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Taking it for a weird spin...
I totally redid all the Hell Creek and Mesozoic material settings and Iray converted the Dinos
Lit by HDRI and rendered out as Canvases with Z depth layer.
I desaturated the tree trunk hence my last post I deleted.
First image is my rework of the mats, second as it loads
Those are some very nice renders indeed!
I just replaced my version as I missed the metasequoias over saturated branches. Now I am happy. LOL
I may not agree with your approach to proper OpenGL PBR but I can't deny this is a really awesome set. Look forward to see what other environment sets you do.
Btw I used 12 modules in that render. Ok the back ones I removed the Ground props, moss clusters and a few magnolias plus the terrain maps I reduced to 4K. I didn't need too really as the vram came in at 7.5 GB because I used a 16K HDRI too which bumped it up a bit. Main RAM came out at about 17GB
No I did not write the book, I just refer to it a lot realy. I have another list of plants if your interested if anyone is for that matter, I can post it so you can search for some of the more commmon trees and plants. And yes I think herschel does an amazing job even if the dino's dont blink....LOL. So can I gather you are putting your request in for the Siebel Dinosaur Complex.........
Yep I am interested, I copied your first list, sometimes it is hard to find lists like these on Google. I appreciate the effort too, thank you.
Ok here is the Xfrog list that matches my list from my book. I used Xfrogs blurbs only because they are easier to understand........
sweet thank you
@Szark "I may not agree with your approach to proper OpenGL PBR"
I'm confused by this statement. What do the Iray materials have to do with OpenGL. Iray isn't an OpenGL renderer. NVIDIA MDL isn't developed for OpenGL.
It is a term that s banded around meaning it doesn't use driectx and uses the Metal/Rough shader? is PBR after all meaning all you need for the metal/rough model is an Albedo, Roughness and Normal map as a base. No Gloss or Spec maps and Gloss Weight at 100%
Oh and DAZ Studio uses OpenGL to render, hence we need OpenGL formatted Normal maps, DirectX normal maps have the green channel inverted
OpenGL is used for the preview, not for the main render engines - and I'm not sure that OpenGL uses normal maps at all in DS. You are right, however, that - at least in DS - both 3Delight and Iray want OpenGL maps.
Yeah DS NEEDs opengl maps is probably more correct to say Thanks for chiming Richard and correcting me.
Good to know and thanks for the new list. I wouldn't be opposed to a virtual Siebel, it's a place I have wanted to visit for awhile now.
if Herschel is looking for ideas on another Hells Creek herbivore, I'd love to see a Parasaurolophus, their crown really makes them stand out. I have an ok model, but it's in FBX format so it has to be posed in Max first
OK well I could not let one pass by me. Now this is the Trex 3, Very Very cool. Still just one little note, I love the way the eyes are more forward now, much better improvement, I would still like to see the eyes closeable though. Well in this image you see the Trexes and Hell creek with some of the earlier mentioned additional trees added into the background, as they are not as detailed as the forground trees. No post work done on this image at all.
TOTALLY not true to science, but I added some modern pine trees in the foreground, because I like 'em, but really, really like everything about both T-Rex 3 and the Hell Creek set. Bravo HH! Thanks for feeding my inner 10 year old boy!
Pine trees :
(I had to fiddle with the shaders for IRAY)
awesome Gogger
Thanks Szark. Rawr!
LOL arrrr run away
Very nice renders!
You're not the first to ask for this one so probably down the road.
I will most likely be making a family vacation to their this summer and maybe after that I will design something similiar. I've also been thinking about Jurassic Park style enclosures and park elements...
Well gogger there were pine trees in the late Cretaceous Period, so it is ok to put them in there.
I picked this up, it's a really nice set. I might be a bit weird but I'm not using it for dinosaur renders but instead for a fantasy environment. Might be an idea for those who don't do dino's yet are attracted to this great set.
I was thinkinh this the other day so yeah I'd be interested too
LOL I see you forgoed the Hair, too many issues I take it. Still a funny image.
thanks yeah got catalyzer but there is a problem. Did a render with a fairy and squiral resized enlarged squiral tried to render kept crashing to cs we trie too work it out asked me to recreate it accidently deleted first version managed to get one render but after that couldn't loadwe couldn't work it out. Now onto this one enlarged chimp and tried to render and crashed and could not load project studio kept crashing so started anew chose LAMH version of chimp resized posed positioned then did the LAMH convert hair to object for iray sooo maybe hair went awol happens sometimes becomes a seperate entity and detatches like a ghost spirit but anyway I've worked out with catalyzer it does not like you enlarging the animals so guess the only way to make them seem bigger is to make everything else smaller which is a lot harder to get right and a lot of stuff if your using a lot of products than it is to enlarge something
really like this set any chance of more? Also some trees plants with bendable branches and leaves/folidge for the herbies to nibble on
I'm thinking my next environment item will be a Jurassic World (not Park) styled Rex enclosure with the redwoods and see-through glass. A raptor enclosure I might do as well. Not sure yet though, I have a lot of projects lined up.
I repurposed a terrain and used Substance Painter to make a mud layer around the edge where it meets the water using a mask by rendering the terrain and water plane from the top camera making the water black and the terrain white.
Excellent. Wow.