Hell Creek Modules [Commercial]



  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Thanks Spit

  • Very nice render szark and good use of depth in such a small scene.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    Thanks Herschel

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052
    edited April 2019

    Anyone else find that these modules have occasional bugs?    wink

    devil Sorry, Herschel, I couldn't help myself!

    Used six modules, HDRI lighting, a background forest image, an extra tree or two, Anu-Naki for V4, and one An-Terra with three instances. Took 20 minutes to render on a GTX1080.

    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    Post edited by frankrblow on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    LOL that is so cool

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    Thanks, Szark. I love how good these modules look, even in closeup. The real talent is Herschel Hoffmeyer's!

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I agree just needs a push to learn proper PBR. ;)

  • Nice render dragonfly!

  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    Thanks! These are wonderful scene modules smiley

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281

    Hello Herschell

    Just posted an image in my gallery with Hell Creek in the background and you will recognize some other products from you :-) !

    Just a small remark: as I export (obj) my scene for rendering outside DS4, please make a unique name for textures: panty, top... have the same name so only the last one is kept after export and all clothes have the same one.

    Anyway, many thanks for your amazing products!


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I have already mentioned that smaker1, Hope it didn't fall on deaf ears. Looks they came straight out of substance painter, we even get Metal maps that aren't needed at all. Herschel I don't mean any disrespect but some of us have been doing this stuff for years and we know how things should be done.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Szark said:

    I have already mentioned that smaker1, Hope it didn't fall on deaf ears. Looks they came straight out of substance painter, we even get Metal maps that aren't needed at all. Herschel I don't mean any disrespect but some of us have been doing this stuff for years and we know how things should be done.

    It's more an SP thing since those types of maps and the way SP does things are more suited for other apps and not DS. I haven't looked at it, but DarkEdgeDesign has a tutorial https://www.daz3d.com/substance-painter-workflows for using SP for DS creation and based on his models that I have, he follows the same path, so chances are anyone using his tutorial is doing the same thing, unfortunately..

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I have SP (well the whole suite with an Indie license) and you can hone it to export the maps that are only needed. Then with a program called Bulk Rename https://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Main_Intro.php one can rename many maps at once. I do disagree about SP not for DS, PBR is PBR even in DS though SP does lack a few things like Diffuse Roughness maps etc but overall it is well suited for DS/Iray IMO.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    oh and if you name the mats zones better SP will name the maps accordingly

  • Szark said:

    Herschel I don't mean any disrespect but some of us have been doing this stuff for years and we know how things should be done.

    Szark, not trying to be rude either, but no need to reiterate the same stuff over and over about the same product. You have been heard loud and clear. I will also not be doing any more environments, at least not for a long time so if you only interested in environments from me, no worries from me messing up mats in the future with environments. I will do my best to improve my products but I do not follow Daz's PBR recommended settings to a 'T.' I adjust based on what I think looks right. If you find a way that is even better, then my hat's off to you and again, I will continue to improve.

    With each new product that has been coming out from me always seems to be a step forward from the last. I'm only in my thrid year of producing 3D content professionally so I'm still very new to all software and 3d in general so I still have a lot to learn. In future products, if I mess up something, please feel free to bring it to my attention and I will try and learn and/or grow from it. But let's stop beating a dead horse.


    Szark said:

    I have already mentioned that smaker1, Hope it didn't fall on deaf ears. Looks they came straight out of substance painter, we even get Metal maps that aren't needed at all. Herschel I don't mean any disrespect but some of us have been doing this stuff for years and we know how things should be done.

    It's more an SP thing since those types of maps and the way SP does things are more suited for other apps and not DS. I haven't looked at it, but DarkEdgeDesign has a tutorial https://www.daz3d.com/substance-painter-workflows for using SP for DS creation and based on his models that I have, he follows the same path, so chances are anyone using his tutorial is doing the same thing, unfortunately..

    I don't follow the way he does things anymore. Ever since the Triceratops product, my way of doing things has changed and continues to change as I learn and grow as an artist.


    Szark said:

    oh and if you name the mats zones better SP will name the maps accordingly

    Yes I'm aware of this but does 95% of daz users really need this done... I understand this will help those that take the product oustide of daz but technically the product is only designed to be used inside of daz. Also I create inside of Zbrush and naming surface groups is not a thing in Zbrush. You have to export it into another 3D app just to do this. I will be providing material zones on future products as requested by FSMC but texture/surface re-naming will remain the same for now until I figure out a system that doesn't add in a lot of extra work to better serve a small crowd wanting this. 

