Darwins' Schtuff



  • Looks really good. Will it be an option in the LIE set ? 


    I have Anagenessis in my wishlist , but haven't decided if I want it or not. Maybe seeing your chars having the shaders applied will convince me lol

  • The look was done by using the face paint layer, one of the eye shadows, one eyeliner, and one of the lip stains; so, yup!  All of the looks posted in my renders were achieved this way, utilizing layers of LIE options in the make up set.

    Hopefully I can get some of the other presets  done today-I am on day 5 of yet another bout of illness and home instead of being at work.  This crap has got to stop- we've been sick since Christmas.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited February 2017

    Ugh feel better!  Something really nasty has been going around.  My son has been sick for two weeks.  I've been feeling off, off and on for weeks as well and even my husband, who never gets sick has been a bit up and down the last six weeks.

    Diva the eyes are Glowing Eyes I will track down a link for you. Okay here it is.  This has lots and lots of options and is on sale 40% off right now

    Here is the same render but without the dramatic lighting so you can see what it looks like on his skin in normal lighting.  I think it looks great.  This is the same three layers I used in the dramatic lighting.  Will work on some more this evening and see what else I can come up with lol.


    Dash Blue Eyes 2.png
    988 x 1600 - 3M
    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • very nice!  I like the different lighting as well.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited February 2017

    Lee 7 with eyeliner, lips and shadow. Another 3 layers.  I sent you quick note about an error message I was getting for the lips 2.  I included my log file error.

    Lee 7 LIE Make Up test.png
    988 x 988 - 2M
    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I'm working on another now that I am really excited about.  I wasn't sure if it would work but it did and I think its pretty cool.


  • Very nice on Lee!  I got the message- Need to find out if you happened to open the error log, so I responded back. :)

    Oo.  I wanna see this one. XD  Been working on the Anagenessis set, but had a glitch in something else that takes presendence over this project atm.  I'll get back to this one asap.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited February 2017

    I just think this is so wickedly cool lol. Wasn't sure if it would work but this is another 3 layers

    Robbus Make UP.png
    988 x 988 - 1M
    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • That is absolutely frightening!  What character is that?  It looks very cool! :)

    Ah, the boys are starting to drop like flies over here! First one was sick and now I've got another one.  This is the first time anyone has been sick here all winter, but something has been going around the dojo so the boys finally have it.  :(

    Get better, DM!  Are you drinking lots of juice and getting Vitamin C?

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    That is the Robbus Goblin for G3M

  • Thanks.  I must have had blinders on when he came out because I'm trying to not spend anything.  He's on the wishlist now.  :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Thanks.  I must have had blinders on when he came out because I'm trying to not spend anything.  He's on the wishlist now.  :)

    Ya he is one of the few purchases I have made recently since I am also trying not to spend very much. But....he is the quintessential definition of what a goblin is lol.  Considering my favorite genre I couldn't pass him up. 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,751

    Thank you!  "Joker" inspired featuring my Damen as requested:

    Wonderful! Thank you! :D


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,751

    Ugh feel better!  Something really nasty has been going around.  My son has been sick for two weeks.  I've been feeling off, off and on for weeks as well and even my husband, who never gets sick has been a bit up and down the last six weeks.

    Diva the eyes are Glowing Eyes I will track down a link for you. Okay here it is.  This has lots and lots of options and is on sale 40% off right now

    Here is the same render but without the dramatic lighting so you can see what it looks like on his skin in normal lighting.  I think it looks great.  This is the same three layers I used in the dramatic lighting.  Will work on some more this evening and see what else I can come up with lol.

    Oh thank you! Those are cool. I've added them to my wish list. I appreciate you tracking down the link for me, that's sweet of you! :) 

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,751

    So, I was given the ok to add settings for the Anagenessis shaders. XD Guess those are in!  Soon as the promos for the first set are finished I'll be setting those up and adding those promos. lol

    Does one have to have Anagenesis to get it to work properly?

