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Heh, sorry to stir up twouble. In honour of this thread, and as more than a nod to Holly and the anthropomorphistic qualities of Dazdom, I present Rodger - well the bottom part of Rodger. He's been stuck there since this morning, just after breakfast. His doctor warned him not to do yoga alone in the forest....
THis render shows what the K4 render did. That you can grab clothes from the mesh of the figure. Step one for the mousey thing - unlock the figure with Fenric's plugin so you can add morphs. Then make your morph areas and at the same time your new material zones. The reason you use morph areas to "clothify" the mesh is that you can still use the soft select in the model room but it won't cross morph areas. That way you can get a clean edge at the sleeves and cuff areas. I used Baker to export the materials to for texturing. Interestingly when you apply a hair thing to the mesh then morph it the hair goes awol.
EDit forgot to add for Wendy et Holly the K4 children with their head meshes made invisible to show the neck mesh line are originally in the Pegasus thread. The poses are random from my runtime. Chosen to show how the mesh bends,. You could misconstrue them as "dancing' if you try. Link here -
For Joe: I'm sorry that you are offended by the image. If it really worries you, perhaps you should contact a moderator to have the offending image(s) removed. I wouldn't complain if they feel it necessary.
LOL ok so there actually were headless dancing children... I didn't freak out. ;-P
using the free lime
I bet she is holding an invisible headless baby by the legs and trying to drown it in that cup!
Can't figure out who the bad guy is though... Maybe cup drowning is the only way to kill invisible headless baby demon spawn?
LOL :)
There also appears to be the severed head of a man on the floor in the background,.
but he seems armless,. and legless,... so he's not really that scary..
Great image Head Wax :) always.
That's kinda how I imagine you :D
A great and wise Carrara mentor who does philosophy and wins nobel prizes in his spare time... but with arms and legs.
Now that's really funny :)
Nobel prize for coffee drinking ,.. that's possible if I keep practising.
Thanks Andy ;)
Holly, glad you didn't freak out!
And Wendy, wonderful Gif :)
Thanks Andy ;)
Holly, glad you didn't freak out!
And Wendy, wonderful Gif :)
The Egyptian Princess Concept I'm presently working on.
One thing I am not happy with are the shoulders. I know there are fixes available for sale but work only in Poser.
My question is if I get poser and apply the fixes to V4.2 in Poser and save the figure, can I then load the fixed figure into Carrara?
What techniques do the artists here use to make the figures more life-like and realistic?
Your advice would be very appreciated.
great things happening in the scene!
for realism perhaps there is too much ambient light?
for the shoulders - when you are posing always pose shoulders and not collars - as one gives a weird effect - like a shrug
can't remember which
have a play and you will see which one is the culprit
for the poser question not sure - but you can always export the object I assume with morphs etc applied and bring her into carrara
Hi Scottidog 2 :)
I'm not sure about the specific "fixes" for V4 / M4 etc,. (I've never used any of them) ...but generally speaking...
In poser,. If the morph fixes are applied using a python script, (or include poser magnets) and anything that relies on using python in poser,. won't work in carrara since it doesn't have python scripting.
I'm not sure if those "fixes" would be saved into a new CR2 file if they're not Morph targets,. ..doubtful. ...but worth trying.
on exporting as an OBJ,.
That won;'t work because OBJ is a mesh format, it won't contain any bones or morphs.
it only exports out the mesh in it's current shape,. or the default T-Pose, depending on the options you choose when exporting.
On posing,. it's the "Collar" which gives you the Shrug look,. ideally the collar bone should be lowered slightly if a figure is standing straight up, with arms down at the sides. because of gravity, and the muscles relaxing.. and the muscles would lift the arms and collar up to create the shrug. it's a complex muscle group.
Hold your arms out in a T pose,. then bring them down to your sides and look at what moves.
The shoulder and the collar both move,. because the collar is used to lift and hold most of the weight of the arm, the muscles in the shoulder (Upper Arm (Humerus) ), the biceps / triceps,. don't flex much at all when raising or lowering your arms.from your sides,.
the shoulder / collar muscle groups do most of the lifting, and they relax when the arms are hanging down at the sides.
some options you may want to try,.
Adding some Magnet's in Carrara to effect those areas,. or,..Editing the morph targets in the figure (in animation mode) for that area, in Carrara,.
then save that to your "my objects" browser, or into your own figures folder.
if you use magnets,. you'll need to group those with the figure when you save it.
hope it helps :)
Thank You head wax and 3DAGE for your advice.
I think there is too much amber light, will fix that.
Still need to play around with the lighting and create more "mood".
3DAGE, I didn't know Carrara had magnets. Will read up on that.
My Earth model is a CPU-hungry beast, but I finally have it tweaked where I want it ... well, for now.
Image Title: "Visitors"
Garstor likey!
Carrara and dogwaffle experiments.
Object created in Curvy3d V2 and V3beta and rendered in Carrara 8pro with carrara shaders.
Mmmmm.... Slimy! Nice job!
@Headwax: That's a very nice render, however, I am deeply disturbed and think you should remove it so as not to challenge my sensitive- umm... sensitivities? ;-)
heh heh :)
thanks evil.
You know, I already did remove it, but the little devil keeps coming back of it's own accord!
Can't trust anything, even a render, let alone a renderer!
I really liked the series from a few months back of putting V4/A4 inside a crystaline structure. So I went back there...
Ethriel's Bower has been in my runtime for ages without ever being that got tossed in too. Y'know, it'd be neat to able to "ask" Carrara or D|S, "What models haven't I used recently?"
Anyway...the render...I know the background is a little sparse. This might be something nice to drop into Dart's forthcoming Environ-Kit... I also don't have much stuff for A3, so the Jordan pink bikini kinda pulls the viewer out of what should best be a fantasy least she is clothed so the Mods don't slap me this time...
If you're worried about the bikini, just drop a metal shader onto it's shading domains. Nothing says "Fantasy" at DAZ like metal bikinis! ;-P
Well, that is going to make me open the file up and start tinkering again. :-) This will get me to fill-in that background a little bit...maybe dig into Howie's Arboretum material.
Hi, here's a Vicky with a gun render, 'cause I'm just such a unique, cutting-edge trailblazer :-)
At least she isn't standing naked in a temple with a sword, lol.
My monthly check-in. :|
A few of the things I've been tinkering with. I also went back and started experimenting with DAZ now that they've got a new version out.
It's a wonder that these forums aren't at the URL :-) That said, I love the shader on her outfit!
Very nice! I think the third one is my favourite overall but I do like the lighting effects in the first one -- some day I'll experiment with gobos/cookies/whatever-they-call-them in a render.
A little something to keep Carrara alive.
The model was built in Hexagon. Assembly, lighting and render in Carrara.
Some post work; smoke, until the particle system or some particle guru better I can make smoke like this, I’ll just do post work. Water wake is post also.
USS Housatonic was the first combat ship to be sunk by a submarine, the H.L. Hunley
Hope this inspires as I personally think Carrara rocks
PS: thanks to Dimension Theory’s Skies of economy
Very awesome render!
Thanks Evilproducer
I'll say this doing all the rigging about drove me up the mast..ha