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Sorry but i don't agree, they had a perfectly good working site that wasn't broken in any kind of way . Ever since they changed it to that mess we last had, Daz has not been the same , it's one disaster after another in terms of site being a top notch site like it used to be. I can honestly say that from me sales has gone down drastically since then and doing worst now since I seem be someone else when ever I log in the store. I can go anywhere on the site as me now after jumping hoops, except the store. I've already posted about that "bug". It's disturbing to login and be someone else or when you do login it takes you to your account dashboard with all of your info plastered there for anyone to see. you have to go hide in private if you're in public with a laptop so no one can see your personal info. I had to delete a long list of CC information that they weren't supposed to be holding on file the first time i logged in. I guess I"ll check in on it after everything dies down in a few months.
Okay, so I bounced onto the Daz Store to check out what's about, I'm logged in and I filter for PC items, and suddenly I have over 600 items in my wish list!
There is a little box in the top right hand corned asking 'Not [someone else's name]' - I click that and suddenly I'm back in my own account with my 50 odd wish list items.
This is really disturbing... if I hadn't noticed could I have been making purchases on someone else's account -- could someone else make purchases on it seems we can bounce between accounts like phantoms in the store.
On top of that my Platinum Club Membership seems to have expires without my telling it to. All the PC items aren't showing a $1.99.
Come on Daz....get these things sorted, okay.
Si :(
Merged with the offical forum issues thread.
Unfortunately it wasn't, though the web team was doing a good job of keeping it running. That's why they made the change.
There were many hiccups in the old store - we were just used to them and knew the answers how to get along with them.
Maybe we get used to the new quirks ... maybe.
(Having to move something 6 times to my cart until it is there and then running 5 times in circles between step 1 and 2 of checkout is a bit boring.)
Sent to the DAZ help center:
It is very difficult to log in and to reach my DAZ account because the website's response time is very long.
Once I am in my account it is also very difficult to reach the checkout page. I have finally reached it and I have tried to buy the items that I have put in my cart.
Since I use PayPal I have been driven to the PayPal website where I had no trouble to log in. Meanwhile when I clicked the button to return to DAZ to achieve the payment, the DAZ website response time was long and when I reached it I saw an error message telling that there was something wrong (wrong PayPal return or something).
I have not tried to check out a second time and I will wait for the issues to be fixed to try again.
It seems that there is no pending transaction or payment anywhere (DAZ or PayPal) therefore everything should be okay.
But of course I report the issue...
This has only just started happening its just luck if I can get here to post now.. Here are the errors I am getting.
There has been an error processing your request
SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections
#0 /var/www/html/ Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->_connect()
#1 /var/www/html/ Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->_connect()
#2 /var/www/html/ Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->_connect()
#3 /var/www/html/ Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('SET NAMES utf8', Array)
#4 /var/www/html/ Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->query('SET NAMES utf8', Array)
#5 /var/www/html/ Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->query('SET NAMES utf8')
#6 /var/www/html/ Mage_Core_Model_Resource->_newConnection('pdo_mysql', Object(Mage_Core_Model_Config_Element))
#7 /var/www/html/ Mage_Core_Model_Resource->getConnection('core_setup')
#8 /var/www/html/ Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup->__construct('core_setup')
#9 /var/www/html/ Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup::applyAllUpdates()
#10 /var/www/html/ Mage_Core_Model_App->_initModules()
#11 /var/www/html/ Mage_Core_Model_App->run(Array)
#12 /var/www/html/ Mage::run('', 'store')
#13 {main}
Site Error: Unable to Load Site Preferences; No Preferences Found
Merged into the Official thread on Website issues.
Or you could respond to our concerns...rather than just sweeping us under the rug.
I am having a new (to me) issue. When I follow an internal forum link, I am getting a white page with this in the top left hand corner
Site Error: Unable to Load Site Preferences; No Preferences Found
It has happened 5 or 6 times, so I am reporting it. I just go back the the last page and follow the link again, and it loads.
Same here... it seems when they are working on the Store the EMail notifications I got when clicking the link provided returns that page error report to me as well. So that's really kinda bad when what they are doing in another part of the site affects the forums as well!
If all the concerns are in one place it is easier for those that need to know to see them. Saves them having to go trawling through umptten threads, which may or may not have genuine concerns.
Just a test to see if I CAN post. Been getting the "site error" as mentioned above for about an hour now whenever I hit the submit post button.
Therefore: TEST :)
I think you will find that the "Site Error: Unable to Load Site Preferences; No Preferences Found" error has been fixed now. was one of the first things fixed when Daz opened it's doors for the day. When the site went down briefly, as some fixes can only be done with the forum down.
1. Obviously, the "Remember Me" link needs to be fixed - why have it if you still need to log in every time you come to the forum?
2. Are there user-selectable themes for this forum? The low contrast, and almost-invisible distinctions between posts makes it a real chore to read through.
3. 145th vote for breadcrumbs at the bottom of the page
Just out of curiosity, who paid to have this forum software implemented? It's quite a few steps down in useability - it's hard to see where one would choose it over other available packages. If I recall correctly, we had the same complaints the last time the forums were 'updated' and we eventually got used to it - would be great to come into an updated forum for once and think, "Wow! This really IS an improvement!"
It is still very difficult to log in and to navigate into the https zone. I believe that I will wait that the issues are fixed before trying to buy anything...
Good luck to you...
Underline, [ u ] [ / u ], actually gives an italicise effect.
Clicking on the cart and checkout is real slow, like 5 to 10 minutes each step. I only have two items. I finally got this error on step two of a retry of checkout.
Now the only thing that seems to work is the forums. If I try to logout or view my cart I get the same error.
Regards Eric
Ditto...same problem with the too many connections...but keep hitting F5, and you eventually get there ;-)
Well, I keep hitting F5 and get nowhere. It "loads" for abour 30 minutes or more, and then it either does not load at all or an error message appears. Looks as if DAZ guys are making fun of us.
If they want to mess with the site, they should take it down, not let it be online and tinker with it while customers are searching the store or (even worse) buying things.
The order finally went through and the product files delivered while I could not connect to the website. The products were still in the cart
and I removed them.
Regards Eric
Mine was working OK (slow but OK) until I hit "Checkout" its been a loooooooong time "submitting order information". If it was not GenX on sale, I would not be so patient...
Patience wins out! Order completed...back to shopping cart, remove item, done.
From what I understand from Customer Service, they're working on the site again which is what is causing the problems with logging in to the site, the cart and checkout.
I've tried to check out and it continues to say "submitting order info." Been submitting for over half an hour.
I'm not resubmitting because I don't want a bunch of duplicate orders.
Guess I'll just wait until tomorrow and contact customer service again, beings I also need to know how I'm to renew my monthly PC membership since there's no where for me to do so at the moment.
Oh, now I have received an error message...
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 1096233810503
Getting really tired of this. Can't imagine how the guys at DAZ who are working on these problems are feeling. Wonder if they're at the stage where they want to pull their own hair out yet.
You guys have my deepest sympathies. :)
A problem with the old forums. I cannot do a search as I get this error:
Could not delete old search id sessions
SQL Error : 1142 DELETE command denied to user 'forumdml'@'' for table 'phpbb_search_results'
73 Eric
Searching on the old site required being logged in, so until that capability is restored we have to rely on Google searches (although to be honest we had to do that when the old site was live).
...OK when I pre-wrote my response (safer to do so in Notepad as it doesn't log you out or make your browser error out) there were about five less pages here.
Appears they got the reminder links working correctly (though I thought in the FAQ it mentioned this couldn't be done).
Also looks as if the thread sorting has been fixed.
So I guess there has been some progress.
However we still need a solution to the Itemised Order History. At the very least, there should be a "show all" or "go to page #" option if a "filter by date ordered" is unfeasible.
Also correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the My Downloads page in the old store also show the file sizes? Not a burning issue ATM but would be nice to have eventually.
Although I am not siding against you on this, you should note that the email links are now working. They are consistently bringing me to the first unread post in the topic now. It's a welcomed and pleasant "development". Get it? Development? :lol:
If they tell us they can't change the itemized order history sort order, that might be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Same for the wish list. They already lost a sale because I couldn't stand looking through page after page to find a DAZ Original on which I may have wanted to use that $2 coupon. That list is useless to me. I really hope they fix it...and before too long.
Although I am not siding against you on this, you should note that the email links are now working. They are consistently bringing me to the first unread post in the topic now. It's a welcomed and pleasant "development". Get it? Development? :lol:
If they tell us they can't change the itemized order history sort order, that might be a deal breaker for a lot of people. Same for the wish list. They already lost a sale because I couldn't stand looking through page after page to find a DAZ Original on which I may have wanted to use that $2 coupon. That list is useless to me. I really hope they fix it...and before too long.
...noticed that after I originally posted (see revision above).
One thing I do find nice is the way the Announcements are split from the rest of the forum's contents at the top of each page (and no stickies carried over). Makes for a much cleaner appearance.
Still have to get used to adding an extra blank line to separate paragraphs (although I have seen this on a couple other forums).
I'm getting the idea that the web site is being maintained by amateurs. It's a pitfall small businesses often fall in. Why hire an expert if we can just put Jimmy in accounting on the job? He did a web design course in high school and he's quite bright so we can save some money by just giving him a small raise to do the job. Wrong. You end up losing money because, as we can clearly see in this case, your business comes to an abrupt halt while you wait for Jimmy to learn how to build a store and set up a forum with software he knows nothing about. Jimmy is put under enormous stress and the accountant is back on medication for depression and the fans are disgusted. This is your business DAZ. You're hurting only yourself by these antics. Customers don't care about your problems. They care about your service.
Just hire an expert already. It will make everyone happy, including Jimmy and the accountant. :cheese: