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There is no GPU support in Iray from macOS 10.14 and above, nVidia has dropped that as a result of the "Apple-nVidia sandbox grudge" where Apple refused to sign nVidias drivers in the first place.
So for GPU rendering on macOS you have two options:
- Stick with DAZ Studio and macOS 10.13.6 (No support for 8.1 characters though)
- Rent an Iray server "per hour" on the internet.
Totte, there are few Nvidia cards that stills work with Catalina (and also Big sur)
So Iray renders should work with a GTX Titan for exemple :
There is a slight difference between works, and "can get to work by hacking the drivers".
Unless there's another card with the same name, GTX Titan is a Kepler card. Iray doesn't support those anymore. Last DS version supporting those was one of the 4.12 IIRC.
Thank you. OK so, is it possible that I keep my 1080ti GPU and I add a second GPU (not nvidia) in my computer. I mean, is there compability problems ?
In fact I would like to use the new GPU for Big Sur and sometimes only when I need to use Daz Iray, I boot on the SSd where I have High Sierra.
Please tell me what you think.
Don't mix GPUs from different vendors, you crash and burn, I've tried that,
oh god... it's a nightmare
! I have to find a way to boot windows on my hackintosh and sill use my 1080 ti
I am trying to get an Iray render without shadows. When I set a render to be a PNG with no background & hide the floor I still get cast shadows from the figures. Also rendering in Iray there is no choice to turn off the Cast Shadow option, which only appears in 3DL render options.
In general I do not get the Iray lighting system. Lights do not appear in the loaded assets area, thus cannot be manipulated. I cannot re-angle a light/shadow setting for example. Is there a way to affect any Iray light settings?
Iray is a PBR (physicaly-based rendering) engine, objects block light in the physical world so they block light in Iray (in Photoreal mode).
Lights do appear in the Scene pane, but the HDR environments don't - though assuming you are reasonably up-to-date you should have an Environment Settings node. The HDR can be scaled and rotated through that node or, once the node exists, through Render Settings.
Thanx, Richard.
I’d appreciate your further indulgence. I have some more questions.
I am making some progress. Following your suggestions I found that Dome Rotation rotates the cast shadow. And Ground Shadow Intensity, set to -100, eliminates the cast ground shadow. Is that process the best?
• What does HDR stand for?
• Should Draw Ground be on or off?
• What are Infinite Spear settings?
• What is Environment Intensity?
• What is Spectral Rendering? On or Off? Faithful/Natural
• What is Spectral Observer? I see a cie1931 setting…
• What is Delete Environmental Map?
If this is too much, please refer me to another concise source.
But, I appeal to the Guru-ee-est of them all…
I have just recently upgraded my Mac to an OS that will run Iray renders to a good degree. So, I am an Iray Novice. I am using some of Cake One’s light sets, but have only attained some limited proficiency.
Thanx. Don
High Dynamic Range - each pixel has a lot more bits (I can't recall how many, 32?) so that it provides enough data to act as a light source around the scene (each pixel on the image is emitting light of its colour). Using a lower bit-depth image is possible, but will not look good.
Whichever works. If you don't want to see the HDR backdrop then probably off.
I don't know.
It can be used to dim the HDR lighting without turning it right off
A more faithful rendition of the way light acts (instead of using the RGB components of the colour it emulates the behaviour of light colours directly). It's slower, of course, and there have been things that do not work with it but in theory, for some things, it should look more natural. Which setting you use is probably going to be a matter of taste/the details of the scene. It's not a feature I, with iffy colour vision, use.
I think that is the particular colour model used .
Not sure - I've never noticed that.
Sorry, that person is not available.
@3Don: Have you looked at any of the iRay Ghost Light Kits? There are several. I don't believe the ghost lights cast any shadows. And you can place the ghost lights anywhere you want, in any size or numbers you want. The basic kit has both horizontal and vertical ghost lights. You can use those in addition to the HDR. And of course, there are Spotlights, which do cast shadows. One set of spotlights which work for me is included in Beautiful Skin iRay 8 Male. Sometimes I use HDR, spots, and ghost lights all in one scene.
Ghost lights do cast shadows, though since theya re usually large the sahdows are quite soft edged, and for small objects (relative to the emitter) they may be hard to discern - but that would be true for non-ghost lights too.
Thanx so much Richard & inquire!
I still have not figured out how to get a No Background color, like in 3DL, where I can get a PNG BG of the grey checkerboard. ???
I manipulated a Daz light set to my liking. How do I save it?
Does Daz Studio run on the new Macs (M1 Max for example)?
And are the latest operating systems supported?
Apologies if this is well known and I've missed it, I'm on my phone and navigation / search isn't the best.
Yes, it does run on M1s
Thanks Richard. Is it compatible with Monterey OS as well?
I updated my OS a while back and Daz was completely incapatible with it so I had to roll it back to Catalina. Just wondering where we are with Mac OS compatibility now.
I believe there are, or were, soem minor, cosmetic issues with Big Sur+ but I am told it is essentially running under Big Sur and Monterey for those who have tried it. People do seem to have issues with Daz Central so I would suggest using Install Manager
I have DAZ Studio running just fine on 2 M1 Macs (iMac and MacBook Air - both running Big Sur). I use DAZ Install Manager with no issues as well.
What version of DS runs on Monterey/M1 iMacs? I just got one recently, tho not up & running yet. What OS number is Monterey?
I am using Catalina (10.15.7) and DS 4.16.03. Rendering crashes Daz studio almost immediately after hitting the render button. Totte's quote, "no GPU support" explains almost everything.
Notwithstanding the render crash on my current setup, why does the Nvidia iRay drawing option still produce a rendered image in the view window?
I am trying to downgrade from Catalina to Mojave but can't get Mojave onto my iMac(2013). I have followed numerous "special" links to the app store that find the full version (not the upgrade) of Mojave. When I try to download by selecting the "Get" button I get a message that says Mojave is too old. See Attached. How can I get Mojave on my Computer?
@barrieM To downgrade from Catalina to Mojave, try and follow the steps at this link...
How to Downgrade From macOS Catalina to Mojave
Thankyou @robertswww. I believe the steps described in that link assume you have Mojave installed on disk. My problem is that I can't find a way of getting Mojave onto the disk, Macuser explains that the full version of Mojave is hidden in the archives of the app store and a special link, provided by Macuser, will open a bootable version of Mojave. I followed the Macuser link and got the dialogs shown in my above attachment. I tried other websites that also provided "special" links to a bootable Mojave with similar results. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if those "special" links have expired. I am beginning to think that my last resort option is to take my Mac to an Apple store and get one of their wizards to sort it out. I am still hoping to find a solution on this forum. Thanks again for sharing your precious time.
I'm using Catalina 10.15.7 and DS, but on a Pro Mac late 2013 edition. Works OK. I get it to Render not by clicking on any button, but by using the Render command in the Tabs across the top. Also, to Save, I don't do Command-S, but Pull down the File Tab across the top and select "Save." Have you tried using these options? Of course, you have a different Mac from mine.
I also do what inquire suggests. It seems that DS is a little crash prone when using the keyboard shortcuts. I render using the Render menu and save using the File->Save (or Save as) menu item.
@robertswww I have been talking to apple care and it looks like your link is the way to go. Its a scary procedure but I will try it out later.I was amazed at the Apple service.
Thanks for your help.
Does anyone know what this means
3Delight message #140(Severity 1): R0531: unsupported hit move'
I am still on DS4.9.4 (for now) running High Sierra 2013 iMac.
I just got the current iMac M1 8-8. Not set up yet, as I am still in transition & catch-up mode. Any news on a DS Mac version with M1 chip?
@3Don Try this for your 3Delight error...
Open the DAZ Studio Prefs, then Click the ellipsis (...) button next to the Temporary Files path to open the link.
NOTE: You can also navigate there manually, but the folder is normally Hidden in the Mac Finder. Hold down ATL key while you click the Go menu to show the Library folder.
A new window should open (ex. /Users/you/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp), Inside the Temp folder open the Shaders folder and remove the Brickyard folder (Note: deleting everything in the Brickyard folder will force DS to recompile/rebuild the shaders in use). Render again.
For M1 Mac News, check this thread: