm really disappointed with that "dforce stuff" while for render it's really "awesome" to work outside daz it totally useless( at last for me working for game), i had bought body, the wofie guy and lady foxy but i feel which i gonna have to refund because nothing really worked as it worked like the "cat girl mega pacck", while the previous worked like a dream this current one is being a big nightmare for me and making me really disappointed with the final product.


    Also where is the "pants mat"???, the only materials appearing for me are for the "fur stuff and for the geographic stuffs" body skin and the pants have no materials at all.

    the Hirarchal material presets include the base body materials, if you do not wish to use the fur you can simply apply the Wolfie Parts All Wearable preset to G8M which does not load the fur, and apply the Hirarchal material preset,

    The Pants material presets are in a subfolder of the Wolfie and Sly Fox Pants, which are in the Genesis 8 Male / Clothing folder in your library. DAZ requires Clothing to be placed in a seperate sublibray from Characters. and it only makes sense for the material presets for that clothing to be in a subfolder of the pants themselves I'm sorry for any confusion this might cause.

    it's not working for me it's feel like something is missing here some images:


    it's not showing any way to add "the texture to the skin" any place i'm clicking it's not adding any skin to the base character, the only thing working is to add texture to the geographs and the furs the body remains without any color.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2020

    for exemple the fox lady have a option to add the "skin material


    while the male don't have and another poblem is which due to "everything related to fur being "dforce" it's means which the fur details in the hand and in the feets, don't work outside the daz unlike it worked in the "catgirl mega pack" because both fur are part of the geographic hand and feets, which allow to carry it to outside daz while the new "wolfie" don't, making the hands and feet have less quality compared with catgirl megapack it also make the "head hair useless,


    i would love if could be possible add a update for a "non dforce fur", and in the future if not being to annoying to take it in account and in future when releasing new characters making then have a "non dforce fur/hair" version if possible, for use outside daz it not asking too much.


    let's be clear i'm not saying which the product is not awesome and is trash or something like that and i would love to use it, but the current format make the product bad and missing for "non daz" users(peoples like me using it outside daz), the catgirl megapack previous product was really perfect and everything worked perfect for cases like mine but this new "type of product" is being really not the same level of quality of the cat girl mega pack.

    Post edited by Ellessarr on
  • WillDupreWillDupre Posts: 71
    edited January 2020

    ok Im sorry I am going to be no help figuring out where stuff is in "Smart Content" library, as I am old school and use the the Base Content library (Daz actually sets up the smart content library catagories) as you can see here at the bottom is Wolfie Parts All thats what I would use to appy all the parts without the DForce Fur, and you can see the Full with Fur Materials sub-library underneath which contains all of the hirarchal primary material presets which will apply the materials to all the parts including the base figure at once.

    While I understand that considering you are wanting to export the content to an external tool, mesh based hair is more desirable for you. my developement process reqires that product be at the highest level possible for DAZ Studio itself, and I find the strand based dForce hair much higher quality visually than mesh based hair in Studio I actually disliked the workaround of having to use the mesh based cuffs to simulate fur on G8F Catgirl I found it less than Ideal looking compared to the strand based hair, I am sorry if it doesnt meet your needs.

    501 x 885 - 155K
    Post edited by WillDupre on
  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,395
    WillDupre said:

    ok Im sorry I am going to be no help figuring out where stuff is in "Smart Content" library, as I am old school and use the the Base Content library (Daz actually sets up the smart content library catagories) as you can see here at the bottom is Wolfie Parts All thats what I would use to appy all the parts without the DForce Fur, and you can see the Full with Fur Materials sub-library underneath which contains all of the hirarchal primary material presets which will apply the materials to all the parts including the base figure at once.

    While I understand that considering you are wanting to export the content to an external tool, mesh based hair is more desirable for you. my developement process reqires that product be at the highest level possible for DAZ Studio itself, and I find the strand based dForce hair much higher quality visually than mesh based hair in Studio I actually disliked the workaround of having to use the mesh based cuffs to simulate fur on G8F Catgirl I found it less than Ideal looking compared to the strand based hair, I am sorry if it doesnt meet your needs.

    ok well i could find it finally but is really weird which it is not added in the smart material in the same way it is added in the library, the female does have one proper added to the smart but the male no it's really weird.


