On The Farm [commercial]

acharyapolinaacharyapolina Posts: 726
edited October 2019 in Daz PA Commercial Products

On the farm is a farm kit I am creating. So far it includes a farm house, a barn, 3 grass patch props, 2 trees props a fence prop, 2 road props and a road pebble prop and a low poly forest background prop.

Here are some renders. any comments or critic welcome. thanks


720 x 480 - 455K
1000 x 800 - 1M
1000 x 800 - 1M
Post edited by Cris Palomino on


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Looks very good. Particularly like the cornfield. A farm should have crops growing.

  • Thanks. I dont know if I should also make a garden like tamatoes, squash and such

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Thanks. I dont know if I should also make a garden like tamatoes, squash and such

    It would definitely make it more attractive to me.  I already own several farm sets, but the cornfield got my attention immediately as my current fallback is the now rather outdated Dead Corn bundle

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I like farm things too. 

  • Good to know. I'll work on a garden then. :)

  • Hurdy3DHurdy3D Posts: 1,058

    Extern only or are there empty rooms and rigged doors and windows?

  • The barn has a rigged outer door as there is hay in the barn. But the house is externl only.

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    looks like a wonderful set.  :)   i'm glad you're going to add a garden patch to that beautiful cornfield.

    can i suggest you include single prop versions of whatever vegetables you decide to grow there?  for picking and so on?



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    That certainly is a great looking cornfield (speaking as someone who grew up in Iowa!).

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    As goofy as it sounds, I like this whole set, but would buy it for the Pine forest background prop ALONE! I've been looking everywhere for exactly that kind of pine forest! Can't wait, and that I also like everything else in the set too is a huge bonus!

  • So here is the garden. I have a tomato patch. a cabbage patch. a potato patch and a pumkin patch. All will have seperate objects so you can pick the vegis

    720 x 480 - 620K
    720 x 480 - 552K
    720 x 480 - 631K
    720 x 480 - 593K
  • evacynevacyn Posts: 975
    Really looking forward to this one! Thank you for the attention to detail :)
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    So here is the garden. I have a tomato patch. a cabbage patch. a potato patch and a pumkin patch. All will have seperate objects so you can pick the vegis

    Awesome. The deer, turtles & other critters keep picking mine.

  • Here are some images of the food props. and a Picnic table prop that will be included. :)

    1000 x 750 - 1M
    1000 x 750 - 925K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    The images posted here look a little soft and washed out to me. Is this just your chosen rendering style for the promos?

  • Yea, but I can make them a bit better. I think maybe I used a bit too much bloom in rendering these. so here they are done a little better.

    1000 x 750 - 1M
    1000 x 750 - 922K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Yea, but I can make them a bit better. I think maybe I used a bit too much bloom in rendering these. so here they are done a little better.

    I thought maybe it was bloom. Bloom settings are difficult to get "right".

  • MegonNoelMegonNoel Posts: 377

    I love it! This looks amazing. As for the house, even though there's no interior, doors and windows that open and close would be very helpful. I'm not sure where you're at in production so it may not be something you can do with this one, which is fine, but just letting you know that working doors and windows are always appreciated even if they don't have an interior scene. 

    Either way, this set looks fantastic. I love all the props and extras you've added to it. Amazing work! smiley

  • Thanks. and it would not be difficult to add animated doors and windows to the house. I could try it out. :)

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    While this looks amazing, no one has asked about performance since this looks to really be hard on any system with all the instancing. Any info you can share on that? What are your system specs?

  • Well I am using 

    i5 processor quad core.

    32 GB of RAM

    Nvidia Gforce GTX 1060 6GB graphics card

    1TB of Hard drive space.

    However when I create a scene, it is not much instencing that I use. and I tried to make as many of the props as low poly as I could without copramizing the quality.

    So I think it should be ok on most systems these days. :)


  • So a simple scene like this, will only take a few instences as you can see in the scene here.

    720 x 480 - 605K
    1859 x 1080 - 1M
  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867

    Want. If further down the line you decide to make an orchard expansion with fruit or nut trees (even better if you can also show them when flowering or in autumn--almond trees are gorgeous when in bloom) I will, not quite literally, murder to get it. And, oh, strawberries--or blackberries! Or an orange grove, or lemons, or...

    I think I need to lie down...

  • Will do. sounds great. but it will be in the future after this one is published. :)

  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867

    *glee intensifies*

    Thanks for considering this. It is far too difficult to do a proper rural scene with what is available nowadays, and fantasy stories suffer all the more for it, seeing how important agriculture should be in those settings.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    YUP.  NICE SET.  I'll be in line with the others to buy!  So the farm house is also included or is that something else in your catalog?  

  • acharyapolinaacharyapolina Posts: 726
    edited October 2019

    Farm house is included.

    So what you get in this set is.

    Farm house

    Hey Barn

    3 Grass props

    2 tree props

    1 fence prop

    1 rock prop

    2 road props

    a picnic bench prop

    box of tomatos prop

    box of corn prop

    box of potatoes prop

    box of cabbage prop

    box of pumkin prop

    single corn prop

    single tomato prop

    single potato prop

    single pumkin prop

    single cabbage prop

    corn field prop

    tomato patch prop

    potato patch prop

    pumkin patch prop

    cabbage patch prop

    low poly treeline or back ground forest prop


    Post edited by acharyapolina on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256


  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,642

    Sounds like this will be a must-buy!  There just isn't very much available right now for rural settings.  Plus, anything with single fruits/veggies goes into my wishlist.

  • I will buy this just for all the veggies. yes

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