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    No he hasn't added those presets yet.  I didn't use Anagennesis in the last four renders at all.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,751
    edited February 2017

    The look was done by using the face paint layer, one of the eye shadows, one eyeliner, and one of the lip stains; so, yup!  All of the looks posted in my renders were achieved this way, utilizing layers of LIE options in the make up set.

    Hopefully I can get some of the other presets  done today-I am on day 5 of yet another bout of illness and home instead of being at work.  This crap has got to stop- we've been sick since Christmas.

    This is definitely going around. My parents were sick for over a month. I'm not sure what is going on, but it's a lingering sickness for sure. They are just now starting to feel better after over a month.

    I hope you guys feel better soon. heart

    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • I just think this is so wickedly cool lol. Wasn't sure if it would work but this is another 3 layers

    This has got to be my favorite yet.  Made me snicker!  love it, Sonja.  Diva- thank you, we're trying. I'm going to work tomorrow, but will be taking my s/o to the doctor again after work.  He's getting worse.  We'll see what they say.

    Well, not really.  I tend to save the juice for him since he's diabetic, and it's the best thing to raise his blood sugar levels when they bottom out (which it has been doing often this past month since he's been so ill), but I try to get the vitamins through other basic foods. I've taken enough pills since this started, and I usually have issues in taking vitamins with my stomach issues anyway.  If it's not one thing, it's another. lol


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,751

    I just think this is so wickedly cool lol. Wasn't sure if it would work but this is another 3 layers


    This has got to be my favorite yet.  Made me snicker!  love it, Sonja.  Diva- thank you, we're trying. I'm going to work tomorrow, but will be taking my s/o to the doctor again after work.  He's getting worse.  We'll see what they say.

    Well, not really.  I tend to save the juice for him since he's diabetic, and it's the best thing to raise his blood sugar levels when they bottom out (which it has been doing often this past month since he's been so ill), but I try to get the vitamins through other basic foods. I've taken enough pills since this started, and I usually have issues in taking vitamins with my stomach issues anyway.  If it's not one thing, it's another. lol


    My husband and I rarely get sick - I haven't had to go to a doctor in over 8 years. Our main secret is fresh oranges. We eat at least one orange every day. I highly recommend it. 

  • Need to do something, so it's worth it!

    SO-surpised another of my listers this morning.  Re-working the promos on him, but meet the updated Diesel, now for Elijah 7.


  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    OMG, Diesel looks amazing! I saw Elijah today and actually thought you had done him at first (I wasn't all the way awake.) Love the LIE makeups too. I knew you'd do a great job on those.

    Been sick here too. Hope you and the s/o get better. Still working on those bobbles!

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    Question: Is there a way to do a "cracked" or crackled look on the face with LIE makeup? I saw one at Rendo but it isn't cracked enough for the character I'm trying to create. I might have to do it strictly in Photoshop, but it would be cool to see a really crackled face paint in LIE.

    Something like this:

    500 x 241 - 18K
    Post edited by Llynara on
  • OMG he is gorgeous. Love him!


    Sorry to hear you and you're s/o are sick again. I hope you both get better soon.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Wow he looks great! 

    And I think the Goblin is my favorite so far as well lol.  No rendering for me til after dinner tonight, I'm in the middle of moving all of my daz stuff onto an external drive on the laptop.  I brought it to work because it looks like its going to take a couple of days to move the content folders.  Ridiculous amount of stuff! So its just sitting on my desk moving files all day.  But, it should help the laptop run a bit better, I was very close to being completely maxed out.  And while its a very good laptop, it is about 5 years old now.

  • Oh, wow! Diesel looks amazing!  Love those tats, too!  :)

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited February 2017

    Gwenbleiz.  Wanted to test these out on some expressions as well.  All seems to be in order, no stretching, nothing not following as it should.  I used a dark make up and put the white eyeliner over top of it. It worked well over the scarring as well.

    Gwenbleiz LIE Make UP.png
    988 x 988 - 2M
    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • Llynara said:

    Question: Is there a way to do a "cracked" or crackled look on the face with LIE makeup? I saw one at Rendo but it isn't cracked enough for the character I'm trying to create. I might have to do it strictly in Photoshop, but it would be cool to see a really crackled face paint in LIE.

