Somewhat New to Carrara Questions



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Oh I think we have left the rails far behind lol.  I'm sure eventually we will find our way back to the track but for now, I'm just going with it lol.

    That looks like it was a great deal of fun!  Although I've never understood how they managed to not pass out on some of those super hot and humid days further south in those uniforms.  It must have been truly stifling when the humidity was high.

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    @Chohole - Hasn't stopped the rest of us!

    @Dartanbeck Don't know where you guys are, and I'm sure it's not -- but it does look a little like my current WIP . . .

    @PhilW Cool, but it looks a bit odd with the modern city in the background!

    1280 x 800 - 457K
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    @Chohole - Hasn't stopped the rest of us!

    @Dartanbeck Don't know where you guys are, and I'm sure it's not -- but it does look a little like my current WIP . . .

    @PhilW Cool, but it looks a bit odd with the modern city in the background!

    I found discordance of the apartment building to be very intersesting. But definitely odd!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    @Chohole - Hasn't stopped the rest of us!

    @Dartanbeck Don't know where you guys are, and I'm sure it's not -- but it does look a little like my current WIP . . .

    @PhilW Cool, but it looks a bit odd with the modern city in the background!

    I found discordance of the apartment building to be very intersesting. But definitely odd!

    Yes,  we have had battles on sites right in the middle of town,  Did one once on Clapham Common  ( the Brits will know of it)  We had to get special permission granted for that one as British law says no guns can be discharged within 50 feet of a highway,  and it is difficult to find a space big enough in the middle of a city like London to ensure that you are abiding by that law.  Law sill counted even though we used blank loads, because it is the noise factor as well as the danger,

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    Do the footpaths count as highways? Even if they do, theres quite a lot of common more than 50ft away...

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited February 2017

    Do the footpaths count as highways? Even if they do, theres quite a lot of common more than 50ft away...

    Yeah,  but we did tend to take up a lot of space when we did a combined battle,  had about 5 or 6 different societies there I think.   A biggish one we can have up to a dozen cannon a side and several hundred participants.

    This is one of the groups we worked wih on occasion.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202
    edited February 2017

    ​Well Here is some pictures from 2015.

    I have 2 such shows with in 30 Mins of me.


    The others dont seem to want to laod But i will see if I can get a few more to load



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    Post edited by chickenman on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited February 2017

    On a much smaller scale, I grew up where George Washington crossed the Delaware River.  They reenact it every year on Christmas.  It wasn't very chivalrous for George to surprise a bunch of drunk Hessians the night before Christmas.



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  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited February 2017

    ...and Age of Armour very well may have crafted their armour for them. He was very popular and so made a lot of them. He looked great in it too!

    I've always had a nice, tough skeleton that can hold a lot of weight without feeling discomfort - so I would absolutely love the opportunity to wear the armor and reenact some of that stuff, especially a Joust! Though a bet, even with a lot of practice, nothing makes falling off a horse much fun. I'd still do it though. I love horses and get along great with them! ;)


    I try very hard to show my appreciation when someone tries to help me.  Its inconceivable to me when people are rude to people trying to help or don't bother to come back and say thank you.  I am always happy to help when I can because to me, its paying back some of the help that I have recieved as well.

    I know you do... it's always a pleasure to answer anything you ask ;) 


    Check it out! chohole is right there in the middle, getting ready to shoot someone!!! Awesome! I'd love to do that too!!! Reenact, that is... not shoot someone ;)

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332
    edited February 2017

    @Dartanbeck Don't know where you guys are, and I'm sure it's not -- but it does look a little like my current 

    WIP . . .

    evilproducer and I live in Wisconsin, and we were in our Capitol building in Madison



    Beautiful building made entirely of gorgeous stone - most of which is just HUGE and is all polished to a brilliant sheen

    We spent a weekend there, as Garstor was attending a convention there


    It's very picturesque, yet photos can just never do it justice. Seeing it in person fills one with awe

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,584

    That's a stunning looking building!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Some filmmakers even use it as the Whitehouse! ;)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    That's very cool! I love the medieval times, although I have a feeling I might not love it as much if I was actually living it. I recognized Chohole because she did say she was very slender.  and the other two are...not lol.

