Somewhat New to Carrara Questions



  • Well, that should keep me occupied for quite some time thank you!  Had no clue there was a skylight or that I needed to use it lol.  Well,  I am certainly learning a ton that's for sure and I really appreciate the help!

    I almost forgot that if you use any of the GI render settings, such as the Skylight or full Indirect Light, you will need to enable the Light Through Transparency option in the standard render settings at the top of the tab, and the Light Through Transparency option in the GI renderer section, about halfway down. Unless you don't have any transparency or alphas- in which case you can ignore it. Most scenes do have some kind of transparency or alpha though.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    That sounds most useful especially if one is building a story that would use a scene multiple times.

    Yes, and it's very useful for time when I need an urban backdrop. I have many buildings that I can duplicate around. Just a slight turn of any of them make an entirely new building look in cramped city scenes

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Well, that should keep me occupied for quite some time thank you!  Had no clue there was a skylight or that I needed to use it lol.  Well,  I am certainly learning a ton that's for sure and I really appreciate the help!


    I almost forgot that if you use any of the GI render settings, such as the Skylight or full Indirect Light, you will need to enable the Light Through Transparency option in the standard render settings at the top of the tab, and the Light Through Transparency option in the GI renderer section, about halfway down. Unless you don't have any transparency or alphas- in which case you can ignore it. Most scenes do have some kind of transparency or alpha though.

    Perhaps. I've tried running a GI render without that lower one enabled and the only light that didn't pass through transparency was the GI calculation - so I ran it without it since the scene didn't need it. But it had all kinds of transparency going on - hair, eyes, etc., that lower control just adds tranparency to the higher calculations of GI/IL

  • Well, that should keep me occupied for quite some time thank you!  Had no clue there was a skylight or that I needed to use it lol.  Well,  I am certainly learning a ton that's for sure and I really appreciate the help!


    I almost forgot that if you use any of the GI render settings, such as the Skylight or full Indirect Light, you will need to enable the Light Through Transparency option in the standard render settings at the top of the tab, and the Light Through Transparency option in the GI renderer section, about halfway down. Unless you don't have any transparency or alphas- in which case you can ignore it. Most scenes do have some kind of transparency or alpha though.

    Perhaps. I've tried running a GI render without that lower one enabled and the only light that didn't pass through transparency was the GI calculation - so I ran it without it since the scene didn't need it. But it had all kinds of transparency going on - hair, eyes, etc., that lower control just adds tranparency to the higher calculations of GI/IL

    Most people notice it when the eyes look all black.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    So that's why m5's eyes don't look right....

  • So that's why m5's eyes don't look right....

    Maybe. There was an issue with one of the Genesis figures where there was some kind of multiplier thrown into one of the eye shaders. If the eyes looked right rendering with the standard renderer, but wrong when the Skylight or Indirect Light options were used, then the transparency option is probably the issue.

    If the eyes look screwed up no matter what, then it is probably the shader issue. Because I am stuck on C7.2 right now, I can't test any flavor of Genesis I'm afraid.

    If it is the shader issue, I would start a thread asking how to fix it if no one pops in here with a solution. Screen shots of the issue would also help narrow it down maybe.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Ya its not something I'm terribly worried about right now, maybe once I am able to work a bit better in this I will revisit and see if I can narrow it down.  Right now, I couldn't answer any of the questions needed to narrow it down I'm sure.  And I don't think I saved the scene either.  I just happened to notice his eyes looked really black with no reflection instead of green like and white like they should

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Applying Materials presets for Genesis within Carrara isn't (in my opinion) the best route. It's a lot easier and faster to use a set of shaders that's already working good, and swap out the texture maps where needed in order to change the character.

    Often times there are shader issues - but almost always if a Material preset is applied directly in Carrara.

    Carrara ships with a good set of shaders for Genesis to start with, but they are for Genesis 1.

    Here's a way to store good starter shaders for use on ANY figure:

    • Load in Genesis
    • Select Actor and enter the Texture Room
    • Go to the Shaders tab in the browser under Skin > Genesis and find a character you'r like to start with
    • Drag the preset from the Browser onto the big multi-colored ball in the top right
    • Go back to the Assemble Room
    • Edit > Remove Unused Masters > Consolidate Duplicate Shaders
    • Back in the Texture room, note the main skin shaders - 3 or 4 (or so) of them
    • Renaming them to Torso, Limbs and Face might help
    • Then notice all of the other shaders and what they're for
    • Renaming them appropriately may help in the long run
    • Now in the Shaders window on the bttom right of the screen, drag those shaders into the browser individually

    These individual shaders may now be dragged onto the appropriate material zones of ANY figure, then just replace the texture maps with ones made for that figure

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    For genesis 2 figures, there are multiple uvmap layouts.  If I remember correctly, it is true that multiple figures will use the same uvmap layout, but not all use the same layout.  That is why I optimize a global skin shader for each new chatacter set that I buy and save that global shader to the browser.  Then if I want to use that shader set, I load that character from the browser, load my saved Carrara-optimized shader, zero the shape morph, then shape however I want.

