Post Your Renders - #5: Yet More Hope



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    I have found Genesis 2 to be immaculately easier to animate than Genesis 1. But I love Genesis 1 - it is my Monster Maker! Mwaaahaaahaaa!!!
    Here is a quick, down and dirty render of V6 in her attempt to take the Rosie role from her older sister, V4. She has some work to do if she really wants to steal the part, however.

    1280 x 720 - 579K
  • stu sutcliffestu sutcliffe Posts: 274
    edited December 1969

    Sculpted in 3DCoat, rendered in Carrara.

    434 x 600 - 87K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    Oh Stu!
    That is just magically cool!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Wow! It's been an entire week since anyone has posted on this thread!! I had to dig down to page 3 to find it! =D

    Here is a WIP as part of a storyboard for a short story animation. Finally getting around to working with Genesis and animating characters. I am beginning to see why I have been waiting on this! =/

    * Michael 5
    * Valiant clothing (modified)
    * Daz Horse 2
    * Knightly Barding (modified)
    * Lisa's Botanicals (various)

    No post-render editing was done.

    That looks really nice. I notice you're using a background plate with real footage. Is it just a still or animated? How integrated do you intend to get?

    I did a test sometime ago to add some dinosaurs to my back pasture. I used a simple plane with a shadow catcher for the ground. I also created a couple simple spline models for grass and animated them and used an oscillating tweener to make the grass wave. To match the grass to the background footage I applied a shadow catcher to the grass as well. The footage was shot in standard definition, so I have not idea how it would look in Hi-Def.

    The nice thing about the shadow catcher is that it also acts as a mask. It's a pretty neat effect!

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Stu and Dart, that is some nice work you've posted! Thanks for sharing!

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    Sculpted in 3DCoat, rendered in Carrara.


    I love the details that you put into your images. Even down to the texture and screws on the pod. :-)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited December 1969

    Stu, How I wish you would reconsider animation!
    if not Carrara then using iClone and 3Dxchange 5 pro (I know it is costly) one can so easily retarget Carrara rigging, and now facial morphs to use your characters in a realtime game engine type movie render software!
    (OK not the hair of course)
    the idea of all your own cool original modelling and rigging coming to life in a cartoon video must surely temp you?

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    I've been having a bit of a dry spell lately, and haven't been able to think of anything worthwhile to model. But having the itch to play with Carrara, I've been fiddling with some content.

    I'm never sure whether my images are worth sharing or not. After staring at them for hours on end I lose my objectivity, so no one sees most of my doodles.

    Anyway, since I haven't posted here for a while, here's one that I've been tweaking on that I kind of like.

    1024 x 768 - 305K
  • stu sutcliffestu sutcliffe Posts: 274
    edited December 1969

    Thanks guys!
    Wendy, I think I am done with animation,I've had a life time of it, finally got it out of my system.
    I don't even look at animation these days!
    Someone has pressed the button in my brain marked "animation" to "off"

  • FractalDimensiaFractalDimensia Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That looks really nice. I notice you're using a background plate with real footage. Is it just a still or animated? How integrated do you intend to get?

    I did a test sometime ago to add some dinosaurs to my back pasture. I used a simple plane with a shadow catcher for the ground. I also created a couple simple spline models for grass and animated them and used an oscillating tweener to make the grass wave. To match the grass to the background footage I applied a shadow catcher to the grass as well. The footage was shot in standard definition, so I have not idea how it would look in Hi-Def.

    The nice thing about the shadow catcher is that it also acts as a mask. It's a pretty neat effect!

    Thanks, EP, for the suggestion! Since this was a WIP, my original plan was to replace the background with a Carrara terrain; but now you've got me thinking it's time to experiment with a shadow catcher. Maybe I'll try to put a castle on the hill for a suitable challenge. (wink)

    1920 x 1080 - 766K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    That really is a sweet image. I can't wait to see it as you progress with the animation. Scenes like these that I render are all just test shots for animations I'm planning - or am in the middle of, with a few exceptions. Like this, I'm working towards animation stuff, but mostly just having fun playing with my new figure. I haven't had this Dystopia stuff out for a while - and I love how the futuristic sci fi type stuff has been working in the Woodlands kit - so I put them together with the new V6

    1280 x 720 - 775K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited June 2013

    Wow De3an, I love that! The Girl has always had a place in my heart. She's just a sassy little doll! I use a little of The Girl in my Rosie model. Okay, aside from that... I really like the render! The ground is very cool.

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited December 1969

    Wow De3an, I love that! The Girl has always had a place in my heart. She's just a sassy little doll! I use a little of The Girl in my Rosie model. Okay, aside from that... I really like the render! The ground is very cool.

    "The Girl" has been one of my favorite models partly because the face seems to be more expressive than with some of the other characters.