    Something like this:

    Interesting- it may be workable, let me play with it this week and see.

    Thank you, about Diesel!  I'm re-doing the promos so we'll see how he turns out in those.

    Oh, nice one, Sonja.  I like that a great deal.

    On a personal note- we spent all evening at the clinic.  I have to take him to the Imaging clinic to get chest x-rays; he has pneumonia.  So, he now has more medication to pick up and got an anti-biotic shot.  Me?  I had to get the shot as well as a steroid shot, but not at the pneumonia stage yet.  Just tired.  Extremely.

    So I have a lot of work to do here to update errors and finish promos, but I'll post here and there on how it goes.

    Oh.  Again.  Somehow, someone got a hold of my account info at the bank and went on a spending spree since the 3rd.  The account was froze after the first 230.00 loss, but after there were another 75 attempts at purchases from Norway, to China, the UK, Germany, Illinois, Boston, and Texas.  


  • Llynara said:

    Question: Is there a way to do a "cracked" or crackled look on the face with LIE makeup? I saw one at Rendo but it isn't cracked enough for the character I'm trying to create. I might have to do it strictly in Photoshop, but it would be cool to see a really crackled face paint in LIE.

    Something like this:

    Interesting- it may be workable, let me play with it this week and see.

    Thank you, about Diesel!  I'm re-doing the promos so we'll see how he turns out in those.

    Oh, nice one, Sonja.  I like that a great deal.

    On a personal note- we spent all evening at the clinic.  I have to take him to the Imaging clinic to get chest x-rays; he has pneumonia.  So, he now has more medication to pick up and got an anti-biotic shot.  Me?  I had to get the shot as well as a steroid shot, but not at the pneumonia stage yet.  Just tired.  Extremely.

    Ah, makes me want to come give you guys hugs and fix you my best chicken soup recipe.  Pnuemonia is not fun.  Please be careful and take all of the meds the docs give you even if you start to feel better!

    So I have a lot of work to do here to update errors and finish promos, but I'll post here and there on how it goes.

    Oh.  Again.  Somehow, someone got a hold of my account info at the bank and went on a spending spree since the 3rd.  The account was froze after the first 230.00 loss, but after there were another 75 attempts at purchases from Norway, to China, the UK, Germany, Illinois, Boston, and Texas.  


    It is a never ending battle.  Had that happen to one of my husband's accounts recently.  Luckily, the ones who managed to get ahold of his CC were extremely stupid!  They ended up with nothing because the orders were all caught midstream and the police knew where they planned to pick the stuff up from the extra shipping account they ordered. Hah! Take that theives!

    So, sorry to hear you are having those troubles on top of being sick.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited February 2017

    OMG, that's awful about your bank account, and so sorry that you and the s/o are still so sick. What a winter! 

    On the bank stuff- make sure you're scanning for antiviruses and malware regularly. There are so many ways they can steal your info. I work in IT, in the financial sector. All too familiar with this stuff. I put Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes Antimalware on every computer I touch, including my own, and run them regularly. I also use Paypal for all of my online shopping except Amazon, which I don't think takes it. That has helped a lot, since no card info is being stored at smaller, easier to hack sites.

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Ugh I hope you guys recover soon!

    I just dealt with the same thing $1300 in Walmart.com charges. On my debit card.  Fortunately, nothing bounced.  The police actually contacted me, they were having everything shipped to a local walmart.  Fortunately, the bank did re imburse us.  Apparently, they dont' really have to.  The guy I dealt with recommended that we use a cash back credit card to purchase everything we would normally use the debit card for and just pay it off every month.  The credit cards guarantee my money back where the bank does not.  So that's what I have been doing.  I wright it all in my check book like I was paying with my debit card, total it up every week and pay the card back.  And I am making money while I do it to lol. 

    The bank guy also said the chip cards were a joke, not at all like the ones in Europe and completely worthless.  Interestingly enough, the new debit card they gave me does not have a chip card....

This discussion has been closed.