[Released] Animated Butterflies and Wisps (commercial)

PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
edited August 2017 in Daz PA Commercial Products

Hey guys,

Just a heads up, there is another iREAL product coming down the pipeline. As always, your feedback is appreciated. Let me know if you have any questions, or something is confusing or not presented well. 

Hope you enjoy it. :)


Say hello to the third installment of the “iREAL” series, an easy-to-use animated VFX animations for Daz Studio (designed in Iray).

Like other iREAL products, this one is designed to be as easy to use as possible, and very low on computer resources. Simply load the flock of butterflies, moths, or wisps into your scene and apply the aniBlocks to set them in motion. Load as many copies into your scene to build a giant flock of butterflies (33 count per flock. Single options also included). Props can be stacked and tiled side-by-side. As with any aniBlock, you can stretch time, speed them up, cut, loop, etc.

*Can be used for stills if desired. Simply do not apply aniBlocks.
**Animate2 Required to animate the props




1000 x 1300 - 802K
1920 x 1080 - 690K
1920 x 1080 - 697K
1920 x 1080 - 274K
1920 x 1080 - 253K
1300 x 1000 - 388K
Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on


  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,205

    this looks amazing...i'm starting to lose track of the number of times your products have kinda blown my mind.  :)

    a couple of random thoughts: 

    it looks like the shader-based colors carry through very well even at close-up range, but the wing edges look a little soft in your close-up example.  don't reckon that'd be noticeable when the butterflies are in motion, but it might be nice to have the option to use a butterfly with crisper wing edges in static renders--something that'd really pop in the extreme foreground, say.

    the flightpath patterns are wonderful...incredibly realistic! but i do have a suggestion for a flocking pattern that's not.  a flock spiralling up or down in a funnelcloud shape around a central point or zone. converging upon or ascending from.

    notions aside--wow.  beautiful work!  this is going straight in the cart when it comes out. 








  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    How beautiful! OMG, my pocket book is in trouble, again. Great job! The product looks amazing.

  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited March 2017
    jardine said:

    this looks amazing...i'm starting to lose track of the number of times your products have kinda blown my mind.  :)

    a couple of random thoughts: 

    it looks like the shader-based colors carry through very well even at close-up range, but the wing edges look a little soft in your close-up example.  don't reckon that'd be noticeable when the butterflies are in motion, but it might be nice to have the option to use a butterfly with crisper wing edges in static renders--something that'd really pop in the extreme foreground, say.

    the flightpath patterns are wonderful...incredibly realistic! but i do have a suggestion for a flocking pattern that's not.  a flock spiralling up or down in a funnelcloud shape around a central point or zone. converging upon or ascending from.

    notions aside--wow.  beautiful work!  this is going straight in the cart when it comes out. 

    Hey @jardine,

    Thanks for the notes. I like your idea about the coordinated flight paths, especially the spiralling funnel. That should be easy enough to do. But it may be late in the game to make that change. I'll have to see about that...there's always the possiblity of an add-on...  

    Regarding the edges of the wings, that promo shot is actually an older version of the butterfly, before I fixed a UV problem I was having. So the wings should look better in final production. But thanks for pointing that out. I didn't even notice it because I am so used to seeing that promo. I should probably re-render a new promo with the updated butterfly instead.

    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • Yup, I'll buy it.  I can't render animations yet, but it would be worth it just for the still frames.

    The name of your store is misleading.  With a vendor named "The Philosopher," you would expect purchasing to be a rational process rather than a necessity.  ;)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    You really need to stop working so darn fast.  My poor wallet can't keep up.  Honestly, I had not thought that I would be interested in animation much but between your ocean and the dust particles, and now this, I am going to put learning animation on my list of things to do.  Not just yet as I am currently working on learning to model and there are only so many free hours in a day lol.  But its on the list and I am blaming you.

  • lol, thanks guys. I appreciate your always encouraging support. I will try not to be as hard on your wallets in the future (crossing fingers). :)

  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012

    Is there a video? I can't seem to see one, from the still images though it looks fantastic!!

  • @KA1

    Yes, can you not see the videos in the original post? What browser are you on?


  • SaiyanessSaiyaness Posts: 715

    Looks amazing! I'm at the point where I just throw money at the screen when I see your name. x_x Well, if I had physical money. Who carries cash anymore? :p 

  • KA1KA1 Posts: 1,012


    Yes, can you not see the videos in the original post? What browser are you on?


    I originally looked on my phone, the tried my tablet, got home and tried Chrome and Internet Explorer - on the first 3 I get 2 wide black rectangles above the still pictures, on internet explorer they show as white with seemingly nothing there - it's still only let me see the jpg images so far, I have no idea why as it seems most folks can see the videos fine!!

  • Hmmm, now they are not appearing on my screen either. Strange. I wonder if any Vimeo videos are working in other posts. It could be a temporary forum glitch perhaps. 

  • JazzyBearJazzyBear Posts: 805

    Black rectangles on Chrome for me.


  • Looking back at some old posts, it appears that all vimeo videos on the forums are now broken. Can you guys confirm? I went ahead and submitted a support ticket for this.


    Looks amazing
  • NoldNold Posts: 21


    I hope it will be compatible with https://www.daz3d.com/dance-of-the-butterfly-poses-and-props, with easy presets :-)

    Nice job, I am happy with your products.

  • JazzyBearJazzyBear Posts: 805

    Can someone post the raw links to the videos, please.

  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited April 2017
    JazzyBear said:

    Can someone post the raw links to the videos, please.

    See if these work;




    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    I know its a long shot, but with appropriate shaders, would these work in 3DL? I don;t do Iray...


  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited April 2017


    Yes these will work in 3DL just fine. The shaders are very simple; only a diffuse and opacity map... so they should easily transfer over to 3DL-based shaders with a click of a button.


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Great! Thanks!


    Yes these will work in 3DL just fine. The shaders are very simple; only a diffuse and opacity map... so they should easily transfer over to 3DL-based shaders with a click of a button.



  • JazzyBearJazzyBear Posts: 805
    JazzyBear said:

    Can someone post the raw links to the videos, please.

    See if these work;




    Yes, they worked! Thank you. Will grab these when they are released!


  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited April 2017

    EDIT: changed title from "Coming Soon" to "Just Released"

    Butterflies just came out today. yes

    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • Status also changed to: "Just purchased."  ;)  Keep up the good work!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    These are just amazingly beautiful...

  • JazzyBearJazzyBear Posts: 805


  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,278

    Outstanding as always!
    I'll buy it soon!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Managed to snag this yesterday, have several ideas for it already even though I don't do animation (yet).  Now all I need is to pick up the Ireal Ocean and I think I will have almost everything lol.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Yep, I managed to pick this up, too.  For some strange reason, I saw those butterflies moving around and, all of a sudden, I saw a whole scene in my head.  Now, I have to actually try and animate it!  

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Just a quick little test render to see what they look like.  Love them!

    1414 x 2000 - 5M
  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342

    Love it, Sonja.

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