    The ground is simply the "Stone and Rocks" shader under the Nature category. I'm pretty sure its one of the Carrara defaults.

    This one was created a while back:

    856 x 999 - 110K
  • edited December 1969

    and great Job everybody!

    I was away for a while and i'm happy that i'm back. Love your works!

    Here's what I've been working on for a few days. The sniper is a model from Poser 8 content, used hair for his camouflage. The rifle is not completely my job, but I imported it from 3ds max.

    Love to know your feedback. ;)

    800 x 450 - 210K
    1600 x 900 - 598K
  • EleleElele Posts: 1,097
    edited December 1969

    He looks great!
    Is is bad if I confused him with Chewie at first?

  • edited December 1969

    Elele said:
    He looks great!
    Is is bad if I confused him with Chewie at first?

    Hahahaa LoL :))

    I should've found a bolt for him, I would really succeed if I was trying to make Chewie!

  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited June 2013

    MrJey said:
    and great Job everybody!

    I was away for a while and i'm happy that i'm back. Love your works!

    Here's what I've been working on for a few days. The sniper is a model from Poser 8 content, used hair for his camouflage. The rifle is not completely my job, but I imported it from 3ds max.

    Love to know your feedback. ;)

    Its way too dark on my screen. I really can't see any detail.

    Post edited by de3an on
  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited June 2013

    Here's one more for the road. The last of my doodles for a while.
    Comments always welcome.

    Now I need to think of something original to model.

    Click for bigger image:

    1024 x 768 - 235K
    Post edited by de3an on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    Jammin!!! I Love that!!!

    de3an said:
    "The Girl" has been one of my favorite models partly because the face seems to be more expressive than with some of the other characters.
    Absolutely! I have all of her facial expressions loaded into my V4 Rosie figure. It's amazing how great a few spins of the dial in a mix and match between those, the Morphs ++, and the V4 Facial Expressions pack(actual name?). But with The Girl, just the way she is, like you have her in these pics, she passes beautifully as a Toon version of Rosie and/or my Daughter.
    I'm thinking that I don't have that shader - but now I'll have to look for it - thanks!
    Like I tell Koukotsu that she can never post too many pics of her wonderful Mulberry Doll, I could never tire of seeing your hot shots of TheGirl, either! Love it!
    Thanks for the reprise!

    and great Job everybody!

    I was away for a while and i'm happy that i'm back. Love your works!

    Here's what I've been working on for a few days. The sniper is a model from Poser 8 content, used hair for his camouflage. The rifle is not completely my job, but I imported it from 3ds max.

    Love to know your feedback. ;)

    Very cool use of Carrara Hair - and some great renders to boot! Lighting, atmosphere, Chewbacca holding a sniper rifle... I Love It!!! All right. I know it's not really a Wookie. But, like Elele, I sure would have thought that you were making a Wookie. Look at his trigger hand. It has that Monster-esque color and texture about it. And like all top-notch sniper camo... you can't tell it's a human inside of there! I'd love to get a suit like that - but I don't (and never will) deserve one. Just don't have the guts for it. My son qualified for sniper in the Army - but he blasted out his knee, ending his military career a year before he would have been shipped to the wars oversees. I'm glad he never went - but does he ever miss his "Wolverines". It's taking him some real hard work to try and fit into the civilian life again. He'd rather be drilled! To each his/her own, eh?

    The following is a WIP test render that I brought into PD Pro and used some of the effects that I can animate into my clips. This one is a disorient spell in its launch stage. So the clip will go from zero effect to something along these lines. This is using the fantastic AnyFX plugin for PD by Pixelan - which is how I make rain and perform digital grading - I think. I know that Howler comes with some powerful grading tools of its own, so I'll be looking into all of this stuff. Oh... and this is proof that auto-fit does work on V6... for some things. So far I'm not successful for anything that goes all the way up the leg from the feet - like my precious Swashbuckler boots, by Age of Armor. Spooky and his team with have to fix that. But the hair is three conforming hair of the same thing, auto-fit using "UNSUPPORTED". The robes, or what's left of it! lol, necklace, belt-pouch skirt... the boots are from the Night Guard for Genesis.

    1280 x 1280 - 1M
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    Another example of why I love Carrara so much. The Gazer is not at all what he was when I loaded him in from my runtime. He has undergone extensive morph additions and shape changes. Xerr is a bit different too. I needed to add a bunch of quivering of the lips and eyelids type of morphs, and then added a bunch to help individualize them from one another. Cephalinoid is straight out of the box with my own, custom shaders.

    For monsters, I like using the gray scale maps that come with them to direct a color gradient to where to mix the palette. I also use them for manipulating the highlight channel for slimy gloss and such. The gray scale maps included with all products are a god send in Carrara's shader room. Speaking of shaders, I've just today established a shader for Rosie's Hair that doesn't take forever and a day to render - while still using its tranparency maps. I was always adding a separate light to try and brighten the hair up. That hair just suck up light and never reflects it back. Black Hole hair! So I tried and tried, ask EP, many things to solve both the too dark and the take forever issue. I don't care if it takes forever - truly. I've just lived with it for years now. So today as I was messing with getting a Rosie face onto V6, which took all day - which was a total blast - I really like V6 all over the original Genesis. Anyways, her shaders are really nice now! But I took a copy of the alpha map for the hair strands and put it in the glow channel cut down 50% - I might even go lower still - actually... I'm going to. And I multiplied that by the color map within that glow. So it illuminates to a small degree, only where the alpha maps tells it too - which has this amazing side effect of making her render blazingly fast - like she's on fire! Yeah Baby!!!

    Sorry for the rant - but I've been away from you guys for weeks, except for a few minutes here and there. I missed y'all!

    Keep those renders comin' and have a Carraraistic night!
    Love ya all,

  • edited June 2013

    de3an said:
    Here's one more for the road. The last of my doodles for a while.
    Comments always welcome.

    Now I need to think of something original to model.

    Click for bigger image:

    Amazing work Dean! I loved it! Good choice of background, the hair and particles behind bike look pretty cool too!
    I am also working on my scene, maybe changing lighting, adding some trees and modelling a few props for scene.

    Very cool use of Carrara Hair - and some great renders to boot! Lighting, atmosphere, Chewbacca holding a sniper rifle... I Love It!!! All right. I know it's not really a Wookie. But, like Elele, I sure would have thought that you were making a Wookie. Look at his trigger hand. It has that Monster-esque color and texture about it. And like all top-notch sniper camo... you can't tell it's a human inside of there! I'd love to get a suit like that - but I don't (and never will) deserve one. Just don't have the guts for it. My son qualified for sniper in the Army - but he blasted out his knee, ending his military career a year before he would have been shipped to the wars oversees. I'm glad he never went - but does he ever miss his "Wolverines". It's taking him some real hard work to try and fit into the civilian life again. He'd rather be drilled! To each his/her own, eh?

    Thanks. You are right, I guess I used so much hair for him :D I should try to make some better textures for body and cut some hairs so it looks more real! Right now Everybody would escape seeing him in the battlefield, even friendlies!!
    Movies with snipers in it were always my favorite... That's how I'm inspired to make an animation. I hope I can.
    I Wish the best for your son. ;)

    Thanks again for your comments.
    and apologies for my English.

    Post edited by ac_ali2582_04d6f34735 on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    No... that looks JUST like one of those sniper suits. I think those guys all make their own, anyways - so they're all different to some degree. I thought it was a Wookie because I see Star Wars in everything! Not sure what I'm going to do now that the Clone Wars show on Cartoon Network is coming to a close. At least we're going to get new Star Wars movies! Episodes 7, 8 and 9 are going to be made!
    Truth be told, I think I like the cartoon better than the movies. I really hope that they start a new animated series. Might I suggest "The Dark Times", which is the period between the current trilogies. But anyways... very nice sniper suit... very nice renders.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Genesis which way to turn.

    600 x 800 - 83K
  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    Nice composite Stan!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    Genesis 2 - Dead Ahead!

    1280 x 720 - 485K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    This new V6 of Rosie works really nicely so far. No idea what the mystery is that ManStan is not telling us. After making this, many of the elements that I used on V4 but are now on V6 have received refinements that I've been struggling over for years. I know that Genesis 2 Female had nothing to do with that - and, yes... some items will currently completely crash Carrara 8.5 upon the attempt of fitting to her. Also, Genesis outfits ignore the fact that she has boobs.
    On another note:
    I really love Carrara. I really do. And 8.5 build 204 is the finest Carrara I've worked in yet. Love this!

    1280 x 720 - 880K
  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    I really love Carrara. I really do. And 8.5 build 204 is the finest Carrara I've worked in yet. Love this!

    Do you? Really? {insert smiley of your choice here}

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    Kind of... {insert the one with the tongue sticking out, once they begin working again}

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Nice composite Stan!

    Thanks. I spent as much time trying to get that concrete pad to line up with the grass as I did getting the secondary lighting to match the scene. lol

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,725
    edited December 1969

    ManStan said:
    Nice composite Stan!

    Thanks. I spent as much time trying to get that concrete pad to line up with the grass as I did getting the secondary lighting to match the scene. lolI love that render - as you know. That one other guy can say what he (she?) wants... I still think you did a superb job of making that whole image looks as if she is part of the photograph. You could add a white border and print that on photo paper and put it in an album. Most people would never know. Great work. I really like the last render of your that I've seen too - with the bridge in the water... or something(?)
    You certainly know how to make natural, realistic lighting - that's a certainty! I wish I could see more of your shots.

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