    Really thanks for the support and i really understand your point and no doubts i know which is important to you go on that way and i respect it, but as i told it really go opposite as my line of work making many of the product "somehow useless for me", that is why would be at last the "cuffs" stuffs have a optional "old way" if possible, i'm not saying which you must go back to "old way" but add a option for "mesh based hair too" at last for the "basic stuffs" like the catgirl, the big "furs" can be only dforce but things like the arms cuff and legs cuff or head hair would have a "option for mesh based hair" aside the main strand based, ofcourse it's just a suggestion and i'm not forcing you to do anything, if you don't want but it could help for cases like mine, to have many peoples as possible to buy.


    As i told the current way the 2 products are making they not good for me and now i'm feeling bad because i would have to refund something i really wanted because they don't really meet what i was waiting for, compared with previous product which placed you products on my list of artists to buy stuffs, now i gonna have too be more cautinous about it.


    Any way srry for any trouble and keep the good work and do whatever you like because is really important to have the artist having freedom to do whatever he want and making really good products.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    WillDupre said:
    Artini said:

    Great. Thanks to your ideas, I have discovered, how versatile this set really is. Just amazing.

    I have used red fox materials on just head and ears on Diego 8 -




    Yep there is also a Face blend Fur option if you dont want to use the full face fur, the face blend fur just adds a border of thinner fur around the face to help soften the edges of the head fur where it meets the face.

    Thanks for the illustrations, and great to know about the Face Blend Fur Option.

  • mashvim said:

    Great pruduct but I have an issue and need help. 

    Something wrong with fur, it didn't work with Catgirl and now I'm not sure if it will work with this model.

    For some strange reason the fur looks like tiny fibers. What I do wrong?

    I have the same problem and it is not because it is not loaded or parented correctly. Any other ideas? ????

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    Wolfie is a fun add-on for G8M... here with a modified Betty Bunny (but getting the fur to interact with the clothes was interesting):

  • AngelikMAngelikM Posts: 104
    edited January 2021

    Hi @WillDupre and everyone!

    Hope this message find you all well and inspired in the midst of these interesting season...

    Wondering if someone could help me understand why I cannot load the skin for G8 (the fur loads well, it is the skin/wolfie or Sly Fox makeup(?) that don't work no matter what!)

    Had tried every single one of the icons to see what will work and none of them seem to change any G8 main skin/or ad any makeup...Also tried and load Wolfie all parts and fur and nothing...the fur loads, the face nop... 

    I use SmartConent yet reading the comments I had also tried Content Library.

    I don't want to export it, just render in IRay

    This is a simple render (I'm using Bain as the male character).

    In fact, I bought it because I wanted to use the character not necesarily the fur... 

    Any ideas, please?

    Had installed it through DIM. Using Mac and Daz 4.14.08 btw

    Looking forward to a reply, thanks in advance.


    P.S. Catgirl works beautifully btw!


    Image 2021-01-14 at 12.45.05 AM.png
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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • WillDupreWillDupre Posts: 71
    edited January 2021

    I appologize for not seeing this sooner, Ive been pretty inconsistant about visiting the forums these days what with holdays, Covid, and Contested elections. anyway sorry for causing any misunderstanding, the folder you are looking in just apply materials to the geograft and hair parts seperately and shouldnt really be used except in rare cases.

    What you want to do is apply the geografts you want to use than go into the Full with Fur Materials Library and select the version of wolfie you want to apply, dont worry about the "with Hair" bit, the mat will apply to the base figure and all the parts you have loaded on the figure. the only time you might want to use the individual parts mats is if you wanted the part to have a different texture than the base figure.

    Wolfie Textures.jpg
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  • AngelikMAngelikM Posts: 104

    Hi @WillDupre!

    Thanks so much for the information, it has been working beautifully!

    Also, thanks for the kindness for waiting(if ever, hehe) this loooooong period of time for any reply on my side.


    In whimsical reverence...


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