Auto Shape Enhancer [Commercial]



  • duckbombduckbomb Posts: 585
    edited May 2020

    shoot double post, sorry about that!

    Post edited by duckbomb on
  • duckbombduckbomb Posts: 585
    DMaster said:
    duckbomb Go to the first page of this forum. you will see the old ribcage file.

    @Dmaster THIS WAS IT!  Perfect, thank you so much!  As promised, I'm a customer for life, your customer support is a cut above the rest, and you took the time to listen to my problem and provided the solution that kept my tight (rather too tight, I admit) timeline on track!  THANK YOU!!


    barbult said:

    I have the April 12 zip file update saved, but of course I cannot share it without D. Master's permission. But in case he no longer has the file you need and he gives me permission to share it with you, I can. I'll check back later to see what the status is. I hope he has the file you need.

    @barbult thank you so much for considering me and making the offer!  I really, really do appreciate it (honestly, like a LOT), and I learned my lesson to back up and save files like you do lol


    Seriously, guys, I'm going to sleep so well after this close call.  I know it sounds like a little thing, but I'm just starting to build my brand and I have quite the plan that extends over the next few weeks and this was more important than  you know, so thanks again!!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    DMaster said:
    barbult said:

    The image here (made with the old file looks like it has ribcage morph. The Parameters pane shows ribcage morph dialed in. Yet it opens fine now after updating. I'm still perplexed.

    Do you have the file duckbomb needs, or do I have permission to give him the download I saved from April 12? I don't see any working link to that file now.

    The DIM install is newer than the one you tested.

    Yes, you can share the April 12 file, this was the test file for the DIM. I believe he is looking for the old Ribcage. Which is on page 1 in this forum.

    Yes, I see it there now! I see that duckbomb got it so I guess all is well. 

  • duckbombduckbomb Posts: 585
    barbult said:

    Yes, I see it there now! I see that duckbomb got it so I guess all is well. 

    I did!  Happily working away now on the project, and back on track thanks to you and DMaster!

  • DMasterDMaster Posts: 410
    duckbomb said:
    barbult said:

    Yes, I see it there now! I see that duckbomb got it so I guess all is well. 

    I did!  Happily working away now on the project, and back on track thanks to you and DMaster!

    I love to see what you working on. Best. 

  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    there's a 15.8 MB update to auto shape enhancer popping up in DIM today. 

    the product documentation page doesn't say what it's for, though.  anyone know?


  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624
    edited May 2020

    @jardine That should be the recent update from 4/30

    DMaster said:

    I have sent in the update for Male and Female today. I have added more detailed skin HD wrinkles on the bent joints.

    Updated the Rib to HD - to see them you must be in SubD 2-3

    Fix a few areas like the twist on the shin and upper shoder for the female. 

    ASE now looking even better. Can anyone do a demo? Just a bit more detail than I did here.


    Post edited by Daventaki on
  • DMasterDMaster Posts: 410
    edited May 2020

    Thank you

    Post edited by DMaster on
  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    thank you. 



  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Thank you very much!

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091
    edited May 2020

    Ok, I downloaded the update and now my entire interface is white. Any ideas? I did heve it closed when I updated it.


    Post edited by Sigurd on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Currently uninstalling and reinstalling. Let you know if it is successful.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Sigurd said:

    Ok, I downloaded the update and now my entire interface is white. Any ideas? I did heve it closed when I updated it.


    Are you sure Daz Studio was completely closed? It remains active for a while after the window closes, while it does some clean up. Task Manager on PC can show you whether it is really closed or still closing.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Seems to have worked. Whew! That would have been ironic for it to crash right before I get the most anticipated Daz3D offering of the decade. G8M AME

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    I closed it before updating but I did not double check the task manager. Thanks for the heads up barbult!

  • P302P302 Posts: 37
    edited May 2020


    I updated the product via DIM but i still get a moving left eyeball when using Left Collar Front-Back (neg. values) + Left Collar Bend (pos values) + ASE Shoulder. Wasn't that fixed in the update?

    Edit: I compared: MD_JCM_L ArmPit Fix01.dsf in my installation with the file posted here on April, 16. and they are identical. So the fix does not seem to work for me ...

    Post edited by P302 on
  • DMasterDMaster Posts: 410

    Any one else have the same pro?

    log out of Daz3d.

    look for the file in your Daz3d folder. Del it. MD_JCM_L ArmPit Fix01.dsf

    You may find 2. just del booth.

    now download + replace with the fixed MD_JCM_L ArmPit Fix01.dsf

    I will look into this..


  • P302P302 Posts: 37


    Don't bother, your product works fine! I just sorted it out. Dim Installed into the correct folder: "...\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\D.Master\Auto Shape Enhancer\" 

    BUT: I found a 2nd Installation here: "...\Studio\My Library\Data\Daz 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\D.Master\Auto Shape Enhancer\MD_JCM_L ArmPit Fix01.dsf" which obviously overrides the original Installation.

    I'm not entirely sure but those 2nd folders have a date of which my personal work-log says that i did character conversions G3M -> G8M which probably caused the morphs to be copied there.  I moved the 2nd Folder out of Daz' scope and moved only those morphs back, Daz complained about when loading the converted figures.

    Glad you said "You may find 2" :-)


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    Why are some Karyssa and Kaylee morphs dialed in when I move the shoulder of basic Genesis 8 Female?

    Here is an example.

    Auto Shape morphs.jpg
    351 x 157 - 18K
  • maomaosshotsmaomaosshots Posts: 5
    edited June 2020

    @DMaster I just bought ASE (both male and female) .. I noticed several files to download on this thread. But are they already included since I bought it or do I have to download it anyway? BTW love your productswink

    Post edited by maomaosshots on
  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    DMaster said:

    Rib Cage for G8 M/F

    has auto shape enhancer meanwhile been "officially"/automatically (through DIM) updated since your post here? or do i need to download those rib cage zips? i've had it for a while now.

    actually i came here to ask if ultimate bend morphs, which i don't have yet but have wishlisted for ages (and it's 70% today!) is a good complement to ASE - i mean, if it males a big difference in realism.

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