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281

    Hello Szark and Hershell

    I have no problem it was just a small remark from me as it took me some times to understand why some clothes were wrong in my render (Octane)  before finding the reason. Now I can live with that :-)  !

    I still say that they are amazing products and have no regrets. Bravo Hershell and waiting for what's coming ! 


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    OK I won't say anything more apart if my earlier comments we properly acknowledged and understood as help then I wouldn't need to flog a dead horse. I will now better in the future. Good luck with your future products.

  • RbugRbug Posts: 166

    The things you miss when your not keeping up with things.... Ok well Having done CGI for a living, (two movies and a documentery) wish I had these modules when I did the Dino Sex Doc. I am confused as to what the problem is really. I looked over all the maps and yes with a touch of tweeking, to my liking not to any particular standard, they work absolutly perfectly, and I even (cause I just got it delivered) brought the entire module scene into 3ds max and it all worked perfectly, and I do mean perfectly. I only had to adjust the base color filtering, but that is normal with max so I was expecting that. What I did not anticipate was the color drop off which with other peoples work I always and I mean always have to mess with the drop off extensively. So Herschel, you just keep doing it your way, and learn as you go. You have very very salable items that you create and when I see one I do not hesitate to get it. And just so that you know I used to be a fan of DinoRaul, and I have just about every one of his creations. When I saw yours I went forget him there is a new dino man on the scene. and yup I did purchase the origional Trex that you did, I had to modify it somewhat to make it do what I wanted it to do so yea that I think should be normal for most of us. We get the product and play with it as the artist intended then we go hmmmmm I need it to do this so I did the changes. No need to get all bitchy about it just do what you need to do. Ok enough said. Oh and just so you know, I took your modules into max and well stripped them down to individual props so that I could create more elaberate scenes, still I use the orgionals then I use the repurposed parts to complete my scene. Daz is rendering one right now that I modified slightly, ( I added more trees).cool

  • RbugRbug Posts: 166

    Anyone else find that these modules have occasional bugs?    wink

    devil Sorry, Herschel, I couldn't help myself!

    Used six modules, HDRI lighting, a background forest image, an extra tree or two, Anu-Naki for V4, and one An-Terra with three instances. Took 20 minutes to render on a GTX1080.

    yes now that you mention it i do see a bug or two.....WOW I could not resist that one either.

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281
    Rbug said:

    The things you miss when your not keeping up with things.... Ok well Having done CGI for a living, (two movies and a documentery) wish I had these modules when I did the Dino Sex Doc. I am confused as to what the problem is really. I looked over all the maps and yes with a touch of tweeking, to my liking not to any particular standard, they work absolutly perfectly, and I even (cause I just got it delivered) brought the entire module scene into 3ds max and it all worked perfectly, and I do mean perfectly. I only had to adjust the base color filtering, but that is normal with max so I was expecting that. What I did not anticipate was the color drop off which with other peoples work I always and I mean always have to mess with the drop off extensively. So Herschel, you just keep doing it your way, and learn as you go. You have very very salable items that you create and when I see one I do not hesitate to get it. And just so that you know I used to be a fan of DinoRaul, and I have just about every one of his creations. When I saw yours I went forget him there is a new dino man on the scene. and yup I did purchase the origional Trex that you did, I had to modify it somewhat to make it do what I wanted it to do so yea that I think should be normal for most of us. We get the product and play with it as the artist intended then we go hmmmmm I need it to do this so I did the changes. No need to get all bitchy about it just do what you need to do. Ok enough said. Oh and just so you know, I took your modules into max and well stripped them down to individual props so that I could create more elaberate scenes, still I use the orgionals then I use the repurposed parts to complete my scene. Daz is rendering one right now that I modified slightly, ( I added more trees).cool


    the (or my)  "problem" is not the quality of textures ad not about Hell Creek. My scene use the Dinosaure queen habit. The top and panty have different textures with the same name. These textures are in different folders in the "texture" folder and there is no problem in DS4.

    If you export (obj) the scene from Daz Studio with the gather textures option selected. The exporter copy all textures in the same "map" folder. So the last copied texture remain. The import assign this texture to all habits (top and panty) and so either the top or the panty don't have the good texture depending of the order of the copy at the export.

    I spend a few time to find what was the reason. Now I will be better !! I copied the global dinosaur queen textures folder in the map folder and reassign the good textures and voila ! Why using this method instead of making the link to the original texture? Because sometimes I adjust texture for my projects and don't want to modify the original textures by error  

    That's all  (and I love Hershell products :-) !)


