August 2017 – DAZ 3D New User Challenge – Free Month



  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    I adjusted the pistol off of the cosole but in the new render, it still looks the same because of the reflection. I also added a light to the glove box but it looks odd to me. Any suggestions or comments?

    I find the light a little distracting, it pulls my eyes away from the couple. 

    For the rest you have my honest envy. ( No worry about that, a saying in my country said...envy is the truest kind of recognition. wink)

    What I envy even more, is how fast your PC do the render. With my old PC, my pics always need 7-10h until they ready. sad

  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229

    I agree with you daybird. The glovebox light is distracting. I think I am going to stay with the original post. The appearance of the pistol colliding with the console is irrelevant because of the reflection whether the pistol is colliding or not.I appreciate your kind words daybird. The original image was set to 'quality setting' of 3 and the 'Max Time' was set to 28800 seconds, (10 hours). I know it rendered past 6 hours, but I forgot to check the log to see how long it took when it did finally finish. The image with the glovebox light only ran for 15 minutes and is very grainy. I am currently using a DELL XPS i72600 3.4gb with 16gb of ram. My video card is a EVGA GEFORCE GTX 1050ti with 4gb of ram 1366 Mhz. I bought it at Best Buy about five months ago. It made a world of difference from my last video card.

    Things I do that might help you:

    1) I build my scene first not worrying about lights, textures or shaders. I use lower render settings, 3Delight, and smaller render size, if neccessary, until the objects and placement looks right. It sucks spending all that time waiting for a render to complete only to notice something wasnt posed correctly or you have a floating figure or a gun barrel is passing through the car's console! wink

    2) I will break my scene into several scenes and work on each component. For instance, Once I had the purse located where I wanted in the car seat, I deleted everything else in the scene and saved it as Purse.duf. Working on this stripped down version saves resources and allows me to manuver around where the car continued to get in my way. Once I had all the objects in the purse, I saved the file, reloaded the main scene, and merged Purse.duf.

    3) Once I have the scene completed, I then work on textures, shaders, and then lighting. I dont know how many times I had great lighting before I finished with the scene only to end up placing the final objects, obstructing my light.

    4) do test renders and make adjustments to textures and lighting. Run renders overnight. Save them as your desktop wallpaper so everytime you start your pc or get on your computer, its the first thing you see, with a fresh set of eyes or a different state of mind. 

    I didnt mean to ramble but I know the frustration of slow renders. nVidia video cards focusing on cuda cores it what feeds DAZ Studio's IRay render engine. Thats the quickest way to speed up your renders. Thanks daybird for the compliment!

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252

    Thanks for the compliments guys! Good catch Kismet2012! I really wanted to say it was the reflection but I had to check and you were absolutely right. I remember spending extra time on her hand and I guess I totally overlooked that.

    It is easy to miss these things...I usually see them when a render is at least half finished or more and took several hours to complete.


  • Took me a while to figure out a concept for this month. However, I'm running into a problem. Before I get farther, here's the initial version:


    The problem that's been confounding me is that the mermaid has very visible seams between her face and her scalp, and her neck and her chest. Anyone have any idea how to fix that?

    The other big problem is a lot more straightforward. It doesn't look underwater-y enough yet, so I should add things like bubbles and seaweed, or make thhe water bluer. Something I hope to get working is the light and dark patterns that waves make (for example). The current water is TerraDome 3's, raised up by 26,000 units.

    Lastly, posing could alwas use more work. I've already tweaked them significantly from the canned poses I started them with, but it doesn't sit right yet.

  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229

    Like the scene, rcbcgreenpanzer! I don't know about the textures. I would try different ones to see if they all come up like that. Trying to get that light and dark light pattern will be interesting for sure! This is the only thing I have done as far as underwater,but not the effect you are looking for. I had to cover her top. Looks like sun glasses!

    2019 x 1601 - 1M
  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229
    edited August 2017

    I found a tutorial but it was for bryce. It has a texture for the effect:

    Chohole has an excellent idea in the above link:

    "My fav way of doing it is to add a infinite plane across the top of the watrer volumetric slab, and use a caustic map with alpha, then shine a spotlight (or two or three) through it from some distance up, to provide a simulation of light beans through the water throwing a caustics shadow on the gound plane."

    She also has an image she did using this effect and I think you will like it!

