Known Forum Issues Curently Being Worked On and Old Forum Link

Currently the following are known issues on the forums that are still being worked on:
1. Unable to post images to posts
UPDATE: Being worked on now it seems so you can post an image in a thread but sizing is completely broken atm so it will not resize your images if they are large which could make for some wide threads. All images in the thread will display the size of the largest image posted as it is not resizing atm so for now maybe attempt to post a 600 wide version with a link to larger versions..please see below for example on how to do this...
2. Due to the same issue causing #1, adding an Avatar to your account is also not working (This may also effect sig tag banners atm as well)
3. Some Forum Members may not be able to see special forums such as Platinum Club (Members Only etc) If you are one of these people, please contact me in the forums via PM so I can add you to the list to have your forum permissions fixed.
4. New Post E-bots may not be working so you may not receive an e-bot that someone has replied. This should now be working.
5. New Threads appear at the bottom of the forum list instead of at the top as in the previous forums (except in the new Commercial Forums for some reason..that one is displaying in the right order) This has been fixed and works as the old forums, latest topics listed first.
6. Threads newly posted to will not pop back to the top of the list. All Threads remain stationary regardless of new posts to them.
7. Some forum actions such as Marking All Posts Read may kick you back to the Main DAZ3D Homepage
8. Forum Filters are not available at this time. As such, please do not post images featuring nudity or violence until we can get the Tag System Fixed. For Commercial threads, please mark them [COMMERCIAL] at the end of the thread title so people know it is commercial. Example: Alisha for V4 and Genesis [COMMERCIAL]
For those wishing to view information located on the old forums, you can view them here:
(Please note any special forums are currently not viewable)
I don't know if this is related to posting images, but when will we be able to add our avatars? I've just tried & it gives an error message about not being able to assign the image.:red:
They are currently working on several minor forum issues and hopefully get them all fixed as soon as possible.
Yeah that is related to the image posting. I don't have an estimated time frame at the moment of when that will be fixed, though I will post it to this list as well as let you all know when it is fixed :)
I see we can navigate to the next or previous post (according the list when we first clicked the thread) from the bottom of the thread but I hope we can get the main forum navigation bar at the bottom too. That way we don't have to scroll to the top each time we want to go back to the thread list. I always go back to the commons (or whatever section I'm in) to see what threads have been updated before clicking on one. It's not really a huge deal but more of a convenience thing.
I will make a note of that request :)
Anyone experiencing any issue not on my list or anyone with thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to post to this thread :)
Any chance of getting the forum threads sorted by most recent post? Or is that a setting somewhere that I missed?
Sort is a known issue, sadly.
Another problem with the Mark All Posts Read is that it does not matter in which thread/section you are in it Marks every single post in the entire forum as read.
UPDATE: Being worked on now it seems so you can post an image in a thread but sizing is completely broken atm so it will not resize your images if they are large which could make for some wide threads. All images in the thread will display the size of the largest image posted as it is not resizing atm so for now maybe attempt to post a 600x600 version with a link to larger versions as seen below:
To View the Larger Version of the image below please see the following link:
Nightfall Image Large Version
so that is cool that images are almost working.
though, is it supposed to do that thing where it is showing the forum code of your post again in that field below the image?
Yes :) That is a screenshot of what the code looked like for how I added that image for those curious :)
Yes :) That is a screenshot of what the code looked like for how I added that image for those curious :)
Ha! Oops, sorry I get it now. Thank you.
Everything is new and unfamiliar and it seemed like anything could be within the realm of possibility, but I obviously wasn't paying close enough attention.
Ha! Oops, sorry I get it now. Thank you.
Everything is new and unfamiliar and it seemed like anything could be within the realm of possibility, but I obviously wasn't paying close enough attention.
hehe Thats ok :) Trust me I understand the forums are confusing at the moment :)
On that note Please keep re-looking over my original post as I will be updating it with newly found issues we know about etc as we find them :)
Okay, so... are we going to be able to link images for display from other sites (like my DeviantArt page), or are we going to have to start actually uploading all our images to the forum for display?
Is there a way to log in to the old forum? When I click on the link I get the error "Invalid GET Data".
If you are not logged in the pictures won't show...
No, there is no way to log into the archived forum.
Another one for the "weird stuff" list - when I click on a link in a forum e-bot, I never know whether I'll come in at the top of page 1 of the thread, at the top of the last page, or scrolled down to the actual post referred to in the e-bot. This could complicate keeping track of conversations, especially in busy, fast-moving threads.
You can still (manually) retrieve the pictures by copy-pasting the path manually... so, for instance, in my last post in this thread:
If I look at the bit that says:
If you replace the "viewtopic.php?..." bit with the "postimages/..." bit, you get this:
Which (for now) seems to pull up the associated image.
HTH (^_^)/
EDIT: sorry about the funky colouring... seems to be a 'feature' of this new forum...
Don't know if this is even considered a bug, but it would be nice to not have to click off the 'Notify me via email when someone posts in this thread' button every time I post. If I wanted my email spammed with responses to the threads I watch, I wouldn't check the forums...
Okay, would it be possible to configure the old forum so that it would show the pictures instead of displaying an URL?
Just wondering if you're checking the posts in the Members Only area ... some of us are having difficulties with account information related to the Platinum Club. Thanks! :)
You can still (manually) retrieve the pictures by copy-pasting the path manually... so, for instance, in my last post in this thread:
If I look at the bit that says:
If you replace the "viewtopic.php?..." bit with the "postimages/..." bit, you get this:
Which (for now) seems to pull up the associated image.
HTH (^_^)/
EDIT: sorry about the funky colouring... seems to be a 'feature' of this new forum...
I know, that would be ok for one or two images, but I am talking about my "New centaur 'n stuff thread" with 1892 posts and many pictures in it.
I will make a note of that request :)
Anyone experiencing any issue not on my list or anyone with thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to post to this thread :)
I agree with Quasar. Having the forum links (i believe you call them "breadcrumbs") at both the top and bottom of the page (as it was in the old forum) is an important usability feature.
Okay, would it be possible to configure the old forum so that it would show the pictures instead of displaying an URL?
I agree. The archived forum needs to be in a usable form.
Having to manually reconstruct the URL for every posted image is not acceptable.
Its being worked on once the new store and forum are bug free.
Glad to hear that and I really appreciate your efforts to keep the old forum accessible.. Thank you!
Is there any way to have the new post report emails subject to include the titles of the thread? Gmail combines all the topic replys in one because they are named the same.
That is something they are supposed to fix at some point though it will probably be awhile till someone can get to that.
Fast reply doesn't work. When you hit "Submit Post" is takes you to the "Post a New Reply" page, instead of posting what you've written.
I'm also getting alot of 404 errors when I try to post. I'll admit I don't have a great internet connection, but I didn't have that problem with the phpbb-based forum.
Also, you can't search the old forum, which makes it pretty hard to deal with, given that the contents of the forum is so huge.
It would appear that some users are successfully receiving email notifications for new posts in the threads to which they are subscribed.
I am not receiving notifications for my subscribed threads. Is this a widespread problem that will be fixed soon, or do I need to request individual help to fix it for my account?