August 2017 – DAZ 3D New User Challenge – Free Month



  • HighElfHighElf Posts: 366

    I've redone the Render of "Oh Sch...". The dragon got the !Uber Base Shader for IRay. Also I dismissed the Sun-Sky Only idea. Instead I've used the HDRI "Barcelona Rooftops" from the sIBL Archive. I'm surprised, how easy it is, to work with those images. As a result, the Dragon got much darker, which I like. And it opens the opportunity to play with light some more. I've set a point light inside the dragon mouth to give him a "right before firebreath" feel. :) It is still a pure render, no postwork done yet.


    1920 x 1080 - 2M
  • snoopzone said:

    My second contribution this month: STAY.

    My second Studio, honestly my first serious attempt.

    Sphere by myself made with Blender.
    Environment is a mixture of my selfmade Showroom (Blender + Hexagon) and backdrop by ThePhilosopher.

    Model is Stephanie 6, hair is Toulouse, wardrobe is daz original. Male model is daz original.

    Rendered with 3Delight.

    Post production: paint.NET

    He doesn't look too happy being trapped in that bubble.  I like the look of wonder your female figure has on her face.


















    No, doesn 't! And you recognized that I tweaked her faces expression a bit.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    soc_stig said:
    daybird said:


    It is quite dark.  Do you have any Iray God Ray props?  Have you tried playing with the Tone Map settings?

    @Daybird - in addition to the tone mapping settings, you can adjust Environment Intensity. for darker scenes i usually drop it down to 0.1 to 0.3  and then fill in with other lights as needed. (hint: you can also adjust the strength of individual lights in the Surfaces tab). 

    lots of ways to play around. 

    First of all, thx for the proposals. No I have no Iray God Ray props and the tone mapping is something, I have never touched before. What I have done, was how soc_stig said, that I reducted the enviroment setting to 0.2. I tried to use primitives with emissions shader, but it looks somehow unnatural, if only a limited area in the picture is brighter.

  • sueya said:

    Title:The freedom to dance in the rain

    This is my first draft of this month's entry. I have used RDNA Atmospheric props for the fog and rain. I am wondering if I need to do anything to make the rain look more real. I only have two lights in this scene - one distant and one spot light (casting shadows).

    I am not experienced with RDNA, I use "Wet, sweat and rain " and "Heavy rain". Is it possible to multiply the prop and scale it along Y-Axis? Your lokks a bit "thin". Where is your light, where does it point to and how do you render?

  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229
    edited August 2017

    Nice rain and tutorial Linwelly! I did a quick test using iray. I also jacked up the reflection and refraction strength properties and set the colors to white on the scene itself to give the appearance that it was wet. 

    rain test.jpg
    1914 x 1033 - 2M
    1920 x 1080 - 417K
    Post edited by GarrettDR on
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832
    snoopzone said:

    I am not experienced with RDNA, I use "Wet, sweat and rain " and "Heavy rain". Is it possible to multiply the prop and scale it along Y-Axis? Your lokks a bit "thin". Where is your light, where does it point to and how do you render?

    I have one spotlight directly above the girl casting a shadow at her feet. The distant light is in front of the camera pointing at the shelter and the girl

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832
    edited August 2017

    Title:The freedom to dance in the rain

    I have made another version by following Linwelly's tutorial. I have used just one rain plane in front of the girl . Lighting has not changed. 

    1001 x 800 - 141K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229
    snoopzone said:

    Well then, here is Arrival. My second Bryce and my 3rd 3D at all.

    I dont know how many times I tried to make a decent image in Bryce and failed! very good job!

  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229
    edited August 2017

    I have version delta of my project rendering as I type this.  Well I snapped a picture of what I had at that point and sent it to my friend that I was on the phone with at the time and he compared it to the manga Akira, saying that they looked like they were walking through the mall. (What the heck?)

    Lol! Ithink its looking good. Looks as if they are searching for someone and if caught, might throw them in the green ooz! What lights are you using? A suggestion would be to see if you could get a little back light or rim light on your characters in the back, especially the female checking her coms, just to help separate her from the background a bit without disrupting the mood. Maybe bump up the red light behind her a pinch instead. Great fog!