    Falling off a horse hurts, not sure if it would hurt more or less with armour on. Being heavier means you hit harder but then you are encased in steel so it might protect a bit as well.  Must be hard to get back up in that armour though.  I love horses too, sadly I don't get to spend much time around them.  Some of the places we go camping have them, I always bring them apples and bits of stuff.

    That building is awesome.  Our civic theatre here in downtown has beautiful details on the walls and ceiling like that. The marble is of course very polished but the rest of it is covered in decorative scrollwork and massive wall painting.  The bathrooms have gorgeous hanging lamps and decorative floor tiles. Of course the civic theatre is much smaller.  We go to a lot of concerts there.  Its small enough there are almost no bad seats lol.

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    The knights equate it to a car wredk every time the connect.

    If you think about it, the horses are going about 30miles an hour each therefore that then becomes 6 Milse an hour. The lance head is 1 inch solid oak.

    That puts a lot of PSI on the tip of the lance. Yes the armour does absorb sum but not most of it.




  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited February 2017

    The knights equate it to a car wredk every time the connect.

    If you think about it, the horses are going about 30miles an hour each therefore that then becomes 6 Milse an hour. The lance head is 1 inch solid oak.

    That puts a lot of PSI on the tip of the lance. Yes the armour does absorb sum but not most of it.




    Ye dogs,   as I said before, makes what I used to do seem like kids stuff, although we did have a few injuries.    My younger son did a spectacular die,  you know the sort that wouldn't happen in a real situation, and ended up with a hair line crack in his right shoulder blade,  2 months before he was due to go for an army medical for Junior Leaders.  Luckily he did pass.


    I have a video, taken when we were part of the entertainments team at Pontins Prestatyn (we did Pontins Hemsby as well)    Was a great way of doing what we enjoyed and getting a free holiday.  Pontins used to do specialist Country music themed holidays. Trouble is I have the video  (somehere) but don't have any way of playing it,  

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Yikes sounds painful!  Glad he passed anyway.  Too bad about the video I would have enjoyed seeing that.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited April 2017

    Watched a video and followed along and made a simple barrel.  Was pretty actually but now I need to learn how to modify it.  It was made using the lathe tool, don't know if I can then take it and work on it further or not.

    Simple Barrel Model.png
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    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Okay this is driving me a bit crazy.  I am trying extrude a piece but I want to extrude a small section then add/extrude another section etc.  I can't get past the first extrusion.  No matter what I do it just pulls that first extrusion out farther. I need to add/extrude not just extrude.  Not sure if that is clear or not lol.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited April 2017

    Okay I figure out how to modify the barrel, I basically just wanted to thin out the top and sink the top area down farther so it looks a bit more realistic.  I also made the metal rings smaller they were too wide.

    You can see the start of the spout I am trying to make.  I need to extrude the end into a pipe like piece but can't figure out how to add another section and then extrude again.  Then I have to figure out how to attach it all to the barrel.  I am going to pull the bottom of the round piece down more later and make it look more spout like.  I hope lol.  I also have to figure out how to extrude things evenly, I think its the shift key but I'm not positive. I will try that when I get back to this.  Its almost bedtime and its going to be a very busy week the rest of the week.

    BARREL 2.png
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    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited April 2017

    Here are some tips for options for extrude.  Note - I have symmetry checked, and the z axis selected so that the top and bottom mirror.

    1 - linked and unlinked - there is a check box in the properties tray.

    2 - extrude within a single surface - hold shift while extruding - if at an end, can also use to widen the end if shift and go beyond boundary

    3 - extrude straight line (prpendicular to selected surface - hold control key while extruding

    ff14 extrude not linked.JPG
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    ff16 extrude linked.JPG
    1835 x 949 - 140K
    ff10 hold shift key and extrude keeps in same plane.JPG
    1833 x 950 - 138K
    ff12 hold control extrude will extend same direction straight or perpendicular.JPG
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    Post edited by Diomede on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Thank you that is most helpful!

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Sonja,  Was that the video by Cripeman?  I made that barrel also and immediately made a different path to sweep for making it look more realistic... I wanted a removable lid.