    Post edited by GarrettDR on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656


    The problem that's been confounding me is that the mermaid has very visible seams between her face and her scalp, and her neck and her chest. Anyone have any idea how to fix that?

    The other big problem is a lot more straightforward. It doesn't look underwater-y enough yet, so I should add things like bubbles and seaweed, or make thhe water bluer. Something I hope to get working is the light and dark patterns that waves make (for example). The current water is TerraDome 3's, raised up by 26,000 units.

    Lastly, posing could alwas use more work. I've already tweaked them significantly from the canned poses I started them with, but it doesn't sit right yet.

    Mhh, same thing happen sometimes to me, when I use the wrong make-up to the figure. Maybe your body mats are different to the make-up. For the water-effect I can't help. I never tried that by myself.indecision

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Took me a while to figure out a concept for this month. However, I'm running into a problem. Before I get farther, here's the initial version:


    The problem that's been confounding me is that the mermaid has very visible seams between her face and her scalp, and her neck and her chest. Anyone have any idea how to fix that?

    The other big problem is a lot more straightforward. It doesn't look underwater-y enough yet, so I should add things like bubbles and seaweed, or make thhe water bluer. Something I hope to get working is the light and dark patterns that waves make (for example). The current water is TerraDome 3's, raised up by 26,000 units.

    Lastly, posing could alwas use more work. I've already tweaked them significantly from the canned poses I started them with, but it doesn't sit right yet.

    his looks like you applied different types of skin sets to different body parts

    If I remember correctly there was a part about the tail of the mermaid where you need to apply the original character skin settings, that schould take care of the upper body difference but I cant explain the thin you have there in completeness as the arms and face are one thin and the body plus head is another. Try slecting your complete figure with thesurface settings and chosse the character matereial applied, than do so for the fishtail area connecting the body

  • Thanks for the link to the caustics thread; that'll make the process way more straight-forward and less fumbling experimentation! I did a pair of quick renders, the mermaid as is in water and out of water. I then loaded her up with V7's skin just to make sure, and it had the same artifact as here, so I didn't bother to fully render it. Here are the results:

    skin test waterskin test no water

    I think its something in the water...

  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229

    Awesome ! Glad t he link helped. Looking forward to viewing your final render!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Thanks for the link to the caustics thread; that'll make the process way more straight-forward and less fumbling experimentation! I did a pair of quick renders, the mermaid as is in water and out of water. I then loaded her up with V7's skin just to make sure, and it had the same artifact as here, so I didn't bother to fully render it. Here are the results:

    skin test waterskin test no water

    I think its something in the water...

    Now that is indeed odd, what kind of water are you using and where is your camera in relation to that? Still I think the skin from the body shouldn't react different to the water than that of face or arms.

    I would suggest you try a different water shader ( you are using Iray? there are several in the basic iray shader presets) but in the end I believe you found a bug. So that would be someting to report in as a ricket to the Halp desk.


  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229

    Found a bug in the water...This is indeed odd!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    singing " there's somethign in the water, there's something in the water, that makes me ...

  • edited August 2017

    Here is my entry, never entered one before, but I am so proud of this picture I have to show it off, the model is Philippa Northeast from the Aussie soap Home and Away, I have been trying for really quite some time to get a photo-realistic, not just of her, but any of my models, this is the closest I have ever got, and I love it!!

    Didn't use anything special in the way of backgrounds, but I have done so much to the image maps the I wouldn't even know where to begin. And so, without further ado, I give you Philippa Northeast..

    777 x 851 - 793K
    Post edited by deancoombes1965_a2b7b663db on
  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229

    Bravo! I would be proud of that too! She looks exceptional!!!

  • Bravo! I would be proud of that too! She looks exceptional!!!

    Thank you so much.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited August 2017

    Another entry, that may fit the theme of this month more, but I'm not so pleased with a few things.

    The guy in the front came out really flat, also the DoF is not perfect. 

    It took a lot of time to scale down the whole probs, to create a deep, but the result is less spectacular than I have expected.
    This was my first try to create a landscape in DAZ, but I think for that Bryce is the better choise.

    2560 x 1440 - 4M
    Post edited by daybird on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    Thanks for the link to the caustics thread; that'll make the process way more straight-forward and less fumbling experimentation! I did a pair of quick renders, the mermaid as is in water and out of water. I then loaded her up with V7's skin just to make sure, and it had the same artifact as here, so I didn't bother to fully render it. Here are the results:

    skin test waterskin test no water

    I think its something in the water...