    Post edited by GarrettDR on
  • sueya said:

    Title:The freedom to dance in the rain

    I have made another version by following Linwelly's tutorial. I have used just one rain plane in front of the girl . Lighting has not changed. 

    much better! Maybe I am wrong, but for me it seems that the rain goes from down left to up right. If so I' d turn the plane clockwise 90 or 180 degrees around z while z is depth. And there are some plane edges visible.

  • snoopzone said:

    Well then, here is Arrival. My second Bryce and my 3rd 3D at all.

    I dont know how many times I tried to make a decent image in Bryce and failed! very good job!

    Thank you! I really appreciate your comment. And yes, I spent a couple of days, started over one time. Tinkered around with the material of the ship, tried 3 different combinations of water planes and had a hard fight with the lightning. But I 'm a bloody beginner, so what else could I do as try hard. But at the end, a big portion of luck included... Voilá!

  • daybird said:
    soc_stig said:
    daybird said:


    It is quite dark.  Do you have any Iray God Ray props?  Have you tried playing with the Tone Map settings?

    @Daybird - in addition to the tone mapping settings, you can adjust Environment Intensity. for darker scenes i usually drop it down to 0.1 to 0.3  and then fill in with other lights as needed. (hint: you can also adjust the strength of individual lights in the Surfaces tab). 

    lots of ways to play around. 

    First of all, thx for the proposals. No I have no Iray God Ray props and the tone mapping is something, I have never touched before. What I have done, was how soc_stig said, that I reducted the enviroment setting to 0.2. I tried to use primitives with emissions shader, but it looks somehow unnatural, if only a limited area in the picture is brighter.

    already tried a linear point light as sphere? I 'd tone slightly into blue (it 's moolight), with much intensity and from above.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited August 2017
    daybird said:
    soc_stig said:
    daybird said:


    It is quite dark.  Do you have any Iray God Ray props?  Have you tried playing with the Tone Map settings?

    @Daybird - in addition to the tone mapping settings, you can adjust Environment Intensity. for darker scenes i usually drop it down to 0.1 to 0.3  and then fill in with other lights as needed. (hint: you can also adjust the strength of individual lights in the Surfaces tab). 

    lots of ways to play around. 

    First of all, thx for the proposals. No I have no Iray God Ray props and the tone mapping is something, I have never touched before. What I have done, was how soc_stig said, that I reducted the enviroment setting to 0.2. I tried to use primitives with emissions shader, but it looks somehow unnatural, if only a limited area in the picture is brighter.

    Trying to stay with what is available with DAZ as default items I did some experimenting.  Hopefully something here will be helpful to you.

    I started by using the HDRI that comes with DAZ.  It is a sunny scene so I adjusted the Environment Intensity as already suggest by @soc_stig.  I took it down to 0.10.

    I also added a Primitive Sphere, applied the Iray Uber Base and then the Emissive Shader.  Changed the temperature to 4100 which according to Wikipedia is the colour temp for Moonlight.



    Moonlight Test.png
    1920 x 1036 - 1M
    Post edited by Kismet2012 on
  • snoopzonesnoopzone Posts: 27
    edited August 2017
    daybird said:
    soc_stig said:
    daybird said:


    It is quite dark.  Do you have any Iray God Ray props?  Have you tried playing with the Tone Map settings?

    @Daybird - in addition to the tone mapping settings, you can adjust Environment Intensity. for darker scenes i usually drop it down to 0.1 to 0.3  and then fill in with other lights as needed. (hint: you can also adjust the strength of individual lights in the Surfaces tab). 

    lots of ways to play around. 

    First of all, thx for the proposals. No I have no Iray God Ray props and the tone mapping is something, I have never touched before. What I have done, was how soc_stig said, that I reducted the enviroment setting to 0.2. I tried to use primitives with emissions shader, but it looks somehow unnatural, if only a limited area in the picture is brighter.