  • RbugRbug Posts: 166
    smaker1 said:
    Rbug said:

    The things you miss when your not keeping up with things.... Ok well Having done CGI for a living, (two movies and a documentery) wish I had these modules when I did the Dino Sex Doc. I am confused as to what the problem is really. I looked over all the maps and yes with a touch of tweeking, to my liking not to any particular standard, they work absolutly perfectly, and I even (cause I just got it delivered) brought the entire module scene into 3ds max and it all worked perfectly, and I do mean perfectly. I only had to adjust the base color filtering, but that is normal with max so I was expecting that. What I did not anticipate was the color drop off which with other peoples work I always and I mean always have to mess with the drop off extensively. So Herschel, you just keep doing it your way, and learn as you go. You have very very salable items that you create and when I see one I do not hesitate to get it. And just so that you know I used to be a fan of DinoRaul, and I have just about every one of his creations. When I saw yours I went forget him there is a new dino man on the scene. and yup I did purchase the origional Trex that you did, I had to modify it somewhat to make it do what I wanted it to do so yea that I think should be normal for most of us. We get the product and play with it as the artist intended then we go hmmmmm I need it to do this so I did the changes. No need to get all bitchy about it just do what you need to do. Ok enough said. Oh and just so you know, I took your modules into max and well stripped them down to individual props so that I could create more elaberate scenes, still I use the orgionals then I use the repurposed parts to complete my scene. Daz is rendering one right now that I modified slightly, ( I added more trees).cool


    the (or my)  "problem" is not the quality of textures ad not about Hell Creek. My scene use the Dinosaure queen habit. The top and panty have different textures with the same name. These textures are in different folders in the "texture" folder and there is no problem in DS4.

    If you export (obj) the scene from Daz Studio with the gather textures option selected. The exporter copy all textures in the same "map" folder. So the last copied texture remain. The import assign this texture to all habits (top and panty) and so either the top or the panty don't have the good texture depending of the order of the copy at the export.

    I spend a few time to find what was the reason. Now I will be better !! I copied the global dinosaur queen textures folder in the map folder and reassign the good textures and voila ! Why using this method instead of making the link to the original texture? Because sometimes I adjust texture for my projects and don't want to modify the original textures by error  

    That's all  (and I love Hershell products :-) !)


    ok what program are you using. I use 3ds Max 

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281

    Octane Render standalone

  • RbugRbug Posts: 166

    well smaker1 I would contact the creator, or whatever services they offer to help get you through it. I say this because it seems that the standalone version has a recognition problem, primarely (now not saying that you did), with the pirated version that is out there, seems the crack that is available is not as good as it was claimed it to be.  Everything I found says that octane should be ran from daz's script anyway that way it will recognize the differences in the textures that you mentioned. Or you could just go into daz and rename the materials to trick octain into using the seperate textures. Or do what I do with 3ds max sometimes is I rebuild the texture that has a single name for two locations and make a central map that can be used with I presume octane.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I don't follow the way he does things anymore. Ever since the Triceratops product, my way of doing things has changed and continues to change as I learn and grow as an artist.

    I can tell and I am very thankful for it and look forward to future purchases because of it. yes

    it worries me that new developers looking to get into creating for DS will follow the same tutorial on SP

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I haven't bought it. I much prefer to learn from the Substance team which covers a lot already. The map export thingy was easy enough to figure out and I made my own Preset so it exports OpenGL normal maps etc.

  • smaker1smaker1 Posts: 281
    Rbug said:

    well smaker1 I would contact the creator, or whatever services they offer to help get you through it. I say this because it seems that the standalone version has a recognition problem, primarely (now not saying that you did), with the pirated version that is out there, seems the crack that is available is not as good as it was claimed it to be.  Everything I found says that octane should be ran from daz's script anyway that way it will recognize the differences in the textures that you mentioned. Or you could just go into daz and rename the materials to trick octain into using the seperate textures. Or do what I do with 3ds max sometimes is I rebuild the texture that has a single name for two locations and make a central map that can be used with I presume octane.

    I have an official license of  Octane since beta version and I use it WITHOUT the DS4 plug-in. I imagine that the plug have no problem but  I made my own workflow as I prefer to have some render cooking in Octane while I'm working on another scene in DS4.  My graphic cards are old and limited so it's more efficient for me.

    That's why I go through an obj export.  If you have dinosaur queen outfit  : do an export  (top and panty)  from DS4 with collecting maps and you will see that only one texture remain as in the exported "map" folder there are no subfolders (like in the runtime/texture used by DS4). I imagine that whatever the software you use for importing the obj object will have the same trouble as the mtl file link the same texture for top and panty in the exported map folder.

    Again , I don't have any problem now as I found the origin and made the missing link manually!    

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