*raises hand* I got another one. The 'Forum Home' breadcrumb is broken. It goes to ' http://www.daz3d.com/forums/ ' instead of ' http://www.daz3d.com/forums ', which makes it go to the 'The site is down for maintenance' page, instead of the actual first page of the forums.
*raises hand* I got another one. The 'Forum Home' breadcrumb is broken. It goes to ' http://www.daz3d.com/forums/ ' instead of ' http://www.daz3d.com/forums ', which makes it go to the 'The site is down for maintenance' page, instead of the actual first page of the forums.
ThinMick is correct. The "Forum Home" breadcrumb link is now broken. I believe it was originally working.
Has anyone requested that we stay on the forum page we are on? If I read a thread on page 5 and then drop back into the commons I'm dropped back to page 1. That ALWAYS was a bad thing.
Has anyone requested that we stay on the forum page we are on? If I read a thread on page 5 and then drop back into the commons I'm dropped back to page 1. That ALWAYS was a bad thing.
Or am I doing something wrong.
Sounds like a job for your browser's Back Button!
The link to the categories is supposed to go to their 1st page.
Personally, I just have to add my voice to those Mooing that the forums will never be fully functional until The Millennium Cow is released!!
The categories will never "Sort By Date" until The Millennium Cow is released!!
I didn't see anyone mention this: The "required products" seems to be broken for me. It either doesn't show all the required products for an item - or - it shows items that aren't actually required. If I reload the page several times, I can get different required products lists.
Would like links, esp to offsite places, to open in a new tab not in the resident tab.
Would like way more than '2' pages to show for 'how many to read through' before the last page arrives! Some threads have a last page option; some don't.
Much prefer recent posts and updates to posts bouncing back to the 1st page!
The link to the categories is supposed to go to their 1st page.
Personally, I just have to add my voice to those Mooing that the forums will never be fully functional until The Millennium Cow is released!!
The categories will never "Sort By Date" until The Millennium Cow is released!!
So I'm the only one who liked the old Forum better than the last forum? Everything worked by the Forum software you did not have to use the browser to do what a good forum should do. :blank:
I also would prefer all links to open in a NEW tab. That is a PITA. I have hit some sites that will now allow BACK in my browser.
I have hit some sites that will now allow BACK in my browser.
I agree it would be nice for links to automatically open in new tabs, but I just want to say a few things:
1. If you have a middle mouse button, middle clicking opens a link to a new tab. I've been using this on all websites for quite a few years now (instinctively), so i've never noticed if the Daz forums used to do this automatically for left clicking.
2. If you ever encounter a website that does that annoying thing where it doesn't let you press back, it's usually due to a hidden page that quickly redirects you to the homepage, so every time you're pressing back you just keep on getting redirected. In cases like this, right click on the back button, and you should see a list of previous pages, allowing you to skip numerous pages and get back to the one you want (this can also be accessed by clicking on the little arrow next to the back button, if there is one). Just simply click on the Daz one, and you're there.
I use Firefox, but I believe both of these work with all browsers.
EDIT: It also would be nice is the forum would actually format paragraphs properly!
2. If you ever encounter a website that does that annoying thing where it doesn't let you press back, it's usually due to a hidden page that quickly redirects you to the homepage, so every time you're pressing back you just keep on getting redirected. In cases like this, right click on the back button, and you should see a list of previous pages, allowing you to skip numerous pages and get back to the one you want (this can also be accessed by clicking on the little arrow next to the back button, if there is one). Just simply click on the Daz one, and you're there.
EDIT: It also would be nice is the forum would actually format paragraphs properly!
Thank you for that heads up, I'm still new to my OS and the New IE 9 so I do not know all the hidden things yet. I just pretty much use them straight out of the box. Thats one of the reasons DS4Pro and I dont get along well. I have to Right click to find all the stuff I need to do most of the time. I agree with the formatting issue as well.
1. If you have a middle mouse button, middle clicking opens a link to a new tab. I've been using this on all websites for quite a few years now (instinctively), so i've never noticed if the Daz forums used to do this automatically for left clicking.
Kool!!! And here I was thinking that middle dial was just for scrolling lol ... thanks.
Okay, now I've got login issues with the forum. When click the Log In link it takes me straight to my account, yet the forum does not recognise the fact that I am logged it.
Seems to be an issue 'sometimes' with posting, if one 'previews' the post ... it opens in the same window/tab, if one checks the links in one's post, it opens in the same window/tab ... but hitting the back button trying to get back to the composing page so one can either edit OR post one's post is a no-go. Firefox will not ... says something about security features and it can't/won't resend info??? Never had this problem before ... I do know that I'm not into re-writing posts for every glitch encountered ....
The Commercial Thread forum is at least ordering things with the most recently started threads first. Perhaps whoever is looking over the forum software could see what's different about that forum than the others?
It still isn't moving recently posted threads up to the top, but at least new threads wouldn't languish on the last page.