    Trying to stay with what is available with DAZ as default items I did some experimenting.  Hopefully something here will be helpful to you.

    I started by using the HDRI that comes with DAZ.  It is a sunny scene so I adjusted the Environment Intensity as already suggest by @soc_stig.  I took it down to 0.10.

    I also added a Primitive Sphere, applied the Iray Uber Base and then the Emissive Shader.  Changed the temperature to 4100 which according to Wikipedia is the colour temp for Moonlight.



    I even tried to build some night scene as well. No contribution for the contest but maybe helpfull if you are after something like the this:


    I only used only one distant light, renderd with 3Delight, (I 'm kind a looser with iray). The light is toned blue, also the shadow, also the ambient color of the ground an the building. In addition I made one plane in light blue with opacitiy near zero and draw it between cam and scene. The light comes nearly from the top and is positioned as far as possible. Intensitiy is medium to high. No particular shaders. Cam has DOF. Post prod in paint.NET with an additional white noise plane with less opac and a vignette.


    1024 x 1448 - 216K
    2093 x 808 - 409K
    Post edited by snoopzone on
  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229
    edited August 2017

    nevermind. oops!

    Post edited by GarrettDR on
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832
    edited August 2017

    Title: The Freedom to dance in the rain

    I have rotated the rain plane and enlarged it so I hope there are no edges showing.

    1001 x 800 - 141K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • sueya said:

    Title: The Freedom to dance in the rain

    I have rotated the rain plane and enlarged it so I hope there are no edges showing.

    Wow! Simply Wow!

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Escape 2 - Light Failure Example.jpg
    618 x 1000 - 105K
  • Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Cylinder should be like a laser sword like STAR WARS or more like a laser beam or more like emiting particles?

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    snoopzone said:
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Cylinder should be like a laser sword like STAR WARS or more like a laser beam or more like emiting particles?

    I'd prefer the laser beam approach, but short of making the cylinder partially transparent and filling it with point lights I haven't come up with any success for anything.

  • GarrettDRGarrettDR Posts: 229
    edited August 2017


    Talk about singing in the rain, You have done a great job!

    Post edited by GarrettDR on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Are you rendering in Iray or 3DL?


  • Shinji Ikari 9thShinji Ikari 9th Posts: 1,192
    edited August 2017

    Here we go with version f. Actually rendered it a couple of days ago but didn't get around to posting until just now.

    1092 x 872 - 2M
    Post edited by Shinji Ikari 9th on
  • Noswen said:
    snoopzone said:
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Cylinder should be like a laser sword like STAR WARS or more like a laser beam or more like emiting particles?

    I'd prefer the laser beam approach, but short of making the cylinder partially transparent and filling it with point lights I haven't come up with any success for anything.

    do you have a sketch of the desired device or could you make one pls?

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    edited August 2017
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Are you rendering in Iray or 3DL

    This are my steps in Iray.)

    Not sure if it helps you, but one big error I made in the beginning was, not to select the primitive in the surface tab when I tried to implying the shader.

    1. select your primitive in scene tab

    2. select your primitive also in surface tab ( in the left upper corner under the three tabs presets/editor/shader baker you should see --> shader: Daz studio default

    3. now change to your content librarie and search for the emissive shader and click on him

    4. change back to surface tab ... now there should stay Shader: Iray Uber

    5. click on your primitive in the list below that and there on default, now you should see a line called emission. (higher luminance gives a higher glow effect)


    Post edited by daybird on
  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    daybird said:
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Are you rendering in Iray or 3DL

    This are my steps in Iray.)

    Not sure if it helps you, but one big error I made in the beginning was, not to select the primitive in the surface tab when I tried to implying the shader.

    1. select your primitive in scene tab

    2. select your primitive also in surface tab ( in the left upper corner under the three tabs presets/editor/shader baker you should see --> shader: Daz studio default

    3. now change to your content librarie and search for the emissive shader and click on him

    4. change back to surface tab ... now there should stay Shader: Iray Uber

    5. click on your primitive in the list below that and there on default, now you should see a line called emission. (higher luminance gives a higher glow effect)


    One day I will remember to actually state whether I'm using iray or 3delight. I am using iray.