    See series of posts starting here for an example.



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    diomede said:

    For genesis 2 figures, there are multiple uvmap layouts.  If I remember correctly, it is true that multiple figures will use the same uvmap layout, but not all use the same layout.  That is why I optimize a global skin shader for each new chatacter set that I buy and save that global shader to the browser.  Then if I want to use that shader set, I load that character from the browser, load my saved Carrara-optimized shader, zero the shape morph, then shape however I want.

    See series of posts starting here for an example.


    What we're doing in my suggestion is only using the actual Shader settings. Then we swap out texture maps that work with the appropriate UVs. It works - quick and easy.

    After we drag in the appropriate shaders to the correct zones, we swap texture maps if needed, then drag that whole Multi-colored ball (Multi Shader Preset) into a special folder in the Browser and we have an optimized Character Shader setup! Bam!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    FYI - I make my shaders quite a bit different than those I mention above. I used that example as a method of ease for folks whom might now want to create custom shaders.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Thanks guys.  Still working on digesting everything.  I did stock up on some good stuff in the sale this week for Carrara including the gen2 female shaders for the main characters which will make my life a bit easier at least until I can really figure out the shader thing.  Its going to take some time to let things settle in my mind and I am probably going to have to go back and just do all the examples I can find until I really understand it.  Not there yet lol.

  • Take your time with it. Dart can get enthusiastic, as we all do sometimes.wink

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Take your time with it. Dart can get enthusiastic, as we all do sometimes.wink

    I love the enthusiasm!  I will just digest as I go lol. I never turn down information, if I don't understand something now I will later. And I'm very grateful for the willingness to share as well.

  • I kid about Dart. We're friends and cohabitants of Wisconsin, and have met up before and had a great time. Although telling the wife you're meeting up with some guy you met on-line can sound like an awkward conversation. LOL!
  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Sonja,  I highly suggest that you try out the Carrara Challenges... they have been extremely helpful to me... a great aid for learning. Carrara folks are eager to help out if you have questions or problems... and you aren't obligated to enter what you have done... I do anyway for at least 1 scene... haven't been able to do more than one but that day will come. I never enter expecting to win anything... I enter for the experience in trying new Carrara tools, FX etc. While I've had Carrara for a long time I'd never bothered to render a scene to be seen by anyone but myself, I'm too picky,... now I'm using Carrara every day, when possible, instead of only occasionally... so since I've only been rendering since early this year I consider myself "rather new to Carrara".

    Like EP said... take your time.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    I kid about Dart. We're friends and cohabitants of Wisconsin, and have met up before and had a great time. Although telling the wife you're meeting up with some guy you met on-line can sound like an awkward conversation. LOL!

    hahaha I can totally see how that would be awkward lol.

    wgdjohn I do intend to join a couple of the contests as soon as time permits.  I have been doing the studio new user contests for almost a year now and they have been a true godsend on the learning front, and I had assumed that the contests here would provide the same kind of increase in the learning curve.  The Bryce contests are also chock full of knowledge.  I figured I better learn at least a tiny bit before venturing into the contest waters though lol.  Of course, the holidays are always crazy busy but I will see what i can do. I had hoped to enter the Raining men challenge with a Carrara render but I don't know if I can get it done on time.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    And winning is nice  but I do them because it helps me focus on one thing thouroughly for a month and helps me stay on track.  Winning is a bonus to the learning experience lol.

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Don't let me rush you. :)  I'm just so excited to see what you do.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    No worries, you are keeping me on my toes!


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Thanks guys.  Still working on digesting everything.  I did stock up on some good stuff in the sale this week for Carrara including the gen2 female shaders for the main characters which will make my life a bit easier at least until I can really figure out the shader thing.  Its going to take some time to let things settle in my mind and I am probably going to have to go back and just do all the examples I can find until I really understand it.  Not there yet lol.

    Oh Cool!

    I take it those shaders are from Ringo Monfort?

    I have some of those as well. Ringo Rocks!!!

    I think he even used to work at Eovia back when they owned Carrara, along with Philip Staiger, now of Project Dogwaffle.

    I love RIngo's talent with Shaders!


    I kid about Dart. We're friends and cohabitants of Wisconsin, and have met up before and had a great time. Although telling the wife you're meeting up with some guy you met on-line can sound like an awkward conversation. LOL!


    Actually, evilproducer was eaten years ago by a Tyrannosaurus Rex his wife bought him as a birthday present! ;)

    He made this when he was brand new to Carrara - before I've ever heard of it... I love this!

    After some practice, he moved on to more grand projects

    ​Yeah... my little brother, evilproducer, totally rocks! Talent spews forth from him daily! 

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    I have a very short snippet on Ringo here, but deeper into the forums from when he was releasing those various shader packs, he's shown some incredible renders made using his shaders.

    I hope that his absence from this forum is only temporary.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Wow those videos are awesome!  LOVE the trex lol!  I did download the shaders I just haven't had a chance to look at the directions to get them into the program.  I did a quick read through and it didn't look too complicated.