    Hi!  Thanks for the shout-out Linwelly.

    The areas that are dark are the places that the geometry shell for the tail are visible.  (in the parameters for the geo-shell you can see which body parts are check-marked to be visible or not) It has transparency on it in most of that top half, over course, but the goemetry is set to be visible (the geometry for the geo-shell still exists on the arms/head/hands but it's like turning off the eye in the scene tab for a foot or something.)  Sp basically in those areas you have a layer of mesh about 1mm above the skin that's set to be invisible but is still rendering that darker area.. looks like a shadow, honestly.  If you're using 3Delight try raising the shadow bias of your shadow casting lights, you will find the option in the Lights tab.  Don't forget your AO light as well (Uber Environment or AoA area lights) and whatever you're using to make the caustic effect.  If you're using Iray I have no idea how to easily fix it, but here's are work-around:

    Make the spot render tool active, open the tool setting tab, checkmark render to new window.  In the scene tab turn off visiblity of the tail geometry shell.  Spot render the torso area where the problem is, hip to chin.  Save that render.  (You can render the whole thing but this saves a lot of render time)  Turn the geo-shell back on and render the full scene.  Put the spot render over the full render in photoshop/gimp/any 2D program that can handle layers, and erase the background and where the hip scales are.


  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229

    Daybird, dont sell yourself short! When I first seen your image, I had no idea you shunk the models for a forced perspective! I think you tackled the hardest part in making it believable. I believe if you just make a few adjustments as you suggested, minue using Bryce for the background, I think you will see your image is much better than you think! Play with your lighting to help wit hthe flatness of the character. Also, you might put a character in the distance, maybe on the boat, that he is waving to. 

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656


    Daybird, dont sell yourself short! When I first seen your image, I had no idea you shunk the models for a forced perspective! I think you tackled the hardest part in making it believable. I believe if you just make a few adjustments as you suggested, minue using Bryce for the background, I think you will see your image is much better than you think! Play with your lighting to help wit hthe flatness of the character. Also, you might put a character in the distance, maybe on the boat, that he is waving to. 

    Mhh I must have overdone it with the shrinking, because if you take a closer look to the boat, you will see Genesis 3 who is waving back to him.wink
    I have Bryce on my harddisk, but until now I have not realy worked with it, because its very different to DAZ.

    The light in Iray is a pain in my ass, because my PC need 20min before I can see a first result (10-12min blank screen and first minutes to less pixels)
    but I like it  too much, to use 3Delight instead.

    I hope to buy a new PC this christmas and until then I wait with the overwork of my pictures.

  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229
    daybird said:


    Daybird, dont sell yourself short! When I first seen your image, I had no idea you shunk the models for a forced perspective! I think you tackled the hardest part in making it believable. I believe if you just make a few adjustments as you suggested, minue using Bryce for the background, I think you will see your image is much better than you think! Play with your lighting to help wit hthe flatness of the character. Also, you might put a character in the distance, maybe on the boat, that he is waving to. 

    Mhh I must have overdone it with the shrinking, because if you take a closer look to the boat, you will see Genesis 3 who is waving back to him.wink
    I have Bryce on my harddisk, but until now I have not realy worked with it, because its very different to DAZ.

    The light in Iray is a pain in my ass, because my PC need 20min before I can see a first result (10-12min blank screen and first minutes to less pixels)
    but I like it  too much, to use 3Delight instead.

    I hope to buy a new PC this christmas and until then I wait with the overwork of my pictures.

    Well then, I guess I am in need of some new glasses! I cant believe I didnt see the person in the boat before!

  • daybird: One thing I found that makes setting DoF really easy is to make another camera and parent it to the camera you intend to do your rendering with. Rotate it 90 degrees around the Y axis, then move it along the Z axis until it is at the center of where you want in focus. After that, change your view to it if you haven't already and move it along the X axis until it can see everything you want in focus. Finally, select your main camera and open up the camera settings panel. You should now be able to adjust the focal distance and length (I think those are the right values? There are two knobs that change DoF without adjusting the frustrum, and I'm away from my computer.) while getting immediate feedback on what the current values put into focus. I try to make sure the focal character's (plural if the scene supports it) eyes are in focus to start and then play around.

  • daybird: One thing I found that makes setting DoF really easy is to make another camera and parent it to the camera you intend to do your rendering with. Rotate it 90 degrees around the Y axis, then move it along the Z axis until it is at the center of where you want in focus. After that, change your view to it if you haven't already and move it along the X axis until it can see everything you want in focus. Finally, select your main camera and open up the camera settings panel. You should now be able to adjust the focal distance and length (I think those are the right values? There are two knobs that change DoF without adjusting the frustrum, and I'm away from my computer.) while getting immediate feedback on what the current values put into focus. I try to make sure the focal character's (plural if the scene supports it) eyes are in focus to start and then play around.

    I normaly do something similer to this but using the perspective view instead, I like this idea better due to the fact that when you save, the camera will stay where it is rather then reset like the perspective view.

  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited August 2017

    I decided that Lizardman needed something with a little bit more kick, so I changed out his weaponry from pistols to a rifle. I also decided to change his back story a bit by giving him the second cyberlens over his lost eye but having the lens part damaged, like he lost the use of the eye when the damage happened.

    1092 x 872 - 2M
    Post edited by Shinji Ikari 9th on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656



    daybird: One thing I found that makes setting DoF really easy is to make another camera and parent it to the camera you intend to do your rendering with. Rotate it 90 degrees around the Y axis, then move it along the Z axis until it is at the center of where you want in focus. After that, change your view to it if you haven't already and move it along the X axis until it can see everything you want in focus. Finally, select your main camera and open up the camera settings panel. You should now be able to adjust the focal distance and length (I think those are the right values? There are two knobs that change DoF without adjusting the frustrum, and I'm away from my computer.) while getting immediate feedback on what the current values put into focus. I try to make sure the focal character's (plural if the scene supports it) eyes are in focus to start and then play around.

    I normaly do something similer to this but using the perspective view instead, I like this idea better due to the fact that when you save, the camera will stay where it is rather then reset like the perspective view.

    First thanks for the tips. I do the same with the perspective view but a camera which I could save is a nice idea, but in this scene the scale down make the problems, because all items are nearly at the same distance, so when I put the ship in the focus, nearly all other objects are in the focus area. The problem is, it's a big problem, to move the props furter away. Than I get holes between them and must rescale them. 

  • MoGreazyMoGreazy Posts: 55
    edited September 2017

    Hello fellow Dazophiles. This is my first time posting in this section, but I have posted a few renders in othe sections this year. I'm kicking myself for not getting to this until really late and just sneaking this in... because I realize I have deprived myself of so much of the great information I've been reading though this thread. sad I realize everyone may be moving on to the new shiny thread that will be started anytime now, but I'd love to get any feedback people might have for me.

    I'm currently calling this piece "Daddy's Home"

    Daddy's Home


    The wide shot is my official entry. I did a closer render as well which I'm going to post for some feedback. I was having a hard time deciding which one to go with. In the end I went with the wide shot because that ws the original idea. Here is the tight shot:

    Daddy Home (Tight Shot)

    Also, I'd like to thank everyone for sharing their work and also for all the great ideas and help. I've really enjoyed both looking at the art as well as reading all the comments in this thread.


    1280 x 720 - 752K
    1280 x 720 - 647K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Just want to wish everyone who entered good luck. This is my first month entering and I learnt a lot from the feedback to my entry as well as watching the other entrants renders evolve as they applied what they had learned.


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    This challenge is now closed, good work everybody

  • August 2017

    Showcased Participants for the August Free Render Challenge

    Hole in One - For this showcase we chose the artist who best portrayed an overall understanding of methods/skills covered in the previous New User Challenges.

    For those reasons we have selected Garrett R. to showcase smiley

    Detailing is Fun - For this showcase we chose the artist who created an image that was complex and contained many details which added to the story the artwork was telling.

    The New User we felt best showed that this month was carmenara

    Lost in Emotion - For this showcase we chose the artist who created an image that encompassed a feeling or emotion and conveyed it well to the viewer.

    The New User we felt best showcased those things this month was ItsCleo

    New User - Welcome

    dw191062 and snoopzone

    image  image

    2592 x 1458 - 582K
    3840 x 2160 - 1M
    819 x 1023 - 65K
    2560 x 1440 - 720K
    1114 x 859 - 107K
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Congratulations to all the winner and especially to Garrett R. who really made a little masterpiece. laugh

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