Okay, now I've got login issues with the forum. When click the Log In link it takes me straight to my account, yet the forum does not recognise the fact that I am logged it.
Thank ghu for having a second browser.
I have to log out of my account, to log into the forum. Started last night. Hear that web team? The bugs don't take the weekend off, LOL.
Logoff caught me when I tried to preview a PM reply. Had fun reconstructing that.
Clicking on the link in the email took me to the start of the thread, not to the reply.
I wish my email notifications were working! :down:
The “permalinks” that should allow you to link to a particular post in the forum are not working properly, unless the post being linked to is on the first page of the thread. So neither links in emails, nor links in posts will take you to the correct post in a thread.
I reported this in post #65 of this thread.
So far I don't think I've seen any of the reported problems solved.
Of course since this is the start of the Memorial Day weekend, I doubt we'll see any activity until Tuesday. >:(
Yuck, now new posts are at the end? That is a basic forum option. How can it not be fixable in a single click? At most a quick manual style change?
Sorry for being so negative, but I am soooooooooooo tired of the problems..... :red: :-/ :down:
No apologies needed from my viewpoint - it's hard to stay positive thru all this. For many of us, this has been our second home for years; when that infrastructure breaks down, there's gonna be fallout. I have OCD, and right now, I feel like someone charged a bulldozer right thru my living room (and I swear that SOB WAVED!!!! at me as they drove by :) )
Please tell me that the posting order issue will change!!!
Not sure if someone mentioned this but the PM system needs work as well. Messages is received just fine but those sent to others are not showing up under Sent.
Sorry if this has been mentioned or if this is not the right place to mention it but....
In the old forums, if I was viewing say The Commons and clicked on "Mark all Read", it would just mark all the topics in The Commons as read. The link in the new forums marks ALL posts in ALL threads as read, no matter where you are.
Not sure if someone mentioned this but the PM system needs work as well. Messages is received just fine but those sent to others are not showing up under Sent.
There's a checkbox you have to tick, for it to show up in Sent, every blasted time. (Why?)
Have found related posts. Seems this is just one of a multitude of FUBARs that is being worked on. Do hope it will be soon. The forum experience is getting to be a miserable one.
Just wondering, does Daz have a dedicated team working on this update situation, or do they have one soul (who happens to have other responsibilities at Daz) working on this mess?
In the Control Panel area, when you get into that area shows you your first page which seems to be very messed up...
See the image below. If this is on purpose I think you guys are smoking way to much weed. It's confusing and annoying to see my persona information misaligned like that! Please add that to the list to fix! THANKS!
I wish the notification ebots would at least have the name of the thread in the subject line like the old forum ebots did.
I wish the notification ebots at least worked to send notifications!
I'm still not getting any, and I don't think I'm alone.
I'm beginning to feel like they have just given up on solving the problem. :down:
In the Control Panel area, when you get into that area shows you your first page which seems to be very messed up...
See the image below. If this is on purpose I think you guys are smoking way to much weed. It's confusing and annoying to see my persona information misaligned like that! Please add that to the list to fix! THANKS!
I'm seeing the same staggered misalignment.
The "View Subscriptions" page has the same problem.
*raises hand* I got another one. The 'Forum Home' breadcrumb is broken. It goes to ' http://www.daz3d.com/forums/ ' instead of ' http://www.daz3d.com/forums ', which makes it go to the 'The site is down for maintenance' page, instead of the actual first page of the forums.
ThinMick is correct. The "Forum Home" breadcrumb link is now broken. I believe it was originally working.
Has anyone requested that we stay on the forum page we are on? If I read a thread on page 5 and then drop back into the commons I'm dropped back to page 1. That ALWAYS was a bad thing.
Or am I doing something wrong.
Sounds like a job for your browser's Back Button!
The link to the categories is supposed to go to their 1st page.
Personally, I just have to add my voice to those Mooing that the forums will never be fully functional until The Millennium Cow is released!!
The categories will never "Sort By Date" until The Millennium Cow is released!!
I think I lost a post in spell check. Anyway.
I didn't see anyone mention this: The "required products" seems to be broken for me. It either doesn't show all the required products for an item - or - it shows items that aren't actually required. If I reload the page several times, I can get different required products lists.
I've lost posts in spell check too ...
Would like links, esp to offsite places, to open in a new tab not in the resident tab.
Would like way more than '2' pages to show for 'how many to read through' before the last page arrives! Some threads have a last page option; some don't.
Much prefer recent posts and updates to posts bouncing back to the 1st page!
So I'm the only one who liked the old Forum better than the last forum? Everything worked by the Forum software you did not have to use the browser to do what a good forum should do. :blank:
I also would prefer all links to open in a NEW tab. That is a PITA. I have hit some sites that will now allow BACK in my browser.
I agree it would be nice for links to automatically open in new tabs, but I just want to say a few things:
1. If you have a middle mouse button, middle clicking opens a link to a new tab. I've been using this on all websites for quite a few years now (instinctively), so i've never noticed if the Daz forums used to do this automatically for left clicking.