    There are a few more answers in my Modeling thread for extrusion.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Great thank you!  And yes I believe it it was.  Right now I am just following along until I get comfortable with using everything but of course, I have to be difficult and try and add things.  I did learn a lot from that one though, there were several aha! moments where I was like, Oh, NOW I see how to accomplish that.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    Chohole said:

    @Chohole - Hasn't stopped the rest of us!

    @Dartanbeck Don't know where you guys are, and I'm sure it's not -- but it does look a little like my current WIP . . .

    @PhilW Cool, but it looks a bit odd with the modern city in the background!

    I found discordance of the apartment building to be very intersesting. But definitely odd!

    Yes,  we have had battles on sites right in the middle of town,  Did one once on Clapham Common  ( the Brits will know of it)  We had to get special permission granted for that one as British law says no guns can be discharged within 50 feet of a highway,  and it is difficult to find a space big enough in the middle of a city like London to ensure that you are abiding by that law.  Law sill counted even though we used blank loads, because it is the noise factor as well as the danger,

    I was in a play that mentioned Clapham Common!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Hello, EP!

    Hope your produciton went well.  Great to see you posting.  Wishing you well.  smiley

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    Diomede said:

    Hello, EP!

    Hope your produciton went well.  Great to see you posting.  Wishing you well.  smiley

    Thanks Diomede. The play with the Clapham Commons reference was a play called, Out of Order, by Ray Cooney. That was in 2010, so a long time ago. The play directed in February was called, Ghost of a Chance, by Flip Kobler and Cindy Marcus. It was spectacular! It was a perfect mix of comedy and drama, and had a couple beautiful metaphors to describe how you could live life and what love is. They tied in beautifully with the ending three scenes of the play- the final with no dialogue. My cast earned four standing ovations out of six performances, and we had 520 people combined see our show. When you consider the rural area that we call home, that is pretty good!

    There are a couple really cool things that stick in my mind about this show. One is for me alone. It is very poignant, but private. The other is touching as well, but I don't mind sharing it. We had a family come to our last Saturday performance with two young boys, probably between eight and ten years. My stage manager was concerened because they sat down in front and were very "energetic" while waiting for the show to start. I normally sit in the audience, and watch the show, because I enjoy what my cast brings, and it is a true joy to watch them perform, and refine what they do with each passing performance. Anyway, once the show started, their behavior was great, and their enthusiasm for what was happneing onstage was even better. They were what you want in an audience member!

    After the show, the actors form a receiving line to greet patrons, share anecdotes, etc. It is very fun to do. I noticed during this, that the family I had noted earlier was down the hall a bit consoling their younger son who appeared to be sobbing. I was concerned that the intensity of the second-to-last scene had upset him. Now, to be clear, there is a fight in that scene, but it ends on a character's redemption with some very intense and emotional dialogue. The last scene is wordless, and kind of provides closure to many of the characters, and ends on a very uplifting note that emphasizes the play's true meaning about love and friendship. Anyway, I was worried the poor kid had been scared or had a hard time seperating fantasy from reality. I approached the parents and asked if I could help. I exlained to the young man that it was only make-believe. I led him to the head of the receiving line to meet some of the cast, and they were really kind to him. I asked if he was alright because he was still crying. He told me not to worry because they were tears of happiness. That is the reaction I wanted to get from the audience. This little boy got what we were trying to do! Well, he wasn't the only one. I talked to one woman, that said she had a tear in her eye and goosebumps on her arms. Our hardnosed lighting Guru went  up to one of my actresses after our last show, with tears in his eyes and gave her a big hug.

    Such a great show. Such an awesome cast and crew. A very special show family! Sorry to hijack the thread like this.

    Ghost of a Chance cast and crew.JPG
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  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    No apologies needed!  I don't mind at all and think its really great to get to know people on a whole nother level.  One of my favorite things about these forums!

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Evil,  Thanks for sharing.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,332

    Evil's play is absolutely AWESOME!!! I cried pretty hard at the end! ;)

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited April 2017

    Evil's play is absolutely AWESOME!!! I cried pretty hard at the end! ;)

    Thanks, Dart. But it was a happy cry, or bittersweet cry, right? wink

    I still get misty when I watch it, and I think aside from the writers, and perhaps other directors of the show, I've spent more time with it than anyone else.

    Post edited by evilproducer on
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