Darwins' Schtuff
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Dimension Theory's Real World Lighting rig-mountains I think...gonna have to either make a second skin gloss setting, maybe. Trying something else first, but this is a 3 minute render:
and test 2-not much of a difference. May have to do the 2nd gloss setting anyway. lol
He has a great strong profile. So you have to fix the seam issues on a flat 2d surface right? You can't paint it in 3d? Just curious, it seems like it would be easier for some things to paint it in 3d.
Actually, I use Blacksmith3d to paint directly onto the model, yes. There is always a loss of visibility on the maps to my eyes, however, and sometimes it takes a few rounds of fixing. I've gone over his twice already, but his skin shader set-up has more maps than I usually use, so there is a larger chance of having issues.
and thank you!
That makes sense, I struggle with the 2d maps sometimes, getting make up or something lined up exactly where it should be can be a bit challenging. I thought it might be easier to do in 3d. I'm no where near to being at the point where i can justify something like 3dPaint, but I like to know things lol.
He reminds me of one of my daughter's ex boyfriends lol
I don't mind painting from 2d to 3d especially with seam guides, you can get them free off DA. I hate trying to figuring out the other maps. Bump, displacement, normal...... That's what I'm learning right now and it's making me crazy lol
Ah I did not know they had free seam guides. I haven't ventured to far down this road yet, but its something I've committed to learing at least the basics over the next 6 months.
I kind of want to make an Iray skin for a V3 at some point (crazy, I know, but she needs some love!) The thought terrifies me, which means I'll probably jump in and do it, LOL.
He's coming along great. I really like his profile as Sonja says it's great and strong. Great work on the beard.
I've been thinking about getting Blacksmith for texturing clothes and it's a bit more affordable now that it has a subscription option.
V3, huh? I'm sure you can do it, Llynara! Jump in and do it-it's fun and frustrating but addictive. LOL
Thank you, Ferretmania. I waited until the Standard version went on sale-I loathe month to month payments. I want to know I own it, not rent it.
Just curious, did you start using the 2D Merchant Resource maps or go straight to using Blacksmith3d for painting the skin? I'm working on a learning how to use the 2D skins. I wouldn't mind getting something like Blacksmith in the future, but that's waaaaay in the future.
I think it's best to start off using a good merchant resource 2D skin. You may still have seam issues, but at least you'll get a feel of how you work on the skin in corrospondance to how it appears in Studio. This is also a good way of learning what NOT to do, which is important as well. Make up, for example, may look great on the skin, but once on the face and rendered those nice lines are not where you wanted them to be, or are warped if they fall over the cheeks or out around the temple.
I started with MR's.....and quickly learned which ones NOT to get again, and started to use photo resources to see how skin looks up close. I also purchased The Making of Freaky Frank, 3D Texture Workshop-Painting Hollywood Creature Textures by Bill Fleming which teaches you HOW to actually paint on a 2D map. It was invaluable for my bump/displacement work, though I haven't done a fully painted character yet.
Edit-you can find a copy on Amazon, unfortunately it's not available here anymore. Current price shows $1.28
LOL, you had me at "Freaky." I've got an unused Amazon gift card that needs something to do, so here I go...
Of to Amazon as well lol...
lol- it's well worth the full price I paid, so it's a steal currently! Last I checked, they had 17 copies.
Only 16 now lol.
LOL good! Trust me, I still use it to this day on things. Mine actually came with a CD that had Frank's maps on it so you could actually go into it and take a look at the set ups, but lord knows where it is now. The book, however, is right by my desk.
Time to bed...gonna let this experimental render go while I crash. Have a great night!
You too! I should head that way myself, long work day tomorrow.
It that the book that Daz sold that has a picture of a figure that reminds me of the husband on the Munsters? I have that book. I've messed around with it, but never worked my way all the way through it I guess I'll need to.
Your new figure has a very handsome face, especially with the brown hair and beard. I look forward to seeing him in the store. But goodness knows, I've spent enough at the store with March Madness and all. Anybody remember when there were only new releases on Friday and sometimes when you purchased them the links would be broken and no one to fix them becasue it was the weekend. Oh, those were the days.
Thanks for the book suggestion. I picked up a copy from a seller for $2 that claims to have the CD. We'll see if it does when it gets here. Looks like they are down to 14 copies now. The book says volume one. Was there a volume two? I don't see a volume two listed anywhere.
I don't think so- never found one from Daz, Amazon or Ebay. Perhaps it didn't get published.
And yup-Kevin it is. lol Thank you, as well. I remember those days............used to curse them because that was when I usually had no money, too!
Got the first lighting rig test going-doing the BOSS. lol
I would prefer to buy it too, but even on sale it's too much for my budget, so it's more affordable to subscribe.
Thanks for the tip on the book. Got it from Abebooks and it reminded me of another book I've been wanting for a while too :)
You're very welcome. I hope it comes in handy for others as it has been for me.
I hope to catch up on what everyone is doing this weekend as well here; I've slacked off on commenting and visiting the forums!
really quick tests of lighting. Of the three, only one rendered completely because I let it crank while at work.
First two from the BOSS set, using non-tweaked presets and the last is one of the Painter's set-untweaked.
Rough, but I'm not looking for final renders. Testing skin reactions and coloring- and you can see the nails I haven't worked on yet and they are really off in the skin tone coloring from the rest of him. Bump/normal maps are doing their job. Still have to work the seams, but I won't be continuing on with the "fun stuff" of extras until those are gone, once I get the nail coloring corrected. I start the testing of lights at this stage so I don't have a zillion maps to update if I find something I don't like.....I've done that before. >.> Juuustaboutdonewhattheheckisthat?!
these are using Scintillant portrait lights with their render settings-took the hair off to quicken up rendering times and to get a better view of the skin. Note-most of these only rendered out to 40-55% complete. Also started to change the nail coloring......still sucketh. Next-HDRIs
My favorite is the Scintillate Portrait Lights. There's a softness and a youth to his features that I really like. Kind of a dewy, fresh faced look.
I still find it amazing how the different lighting totally changes the way something looks. I know it does that in real life but when you are in the light you don't really pay much attention (although, I do now lol). I like the BOSS lights the best for the realism but the others look good as well, just more artistic.
I do have my fav's as well. Soon as the third HDRI only scene renders, I'll post the differences with them and get to seam work.