    I was playing with the terrain editor last night after watching several of cripemans tutorials.  I have to go back and watch the one again, I'm trying to figure out how to populate a mountain with trees using instances.  Randomly, not on the grid cause at one point I had a hundred trees stacked on the y axis lol.  Not what I was going for although it did look rather interesting.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Use the Surface Replicator

    Enabling clustering helps to get that randomness, along with tweaking the parameters.

    In this one, the clumps of trees closest to us are duplicated and placed individually for great control. The more distant trees are replicated onto a mountaious terrain, while the cliff terrain without any trees is a separate terrain piece.

    I love using multiple pieces of terrain and placing them around to make one scene.

    In fact, the clumpy terrain in the foreground is actually one smaller terrain piece which I've duplicated, scaled, and rotated all over the place to make a nice, lumpy landscape.

    Where I live, the glacier came through - way back when - and busted up all manner of rock. Our bedrock is split and shoved, making cliffs and cracks and lumps. The glacier also brought in rock not otherwise native to the area - adding even more texture. As time took hold, moss, trees and other living stuff grew over the rocks - it looks a lot like this.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Oh... and when I hand-placed those duplicated trees (several different types and sizes), I group those onto one of those smaller terrain pieces, so I can duplicate that group and give it a little rotation to make it look like a whole new grove of trees. 

    So I've used some duplicates of groves like that to add those few clumps of trees in and around the cliff (treeless) terrain to add continuity ;)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    THAT'S what I was looking for.  Not instances but Surface Replicator.  Thank you!  lol I knew I was off somewhere cause it didn't look anything like the video.

    Sound like a really cool place to live!  And I will most definitely keep in mind using multiple terrains.  I was very intriqued with the whole make a cave by flipping a terrain upside down thing too.  Was very very interesting and I can think of hundreds of things to do with that idea

  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited December 2016

    A couple more quick tips on replicating things on a terrain...

    1. In the Surface Replicator options, if you uncheck "align to normal" your trees or whatever will point up, rather than perpendicular to the surface.
    2. In the same options, you can check "use shader" and then click "edit shader" to use a B&W shader to determine where your trees appear.
    3. You can use a custom terrain shader to procedurally assign your replicator to just part of the terrain
      1. Set the top level shader to Terrain, the next level down to custom (which is under "terrain distribution" (this is just one way to do this - you can play around with different options for some fun effects)
      2. You get five tabs on the Custom shader: Bump, Noise, Altitude, Slope and Orientation to help you narrow down where you want your replicated objects
      3. Bump - you can ignore this one for a distribution shader
      4. Noise - this will add noise to your distribution, I usually start by setting to to a Coverage of 100.00% and then come back to it later if needed
      5. Altitude - use this tab to limit where things appear according to how high they are in the scene
        1. Influence determines how "loyal" to the settings here the final distribution is - a setting of 0 means this tab has no effect, a setting of 100% means that nothing will appear outside the range you set
        2. Min/Max determines the lowest and highest point something will appear - takes some playing around with
        3. Blending - "blurs" the low/high points
      6. Slope - use this tab to limit where things appear according to how steep the surface is
        1. Influence - as above
        2. Min/Max - the minimum and maxiumum slope where things will appear
        3. Blend - blurs those points; when setting things up I usually start by setting both Blends to 0.00% so I can see clearly what is being covered
      7. Orientation - use this tab to limit things to only appearing on surfaces facing a certain direction in the scene
        1. Influence - as above
        2. Direction - rotates what direction is used
        3. Pitch - angles/tilts the direction
        4. Blend - blurs as above

    So, using the Altitude, Slope and Orientation together, I can make trees only appear withing a limited band of height, only on one side and only when the slope is in a certain range all at once! A very powerful tool worth playing around with. Lots of sample pics attached: the options in the surface replicator, what turning align to normals off and on does, examples of each of the custom terrain shaders in use by itself looks like and an example of combining them to limit trees to a fairly precise area.


    1628 x 950 - 100K
    1874 x 949 - 187K
    1873 x 965 - 193K
    1538 x 823 - 94K
    1533 x 816 - 103K
    1537 x 826 - 99K
    1538 x 826 - 93K
    1882 x 950 - 172K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited December 2016

    I was very intriqued with the whole make a cave by flipping a terrain upside down thing too.  Was very very interesting and I can think of hundreds of things to do with that idea

    Works great flipping a couple on their sides and using them as the walls of a ravine or cave too. This image: uses a rotated terrain for each wall and another for the ground. laugh

    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Here is a thread that might help with replicators.


  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,235
    MDO2010 said:
    1. You can use a custom terrain shader to procedurally assign your replicator to just part of the terrain

    Thanks for the clear and brilliant example MD02010, I usually painted a custom map, but this looks fun and has many possibilities.

    diomede said:

    Here is a thread that might help with replicators.

    Great explanantions and tips in that thread, thanks for the link diomede!

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