2. If you ever encounter a website that does that annoying thing where it doesn't let you press back, it's usually due to a hidden page that quickly redirects you to the homepage, so every time you're pressing back you just keep on getting redirected. In cases like this, right click on the back button, and you should see a list of previous pages, allowing you to skip numerous pages and get back to the one you want (this can also be accessed by clicking on the little arrow next to the back button, if there is one). Just simply click on the Daz one, and you're there.
I use Firefox, but I believe both of these work with all browsers.
EDIT: It also would be nice is the forum would actually format paragraphs properly!
Thank you for that heads up, I'm still new to my OS and the New IE 9 so I do not know all the hidden things yet. I just pretty much use them straight out of the box. Thats one of the reasons DS4Pro and I dont get along well. I have to Right click to find all the stuff I need to do most of the time. I agree with the formatting issue as well.
Kool!!! And here I was thinking that middle dial was just for scrolling lol ... thanks.
Okay, now I've got login issues with the forum. When click the Log In link it takes me straight to my account, yet the forum does not recognise the fact that I am logged it.
Thank ghu for having a second browser.
Seems to be an issue 'sometimes' with posting, if one 'previews' the post ... it opens in the same window/tab, if one checks the links in one's post, it opens in the same window/tab ... but hitting the back button trying to get back to the composing page so one can either edit OR post one's post is a no-go. Firefox will not ... says something about security features and it can't/won't resend info??? Never had this problem before ... I do know that I'm not into re-writing posts for every glitch encountered ....
I just received my first email notification that a thread that I'm subscribed to received a reply.
Clicking on the link in the email took me to the start of the thread, not to the reply.
A thought about the Forum post ordering issue.
The Commercial Thread forum is at least ordering things with the most recently started threads first. Perhaps whoever is looking over the forum software could see what's different about that forum than the others?
It still isn't moving recently posted threads up to the top, but at least new threads wouldn't languish on the last page.
I have to log out of my account, to log into the forum. Started last night. Hear that web team? The bugs don't take the weekend off, LOL.
Logoff caught me when I tried to preview a PM reply. Had fun reconstructing that.
Clicking on the link in the email took me to the start of the thread, not to the reply.
I wish my email notifications were working! :down:
The “permalinks” that should allow you to link to a particular post in the forum are not working properly, unless the post being linked to is on the first page of the thread. So neither links in emails, nor links in posts will take you to the correct post in a thread.
I reported this in post #65 of this thread.
So far I don't think I've seen any of the reported problems solved.
Of course since this is the start of the Memorial Day weekend, I doubt we'll see any activity until Tuesday. >:(
Yuck, now new posts are at the end? That is a basic forum option. How can it not be fixable in a single click? At most a quick manual style change?
Sorry for being so negative, but I am soooooooooooo tired of the problems..... :red: :-/ :down:
Oh well, I thought it was just me being stupid and not able to see how to do this....I see now that it's an acknowledged bug, so hopefully....s**n?!
No apologies needed from my viewpoint - it's hard to stay positive thru all this. For many of us, this has been our second home for years; when that infrastructure breaks down, there's gonna be fallout. I have OCD, and right now, I feel like someone charged a bulldozer right thru my living room (and I swear that SOB WAVED!!!! at me as they drove by :) )
Please tell me that the posting order issue will change!!!
date format isn't working either... it's all back to front and a PITA
eg.. 05/27/2012 instead of 27/05/2012
choosing European format doesn't fix it. :coolsmirk:
Not sure if someone mentioned this but the PM system needs work as well. Messages is received just fine but those sent to others are not showing up under Sent.
Sorry if this has been mentioned or if this is not the right place to mention it but....
In the old forums, if I was viewing say The Commons and clicked on "Mark all Read", it would just mark all the topics in The Commons as read. The link in the new forums marks ALL posts in ALL threads as read, no matter where you are.
There's a checkbox you have to tick, for it to show up in Sent, every blasted time. (Why?)
Forgot that once... irritating.
I wish the notification ebots would at least have the name of the thread in the subject line like the old forum ebots did.
Have found related posts. Seems this is just one of a multitude of FUBARs that is being worked on. Do hope it will be soon. The forum experience is getting to be a miserable one.
Just wondering, does Daz have a dedicated team working on this update situation, or do they have one soul (who happens to have other responsibilities at Daz) working on this mess?
In the Control Panel area, when you get into that area shows you your first page which seems to be very messed up...
See the image below. If this is on purpose I think you guys are smoking way to much weed. It's confusing and annoying to see my persona information misaligned like that! Please add that to the list to fix! THANKS!
WindTrancer I am merging your post with the thread that is about web site issues
so where is my post?
I wish the notification ebots at least worked to send notifications!
I'm still not getting any, and I don't think I'm alone.
I'm beginning to feel like they have just given up on solving the problem. :down:
I'm seeing the same staggered misalignment.
The "View Subscriptions" page has the same problem.