    These steps helped a lot, turns out the emissive shader is hidden by the Filter by Context option so I wasn't able to see it before. indecision Now that it's applied it definitely does something, doesn't seem to be outputting light beyond itself yet (even at 10,000,000 luminance!), so that's the next step top try to work on.

    Thanks! :-)

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    snoopzone said:
    Noswen said:
    snoopzone said:
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Cylinder should be like a laser sword like STAR WARS or more like a laser beam or more like emiting particles?

    I'd prefer the laser beam approach, but short of making the cylinder partially transparent and filling it with point lights I haven't come up with any success for anything.

    do you have a sketch of the desired device or could you make one pls?

    I'm just going for a ye olde generic laser bolt type thing, so don't have a sketch really.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656
    Noswen said:
    daybird said:
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Are you rendering in Iray or 3DL

    This are my steps in Iray.)

    Not sure if it helps you, but one big error I made in the beginning was, not to select the primitive in the surface tab when I tried to implying the shader.

    1. select your primitive in scene tab

    2. select your primitive also in surface tab ( in the left upper corner under the three tabs presets/editor/shader baker you should see --> shader: Daz studio default

    3. now change to your content librarie and search for the emissive shader and click on him

    4. change back to surface tab ... now there should stay Shader: Iray Uber

    5. click on your primitive in the list below that and there on default, now you should see a line called emission. (higher luminance gives a higher glow effect)


    One day I will remember to actually state whether I'm using iray or 3delight. I am using iray.

    These steps helped a lot, turns out the emissive shader is hidden by the Filter by Context option so I wasn't able to see it before. indecision Now that it's applied it definitely does something, doesn't seem to be outputting light beyond itself yet (even at 10,000,000 luminance!), so that's the next step top try to work on.

    Thanks! :-)

    Ohh sorry, forget to tell you, that you should put luminance to 1000000 or better, set the luminance unit to kcd/m^2, so you can use lower settings in luminance...between 1000-10000

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    daybird said:
    Noswen said:
    daybird said:
    Noswen said:

    Ok, posting up to keep myself going here. I've been trying, and failing, to create a cylinder primitive that emits light as a beam from a weapon. No matter what I seem to do I just can't get it to emit light, does anyone have a simple explanation of how to get this working or what I can check to see if I have a setting wrnong somewhere?

    For the image I've now added a second figure chasing our main character and also placed a gun in her hand and aimed it a little past the main character. I have not positioned the cylinder yet as I'm trying to get it to glow first.

    Are you rendering in Iray or 3DL

    This are my steps in Iray.)

    Not sure if it helps you, but one big error I made in the beginning was, not to select the primitive in the surface tab when I tried to implying the shader.

    1. select your primitive in scene tab

    2. select your primitive also in surface tab ( in the left upper corner under the three tabs presets/editor/shader baker you should see --> shader: Daz studio default

    3. now change to your content librarie and search for the emissive shader and click on him

    4. change back to surface tab ... now there should stay Shader: Iray Uber

    5. click on your primitive in the list below that and there on default, now you should see a line called emission. (higher luminance gives a higher glow effect)


    One day I will remember to actually state whether I'm using iray or 3delight. I am using iray.

    These steps helped a lot, turns out the emissive shader is hidden by the Filter by Context option so I wasn't able to see it before. indecision Now that it's applied it definitely does something, doesn't seem to be outputting light beyond itself yet (even at 10,000,000 luminance!), so that's the next step top try to work on.

    Thanks! :-)

    Ohh sorry, forget to tell you, that you should put luminance to 1000000 or better, set the luminance unit to kcd/m^2, so you can use lower settings in luminance...between 1000-10000

    I'm already at ten times that value... might be time to try a test emissive cylinder outside of the scene. There is so much wrong with this scene already, figures at 2% scale has some issues to work with.

  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    I have test my setting on my scene and it works. luminance is 875 kdc/m^2 and emission temperature 2900

    test lumi.png
    1440 x 2560 - 7M
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