And for the GUYS!! Wolfie and the Sly Fox are here [commercial]

in The Commons
We know a lot of you have been requesting Male counterparts for Catgirl and friends, so here is the first installment, Wolfie and the Sly Fox For Genesis 8 Male. this package includes 4 full body Fox and four full body Wolf material sets, complete with full body fur and geograft parts. as well as a pair of shredded pants inspired by the old wolf man movies. Enjoy

1000 x 1300 - 302K

1000 x 1300 - 459K

1000 x 1300 - 294K

1000 x 1300 - 443K

1000 x 1300 - 208K
Looks really nice.
Woof woof! Excited about this!
I personally would have preferred more toon-y eyes and more of a snout... perhaps I can achieve that by dialling in some HFS Ultimate Shapes or something like it...
Not meant as a criticism, just personal taste!
Absolutely love it from the neck down and the shorts are a neat bonus!
I really need a blue cat base for my male Kelven character. (Kelfs are a mixture of kitties and elves.)
edit: is there a wolfie for G8F or did I miss her? Or I got her and forgot it and that is why I did not see it?
edit2: I found the G8F Fox but not wolf.
A clever and practical solution! I'd like to see your results!
To be real, I blew my alloted DAZ money these last few months, so I'm afraid it'll be quite a while until I can test this idea.
I understand. I like to make werewolf characters and similar idea so that is why I like these type of characters.
Catguys are in the works, and no there is no Female companion to wolfie yet.
It couldn't go into my cart fast enough~
Loooooove it, and I cannot WAIT for the catguy version, too <3
I want a Miss Wolfie! I can wait (until I can get my computer back soon)!
I was delighted to see this product, it was an immediate purchase! ^^ I'm glad to hear that male Catfolk textures will be available some time in the future, as I'll gladly purchase those as well.
Thank you so much for creating Wolfie and Sly Fox!
I dialed in a little of the dog head, one of the arms morphs, and one of the legs and IMO it looks pretty good! Somebody with a better eye for anthro could really make it work I think.
^ Oh, thanks! Looks pretty good already!
Wow, this is really amazing.
Below is Rampage -
thats awesome, Rampage wolfie tiptoing through the tulips?
one suggestion, Run dynamics on that and the shreds on the pants will drape more naturally.
More like he's trying to sidestep the cow patties!
Great pruduct but I have an issue and need help.
Something wrong with fur, it didn't work with Catgirl and now I'm not sure if it will work with this model.
For some strange reason the fur looks like tiny fibers. What I do wrong?
Is that an Iray render? if not, unfortunately due to the nature of the required dual loab blended hair shader this product does not work with the 3delight renderer.
Yes this is Iray render.
Thanks for the comments and the tips.
Below is the render of two, more unusual, creatures... Frosty and Alien
OK tried a few things, and the only way I can get the results I am seeing in your render is if I apply the fur without having the figure selected so the fur doesnt get properly parented, since you are using catgirl try this, load G8F. make sure she is selected in the scene window than appy Catgirl all bodyparts hair and fur from the base catgirl library, and with g8F still selected go into Materials/Iray/Full G8F with Pieces & Fur. and apply your choice of textures, it will take a minute or so to load (hirarchal materials with multiple LIE mats take a bit of time to load) than render. let me know what results you get.
Hi: I've been trying to contact you. I have some questions before I buy, though it does seem like a very fine product.
The geografted bodyparts: Can I use Some of them rather than all of them?
The full body set of dForce Dynamic Fur to be used with or without the geograft parts: First, the geograft parts -- Again, can I use some of this instead of all of this? Can I choose which body parts to which to apply the fur? Can I use ears, for example, and omit the face and head? Do I have to use the head at all? Can I use a human head and apply the ears and fur on the ears?
Regarding the dForce Dynamic Fur and the dForce Dynamic Pants: do I have to use the dForce options? Will the fur and the pants apply and look all right without using the dForce options? Do you have any poses ready for the Fur and the Pants?
It looks really good. I'm sure it is a very fine product, but I'm hesitating because I have the above questions. The dForce experience is very slow on my computer, so if this product is really dependent on it, then I wouldn't buy it. I hate to buy a product and then return it. So, if I get answers to my questions, I can avoid that. I always feel that I'm insulting the creator of a product if I return that product. But, if the answers are that the product can be used without dForce, then I will buy the product.
I have not used dForce, yet, with this product.
I think, you need dForce mostly for the included pants.
You say, that dForce is slow on your computer, but what about iray?
Does it works well for you?
The iRay is OK, but I'm on a Macintosh, so it's CPU rendering, not nVidia GPU.
ok first of all yes you can use just the parts you want by loading just those parts individually,
and yes you can load just the fur you want, with one caviat, all of the fur parts have a master part in parenthisis you need to load the fur onto the part in perenthisis in order for it to work correctly, for example Wolfie Hand Fur (Hands) and Wolfie Wrist Fur (Hands) should both be applied to the geograft hands. Wolfie Forearm Fur (G8M) gets loaded onto G8M Directly and if you dont want to use the geograft hands the Forearm fur does go all the way down to the hands if the geograft is not loaded, and you do not need to load either the hand fur or the wrist fur in that case. (the catgirl and foxy lady fur doesnt work this way unfortunately due to my own shortsightedness, so the forearm fur on that stops at the wrist, but when we do the wolf girl I will include that option as well and it will be backwards compatible) as far as the ear fur, they do include some head fur due to the way the geografts have to stitch to the head, but it is possible to turn off the face and torso groups on the ear fur so they dont show up.
as far as the dynamics, while the package tends to look better when using dynamics for example the torn bits on the pants will drape more natually when simulated, and the tail fur will compress properly if it comes in contact with a surface, you can use the package without dynamics no problem
Yes, the set has a lot of geografts and hairs.
Below are some examples of it on Diego 8.
Thank you for all the information and for the illustrative pics. I just purchased it.
Great. Thanks to your ideas, I have discovered, how versatile this set really is. Just amazing.
I have used red fox materials on just head and ears on Diego 8 -
Yep there is also a Face blend Fur option if you dont want to use the full face fur, the face blend fur just adds a border of thinner fur around the face to help soften the edges of the head fur where it meets the face.